This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
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Both issues of The Isla Mujeres Magazine are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Juan Carrillo: Improving quality of life for elderly is my priority
Aliado de los adultos mayores
Mejorar su calidad de vida es mi prioridad, subraya Juan Carrillo
Lanrry parra
ISLA MUJERES, 1 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 1 de octubre.-
Juan Carrillo Soberanis began his mayoral administration by explaining that he has a strong commitment to the elderly and that working to improve their quality of life is a priority of his. He acknowledged their strength and spirit, and their important role as pillars of society. He said his government will work to open more spaces and to provide more opportunities for the elderly, where those who still wish to continue working can work safely and with dignity.
He said their experiences and lives can provide insights and works, technical and anecdotal, which enrich the cultural, historical, and working life of the island, benefiting development.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
Swearing in of Juan Carrillo as mayor is Isla Mujeres, accompanied by the municipal governmental officials in 2016-2018.
Rinde protesta Juan Carrillo como presidente de #IslaMujeres, acompañado del cabildo del H Ayuntamiento para el periodo 2016-2018
Juan Carrillo assumes the municipal government of Isla mujeres for the period 2016-2018 #hagamosfuturoFull article at this link
Juan Carrillo asume gobierno municipal de Isla Mujeres para el periodo 2016-2018 #HagamosFuturo
At the Esplanade of the Casa de la Cultura, Juan Carrillo Soberanis was sworn in as mayor of Isla Mujeres, where he said that the mission of his government will be to take action in ways that will improve the economy, prioritize the sustainability of this destination, ensure the safety of the residents, and provide high quality public works and services to improve the quality of life.
He said his governance for the period 2016-2018 will be responsible, honest, and transparent. He said they are taking on tasks, with the effort and dedication of all islanders, so that the results are reflected in the streets, with public areas that have efficient services and works, to improve the day-to-day quality of life for the families.
As head of the government of the island and the Continental Zone, the new Mayor laid out his slogan of “Eje Transversal: Isla Mujeres Para Todos”, and its principal points:
^Good Governance of Isla Mujeres: We will be a friendly government with open doors where we will respond with warmth and efficiency.
^Isla Mujeres Firme: My primary obligation is to safeguard the integrity and patrimonial heritage of all of the inhabitants of the municipality.
^Responsibility and Orderliness with the environment: We live in a privileged place and I will promote development that is orderly, sustainable, and has absolute respect for our natural resources.
^Isla Mujeres Economic Welfare: Tourism is the driving force for development and economic growth in the municipality of Isla Mujweres, which is why I will be a strong promoter for investment and the creation of employment for the islanders.
^Isla Mujeres Quality of Life: I will promote culture and sports as a base to strengthen family values and rebuild the social fabric, and I will work with the state and federal governments to equip the General Hospital and the Ranch Viejo Health Center, and to stock them with medicines.
He concluded by saying, "Isla Mujeres needs everyone who lives in the municipality, and the moment has come to build the Isla Mujeres that we want. Let's build the future together!"
Officials in attendance included the governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez, the President of the Superior Court of the Judicial Council of the State of Quintana Roo, Fidel Villanueva Rivero and local MP Eugenia Solís Salazar, representative of the XV Legislature of the State Congress.
At the first session of the City Council of Isla Mujeres the following people were appointed and sworn in:
Joel Saury Galué as Secretary General of the City
Arquitecta Adriana Martínez Galué as City Treasurer
Wilfredo Ávalos Cortez as Director of Revenue
Margarita Concepción Briceño Magaña como Director of Payments
Karla Concepción Cruz Díaz as City Controller
Jaime Alberto Ongay Ortiz as Municipal Director General of Public Security and Traffic
Se llevó a cabo la primera sesión de cabildo de H. Ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres, en la cual se designaron y tomo protesta a:
Joel Saury Galué como Secretario General del Ayuntamiento
Arquitecta Adriana Martínez Galué como Tesorera municipal
Wilfredo Ávalos Cortez como Director de Ingresos
Margarita Concepción Briceño Magaña como Director de Egresos
Karla Concepción Cruz Díaz como Contralor municipal
Jaime Alberto Ongay Ortiz como Director General de Seguridad Pública y Tránsito Municipal
There is a video on Juan Carillo's FB page from Sept. 1 which has nice photography of the isle and its residents, narrated by the new Mayor, who says: "The time has come to move forward down a new path, full of hope. It's time to work together with new ideas for a better Isla Mujeres."
He talks about working together for brighter future, the mainland and the island, saying that islanders are a hard working people who greet each sunrise with enthusiasm, to receive the first ray of the sun, who are full of energy, to do their work with passion.
He says, "We live in a wonderful, magical place, full of color, a home where we are living out our dreams. Isla Mujeres is a land of opportunities, where you can now count on having a municipal government that is honest, transparent in the view of everyone, bringing you better public services, a hospital that always functions, an island that is clean and well-lit, with more green spaces for your children."
He says, "This is a government for you, with open doors, available to listen and respond; who believe in the value of work. For this reason, we will work keep our promises, openly, in front of your eyes. Thank you for your trust. Let's work together for the future of Isla Mujeres, because together, we can do great things!" LINK to video on FB.

From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
The first municipal appointments are named. Twitter photo at link below. There is a video.
Así quedaron los primeros nombramientos del Municipio de #IslaMujeres
There is a video of the swearing in of the new Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis 2016-2018 Link
Juan Carrillo convened the first governmental session this evening to name the first appointments.
Convoca @juancarrillo58 a su primera sesión de Cabildo para esta noche, donde dará a conocer los primeros nombramientos
Adriana Martinez Galué; New municipal Treasurer of Isla Mujeres. Photo at link below.
Adriana Martinez Galué nueva Tesorera Municipal de Isla Mujeres!
Confirmed: Alicia Ricalde was named head of APIQRoo Quintana Roo Port Administration
Confirmado! Alicia Ricalde si asumirá la Administración Portuaria Integral de Quintana Roo (Apiqroo)
During the first Regular City Council session in Isla Mujeres, Alicia Ricalde requested leave and for her substitute to take her place, Atenea Ricalde. Photo at link below.
Durante la primera Sesión Ordinaria en Isla Mujeres Alicia Ricalde solicita licencia y entra su suplente Atenea Ricalde
Joel Saury Galué is now the Secretary General of the municipal government of Isla Mujeres. Photo at link below.
Joel Saury Galué es desde hoy Secretario General del Ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres
Isla Mujeres municipal government named Jaime Alberto Ongay Ortiz as Director General of Public Security. Photo at link below.
Cabildo de Isla Mujeres nombra como director general de seguridad pública a Jaime Alberto Ongay Ortiz
Twitter photo at this link of those given the first municipal appointments #IslaMujeres
Así quedaron los primeros nombramientos del Municipio de #IslaMujeres

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Isla Blanca: In Danger
Isla Blanca, zona de peligro [+] Ver masFull article & photo at this link
This is about Isla Blanca, in the Continental Zone of the municipality. The new Chief of Police was not available for an interview, because he was in a private meeting with his subordinates.
The Isla Blanca Homeowners Association wants the abandoned police casita (booth) to be reactivated. They said entrepreneurs financed its construction, equipment, and provided an all terrain vehicle. The approximately 15,000 inhabitants of the colonias in the Continental Zone, mostly irregular, want better security, citing problems with assaults, robberies, and public consumption of drugs. They want the number of officers doubled.
The new Chief of police, Jaime Alberto Ortiz Ongay, replaced Jose Carlos Pech Pat, who only held the position for one day.
Opinions from business sector about new Mayor
Pendientes varios para Juan Carrillo .. [+] Ver masFull article & photo at this link
Representatives of various business organizations agreed that the young politician Juan Carrillo Soberanis faces great challenges. Among their concerns are the proposed "rescue" of the airfield, to stop harassment of tourists when they arrive at the pier, to continue to renovate the Historic Center downtown, and to put the overhead wires underground.
Former mayor Gerardo Magana, VP of the Association of Small Hotels Fascinantes, said they have higher hopes that this mayor is attuned to the needs of the business sector and their plans for renovating the airfield, and the need to promote sustained growth in the municipality.
Regarding their request to bring back the Tourism Promotion Trust to Isla Mujeres, he said that a document has been prepared for presentation to the Mayor, the Governor, and the State Secretary of Tourism for Quintana Roo. They also want the officials to consider adding the word "Maya" to the motto for Mexican-Caribbean tourism. In addition, they are hoping for a cancellation of the private construction that began recently near the airfield.
The leader of the CROC union, Baltazar Maldonado, said he will speak about his opinions after the entire team is chosen by the Mayor. He said he hopes the young Mayor will be good for the island, with a different vision for tourism, which would benefit the workers. He said they have been working to combat educational backwardness in workers, whether they are union members or not, for nearly a decade, and this will continue with the mayor's endorsement. He likes that they are offering to bring more tourism, so that this off season which is currently affecting us might disappear.
Former leader of CANACO, Javier Ortiz Solis said there has been a decline in the past 15 years. Regarding the issue of the image of the island, he said a total change is needed to curb anarchy, because people are invading the public rights of way wherever they want. He said, "We need order, so then everyone wins." He said the right of way is blocked on the sidewalks, in the roads, and where the tourists walk, and harassment of tourists continues. He said it has been two decades of struggle to achieve order and after waiting thru two administrations, the Tourism Regulations were updated, only to be ignored. Therefore he believes the young mayor has many challenges to deal with, and he wishes him luck with maintaining the Pueblo Magico status. He said they have been waiting for years for the overhead cables downtown to be moved underground
Swearing In
Rinden protesta . [+] Ver masFull article & photo at this link
Former Mayor Joel Sauri Galué was sworn in as City Secretary General, and Adriana Martínez Galué, Karla Cruz Díaz, and Jaime Alberto Ongay Ortiz were sworn in as Treasurer, Controler, and General Director of Public Security and Traffic, respectively.
Wilfredo Avalos Cortez was sworn in as Director of Revenue (Ingreso) and Margarita Briceño Magaña was sworn in as Director of Payments (Egresos)
Jaime Alberto Ongay Ortiz replaced José Carlos Pech Pat, who only served for 23 hours as head of the police.
The following positions were approved at the City Council session:
Government and Internal Affairs: Mayor Juan Luis Carrillo Soberanis;
Hacienda, Patrimonio y Cuenta: Síndica Municipal Suemi Beatriz González Sánchez;
Public Works & Services: de Obras: Councilman Sebastián Escobedo Jiménez;
Urban Development & Transport: Councilman Roberto Martínez Aragón;
Industry, Commerce, and Agricultural Affairs: Councilman Gómez Catzín;
Education, Culture, and Sports: Councilman Diego Genaro González Aguilar; \
Tourism & Ecology: Councilman Sebastián Escobedo Jiménez;
Public Health & Social Assitance: Councilman Carlos Manuel Gamboa Ortiz;
Public Security, Preventative Police, and Traffic Police: de Seguridad Pública: Síndica Suemi Beatriz González Sánchez;
Shows & Diversions: Councilwoman Raquel Castellanos Alvarez;
Social Develompent and Citizen Participation: Councilwoman Alicia Ricalde Magaña;
Equality & Gender: Verónica Aguilar Jiménez;
Family Development and Vulnerable Groups: Councilwoman Alicia Ricalde Magaña.
New administration
Gobierno de participación social Vil.. [+] Ver masFull article & photo at this link
Jose Carlos Pech Pat was named head of the Municipal Police
José Carlos Pech Pat, titular de la Policía Municipal .. [+] Ver masFull article & photo ar this link
AA celebrates 40 years in Isla Mujeres
Celebra “AA” 40 años en Isla Mujeres. [+] Ver masFull article & photo at this link
The Isla Mujeres Alcoholics Anonymous group opened its doors in early October 1976 and celebrated its 40th anniversary this week. This will culminate on Saturday with a public information event at the Bicentennial Dome in colonia La Gloria, starting at7:30pm.
The first group was started when a Naval officer tried in the months before to inform the public about this alternative to stop drinking, and a copy of the Big Book, the basic AA text, was brought by Buenaventura Martinez, the captain of the ferry that supplied the island. The book ended up later in the hands of a small business owner named Manolo, who gave it to another merchant from the state of Yucatan, named Manuel, who after having some time of sobriety decided to put out the call to those who were familiar with AA, including a baker named Javier, also from Yucatan. This was successful and and they met at a local business on October 6th, with Manuel as the keynote speaker, who passed away in April 2015, having been sober for fifty years.
The first meetings of the group were held on Abasolo, between Juarez & Hidalgo and has been located at various places downtown, including the local DIF office, and then the Health Center, and in colonia Salina Chica. Meetings were held at the Naval center. The first group organized in Quintana Roo was in Cozumel ("San Miguel"), and the first group in the southeastern region was in Merida ("Panteon Florido"), which was visited by the co-founder of AA, Bill W.
The group has meetings every day at it Casa Rex Altos on Nicolas Bravo street in Spanish from 9am to 10am and from 8:30pm to 10pm. There are meetings in English on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in ENglish from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Soon they will reactivate the Al-Anon meetings in English, with the intention of having a mixed group.
Families are invited to the event on Saturday, with specialists in psychiatry and general medicine who will talk about effects of alcoholism on the mind and body.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes southward down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes southwest to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or other options. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
October events
Sunset ~6:20p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
Oct. 15 6:20p Full Moon
Oct. 16 7:09p
Oct. 17 8:01p
Oct. 18 8:55p
Oct. 19 9:51p
Oct. 20 10:49p
Oct. 21 11:46p
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 10am: Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials.
Thursday, Oct. 6 Artist Fair 4p
Wednesday, Oct. 12 Dia de la Raza
Thursday, Oct. 20 Artist Fair 4p
Monday, Oct. 31 Halloween
Tuesday, Nov. 1 All Saint's Day Dia de los Muertos
Wednesday, Nov. 2 All Soul's Day Dia de los Muertos
The 9th annual Diabetes Clinic will be November 3rd in La Gloria. We are a team of nurses, social workers, EMT's and paramedics with a doctor for consultation of patients who need to be seen immediately. Please consider donating $50 which would buy 200 test strips, enough for one patient for a year. We also need donations of reading glasses, particularly the higher numbers. Many diabetics have vision problems too. We have a drop off location at Marina Paraiso Hotel or will pick up wherever you are! Muchisimas gracias for your generosity ~ Contact Karen Rosenberg Here or email me at
Sources for Storm Information:
Tropical Tidbits
The Artist's Fairs are scheduled twice a month, on the First and Third Thursdays, at the Casa de Cultura, 4-9.
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