The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published soon, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities soon...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities soon...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Strengthening the fishing industry
Agapito leads meeting of exchange between Yucatan & Baja California
Fortalece sector pesquero
Agapito encabeza reunión de intercambio entre Yucatán y Baja California
Lanrry PARRA
See the translation in the City section....
ISLA MUJERES, 22 de febrero.-
Homenaje a Ramón Bravo
Agapito encabeza ceremonia por su XVII aniversario luctuoso
ISLA MUJERES, 21 de febrero.-
A wreath was placed on his statue and there was an honor guard and officials in attendance, as well as family and friends, including Carlos Garcia Castilla, aka Valvulita who was a seaman with Ramon Bravo, who recognized Sr. Garcia as the true discoverer of the world famous cave of the Sleeping Sharks. The Mayor said, "We are here today, fondly remembering Ramón Bravo, and the best tribute we can do is to continue to protect the animals he cared for and defended.
His widow, Maria Bravo, was in attendance, and Isla historian, Fidel Villanueva Madrid spoke about Ramon Bravo's many activities, including diver, oceanographer, student of the sea and its species, filmmaker and underwater cameraman, tireless campaigner for respect for the sea and its inhabitants, and athlete, among others.
His widow, Maria Bravo, was in attendance, and Isla historian, Fidel Villanueva Madrid spoke about Ramon Bravo's many activities, including diver, oceanographer, student of the sea and its species, filmmaker and underwater cameraman, tireless campaigner for respect for the sea and its inhabitants, and athlete, among others.
Tension at the middle school
Tensión en escuela secundaria
Por diversas irregularidades
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 21 de febrero.-
Leer más...
There was a meeting between parents, municipal authorities and staff of the Middle School "Benito Juarez" last Thursday to address concerns ranging from bullying to concerns about distribution of marijuana. The authorities decided to increase the officers from one to four, and parents were reminded to be good role models for their children. The Mayor said it is critical that parents spend quality time with their children. He regretted that the turnout by parents at the meeting was less that optimal, with only about 80 in attendance of about 500 parents.
There was a meeting between parents, municipal authorities and staff of the Middle School "Benito Juarez" last Thursday to address concerns ranging from bullying to concerns about distribution of marijuana. The authorities decided to increase the officers from one to four, and parents were reminded to be good role models for their children. The Mayor said it is critical that parents spend quality time with their children. He regretted that the turnout by parents at the meeting was less that optimal, with only about 80 in attendance of about 500 parents.
Fishermen suffer during three closed fishing seasons
Sufren los hombres del mar
En primer semestre hay tres vedas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 21 de febrero.-
Closure season for grouper began on February 15th and lasts for a month, while lobster season will be closed on the first day of March until the last day of June, lasting four months. The closed season for various sharks lasts two months from the first day of May until the last day of June.
It is expected that the closure of grouper season for the Yucatan peninsula will be increased to two months, beginning in 2016. Between studies in 1958 and 2003, the biomass of grouper decreased from 248,548 tonnes to 52,501 tonnes, which is a 21 percent decrease. Since the closure season began more than a decade agao, there are reports of some recovery.
From Tvisla Mujeres
From the Municipal Facebook site.....
Start of Under 17 Soccer Tournament. We know sports are a great opportunity to encourage a healthy lifestyle and avoidance of vices.
Entendemos el deporte como una magnifica oportunidad para llevar a una vida sana y alejada de vicios.
Inauguramos el Torneo de soccer Sub 17.
Exchange between fishermen of the whole Yucatan and Baja California
Municipal president Agapito Magana Sanchez led and inaugurated the meeting of exchange between fishermen of the whole Yucatan of Baja California, and of the Session of the Committee for Lobster Product Systems.
- El presidente municipal, Agapito Magaña Sánchez encabezó e inauguró la reunión de intercambio de pescadores entre Yucatán y Baja California, y de la Sesión del Comité Sistema Producto Langosta. Juan Antonio Pérez Hernández, …
Fishermen from the Yucatan peninsula and from the Baja California peninsula are meeting to exchange experience and information about management and the selling of Mexican products on international markets for the best price, while ensuring the product achieves an optimal level of quality.
Juan Antonio Perez Herenandes (director of Cadenas Productivas de la Comision Nacional de Acuacultura y Pesca (CONAPESCA) Production Chain of the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fishing, who was also representing the National commissioner of CONAPESCA) said they must work as a team, and the results are better as a team than as individual competitors.
The Sesión del Comité Sistema Producto Langosta (Session of the Lobster Product Systems Committee) began in 2004, when it was implemented by law for sustainable development, which has allowed the committees to advance business systems.
The meetings began with slide presentations about two issues: the marketing of lobster in Baja California and the issue of mortality of lobsters in that area.
In accordance with the established schedule, payments were made in support of senior citizens on Friday from the program for Adults 65 & over, by Fabian Vallado Fernández, federal delegate with the Dept of Social Development, (SEDESOL) and Angel Rivero Palomo, Secretary of Development of Rural, Agriculture, and Indigenous of Quintana Roo, and the Mayor Agapito Magana Sanchez.
People 65 and older in this program receive support of 525 pesos per month, paid every two months in a payment of 1050 pesos. (~$38 dollars/month). There were announcements in advance, advising recepients to come to the Convention Center to receive their payment, which were delivered on Friday. Another benefit of this program is beneficiaries can participate in groups for growth and informational sessions, including about how to access benefits and services that are available to them, thru institutions such as INAPAM, including occupational and productive activities. Registration was held for this program, as part of the National Crusade against Hunger.

From por esto
Errors in conservation at Contoy
Errores en la conservación de Contoy[+] Ver mas
After 21 years of regulated conservation at Isla Contoy National Park, there have been some errors such as exceeding the maximum capacity of 200 tourists daily at times, with an excess of over 50 tourists in some cases. This could have a negative impact on this habitat known as "Bird Island", that was declared a protected area by the Mexican government in 1961. In the early 1990's there was a problem with dogs invading the island, after they were brought by a family of the fishermen who assisted at the camp. In 1993, there was a complaint over a dispute involving a prostitute.
The late Ramon Bravo Prieto, who passed away 17 years ago, had various influences on the reserve and conservation of marine and terrestrial species there, although this is not included in his biography. He was a journalist, athlete (Olympic), writer, filmmaker, researcher, filmmaker, and diver.
Isla Contoy is 30km north of Isla Mujeres, and is 8.75km long, and on average 500m wide, with an area of 230 hectares of land. In 1961 it was declared a protected area and in 1998 it was declared a National Park. South of the island is the Ixlache reef, that forms part of the second largest barrier reef in the world.
According to researchers, the word Contoy has two possible origins: from the Mayan words Kom (low or 'rehollado'..trodden upon) and To'oy (shelter), which are terms that rellate to the shallow waters surrounding the island that offered refuge to seafarers; or from the Mayan word "Pontus" for pelican.
Based on shell middens, ceramics, and shells that were worked upon, the earliest occupation is calculated to be 300-200 BC, before the Mayan culture was consolidated into the period known as "“preclásico superior”. It was part of the preHispanic shipping-trading route, linking Laguna de Terminos with the Caribbean Islands, and which included the entire coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, and allowed important ports like Tulum to flourish in the Maya Post Classic era.
During colonial times, the waters surrounding the island were the scene of naval battles between galleons and pirate ships, and of shipwrecks. You can read about the pirate battles in an article I wrote HERE.
The first news we have of the island comes from a visit of John L Stephens in 1892, who noted the presence of seabirds. Other sources reported that in the middle of the last century the island was inhabited by temporary camps of turtle hunters, which was an activity that had gone on for a long time.
During the presidency of Porfirio Diaz, the lighthouse was built, and the island was recognized as an important site, with a large concentration of birds. In April, 1901, the naturalists E. W. Nelson and E A Goldman briefly stayed on the island making observations on birds; when residents informed them about the disappearance of a nesting site of cariazul bobo, following the construction of the lighthouse. From that date there are no records of that species nesting on the island again.
The National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (Conanp) of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) is responsible for the conservation and regular monitoring of seabird population, and the island's lagoons, mangroves, and lowlands, which are home to 152 recorded bird species. In winter, there are more than 10,000 birds including frigates, cormorants, sea swallows, herons, brown pelicans and terns. In summer, three species of sea turtles come to its shores to nest; green, loggerhead, and hawksbill. Of the 98 identified species of plants, it is special that mangroves covering 70% of the inland area have been preserved intact and are home to many species of birds, reptiles, crustaceans, and fish.
The waters surrounding Contoy are rich in nutrients that feed plankton that is the basic food for over 234 species of fish, identified in the area, including the majestic whale sharks and manta rays that feed near its coasts. In the reef Ixlache there are abundant species of corals, and fish, as well as the spiney lobster and Queen Conch, which have had great commercial value.
The arrival of boats is authorized, from Cancun, Isla Mujeres, and Puerto Juarez between 10am and 4pm. The journey takes about an hour, depending on the departure point and boat speed. The infrastructure of the park in the ecotourism zone consists of a dock, mooring buoys, a visitor center with museum exhibits, an observation tower that is 20ft tall, and two informational trails where visitors can appreciate the flora and fauna of the island, and view birds. There is also a field station equipped with wind generators and solar panels, and two large dining palapas for visitors.
After dining on delicious fish, tikinxic, visitors can tour the lagoon Puerto Viejo which is the site of the world's largest number of nesting brown pelicans on the Atlantic side of Mexico.This is an optional excursion with an extra fee that is used to support conservation programs in the park. Activities permitted in Contoy are ecotourism, monitoring & scientific research, and two types of commercial fishing, which are all supervised and regulated by Park management.
For two decades, the civil association Friends of Isla Contoy/Amigos de Isla Contoy had been actively involved with environmental education among children and have promoted and organized activities to prevent and control pollution of water, air, and soil, environmental protection, natural resources and the restoration of ecological balance by encouraging the preservation of plants & wildlife.
They have had an ongoing campaign for the collection and recycling of plastic (PET) in several schools in Isla Mujeres and Cancun, and they give talks, whose themes obviously include the park. There are 48 plastic recycling collection containers.
The late Ramon Bravo Prieto, who passed away 17 years ago, had various influences on the reserve and conservation of marine and terrestrial species there, although this is not included in his biography. He was a journalist, athlete (Olympic), writer, filmmaker, researcher, filmmaker, and diver.
Isla Contoy is 30km north of Isla Mujeres, and is 8.75km long, and on average 500m wide, with an area of 230 hectares of land. In 1961 it was declared a protected area and in 1998 it was declared a National Park. South of the island is the Ixlache reef, that forms part of the second largest barrier reef in the world.
According to researchers, the word Contoy has two possible origins: from the Mayan words Kom (low or 'rehollado'..trodden upon) and To'oy (shelter), which are terms that rellate to the shallow waters surrounding the island that offered refuge to seafarers; or from the Mayan word "Pontus" for pelican.
Based on shell middens, ceramics, and shells that were worked upon, the earliest occupation is calculated to be 300-200 BC, before the Mayan culture was consolidated into the period known as "“preclásico superior”. It was part of the preHispanic shipping-trading route, linking Laguna de Terminos with the Caribbean Islands, and which included the entire coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, and allowed important ports like Tulum to flourish in the Maya Post Classic era.
During colonial times, the waters surrounding the island were the scene of naval battles between galleons and pirate ships, and of shipwrecks. You can read about the pirate battles in an article I wrote HERE.
The first news we have of the island comes from a visit of John L Stephens in 1892, who noted the presence of seabirds. Other sources reported that in the middle of the last century the island was inhabited by temporary camps of turtle hunters, which was an activity that had gone on for a long time.
During the presidency of Porfirio Diaz, the lighthouse was built, and the island was recognized as an important site, with a large concentration of birds. In April, 1901, the naturalists E. W. Nelson and E A Goldman briefly stayed on the island making observations on birds; when residents informed them about the disappearance of a nesting site of cariazul bobo, following the construction of the lighthouse. From that date there are no records of that species nesting on the island again.
The National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (Conanp) of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) is responsible for the conservation and regular monitoring of seabird population, and the island's lagoons, mangroves, and lowlands, which are home to 152 recorded bird species. In winter, there are more than 10,000 birds including frigates, cormorants, sea swallows, herons, brown pelicans and terns. In summer, three species of sea turtles come to its shores to nest; green, loggerhead, and hawksbill. Of the 98 identified species of plants, it is special that mangroves covering 70% of the inland area have been preserved intact and are home to many species of birds, reptiles, crustaceans, and fish.
The waters surrounding Contoy are rich in nutrients that feed plankton that is the basic food for over 234 species of fish, identified in the area, including the majestic whale sharks and manta rays that feed near its coasts. In the reef Ixlache there are abundant species of corals, and fish, as well as the spiney lobster and Queen Conch, which have had great commercial value.
The arrival of boats is authorized, from Cancun, Isla Mujeres, and Puerto Juarez between 10am and 4pm. The journey takes about an hour, depending on the departure point and boat speed. The infrastructure of the park in the ecotourism zone consists of a dock, mooring buoys, a visitor center with museum exhibits, an observation tower that is 20ft tall, and two informational trails where visitors can appreciate the flora and fauna of the island, and view birds. There is also a field station equipped with wind generators and solar panels, and two large dining palapas for visitors.
After dining on delicious fish, tikinxic, visitors can tour the lagoon Puerto Viejo which is the site of the world's largest number of nesting brown pelicans on the Atlantic side of Mexico.This is an optional excursion with an extra fee that is used to support conservation programs in the park. Activities permitted in Contoy are ecotourism, monitoring & scientific research, and two types of commercial fishing, which are all supervised and regulated by Park management.
For two decades, the civil association Friends of Isla Contoy/Amigos de Isla Contoy had been actively involved with environmental education among children and have promoted and organized activities to prevent and control pollution of water, air, and soil, environmental protection, natural resources and the restoration of ecological balance by encouraging the preservation of plants & wildlife.
They have had an ongoing campaign for the collection and recycling of plastic (PET) in several schools in Isla Mujeres and Cancun, and they give talks, whose themes obviously include the park. There are 48 plastic recycling collection containers.
Blackout surprised islanders
“Apagón” sorprendió a los isleños[+] Ver mas
The lights went out in a large part of Isla Mujeres on Saturday night for about a half hour. There went out at ~11:30pm, and came back on at 11:51pm in La Gloria. The CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad) did not report the cause, and some people guessed it might have possibly been caused by damage to a transformer that supplies downtown and the southern part of the island.
Islanders compete in soccer
Cumplió el futbol isleño[+] Ver mas
The matches were played at the soccer field in colonia Salina. The teams of Isla Mujeres tied the first game, 5-5, and won the second match 5-2. In the Youth Premier category, Isla Mujeres lost to the Cancun team, DIF. The roof has not been replaced over the grandstands, so the spectators sat in the sun.
Cumplió el futbol isleño[+] Ver mas
The matches were played at the soccer field in colonia Salina. The teams of Isla Mujeres tied the first game, 5-5, and won the second match 5-2. In the Youth Premier category, Isla Mujeres lost to the Cancun team, DIF. The roof has not been replaced over the grandstands, so the spectators sat in the sun.
Giving recognition to tourists
Dan reconocimiento a turistas .. [+] Ver mas
The small hotel owners association, La Asociación de Pequeños Hoteles Fascinantes de Isla Mujeres, recognized dozens of tourist who visit frequently in recent decades at an event Friday evening. Certificates were given to 35 couples and a similar number of individuals who have frequently vacationed on the island in the past five years, but there were several who have visited for decades including one of 41 years. There was music by foreigners and by locals, and they were invited to meet the tourism director who expects to offer this recognition annually. Dennis Hughes, husband of Jane, sund La Esperanza in English. It is said by some that the foreigners have been 'bewitched by Ixchel', which alludes to how they return to their hometowns in the spring and wait for the end of the year to come and live with the islanders, often bringing gifts, valuing their friendship and the Mexican traditions. This event was called "The Isla Mujeres Friendship Awards" and included snacks, drinks, and music. It was held at hotel Bahia Chac Chi.
The vice president of the organization, Gerardo Magana, said the association was formed to unite efforts, resources and ideas to boost tourism. He extended an invitation to hotels who have not yet been affiliated, to join and participate for the benefit of the local hospitality industry, noting there are many benefits including training courses, legal and tax advice, and special discounts on some documents for all the members.
The vice president of the organization, Gerardo Magana, said the association was formed to unite efforts, resources and ideas to boost tourism. He extended an invitation to hotels who have not yet been affiliated, to join and participate for the benefit of the local hospitality industry, noting there are many benefits including training courses, legal and tax advice, and special discounts on some documents for all the members.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bufalo, Bahama Mama, Compadres Barbacoa or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or Seso Loco. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Items for Little Yellow School House, Moto Helmets for kids...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
For donations to Zapatos Para Los Ninos.. please contact Greg at, or find them on Facebook at "Shoes For The Children."
Miguel's high season schedule:
Sunday: The Sol Rockers @ El Patio 9p - 11p
Monday: Miguel solo @ El Patio 6:30p - 8:30p
Tuesday: La Banda Sin Nombre @ El Patio 9:15p - 11:15p
Wednesday: The Sol Rockers@ El Patio 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Thursday: Miguel Solo @ el Patio 6p - 8p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Friday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
Saturday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
John Cain's schedule
Wednesday 7pm - 9pm ElPatio Sol Rockers
Thurs 9-11 El Patio
Sats. El Patio 630-830
Sunday at El Patio w Sol Rockers from 7 to 9 pm
Sundays 7-9 - Sol Rockers
Mondays 630 to 830 Miguel / 830 to 1130 Ryan Rickman -
Tuesdays 9-11 Banda Sin Nombre
Wednesdays 7 to 9 Sol Rockers / DJ 9-12
Thursdays 6 to 8 Miguel / John Cain from 8 to 11
Fridays 630 to 815 Fabio & Ryan / band 830 to 1130
Saturdays 630-830 John Cain solo Country music / 830 to 1130 Ryan and Band..
Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & SunMon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Fenix Sun 1p Salsa They are again having music in the afternoons including the Cuban musicians, and Chucho (Jesus Campuzano)
Marina Paraiso has live music Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 7-9
Bahia Tortuga has live music at times...announced on their streetside signboard.
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
Saturday afternoon ~3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
Here's Music by day of the week...with a thanks to Jean Lemke for rearranging it!
Monday - Miguel solo @ El patio 6:30 - 8:30
Ryan Rickman @ El patio 8:30 - 11:30
Jazz with Norman and Darin 7-9p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Tuesday - Fenix live music 1-4
Banda Sin Nombre @ El Patio house of music 9:15-11:15
Jazz with Norman and Darin 7-9p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Wednesday - Fenix live music (Chucho?) 1-4
Sol Rockers @El patio house of music 7-9
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Faynes - 10:30 - 12:00
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Thursday -Fenix live music 1-4
Miguel @El Patio house of music 6-8/ Faynes 10:30 - 12
John Cain @ el Patio 9-11
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Fayne's 10:30 - 12
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Friday - Fenix- 1-4 La Guera & band
Miguel @ Marina Paraiso solo 7-9
Miguel @ Fayne's 10:30 - 12
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Adelitas for Salsa 12:30 - 2
Fabio @ El Patio house of music 6:30 - 8:15
Ryan and Band @ El Patio house of music 8:30 - 11:30
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Saturday - Cuban Music at El Veradaro's 3-5
Banda Sin Nombre - Chuuk Kay 3:30
Miguel @ Marina Paraiso solo 7-9
La Banda Sin Nombre - Faynes 10:30 - 12:00
Banda Sin Nombre - Adelitas for Salsa 12:30 - 2
John Cain 6:30-8:30 @ El Patio house of music Ryan and Band 8:30 - 11:30
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Sunday - Fenix for Salsa 1-3
Banda Sin Nombre @Chuuk kay 3:30
Sol Rockers El Patio 7-9
Monday - Miguel solo @ El patio 6:30 - 8:30Wednesday - Fenix live music (Chucho?) 1-4
Sol Rockers @El patio house of music 7-9
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Faynes - 10:30 - 12:00
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Thursday -Fenix live music 1-4
Miguel @El Patio house of music 6-8/ Faynes 10:30 - 12
John Cain @ el Patio 9-11
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Fayne's 10:30 - 12
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Friday - Fenix- 1-4 La Guera & band
Miguel @ Marina Paraiso solo 7-9
Miguel @ Fayne's 10:30 - 12
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Adelitas for Salsa 12:30 - 2
Fabio @ El Patio house of music 6:30 - 8:15
Ryan and Band @ El Patio house of music 8:30 - 11:30
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Saturday - Cuban Music at El Veradaro's 3-5
Banda Sin Nombre - Chuuk Kay 3:30
Miguel @ Marina Paraiso solo 7-9
La Banda Sin Nombre - Faynes 10:30 - 12:00
Banda Sin Nombre - Adelitas for Salsa 12:30 - 2
John Cain 6:30-8:30 @ El Patio house of music Ryan and Band 8:30 - 11:30
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Sunday - Fenix for Salsa 1-3
Banda Sin Nombre @Chuuk kay 3:30
Sol Rockers El Patio 7-9
Ryan Rickman @ El patio 8:30 - 11:30
Artist Fairs on the Town Square, usually first Thursday, 4p-9p Dec~April.
There will be an additional Artist Fair Thursday, Feb. 12 4-9p with a Taste of Isla 5-7p.
Texas Hold 'Em Poker Mon & Thurs at El Patio 6p on Hidalgo..more info HERE.
FEBRUARY>>>> Sunset ~6:30p
Moon rise...
Feb. 4 5:45 (FULL)
Feb. 5 6:32
Feb. 6 7:17
Feb. 7 7:59
Feb. 8 8:38
Feb. 9 9:21
Feb. 10 10:10
Feb. 11 10:58
SUNDAY, FEB. 1 The time changed
. For the next month we'll be synced with EST, until March 8, when the US goes onto DST (and we don't). Then for ~8 months we are in sync w Central Time in the US, since we will no longer be changing back & forth with Daylight Savings Time. (DST is March 8-Nov.1 in the US, and April 5-Oct. 25 in Mexico.)
We're only synced with EST in the US ~4 mos/yr from Nov 1-March 8.
To permanently adjust your clocks, you can chose a location like Panama that stays on EST without changing to DST
Monday, February 2 no school/day off for February 5th Constitution Day. (And if you got the baby in your rosca on Kings Day, you're hosting a tamale party on 2/2.Candlemas)
Thursday, Feb 5 Artist Fair on Town Square 4-9p with Taste of Isla 5-7p
February 2-8 Island Time Fishing Tournament -- a week of music and fishing to benefit the Little Yellow School House.
Thursday February 12th will be the Navy Wives Breakfast at 9:00 am at Club Naval in Centro. The proceeds go to the Navy Hospital. This month the theme is Valentine's Day, and the tickets will be 120 pesos. This breakfast is really more like lunch, and we should be meeting the wife of the new commandant.
Thursday, Feb 12 Artist Fair Town Square 4-9p with Taste of Isla 5-7p
We're celebrating Carnaval Feb 13-17
Friday, Feb. 13
8pm Town Square: Gala Night
Coronations of the 2015 Carnaval King & Queen: Jose Carlos & Yoselin, and the Senior Citizen King & Queen & of the King & Queen with disabilities/special needs.
Saturday, Feb. 14
9pm Town Square: Cuban Night
Presentation of the 2015 Carnaval King & Queen's troupe
Presentation of dance troupes Each will perform. There are ten troupes.
Music & dancing until dawn: Ameniza: Huracan del Caribe from Cuba
Sunday, Feb. 15 Beach Carnaval
This is from the Posada del Mar hotel downtown where troupes will be dancing before and after the parade on Rueda Medina.
3p Rueda Medina Avenue Parade
"Occupation" of Posada del Mar Beach & Rueda Medina malecon with various activities
8p Town Square: DIF Carnaval
DIF troupe will perform
Children's Costume Contest
Pet Costume Contest
Monday, Feb. 16
3p Rueda Medina Avenue Parade
"Occupation" of Posada del Mar Beach area & Rueda Medina malecon with various activities continues
Noon: City streets Toro Petate
9p Town Square Regional Night
Presentation of Dance Troupes
Costume Contest: Open Category
Music & Dancing: Orquesta Jaranera
Tuesday, Feb. 17 Fat Tuesday
12p Downtown Streets & Public spaces
Negrada by Dance Troupes
& Toro Petate
(The dance troupes perform all over downtown, in the streets & at businesses, with gender role reversals & costumes that include Afro wigs & black tights)
8p Town Square Night of the Dance Troupes
Presentation of Dance Troupes
Burning of Juan Carnaval & Presentation of his Will
Music & dancing: Ameniza: Huracan del Caribe from Cuba
Thursday, Feb 19 6p Town Square Billion Standing Against Violence Against Women and Girls event...Wear orange to show your support!
Saturday, Feb 28 Chuuk Kay Restaurant Seniors & Friends Fundraiser 5:30p Silent Auction
Upcoming holidays
Monday, March 16th is day off for March 21, (birth of Benito Juarez).
Fri March 27 - Sun April 12=Easter Break w lotsa daytrippers/busy ferries.
April 2 & 3 are Bank holidays.
Friday, May 1=National holiday (Labor day).
The kids summer vacation starts July 14th.
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