North Beach/Playa Norte In Real Time In Isla Mujeres LINK to 24 hour time lapse of the webcam The "Morning Edition" has translated headlines & newspaper photos. This Afternoon Edition has translations of the news articles, Daily Events, the Live Music Schedule & the "Around the Internet in the Past 24 Hours" section including photos & info from individuals & local businesses .... Daily In Isla Mujeres. There are always links to the original articles in Spanish. |
Check out the Daily Specials...with Delivery numbers and Menus...see tab at top of page.
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Gallant Revolutionary Parade presided over by MayorGallardía y marcialidad
Miércoles, 20 de Noviembre de 2013 23:21
Se ponen de manifiesto en desfile revolucionario, presidido por Agapito
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 20 de noviembre.
Leer más...Patriotism and enthusiasm marked the colorful and festive parade in Isla Mujeres that celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the Revolutionary actions of Mexico. The Mayor oversaw the parade and the children performed synchronized routines that delighted the officials and the public, which included tourists as well as residents. The ~2000 participants included the following schools and organizations:
Preescolares (5 kindergarten-preschools): Isla Mujeres, Tláloc, María Enriqueta Camarillo, Francisco Hernández de Córdoba & Jean Piaget.
Primarias (3 Primary schools): Julio Sauri, César Mendoza Santana, Andrés Quintana Roo.
La escuela secundaria (the Middle school) “Benito Juárez”,
el Colegio de Bachilleres (the high school,
el Inapam (Senior Citizens), personal del Ayuntamiento (the City), clubes de fútbol (soccer teams), béisbol infantil, tae kwan do, volibol infantil (children's baseball, volleyball, & tae kwan do), club Marlín de Básquetbol femenil (women's basketball), la Armada de México (the Navy), la delegación local de la Cruz Roja Mexicana (Mx Red Cross) y la Asociación de Charros. (Horse riders assn)
Mayor with revolutionary form of governing: Meetings with public
Edil revoluciona la forma de gobernar
Miércoles, 20 de Noviembre de 2013 23:16
Con audiencias públicas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 20 de noviembre.-
Leer más...
Reduced revenue for 2014
Less from property taxes and trash fees
Bajará la recaudación durante 2014
Miércoles, 20 de Noviembre de 2013 23:09
Sobre todo en predial y basura
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 20 de noviembre.-Leer más...
The anticipated income from property tax for 2014 is 49, 930, 878 pesos, compared to 2013 it was 70,249,331 pesos. The garbage fees in 2013 were estimated at 9,983,000 mil pesos compared to 6,831 mil 511 pesos for the 2014 budget.Tvisla Mujeres
Over 2000 teens and children participate in the November 20th parade in Isla Mujeres
Noticias de Quequi......
Poor participation in breast cancer detection campaign
Poca asistencia para detectar cáncer de mama
0 20 de noviembre de 2013
Por Carlos Gasca-Quequi. -
Students take day off for paradeAyuntamiento
Organiza desfile y desafía a gobernador
0 20 de noviembre de 2013
Por Redacción.-
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Average hotel occupancy of 42% (52%)

Parade in Isla Mujeres
Aquí sí se hizo el desfile.. [+] Ver mas
An estimated 2000 people attended the parade.
Better tourism promotion needed
Necesario tener mejor promoción turística[+] Ver mas
Hoteliers and restaurateurs have sent a request to state authorities seeking reactivation of the Tourism Promotional Agency, and and asking for increased promotion of the island. It has been learned that there is an intention to bundle Isla Mujeres in with the Tourism Promotional Agency of Cancun, but many Island businesses want their own autonomy as a tourism destination, with the island's own promotional agency. They want promotions that attract overnight visitors, particularly those who stay for more than a week.
Invitation to celebrate Naval Day
Invitan a celebrar el Día de la Armada[+] Ver mas
More that a thousand people are expected to participate in this celebration which will include demonstrations of the interceptor patrols and coastal vessels, and of Naval personnel. The Governor is expected to attend the formal ceremony. This is the first demonstration of this type in Isla Mujeres and is expected to be a great show. It will begin on Saturday at 11am, and is free of charge. The fallen heroes will be remembered, and there will be commemoration of the forming of the Navy to expel Spanish troops who refused to recognize the independence of Mexico.
Bringing in outside seafood
Traen pescados y mariscos de fuera[+] Ver mas
With demand increasing at restaurants and marinas, seafood is being shipped in from Cancun and Progresso on ferries and boats. The Isla fishermen have had low catches and therefore low sales, with recent rains from cold fronts. These outside orders represent a 30 percent loss of business to the Isla Mujeres cooperatives, and some of them do not have seafood in their freezers.
From Por Esto yesterday...
Boat ambulance: Retained
Ambulancia marítima, retenida+] Ver mas
The boat ambulance has been at a workshop in Puerto Juarez for two and a half months, where it was taken to obtain the modification and adaptation required to provide emergency services on board. It has been learned the current delay is associated with a lack of payment by the state government. The boat ambulance was promised a year and a half ago, then delivery was delayed, then there was a lack of medical equipment and required documents for operation, and for various reasons it has never become operational. The date when it will go into service is unknown.
This blog is brought to you by....
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
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the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal
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amenities such as
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Small room |
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Large room |
November Calendar of Events .
Nov 1 Dia de los Muertos / All Saints Day
Nov 2 Dia de lost Muertos / All Souls Day
Here is a LINK to an article I wrote about Hanal Pixan
HERE is the article I wrote about Day of the Dead in Isla Mujeres.
Nov 3 US Time Change / End DST
Nov 7 Art Fair at Town Square 4p-7p
Nov 7 Red Cross Benefit Concert 6:30 Hotel Ixchel Palapa downtown
Nov 8 Last day of Hanal Pixan
Nov 11 US Veteran's Day Canada Remembrance Day
Nov 12 Postal Worker Appreciation Day in Mexico /
Nov 12
Nov 14 World Diabetes Day
Nov 14 Naval Wives Breakfast 9am (Naval Club, usually).
Date of Caribe Maya Cultural Festival TBA? (Was this w/e in 2011 & 2012)
Buen Fin Weekend of discounts
Nov 16 International Day of Tolerance
Nov 18 Day off for Revolution Day (date of parade TBA)
Nov 20 Dia de la Revolución//// Parade in morning ~8a?
Nov 23
Nov 24 Solemnidad de Cristo Rey (Christ the King Day / El día de Cristo Rey)
Nov 25 Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia Contra la Mujer
Nov 27 Hanukkah begins
Nov 28 US Thanksgiving holiday
Nov 28 Beginning of Festival for Town Saint through Dec 8: Virgin of Immaculate Conception (exact date TBA) HERE is an article about the Festival
Nov 30 Hurricane Season Officially Ends
Full Moon on Nov 17. Moonrise over the Caribbean (East) at:
Nov 17 5:21p
Nov 18 6:09p
Nov 19 6:57p
Nov 20 7:47p
Nov 21 8:37p and ~50 minutess later nightly
Miguel's playing schedule this week is
Fayne's BarandGrill Wednesday through Saturday 10:30pm - 12:00am.
Saturday Tequileria La Adelita's 12:00am - 2:00am for salsa night.
Sunday Bahia Tortuga with the Sol Rockers 7:00pm - 9:00pm John Cain's schedule this week
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Friday, Bally Hoo Restaurant, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pm

Fenix Sat
Sun 2p Salsa

Fenix Lounge Domingo
Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! :: Sunday Live Salsa
with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la
Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No
Falten!! — at Fenix Lounge.

The Sol Rockers play at Bahia Tortuga on Sunday evenings.
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
At Poc Na Nov 24 8p..Fidel Nada Full Band
On the internet in the past 24 hours...
Tejón greeting! |
Marla Bainbridge You never know what you might see on Isla ( Here is Marla's dinnertainment link.... She also has a new Iguana tag app/ game )
Angel: un tejón!
Wesley: Coati?
Angel: we call it "tejon" in the island... but yes, Coati is the name of it...
Phirelee: there use to be a lot of those in the old garrafon when i was little :(
Victor Manuel Cervera Cervera: coati,mayan pizote,tejon...
Dianne I thought they could be very mean too (they bite).
Kathy There are 2 very tame tejons in the jungle over by the new church. They come right up because the kids feed them candy. They do have sharp claws though and I would be careful to not get scratched or bitten by them.
Tiffany We love Tejons. They are so adorable! We are always looking for them on the South end ever since Julie told us she has them in her back yards! We have only spotted them once & it was a whole family crossing the road by Casa Musica! It was very exciting for the munchkins!
Hahaha ...if you're looking for a free fish guide, Laura Mapchick has one on her site...there's a link to her site in the margin, at the Map photo
At this LINK the photo below is a quick video, of that fish which has Big Blue Wings!
Wilbert found a flying gurnard in MUSA between the south end and Silent Evolution, with John and Melissa yesterday.
It Says...Don't forget Bufalo serves breakfasts for 50 pesos from 8:30am to 1p, including eggs any style, fruit and coffee. Also french toast, pancakes or crepes. phone number below...Ibette speaks English. Bufalo is in Salina Chica, the first village south of town on the east (Caribbean/windward) side.
am 1 pm. Te incluye huevos al gusto, fruta y café. También hay pan
francés, hot cakes o crepas. pedidos al 99 81 86 32 42 Y 2 74 70 03. o
mensajes por inbox!
99 81 86 32 42 Y 2 74 70 03 DESSERTS Order NOW!
Isla Mujeres Artist Fair added 3 new photos to the album Nomada, Womens Co-op.

A ten day promotion...Zumba classes / Gym ...times below, Zumba at the gym for 100p weekly or 200p 15days or 300p monthly. Or Zumba & Gym for 400p, pay in November. Or just Gym for 300p monthly, open 7a-10p LINK

Sally Margolis got some photos from the parade yesterday as she was dashing to catch the ferry....

Caribe On Canvas It's not hard to shoot a colorful street shot on Isla. Just about any street you turn on provides the opportunity.
Below...Mayor holds "Dialogues with the Community" in La Gloria. Listening to the citizens is how government improves.

"Diálogos con la Comunidad" en la ampliación de la colonia La Gloria.
Escuchando a la ciudadanía es como gobernamos mejor #ComunidadEnAcción
English Speaking AA mtg schedule......Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6:30 to 7:30 pm....Location: Centro, across from basketball court, upstairs
Update: Today’s the day. Guapo’s having surgery at 12 noon. Also
Vanilla is still there so she’s having her leg fixed as well. I will
let you all know how it goes. We are up to $835.00 for Guapo’s
operation and are still hoping to reach that $2,500.00 goal, Arturo will
- as always - generously wait to be paid. He does so much for us,
we’re lucky to have him. So please keep sharing this link
I just know that if people knew they could help with a small donation,
they would. Also there has been so much going on I didn’t do my before
and after. This is Clemente, you might remember him from last year, he
was in a repulsive back yard with two other dogs and no food or water
unless someone else, not the owner, put some in there for them. His
growth was stunted and he had a nasty wound on the top of his head. We
thought he was about four months old but it turned out that he was over 8
months, maybe more. Than Sheila swooped in and took him home, she just
loved him the moment she saw him, and he wasn’t pretty. She says he’s
the smartest dog that she’s ever had and I believe it because he would
have to be to survive as long as he did in the situation that we found
him in. I want to thanks Susan for bringing our monthly donations up to
$1,415.00. Keep sharing - we can do this and make a huge difference.
Isla Animals Here is Clemente after. What a lucky guy.
It says below.....
Pork chops with pineapple, Eggs with nopales (cactus), vegetable soup, rice & beans 55p/order...three houses from Suena Maya on Calle Cacahuate, which is the dead end street a block north of the hospital/town square....
Buen dia el menu de hoy chuletas de cerdo a la piña, huevos ahogados con nopales, sopa de verduras, arroz y frijoles.
Pedidos al 9981888462
Costo de la orden 55 pesos.
Pedidos al 9981888462
Costo de la orden 55 pesos.
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