This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
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Both issues of The Isla Mujeres Magazine are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Mayor Juan Carrillo begins public audiences at Rancho Viejo & ensures social development
Inician audiencias públicas
Juan Carrillo garantiza crecimiento y desarrollo social de Rancho Viejo
Cecilia solis
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de octubre.-
This is about the mainland part of the municipality.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
Municipal President Juan Carrillo Soberanis reaffirms his support for the island fishermen full article at this link
Oct. 9 The Day of the Fishermen was established in Isla Mujeres in 1998 by the City Council for three reasons: To honor the men lost at sea, in memory of the islanders who lost their lives at sea fighting the odds that the ocean represents, including Domingo “Pichi” Martínez, and the brothers Nicolás, José and Agapito, and Miguel Magana; and finally to recognize the importance of this activity on the island.
Carrillo Soberanis explained that he is an ally of the fishermen and their families and he will work together with the municipal Director of Fishing, Raziel Rivero Cobá, to give more momentum to the fishing industry via assistance and programs for the benefit of those who engage in this activity.
The island's mayor laid a wreath in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, in memory of fishermen missing at sea. He was accompanied by Naval authorities, City Council members, government officials, relatives and friends of the men of the sea.
As part of efforts to prevent illness among the residents of Isla Mujeres, the "Third National Health Week 2016" was initiated at the kindergarten Jardín de Niños Tláloc. The Health Week will take place Oct. 10-15.
Como parte de la prevención de enfermedades entre los habitantes de Isla Mujeres, se llevó a cabo la inauguración de la "Tercera Semana Nacional de Salud 2016" en el Jardín de Niños Tláloc.
La semana de salud se realizará del 10 al 15 de Octubre.
Mayor Juan Carrillo kept his commitment to the residents of Rancho Viejo to return and implement a program of direct personal attention, which began with the first of the Public Audiences. (This is on the mainland part of the municipality)
El presidente, Juan Carrillo, cumple a los habitantes de #RanchoViejo su compromiso de regresar e implementar un programa en el que los atienda de manera directa y personal, con la puesta en marcha de las #AudienciasPúblicas, a través de las cuales se realizan diversos trámites y gestiones ante las dependencias de gobierno que también participan.

From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
Jorge Miguel Martín Álvarez is the new SINTRA delegate in Isla Mujeres Full article at this link.
Tv Isla Mujeres - Jorge Miguel Martín Álvarez, nuevo delegado de Sintra en #IslaMujeres
SINTRA will investigate concessions that were granted "a modo" and it is possible that they could be revoked in Isla Mujeres.Full article at this link
Investigará Sintra concesiones otorgadas "a modo" y no descarta llegar hasta la revocación de las mismas en Isla Mujeres
The Mayor of Isla Mujeres began the week with public audiences in Rancho Viejo Full article at this link
Tv Isla Mujeres - Alcalde de Isla Mujeres inicia la semana con audiencias públicas en Rancho Viejo
The Third Health Week began today in Isla Mujeres. Full article at this link.
Hoy inició la Tercera Semana Nacional de Salud en Isla Mujeres
Mayor Juan Carrillo signed an agreement with the Mexican Association of Travel Agencies in Quintana Roo (AMAV) Full article at this link.
- Firma Juan Carrillo acuerdo con la Asociación Mexicana de Agencias de Viajes en Quintana Roo (AMAV)
It is now official: Alicia Ricalde is the new Director of the Port Authority of Quintana Roo (APIQRoo) Full article at this link.
Ya es oficial! Alicia Ricalde asume la dirección de la Administración Portuaria Integral de Quintana Roo (Apiqroo)
Former mayor and legislator, Alicia Ricalde Magana is the new General Director of the Port Authority of Quintana Roo. It is recalled that she was sworn in as a member of City Council on September 29th, and at the first Regular City Council session she withdrew, leaving her daughter, Athena Gomez Ricalde, to take her place.
The meeting of the Port Authority and swearing in of the officials was attended by the Governor, who is the Chairmen of the Board, and who requested Ms Ricalde Magana to serve in this capacity. Also in attendance were the Secretary of Government, Secretary of SINTRA, Secretary of Finance and Planning, and the mayors of Cozumel, Isla Mujeres, and Chetumal
Increase in intestinal disorders in foreigners in Isla Mujeres. Full article at this link.
TV Isla Mujeres conducted an exclusive interview with the nurse who works for Dr. Antonio Salas Torres at the private clinic, "MEDISLA", which mainly provides services for foreign tourists, and is located at #40 Abasolo. The 29 year old nurse, Erick Olivares Jiménez, said that they have had an 80 percent increase in patients with gastrointestinal and respiratory problems lately. He attributes this to the foreigners changing their diet.
He said, "For example, the Europeans normally eat many vegetables, but when they come to the island this changes and they eat more meat, spices, and seafood, which can sometimes cause them to experience symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and vomiting." He said to prevent this, they should eat what they normally eat, and avoid eating new things.
He added that other things have affect them, such as the weather, temperatures, as well as effects of air conditioning on the body, which creates problems. He said on the island, they can only stabilize tourists, and severe cases are transferred to private clinics in Cancun, in accordance with the needs of that patient.
Legislators want to cancel the concession with Aguakan in the municipalities of Solidaridad, Benito Juárez and Isla Mujeres, without paying any penalties. Full article & photo at this link.
Tv Isla Mujeres - Insisten diputados en revertir concesión de Aguakán, pero sin pagar ninguna penalización
Due to complaints by residents of poor service, excessive charges, and other abuses, officials in the PAN and PRD parties have submitted a proposal in Congress to cancel the contract with Aguakan (Desarrollos Hidráulicos de Cancún, S.A.) for the municipalities of Solidaridad, Benito Juarez, and Isla Mujeres. The previous governor, Roberto Borge Angulo, made a contract for one thousand and fifty million pesos (over one billion pesos) until 2053, which represents the first obstacle to revoking the contract. The contract includes a penalty for that same amount of about one billion pesos if either party breaks the agreement. The concession included a payment of 56 million pesos, whose fate is unknown, according to legislator Eduardo Martinez Arcila, president of the Great Commission of Congress. It is his opinion that the contract is illegal because the government of Solidaridad had established a ban on tap water being provided by private companies, during its administration.

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Meals for Elderly program discontinued
Abuelitos abandonados a su suerte[+] Ver masFull article at this link
Sra Librara Martinez is one of about 250 senior citizens who were beneficiaries of a program providing lunches and a bimonthly payment of 1100 pesos, which was cancelled and stopped providing services on Tuesday. She said, "Many elderly residents need the meals that were provided at the Senior Citizens Center, as well as those like myself whose meal is brought to our homes, but this was suspended last Tuesday, until further notice, which is unfair."
She gave the interview from the door of her home on Madero street, and explained she has difficulty walking and no money to afford the 30 pesos (round trip. ~1.65 usd) for transportation. Due to the compassion of the former DIF administrator, the meals were brought to her house, and those of some other senior citizens. But now this has been cancelled.
There are many elderly residents, who for various reasons do not have family to care for them, and need an institution to provide that security, and the DIF performs that function (Sistema del Desarrollo Integral de la Familia). Humanitarian programs such as this help the elderly meet their nutritional needs, which they may have difficulty doing themselves, so that they are healthy enough to fight off diseases. Some elderly do not get sufficient health care and lack medications. Sra Librada said it is harder to get the medicines to control her blood pressure and to treat the pain in her knees because the hospital is farther away now.
Regarding the failure to make the payment of their pension of 1100 pesos every two months, this is the second time this has happened in less than a year. Senior citizens who requested anonymity want an impartial investigation into SEDESOL and the officials who are responsible for providing the payment. (That is about $30/month, or $60usd every two months.)
Collaboration agreement signed with Mexican Association of Travel Agencies
Acuerdo para regularizar agencias de viajes[+] Ver masFull article at this link
A collaboration agreement was signed by the president of the Mexican Association of Travel Agencies (AMAV) of Quintana Roo, Sergio Gonzalez, with the municipality of Isla Mujeres to regularize the work of agents working at this destination. Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis signed the agreement with the agency to regulate the work done by agents in the municipality and to encourage more tourists to visit and to stay overnight.
All in the family
Todo queda “en familia”[+] Ver masFull article at this link
Jorge Miguel Martin Alvarez, son of Miguel Ramon Martin Azueta, of the Jefatura Office of the Governor, was appointed delegate of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (SINTRA) in Isla Mujeres. Alejandro Ramos Hernandez, became Director of Communications and Transport, a state agency, by instruction of Jorge Portilla Manica, head of of SINTRA, to comply with the instructions of Governor Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez.
Martin Alvarez is known to be the the boyfriend of Councilwoman Athenea Gomez Ricalde, who is the daughter of Alicia Ricalde Magna, former Mayor of Isla Mujeres, and recently appointed Director of the Port Authority of Quintana Roo (ApiQRoo). Alicia is the sister of Julian Ricalde Magana, who was named Secretary of Social Development and Indigenous (SEDASI). These appointments were made by the Governor.
It is expected that officials will immediately begin reviewing the ~20 golf cart concessions for irregularities in their assignments. It has been said that concessions have been granted as political favors, causing a saturation in this industry with more than 550 units circulating on the roads during high season, which is an unprecedented growth of tripling the number in the past decade.
Taxi concessions will also be reviewed, and subject to reversal for any person who was favored without necessity. Their plates will added to the list to be available for the taxistas who have been waiting for some time to be chosen. There is also talk about the municipality being supersaturated with a thousand plates, when a sufficient amount would be only 300, according to some veteran drivers of the island and the mainland. The state officials are empowered to grant or revoke, which could happen if they find irregularities. If a union was given 100 plates, they will check that there are 100 corresponding vehicles.
Sr. Martin Alvarez had his first meeting with the leaders in transportation, whom he urged to work together in strict compliance with the laws and regulations. Those attending the meeting included the Municipal Secretary of Government, Joel Sauri, the Deputy Director of Traffic, Jose Carlos Pech Pat, and businessman Enrique Lima.
From yesterday....
Paper mache art & masks to Europe & New York
Máscaras y alebriges a Europa y Nueva York+] Ver masFull article at this link
Emilio Sosa Medina has been a politician, an activist, and an artist for nearly two decades, creating elaborate figures from paper mache, which have ended up in various cities around the American continent, and even in Europe. His unique and high quality artwork has been available for sale online for the past two years, which has helped his economic situation. Pieces have ended up in personal display cabinets of visitors from New York, and many experts have spoken of its high quality.
He is an activist who served on the City Council 1990-93. He is less involved in politics now, but remains firm in his convictions, and has criticisms for his PAN party as well as the PRI. He prefers to dedicate himself to his work, his art, and to visit his place of origin, in the Mayan area of Quintana Roo. He continues to be aware of everything that happens in Isla Mujeres, in Quintana Roo, in Mexico, and abroad. He spoke negatively about certain past politicians, and doesn't expect much from the current Mayor.
He said he has done this type of paper mache art for 20 years and created hundreds of pieces, mostly small devils and masks, which are appreciated by people. When asked what they represent, he replied, "Immortality, my fantasies; my reality turned into creativity." The pieces can take months or years to complete, especially the larger ones. He works from his home known as the "Lavanderia" on Adolfo Lopez Maeos and his website is
Sosa Medina was born in Yobaín, Yucatan, on May 22, 1955, at a
difficult time for campesinos, "In a situation where children had to work from eight
years of age to help our parents to get ahead." Going to school was not important, so children would study until third grade.
Although he although he
did not spend much time in school, he said "I could not ignore the problem of the people living in poverty, because of corrupt and repressive government that even in
these days there.For
that reason, in 1968, when I was 13 years old, I began a struggle with my brother and a friend, who were both 18 years old, against the leader who ruled the town, so
they could live better."
He said, "After
years of wanting to do something important with my life, without finishing the
social struggle that had begun in 1974, I had the opportunity to meet a woman who lived in Isla Mujeres with whom I became good friends, and
immediately I asked for her to help me find work. "
She agreed, and he has lived on this beautiful island since then. He initially worked as a kitchen assistant, and a year later he was a bartender. He said, "But I was not happy, because I wanted to have a name that is remembered in history, and it was my idea to do something different, to transcend. This led me to taking part in the formation of a political party, but unfortunately the corruption that I had always fought began to defile the party, so I gave up and sought other ways to exercise my freedom and creativity to leave my mark on this world."
Then, in 1986, he went to the Casa de Cultura and learned the technique of making paper mache, which impressed him from the time he began working with newspapers, which are the foundation for this type of art. He says, "Since then I have been dedicated to the production of masks and alebriges, seeking to make each work a high quality, unique piece of art."
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes southward down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes southwest to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or other options. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
October events
Sunset ~6:20p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
Oct. 15 6:20p Full Moon
Oct. 16 7:09p
Oct. 17 8:01p
Oct. 18 8:55p
Oct. 19 9:51p
Oct. 20 10:49p
Oct. 21 11:46p
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 10am: Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials.
Thursday, Oct. 6 Artist Fair 4p Casa de la Cultura Participants include Isla Brewing, AMar Cocina Peruana, and Javi's Cantina
Oct. 8: 42nd Anniversary of the Free & Sovereign State of Quintana Roo
Oct. 9: Day of Fishermen
Sunday, October 9: You're invited to the start of the program "Isla Mujeres Magic Nights" at 8pm on the Town Square. A Sunday evening program of cultural and artistic events. Commemorating the XLII Anniversary of the creation of the Free & Sovereign State of Quintana Roo.
Wednesday, Oct. 12 Dia de la Raza
Thursday, Oct. 20 Artist Fair 4p
Monday, Oct. 31 Halloween
Tuesday, Nov. 1 All Saint's Day Dia de los Muertos
Wednesday, Nov. 2 All Soul's Day Dia de los Muertos
The 9th annual Diabetes Clinic will be November 3rd in La Gloria. We are a team of nurses, social workers, EMT's and paramedics with a doctor for consultation of patients who need to be seen immediately. Please consider donating $50 which would buy 200 test strips, enough for one patient for a year. We also need donations of reading glasses, particularly the higher numbers. Many diabetics have vision problems too. We have a drop off location at Marina Paraiso Hotel or will pick up wherever you are! Muchisimas gracias for your generosity ~ Contact Karen Rosenberg Here or email me at
To all Islenos: We invite you to the Diabetes Clinic sponsored by the Club Pro-Paciente Diabetico A.C. at the Community Hospital in La Gloria on Thursday, November 3, at 9:00 AM. Health care professionals will test your blood, offer diabetes education and distribute meters and strips and other supplies for people with Diabetes. We will teach you how to use the equipment so that you can manage your illness of diabetes better. This clinic is completely free and is funded by the generosity of gringos that live and visit your beautiful island. Please tell your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers! PM Karen Rosenberg or Geovanny Avalos on FB for more information about this new non-profit organization created to serve the people of Isla Mujeres! (or email me at Please share this information. Thank you.
Sources for Storm Information:
Tropical Tidbits
The Artist's Fairs are scheduled twice a month, on the First and Third Thursdays, at the Casa de Cultura, 4-9.
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