The "Morning Edition" has translated headlines & newspaper photos. This Afternoon Edition has translations of the articles, Daily Events & Live Music Schedules & the "Around the Internet in the Past 24 Hours" section including photos & info from individuals & local businesses ....Daily In Isla Mujeres. There are always links to the original articles in Spanish.
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Promoting employment: Thanks to Mayor & Governor for Job Fair
Agapito fomenta el empleo
Jueves, 14 de Noviembre de 2013 00:59
Agradece apoyo de Beto Borge para la realización de concurrida feria del ramo
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de noviembre.-
Leer más...Approximately 17 companies participated in the Job Fair, offering about 600 vacancies. The event began with the Mayor's inaugural address and was ended at 11:30 am by the rainy weather. The Director of Economic Development said another date will be scheduled for those who were unable to attend and those who are interested should visit their office for more information. There were 136 potential employees assisted at the modules of companies that included Palace Resort, beach club “El Pescador”, Embotelladora Bepensa, Grupo Modelo, Marina Puerto Isla Mujeres, Mia Ref (sic), Turicun, Posada del Mar, Dolphin Discovery, hotel Ixchel and Avalón. (Avalon now is Mia Reef) There was also a module of CECATI offering training to hotel and restaurant personnel through the Department of Public Education, the Department of Labor & Social Welfare, and the State Employment Service.
Port closure cancels tours: Poor weather continues
The effects of Cold Front #12 caused the Harbor Master to close the port for navigation by vessels under 50 feet in length, and forced islanders to wear jackets, windbreakers, and raincoats. The rain inhibited commercial and touristic activities, and virtually no day visitors arrived. Most of those staying on the island stayed within their hotels. The Job Fair was also affected. The Civil Protection agency said this weather is expected to continue for the next couple days and seafarers and the general public should take the necessary precautions.
At the fourth Ordinary Session of the City Council, the Acquisitions Committee was established and unanimously approved. The municipal Revenue Act for 2014 was approved for publication, and will go into effect on the first of January. The members of the committee are Agapito Magaña Sánchez, (President) ; Melchor Manuel Briceño León,(Executive Secretary) and the regular members are Alvaro Alberto Magaña Galué, Martín Alberto Marfil Ordaz, and Fidel Villanueva Madrid
Cierran puerto y cancelan cruces
Jueves, 14 de Noviembre de 2013 00:56
Al no cesar el mal tiempo
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de noviembre.-
Leer más...The effects of Cold Front #12 caused the Harbor Master to close the port for navigation by vessels under 50 feet in length, and forced islanders to wear jackets, windbreakers, and raincoats. The rain inhibited commercial and touristic activities, and virtually no day visitors arrived. Most of those staying on the island stayed within their hotels. The Job Fair was also affected. The Civil Protection agency said this weather is expected to continue for the next couple days and seafarers and the general public should take the necessary precautions.
Ensuring transparency in public spending
Committee of Acquisitions, Leases, and Services
Velará por transparencia en gasto público
Jueves, 14 de Noviembre de 2013 00:55
Comité de Adquisiciones, Arrendamientos y Servicios
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de noviembre.-
Leer más...At the fourth Ordinary Session of the City Council, the Acquisitions Committee was established and unanimously approved. The municipal Revenue Act for 2014 was approved for publication, and will go into effect on the first of January. The members of the committee are Agapito Magaña Sánchez, (President) ; Melchor Manuel Briceño León,(Executive Secretary) and the regular members are Alvaro Alberto Magaña Galué, Martín Alberto Marfil Ordaz, and Fidel Villanueva Madrid
Tvisla Mujeres
Inauguration of Job Fair in Isla Mujeres
Noticias de Quequi......
Cold front causes flooding
Frente frío provoca inundaciones
0 13 de noviembre de 2013
Por Carlos
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Inauguration of Job Fair
SESA has 800 participants for Teen Week
Atiende la Sesa a 800 jóvenes durante Semana del Adolescente

Bleak picture downtown
Desolador panorama en el Centro.. [+] Ver mas
Port closed to navigation by small vessels
Cierra el puerto a la navegación menor[+] Ver mas
Flooding & overflowing lake
Inundaciones y laguna desbordada[+] Ver mas
The articles about the weather all say pretty much the same things, with the usual spots affected by flooding after the rain fell intensely. When the rains let up, it drains off or is pumped off. It floods or pools in problem areas which include the area near the Mercado downtown, and areas of Hidalgo avenue. Residents of Miraflores were affected by the salina (lake) rising, and there are areas of La Gloria, Sac Bajo and Salina Chica that suffered flooding. Many businesses closed because few tourists were arriving by ferry and none by boat, and those already here were mostly staying in their rooms. People were out during the gaps between the showers. There are gusting winds & the port remains closed. This weather is a result of Cold Front #12.
This blog is brought to you by....
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
sand beach and
the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal
neighborhood of Bachilleres, among
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the colonias, yet
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amenities such as
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portable beach
chairs &
beach towels,
washer, loungers & BBQ.
panoramic views from the
rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown
is ~ a mile away; if
you don't feel like
walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop
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come home our
quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt
Monthly Discounts
![]() |
View from rooms |
![]() |
Small room |
![]() |
Large room |
November Calendar of Events .
Nov 1 Dia de los Muertos / All Saints Day
Nov 2 Dia de lost Muertos / All Souls Day
Here is a LINK to an article I wrote about Hanal Pixan
HERE is the article I wrote about Day of the Dead in Isla Mujeres.
Nov 3 US Time Change / End DST
Nov 7 Art Fair at Town Square 4p-7p
Nov 7 Red Cross Benefit Concert 6:30 Hotel Ixchel Palapa downtown
Nov 8 Last day of Hanal Pixan
Nov 11 US Veteran's Day Canada Remembrance Day
Nov 12 Postal Worker Appreciation Day in Mexico /
Nov 12
Nov 14 World Diabetes Day
A BIG THANK YOU TO Karen Rosenberg & Kathy Ennis & the other people who have gathered diabetic equipment, carried it down, and organized events to test people & distribute glucose monitors & supplies!! (photo by Lanrry Parra, from recent 4th annual event at Red Cross)

Nov 14 Naval Wives Breakfast 9am (Naval Club, usually).
Date of Caribe Maya Cultural Festival TBA (Was this w/e in 2011 & 2012)
Nov 16 International Day of Tolerance
Nov 18 Day off for Revolution Day (date of parade TBA)
Nov 20 Dia de la Revolución
Nov 23
Nov 24 Solemnidad de Cristo Rey (Christ the King Day / El día de Cristo Rey)
Nov 25 Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia Contra la Mujer
Nov 27 Hanukkah begins
Nov 28 US Thanksgiving holiday
Nov 28 Beginning of Festival for Town Saint through Dec 8: Virgin of Immaculate Conception (exact date TBA) HERE is an article about the Festival
Nov 30 Hurricane Season Officially Ends
Full Moon on Nov 17. Moonrise over the Caribbean (East) at:
Nov 17 5:21p
Nov 18 6:09p
Nov 19 6:57p
Nov 20 7:47p
Nov 21 8:37p and ~50 minutess later nightly
Fenix Lounge Hoy Cerrado por mal tiempo.- Closed today for bad weather.-
Tammi Lewis
Miguel's playing schedule this week is
Fayne's BarandGrill Wednesday through Saturday 10:30pm - 12:00am.
Saturday Tequileria La Adelita's 12:00am - 2:00am for salsa night.
Sunday Bahia Tortuga with the Sol Rockers 7:00pm - 9:00pm John Cain's schedule this week
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun

Fenix Sat 2p Reggae/Cuban Sun 2p Salsa

Fenix Lounge Domingo
Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! :: Sunday Live Salsa
with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la
Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No
Falten!! — at Fenix Lounge.

The Sol Rockers play at Bahia Tortuga on Sunday evenings.
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
At Poc Na Nov 24 8p..Fidel Nada Full Band
On the internet in the past 24 hours...
From Isla Animals...Seeking donatations...HELLO ANIMAL LOVERS! Thank you for taking a moment to check out our project. This is a page for ISLA ANIMALS,(LINK) a non-profit organization located on the island of Isla Mujeres, Mexico. We have started this page because we are desperate to have a DISTEMPER VACCINATION CLINIC for the dogs of Isla Mujeres.
There is a SEVERE outbreak of distemper on the island, and it is the leading cause of infectious disease deaths in dogs worldwide. ALL unvaccinated dogs are at high risk of infection. Vaccination against canine distemper is almost 100 percent protective and all puppies should be vaccinated by 8 weeks of age. The government of Mexico initiated a campaign many years ago to wipe out Rabies in Mexico because it affected people - it has been very successful. Unfortunately, many people believe that the Rabies vaccine is the only vaccination that their dogs need. They don't know there is a separate vaccination for both parvo and distemper which kills so many dogs every year. At this time we are experiencing an outbreak of distemper on the island, once a dog is sick there is no cure and the most humane thing to do is to put them down. Many of the animals on the island already have compromised immune systems because they are malnourished, plagued with skin issues like mange, have tick and flea infestations as well as internal parasites. This makes them even more vulnerable when a virus like distemper starts to spread. In the last two months MANY animals have died or been put down so the islanders are SEEING first hand the suffering involved. We recently had a spay/neuter clinic (FREE to all dog and cat owners-staffed entirely by volunteers and funded by donations),and the first question of almost all participants was "Can you provide a distemper vaccination for my dog?" It's a perfect time to offer them preventative measures.This will not only help the dogs, but improve the lives of the people of Isla Mujeres.~Alison Sawyer Current
From Isla Animals..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
BELOW it says>>>>EVERY DAY...from 7:30am to Midnight....Salubtes, Panuchos, Tortas, tostadas, sopes. Ground meat, pierna, chicken or turkey. Empanadas of cheese, chicken, ground meat or mixed. Soup of chicken or turkey. Enchiladas suizas of chicken or turkey. Located a few steps from the Guadalupe Chapel (near Mango Cafe) Delivery not available at all times.
DE 7 30 A 12 00 DE LA NOCHE
PEDIDOS AL 9982433776 (NO CONTAMOS CON SERVICIO A DOMICILIO EN ESTE HORARIO)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fashion Show...benefits LYSH..250p Nov 29 8p Posada del Mar Hotel downtown
Follow the link to purchase a calendar or a print....
Marla Bainbridge
BELOW it says.....Hey, I'm going to OXXO..anyone want anything? Reality in Cancun
![]() |
Realidad en Cancun |
Arepas are Latin American "Hot Pockets", sorta. They are similar to gorditas, and in Isla Mujeres they are sold by mobile vendors with clear casies who may offer fillings of pork, chicken, or turkey, and a garnish of pickled onions, with an optional splash of hot sauce. Here is an article in Saveur Fare mag about them.
Jen Graham shared MorningCoach.com's photo.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Here is a charming article ...24 hours in a neighborhood in Mexico City....This is how it begins...: (Photos by & article by Lydia Carey....Paste of excerpt)
MEXICO CITY – At around 8 a.m., the comida corrida restaurant
downstairs starts to prepare the day's menu. Some mornings, the scent
of garlic and chile wafts up the interior shaft of our apartment
building; on other days, it smells like roasting coffee or Thanksgiving
dinner. By this time, the street sweepers have already made their first
and second pass through the streets of La Roma neighborhood with their tree-branch brooms, and the newspaper sellers that hawk La Jornada, Universal, and El Grafico to commuters at traffic intersections are almost out of papers.
At 8:30 a.m., the juice stands are
chopping fruit on street corners, filling the air with citrus and melon.
The portable stands creak open and the juicers prepare the rows of
plastic cups in which they will pour orange, carrot, grapefruit, and
alfalfa juices for twelve pesos apiece. Mothers and fathers drag their
sleepy, uniformed children to the Benito Juarez grade school down the
street, and the taco stand that sells any part of the pig doused in
spicy sauces and toppings is stirring what looks like a giant witch's
caldron filled with pig skin and melted grease.
"Poner una granito de arena"
The Mayor is anticipating that Isla Mujeres will have 2 MILLION passengers arriving in 2014.
The Island has about 20,000 residents. Wages are in the vicinity of $5-$20/day. Costs for clothing, food, & utilities are similar to those in the US. Workers often support multiple family members who are old, young, or have medical problems.
If only a very small portion of visitors donated a few items or a couple dollars, many people who work very hard for very low wages trying to take care of the young, old and disabled in their families would be very grateful. Your small donation of items like kid's books, toothbrushes, medical & school supplies, (or some cash) can add up to make a BIG difference.
Barlito's has offered to be a drop off location so you don't waste valuable vacation time (Try their popular sandwiches, salads or tasty baked goods when you stop by!).
Here are excerpts from a thread currently on the Community Information FB Page from a couple seeking advice about devoting spare space in their suitcases to donations of medical supplies vs their kids want to donates some of their stuff. Here are some excerpts.... (PS Un granito de arena is a grain of sand, Poner means to put)
.....My opinion, for what it's worth. If the toys and books are gently used they are fine. There is a new little library here with a story time and I'm sure they would love more childrens books. Catherine Gordon can guide you on that. If any of the toys are "teaching toys" we would love to have them at Little Yellow School House. Medical consumables will be welcome at Cruz Roja and if any are diabetic supplies we will save them for our next clinic or pass them out to people who need them. Maybe you can eacvh go half and half because there is a place for any and all of it. Thanks. ..... .......Kathy Ennis If you have an abundance of medical upplies Cruz Roja can give you a letter stating what you are bringing and that it is a donation. That keeps you from being hassled in customs and being asked to pay any taxes. If you need help with that let me know and I can faciltate it. I am a volunteer here with Cruz Roja.. .....Often when a bag is filed with donations and you have a letter of proof you do not have to pay for the bag Check with your airlines.
..... Heather Jones is trying to get a library of english books in each primary school on the island where they also have a task force volunteering to teach english, so am sure she would love kids books! .... Heather Jones I will welcome any and all donations to the public schools here. Donations will be used by all primary students. You can message me if you want more details or questions
....Kristen Tywan Heather Jones and I are the English teachers in the public primary schools. Our first grade students will be singing English Christmas songs in the Island's annual Christmas festival hosted by the municipal government. Afterwards, we will be hosting an end of the first semester presentation and party for the parents. We would like to give the children each a Christmas gift and a large donation of materials to the schools for their other classes and activities. Whatever is not donated will be paid for by VolunQuest, so all toy, book, and school supply donations will be greatly appreciated and put to great use. Please contact me or Heather for more information. Also, Tiffany Yenawine Wareing has been kind enough to offer her restaurant, Barlitos, as a downtown drop off location for donations to the local public schools. Thank you!
............Kristen Tywan Isla Gringo,
we could definitely organize a group of carolers for the December
artist fair. However, we don't really want the kids walking around
asking for monetary donations. We much prefer books, school supplies,
and materials. Alaghom Naom is adding
a page on our web page with special cases in the schools for residents
that are interested in donating directly to the families. For example,
in Julio Sauri in the afternoon there is a severely handicapped 2nd
grader that is looked after by his 4th grade brother. The parents have
to work, and make not even enough for groceries let alone, medical
needs, tuition at the Little Yellow School House, school supplies etc.
They also do not have child care for either of their sons, and the 4th
grader is falling behind in his studies because of the great
responsibility he has of looking after his disabled brother. I will be
putting their and other local families profiles up later next week for
those that are interested in donating their time, energy, money,
scholarships, groceries, etc. directly to the families.
.....Kristen Tywan We
also have many students that need glasses and hearing aids. December
we are starting are dental health campaign with our first graders, so
any toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, etc. will be warmly received.
Thank you to Betsy Snider for her already very generous donation to that campaign.~~~~~~There is also a thread on that FB page (LINK) responding to a question about how much to tip baggers at the grocery stores. Responders say most baggers are not paid a salary and are dependent on tips. They say 10-20p is considered generous. There are compliments for an older woman whose name may be Marta, and a commenter adds that Marta is working to pay for her husband's chemo.
Custards after noon for 10 pesos each in front of Locheria Susan, at the alleyway of the first house
Not in Isla Mujeres....
From..I f###ing love science Meet the Cookie Monster sea sponge! Spotted on the reefs of Curacao in the Caribbean.Image by Mauricio Handler.
Below it says.....Todays menu...Chicken in green sauce, pork with nopales (cactus) in tomato sauce, soup, rice, beans. 55p. On calle Cacahuate, 3 houses from Hotel Suenos Maya (That is the dead end street, one block north of the square/hospital...off the back street Guerrero) . Call orders to (number below)
Offering home delivery..featuring "liuzas para hazar"
Cheryl Coker Brewer
Above they are in calf deep water in front of the mercado, which is one of the 'bad' spots downtown
Check out Cancun & our flooding doesn't look so bad.... LINK
Ever had sandwichon? It's a macro version of finger sandwiches, sorta.
The Mayor walks the important areas of the island and the lakes to see....See More.
Playa Norte now in real time in Isla Mujeres
"Time Lapse" of Playa Norte Webcam: LINK
From the little yellow school house Who help Special Needs Kids:
. .
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