The "Morning Edition" has translated headlines & newspaper photos. This Afternoon Edition has translations of the articles, Daily Events & Live Music Schedules & the "Around the Internet in the Past 24 Hours" section including photos & info from individuals & local businesses ....Daily In Isla Mujeres. There are always links to the original articles in Spanish.
Please pardon the lack of proof reading today...I spent a long time translating that Hanal Pixan article by the town historian, and now I gotta go.
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Ready for triathlon: 200 top level athletes participating
Todo listo para triatlón
Viernes, 01 de Noviembre de 2013 22:12
Ya están inscritos 200 atletas de primer nivel
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 1 de noviembre.-
Leer más...
Applauding Health Center staff for improvement of services
Aplauden a personal de Centro de Salud
Viernes, 01 de Noviembre de 2013 22:05
Por mejorar sus servicios
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 1 de noviembre.-
Leer más...
Agapito promotes traditions
Excellent participation at the festival & altar exhibition
Agapito fomenta tradiciones
Viernes, 01 de Noviembre de 2013 21:58
Gran participación enmarcó vistoso festival y muestra de altares
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 1 de noviembre.-
Leer más...To promote the traditions of the island, the municipal Department of Culture held two Hanal Pixan altar contests as part of the Day of the Dead celebrations, which included a festival on the town square with performances by dance groups, an altar competition, and an exhibition of Catrinas made from recyclable materials. There were five groups with entries in the altar competition, which was won by the group from the school Juanita Mendez. Tourists were attracted to the smells, lights, and colors of the altars to the dead, which are traditional in the Yucatan and among island families. The other altar contest was held on the mainland. For each contest, the first prize was 4500 pesos and the second prize was 3000 pesos. All participants received prizes, and the municipal government plans to continue promoting and enriching the traditions of the community.
Keeping his promise to the fishermen
Mayor appoints director for Hyperbaric Chamber
Cumple compromiso con los pescadores
Viernes, 01 de Noviembre de 2013 21:50
Designa Edil a titular de cámara hiperbárica
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 1 de noviembre.-
Leer más...The mayor kept his commitment to the fishermen regarding staffing the Hyperbaric Chamber, which was renovated this summer. The Municipal Director of Health, Tharin Sadat Vital Casique, said they unit will also be available for treatment of burns and other degenerative ailments. Presidents of the five fishing cooperatives attended the inauguration and expressed their gratitude, noting that these services can make the difference between life and death.
Tvisla Mujeres
With two medical specialists, the Mayor of Isla Mujeres puts the hyperbaric chamber into operation
Noticias de Quequi......
Firm hand for vacant lot owners
Alejandro May Estrada, who has lived with his mother in law for several years, says there is a property near them in Colonia Cañotal, on prolongacion Martinez Ross, that they have been cleaning because it has been vacant for over thirty years. They are asking the directors of the municipal departments of Urban Development and of Ecology to investigate and to sanction the owners. He said the brush grows quickly and he must cut it to protect his daughters from snakes or other animals. He said he is willing to buy the land, noting that while many islanders have nowhere to live, other people have the luxury of abandoning their property, but this affects others.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Agapito inaugurates hyperbaric chamber
Cemeteries come alive
Remembering promoter of fishing and sports
Hanal Pixan
This is a long article about the history and regional variances in the celebrations of Day of the Dead, with the Mayan influence of Hanal Pixan.
In the past it was established that on the night of October 31, in the wee hours of the morning (la madrugada) the souls of the children return, and in the madrugada of the first of November, the adult souls return. They stay for eight days before returning to the afterlife. Respecting the oldest beliefs, these traditions focus on entertaining the spirits with offerings that consist of smells, tastes, colors, sounds, music, and prayers. This is also how you feed the gods. The traveling souls expect to find everything clean and tidy, and families spend several days cleaning graves, decorating them with flowers, and preparing an altar at home.
During the eight days of celebrations, women do not embroider for fear of sewing the skin of a spirit. Men do not go out to hung for fear of shooting the soul of someone who had been a hunter when they were alive. Black threads are tied around the wrists of newborns to protect them from evil spirits that haunt these days. On the eve of these celebrations, it is believed that the fine rain that often falls is used by the dead to wash their cloths before coming to the homes prepared for them on Earth. There are regional variations among the altars that are prepared for the dead.
Since 1993, the municipal government has encouraged community involvement in this ancient Mayan tradition that still prevails in Isla Mujeres. Since that year there have been altars to the dead in municipal building and the contests have taken place under the supervision of parents, teachers, and municipal authorities to ensure they respect the criteria and adhere strictly to tradition. Obtaining the items can be an economic issue and some items are difficult to find on the island. To avoid the expense of flowers, traditional foods, and colorful candles, people use items from the sea and menus based in seafood. On altars dedicated to fishermen and sailors, you will find nets and other gear associated with the sea. These contrast with the altars where the predominate foods and items are not from this region, but the people who have colonized the island in the past 40 years obey customs they brought from Veracruz, Tabasco and Chiapas.
Seeking to adhere to the local traditions, the municipal department of Culture emphasizes that the altars must be customary for Hanal Pixan, which floods the island with the odors of mucbi pollo tamales, boiling corn, atole from fresh corn, candies made from pumpkin, and they mystical odors of copal or Mayan incense, which adds an atmosphere of religiosity to the events.
The tradition of celebrating the dead has its origin in pre Columbian beliefs about life and death. Mayan ancestors believed that man was endowed with a soul or spirit whose name was Pixan, and that this vital fluid determined the vigor and energy of individuals, as well as their behavior. At death, that element, the soul, travels to a place that corresponds to their conduct in life. They believed the worlds of the living, of the dead, and of the gods were interconnected by roads that were fantastic snakes, used by souls to travel to heaven and return each year to be alive for eight days.
The souls living in the highest, most paradise-like part of heaven were those of warriors, women who died in childbirth, priests, those who were sacrificed, and members of the highest social class. The passage of suicides was also protected, who were accompanied by the Goddess Xtab, where they found many joys and delights. In contrast, the lost souls travel to Mitnal, an inferior part of earth, descending through thick roots of a ceiba tree to a cenote leading to the bowels of the earth where the shadows fade.
For the Maya, death was natural and normal. Upon death the person was shrouded, and since he will take a long journey, his mouthwas filled with ground corn. The corpse was buried with some of their belongings, as well as offerings that correlated to the person's social ranking, occupation, and gender. A dog was buried to lead his Pixan in the difficult journey to eternity. The mourners cried silently to the dead during the day, and at night made loud cries and lamentations.
It was believed that the souls of the deceased do no leave the earth immediately, but instead remain with his family for a few days without realizing their change in state. When they noticed this, they made the voyage to their rightful place. According to one of the Spaniards who chronicled the Conquest, Diego de Landa, Mayan commoners buried their dead under their homes or patios. The rulers and nobles were buried in spacious, elegant, richly adorned tombs, whose walls were inscribed with their pedigrees and virtues. The warriors, and most prestigious nobles and priests were incinerated, and their ashes were placed in urns shaped into pots or figurines and kept close to the skull to be revered. The skulls were baked, taken apart into halves, and arranged side by side. The front part was painted and decorated with stones. These skulls were kept on family alters, whose design represented the shape of the universe.
All these Mayan practices and beliefs about death were altered with the arrival of the Spanish in the sixteenth century. The conquerors were determined to impose their beliefs upon the natives and considered their rites to be pagan. The Maya continued to practice their rituals in secret, but since there were many similarities between the native and the invasive religions, this facilitated a synergism, which of course was dominated by Catholicism. This resulted in religious festivals such as Hanal Pixan, or Day of the Dead.
Although there are regional variations, the altars follow these guidelines:
Altars for Children
The main level is a rectangular table covered with a cloth with colored, embroidered borders. Atop the table, or above it, is the family's cross and the images of the saints that are preferred by that household. Just below these are the pictures of the deceased children, and on the tablecloth are placed food,candy, clothing, toys, and other favorite objects of the absent child. Other gifts include a glass of water, because they will arrive thirsty, colorful candles, and yellow flowers of Xpujac, San Diego, and leaves of "ruda". The foods and treats will be specific to the age and preferences of the child and usually include tamales, pastries, marzipan shaped like animals, cookies, chocolates, and seasonal fruits. Incense is burned to attract the souls and the candles are lit to help the innocents find their way, and to avoid darkness where evil spirits dwell. The children remain from the madrugada (wee hours) of October 31 until November 7, which is also when the adults leave, and this period is called Ochovario, which is eight days of offerings and Catholic prayers.
Altars for Adults
To welcome these souls, the table is covered with a white tablecloth with black embroidered borders. The procedure of placement of items is the same as with children, except the foods usually include relleno negro (a traditional turkey stew, served at special occasions), frijol con puerco (beans and pork, often eaten on Mondays), chilmole, escabeche oriental, (traditional dishes...explained in my food blog), cups of atole of chocolate and corn (a traditional gruel like drink), breads, flowers, large white candles, alcohol, tobacco, and the usual incense. In both cases, for the souls to receive the gifts, it is necessary to burn incense, to pray over the food, to offer rosaries of five to fifteen mysteries (?), accompanied by songs and music.
For the Souls who are alone
For the souls who have no one to remember them, a small table is placed beside the family altar, which is covered with a white cloth, upon which is placed a big white candle, a glass of water, and a plate of food. In some cases it is customary to hang a woven basket at the entrance to the house and place the offerings inside, which is a common tradition enjoyed in Isla Mujeres these days.
Written by Fidel Villanueva Madrid, my translation.
Hanal Pixan festival unites society
Achievements of DIF in the fight against cancer
Destaca DIF logros en lucha contra el cáncer
Diario La Verdad

Day of Dead improves tourism
Los Muertos animan a los vivosVer mas
I couldn't think of a way to make that headline sound right in English...it is kinda clever & says the Dead encouraged the Living. The long holiday weekend for Day of the Dead caused increased tourism in Isla Mujeres, with improvements in business for the restaurants and boat tour operators. Although Cancun is affected by the teacher's strike, Isla Mujeres is not, and the students were granted the day off on Friday for the holiday. Both North Beach and the Posada beach were busy, and cold beer was being consumed by many to mitigate the heat. Tourists were observed swimming, sunbathing, and playing sports such as soccer and volleyball. The restaurants were operating at 40% and are hoping to reach 70% on Sunday.
Hyperbaric Chamber is ready |
Cámara Hiperbárica está lista[+] Ver mas |
All Saints Day yesterday
Todos los Santos, ayer recordados [+] Ver mas
People of all ages visited the cemeteries yesterday as part of the celebration of All Saints Day on November 1st, visiting the remains of their loved ones who have departed, especially those of the children, as tradition dictates. It was peaceful inside the cemeteries, while outside activity was increased with sales of traditional foods and items associated with the holiday. Families were seen going to the cemetery with buckets of paint, brooms, flowers, decorations, and gifts such as sweets and toys for the departed children. There are more people expected on Saturday, November 2, the Día de los Fieles Difuntos.
Florists getting business, but not enough
Floristeros venden, pero no tanto [+] Ver mas
Florerías de Isla Mujeres, said they had hoped for sales above 70%, but they have been at 50%, which is low compared to previous years. Rafael Rodriguez explained that there is too much competition these days, not only from other florists, but also from businesses that are dedicated to other items, who decide to sell flowers during these days. He said this situation should be monitored by inspectors. He said a bunch of marigolds cost 30 pesos, while roses are 17 pesos, and a single carnation is 5 pesos.
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November Calendar of Events .
Here is a LINK to an article I wrote about Hanal Pixan
HERE is the article I wrote about Day of the Dead in Isla Mujeres.
Nov 1 Dia de los Muertos / All Saints Day
Nov 2 Dia de lost Muertos / All Souls Day
Nov 3 US Time Change / End DST
Nov 7 Art Fair at Town Square 4p-7p
Nov 8 Last day of Hanal Pixan
Nov 11 US Veteran's Day Canada Remembrance Day
Nov 12 Postal Worker Appreciation Day Mexico
Nov 14 World Diabetes Day
Nov 15-18 Buen Fin (discounts)
Date of Caribe Maya Cultural Festival TBA (Was this w/e in 2011 & 2012)
Nov 16 International Day of Tolerance
Nov 18 Day off for Revolution Day (date of parade TBA)
Nov 20 Dia de la Revolución
Nov 21 US Thanksgiving holiday
Nov 24 Solemnidad de Cristo Rey (Christ the King Day / El día de Cristo Rey)
Nov 25 Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia Contra la Mujer
Nov 27 Hanukkah begins
Nov 28 Beginning of Festival for Town Saint through Dec 8: Virgin of Immaculate Conception (exact date TBA) HERE is an article about the Festival
Nov 30 Hurricane Season Officially Ends
Full Moon on Nov 17. Moonrise over the Caribbean (East) at:
Nov 17 5:21p
Nov 18 6:09p
Nov 19 6:57p
Nov 20 7:47p
Nov 21 8:37p and ~50 minutess later nightly
Fenix Lounge updated their cover photo. — at Fenix Lounge.

John Cain's schedule
Tuesday solo from 8 to 10 pm at Cafe Del Mar, lovely spot on the beach across from Jax,
Wednesday with The Sol Rockers at Bally Hoo Restaurant from 7 to 930, come support this great venue, relaxing vibe and good food!
Friday solo at Iguana Bar Marina Paraiso Isla Mujeres from 7 to 9 and
Saturday at The Sunset Grill, solo from 7 to 9 pm. They offer 2x1 special from 6 to 10 pm on all wine by glass or bottle.

Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun
Fenix Lounge Domingo
Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! :: Sunday Live Salsa
with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la
Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No
Falten!! — at Fenix Lounge.

At Poc Na Nov 24 8p..Fidel Nada Full Band
On the internet in the past 24 hours...
Buen Dia de los Muertos!
......A couple days dedicated to remembering your departed friends and relatives & celebrating their lives, whether or not you believe they return to visit you.
Yesterday was for the departed children, the angelitos, and for the Saints who don't have their own day.
Today is dedicated to everyone else who has died...All Souls Day.
Hanal Pixan altar contest
Agapito Magaña Sanchez shared Ayuntamiento De Isla Mujeres's photo.
Here is a LINK to an article I wrote about Hanal Pixan
HERE is the article I wrote about Day of the Dead in Isla Mujeres.
Found doggy in Canotal...I posted this on the Isla Community Board on FB, Diane de la O showed it to a shopkeeper in Canotal who thinks it belongs to a neighbor who is outa town. So I gave Diane's message to Zuulaa & they connected with plans to take the dog over to the store.
New Tax on Junk Food
This spring, Mexico surpassed the United States as the most obese country in the world*, according to the United Nations. Roughly 70 percent of Mexicans are overweight, and nearly one third are obese. The number of obese teenagers has tripled in the last decade, and it is predicted that a vast majority of those teenagers will remain overweight for the rest of their lives.
"The same people who are malnourished are the ones who are becoming obese," said physician Abelardo Avila with Mexico's National Nutrition Institute. "In the poor classes we have obese parents and malnourished children. The worst thing is the children are becoming programmed for obesity. It's a very serious epidemic." (source)
In response to this problem, on Thursday the legislature passed an 8% tax on high calorie food, which amounts to about a peso (~8 cents) on every liter of soft drinks. According to the World Health Organization, the average Mexican drinks 163 liters (about 43 gallons) of soda annually, making Mexico the largest consumer of soft drinks in the world. Last year, over 80,000 Mexicans died from diabetes.
The President is expected to sign the bill in January.
*Highest rates of obesity among populous countries. Nauru, a small Pacific isle has the highest obesity rate in the world at 71.1%.
Increase in IVA (VAT) tax
Border regions have enjoyed having a lower VAT tax, but legislators decided to increase the 'sales tax' from 11% to 16%. Some journalists call this an increase of 5%, while others characterize it as an increase of nearly 50%. A few Baja Californians who dislike the tax are getting media attention by talking about secession.
Yesterday's sunset was intense!
Tony Garcia
Playa Norte now in real time in Isla Mujeres
"Time Lapse" of Playa Norte Webcam: LINK
. .
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