Tuesday, December 24, 2013

In Isla Mujeres News Tuesday, December 24 The Afternoon Edition

..This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte

North Beach/Playa Norte In Real Time  In Isla Mujeres  LINK to 24 hour time lapse of the webcam

The "Morning Edition" has translated headlines &  newspaper photos. This Afternoon Edition has  translations of the news articles,  Daily Events, the Live Music Schedule  & the "Around the Internet in the Past 24 Hours" section including photos & info from individuals & local businesses .... Daily In Isla Mujeres. There are always links to the original articles in Spanish.

Check out the Daily Specials...with Delivery numbers and Menus...see tab at top of page.

   Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....

Community in Action

Agapito & Marthy host Christmas activities

Comunidad en acción

Lunes, 23 de Diciembre de 2013 22:33

Agapito y Marthy encabezan actividades navideñas

Lanrry PARRA

ISLA MUJERES, 23 de diciembre.-
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The Mayor and his wife lead Christmas activities on the weekend that included a party by the DIF for senior citizens and those with disabilities/special needs. There was entertainment by the dance academy Renatta, by other local artists, and by Carlos who works for the City and proved he has no disability when it comes to talent. As part of the celebrations, the Mayor and his wife lead a holiday procession through the main streets and avenues of the island, with decorations and music, passing out treats and good cheer. Santa Claus was in the procession, which was a hit with the children. There was the raffle of gifts organized by the DIF.

Ferry crossings: Unchanged

Despite increased demand 

Corridas del ferry, sin cambios

Lunes, 23 de Diciembre de 2013 22:09

Pese a creciente demanda

Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de diciembre.- 
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Car ferry administrator Jose Sunza Chi said they have no plans to increase or modify their schedule at this time. He explained that normally the increase in daily runs begins on December 26, but it depends on the number of tourists arriving. They have two ferries running at 100% and are prepared to meet the demands of the season. With the entrance of Cold Fronts #20 and #21, if there is a drop in temperatures, tourism could be affected.  
In a few days there will be a grand  quinceañeras party: Organized by the Catholic parish

Ensayan quinceañeras

Lunes, 23 de Diciembre de 2013 21:23

A unos días de festejo masivo en su honor, organizado por parroquia

Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de diciembre.-
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The sixteen young participants have begun rehearsals, and had their first photo shoot, prior to the  “Gran Baile de Quinceañeras Generación 2013” which is organized annually by the parish of the Church of Immaculate Conception. The event will be held on December 27th. The photo shoot was held at Punta Sur and Capt. Dulche restaurant. Tickets will be sold for 20p, and are available to the public, as well as families and friends. There will be a light and sound show. There are 16 young ladies participating, with their "chambelanes".  There will be a Mass at 7pm at the downtown church on the square, and a Grand Ball at the taxi union lodge in La Gloria.

And Yesterday...

Director of Human Resouces assures City employees: Benefits will be paid

Hoy saldarán adeudos

Domingo, 22 de Diciembre de 2013 22:22

A los burócratas municipales, asegura dirección de recursos humanos

Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 22 de diciembre.- 
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This info has been translated....that 600 City employeees will be getting their payments from Human Resources,(including vacation pay, aguinaldo bonus, etc) and their payment of the Christmas basket, and their turkey for Christmas dinner. The Mayor assured them they will receive all payments they are due under the law. 

Seeking to reduce automobile accidents: With use of breathalyzer 

Buscan reducir accidentes automovilísticos

Domingo, 22 de Diciembre de 2013 22:18

Con la puesta en marcha de operativo alcoholímetro

Lanrry PARRA
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Most of this info about the Guadalupe - Reyes security operations has been repeatedly translated. The Breathalyzer will be used on the island on weekends,(Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) and otherwise it will be used frequently in the Continental zone on the mainland area of Isla Mujeres. It is noted that buoys have been installed for increased safety and lifeguards are monitoring the beaches. 

 Tvisla Mujeres

Traveling 2400 nautical miles aboard his Jet ski
Spanish adventurer Álvaro de Marichalar, 52, was interviewed while he was in Isla Mujeres refueling, aboard his watercraft "Numancia" on December 21st. He has traveled 330 nautical miles of his goal of 2400, and he is commemorating the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the Pacific ocean by Vasco Nunez de Balboa. He journeyed from Key Hueso, Florida, to Cuba with his wife, a Russian, Ekaterina Anikeeva, and this was her first time traveling on open water.  He travels alone without a support boat and navigates on his own, dedicating his expeditions to non governmental agencies and charities. He has carried out a tribute to the discoverer of Florida, by Juan Ponce de Leon, which occurred 500 years ago, by following his maritime route. The Pacific ocean was discovered by Nunez de Balboa on September 25, 1513.  His next stops will be other locations in Mexico, then Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, and Columbia, where the trip is expected to conclude in January 2014.
Noticias de  Quequi......


Noticias de Diario Respuesta...

Trash pollutes the Caribbean sea

Contamina basura el mar Caribe

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Residents of the FOVISSSTE housing development are complaining about accumulating trash, saying there are people who do not dispose of their trash correctly, giving this housing complex in La Gloria a bad reputation. Trash bags are torn open by dogs, and  when there are strong winds, the trash blows into the street and the sea. 

 por esto

Collective XV Birthday Celebration Dance & Mass

Misa y Baile de XV Años colectivo[+] Ver mas

And Yesterday...

Shops don't respect the pedestrian zone
Comercios no respetan zona peatonal[+] Ver mas
               In the City regulations regarding businesses on the pedestrian street, Hidalgo Avenue, Article 6 says  restaurants may put tables and chairs into the walkway up to 2.4 meters from their wall. There are some who are not complying and who have not been fined, which can carry a penalty of up to 50 minimum daily wages, as stipulated in Article 13. (The Daily Minimum Wage is about $5 usd).  Por Esto is unhappy that officials are "turning a blind eye" to violators of these municipal regulations.
       A few days ago Por Esto published a photo of a module "sampling" of alcohol. Although its owner, Giacomo Rico , said he did not invade beyond the allowed limit, the day after publication he chose to remove the module.  
      Other restaurants have their displays out  on tables by the roadway , although Article 6 specifies that this space is only for the "use with tables and chairs for restaurants ... in this space ... should be only one row of tables with chairs; and in the case of restaurants with alcohol sales, to be sold exclusively with food. "    
        For other types of business , Article 7 states that  for craft shops, clothing, shoes, soda fountains , ice cream and snack bars , the maximum linear area outward will be 1.20 meters. 
       Those who are not allowed to use the public street include jewelers, pharmacies , bookstores , barber shops , money exchange stores, commercial offices , travel agencies, dry cleaners , appliance stores, sundry stores , video stores, optical shops etc.  
       Businesses not allowed to exist in this pedestrian area include butchers and fishmongers. 

 CFE wants to change to wooden poles
Quiere la CFE cambiar a postes de madera[+] Ver mas
The  La Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) is considering use of wooden poles in the coastal zone, because the concrete ones deteriorate quickly. The public has requested that the company increase the use of wooden poles instead of concrete, and the executives of CFE are analyzing the issue.
    The lifetime of the concrete poles is less than ten years. For example, there are posts which were replaced after Wilma in 2005, that are already damaged, while some wooden posts that resisted Gilberto in 1988 are still standing.
      In recent months the CFE has been replacing wiring, transformers, and poles in various areas of Isla Mujeres, which have been damaged by salt. They are replacing the low voltage copper lines, of the distribution network in the populated areas (? or downtown? de la red de distribución en la zona popular) with twisted three wire lines that offer more resistance to the elements.

Unfinished work in Sac Bajo
Inconclusa obra en Sac-bajo[+] Ver mas
This project which improved the road and added sidewalks in Sac Bajo was 90% completed when work terminated two months ago, and some areas of sidewalk are still lacking. Residents of the Sac Bajo peninsula would like this finished, and to have more lighting and more police patrols in the evenings and nights.

Iguana conservation campaign
Realizan campaña de conservación de la iguana[+] Ver mas

At Punta Sur there is a giant monument to Iguanas,  and the South Point is an iguana conservation site. The current municipal administration plans to work with environmental groups to protect this species. Jesus Molina, of Patrulla Verde (Green Patrol) said his their group has been working in recent months to raise awareness, and this work is mostly done by youths.
      "We have placed signs on light poles and put up wooden signs in areas where iguanas are common," said young Benito Perez, who witnessed a young iguana that was run over in colonia Caridad del Cobre
   They ask that taxi drivers and other drivers slow down in areas where there is brush, because this is where many iguanas live. Unfortunately, children and young people expel them from their homes because they do not have enough information about the species. "We are the invaders who have stolen their space, taken their homes; it is not the other way around, said one environmentalist."  Motorists are a major cause of death to the iguanas and volunteers are trying to raise awareness to protect them.

  This blog is brought to you by....
MaraVilla Caribe   Bed & Beach
   Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with  kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of  Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate.  Quiet & Private.   
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available.   Downtown is  ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll  sleep to the sounds of the sea.$275/$325/$425 wk   $40/50/$65nt  Monthly Discounts

View from rooms
Small room
Large room
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe or Monchi's,shop at Chedraui or visit restaurants, bars, & beach clubs; minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a pharmacy and variety of other stores and small local restaurants

December Calendar of events

 Festivities for the Patron Saint, The Virgin of Immaculate Conception are Nov. 28-Dec 8
The religious image was moved to Isla Mujeres from the Boca Iglesia Church, where she has been honored annually for 102 years. HERE is an article about the Festival
Dec 4 Wednesday 6p Confirmation Mass at Catholic Church on Town Square
Dec 5 Thursday  4-7 Artist Fair Town Square (First Thursday of Each Month)
Dec 6 Friday  Security Operation Guadalupe-Reyes begins
Dec 7 Saturday 7p Procession of the Virgin through the colonias
                         ~10p Singing Las Manitas, Mass Catholic Church on Town Square
Dec 8 Sunday 3p Procession from Church on Square to Bay, for procession on Bay with three large boats provided for parishioners. Followed by Grand Kermes, and returning of icon to her niche. Celebration of 50th anniversary of priesthood for Father Martinez.
Dec 12 Dia de Guadalupe, Patron Saint of Mexico. Festival at Chapel in Salina Chica.

 Start of Guadalupe-Reyes Holiday period, which ends January 6th.
Dec 14 Saturday 5:30-8:30 Casa Sirena Benefit for Brazos Abiertos
Dec 16 -24  The Posadas
The Posadas are nine days before Christmas eve, when there are reenactments in neighborhoods (and a play on the town square) of Mary & Joseph being turned away, until they are accepted at one house, and there is a neighborhood party there.
  During the posadas, there is usually a dance on the town square, featuring dances & costumes from different regions of Mexico
Dec 14 Saturday Caribbean Cultural Festival 8pm Town Square (Cuban band)
Dec 18 Wednesday 4-6  Brisas Grill  Benefit for Keys4Life
Dec 21 Saturday
 6p  Golf Cart Parade starting just south of MaraVilla Caribe, near Hotelito Ixchel, where the road gets very wide at the end of Aeropuerto before entering the first village of Salina Chica, just south of Colegio Bachilleres.Assemble at 5:30 and depart at 6. Decorated vehicles, Cartoon Characters & Santa's helpers tossing treats & visiting parks & kids around the isle. To benefit one of the Carnaval Dancing Troupes.
8p  Municipal Christmas Parade
4p-8p CHRISTMAS ART SHOW at ComoNo at el Patio, Gifts for sale

Dec 24  Noche Buena  Zapatos por los ninos party  (Don't be surprised if many places are closed in the evening so employees can spend it with their families)

Dec 25  Christmas  Iguana's is serving Cornish Hens.   Casa de los Suenos is serving Christmas dinner.
Thurs Dec 26: 7p  Iguanas at Marina Paraiso is bringing in Flamenco dancers. Last time they did this, it was very cool. They are also making special food.. lamb, veal & Paella for the event. (They've done lamb or veal before too and it was Very Good...and they ran out, so they know we're coming and eating! Paella is also a Sunday special there & very good.)
Friday, Dec 26  is the annual Quinceaneras w 16 young ladies & their entourages...probably having photo ops in front of the church after the 7p Mass, the public is invited to the Grand Ball at the Taxi lodge, 20p. 

Dec 31 New Years Eve celebration on Town Square (Usually fireworks & dancing to live music until dawn. Reserved tables are sold by Tourism Department or DIF who have been taking names, but not yet assigning tables or taking payments.)

Love the Isla Mujeres Artist Fair promo for the January 2nd Artist Fair.  @[507239157:2048:Jen Graham], you are awesome.  @[502757686:2048:Michael Azaria] & @[1701660950:2048:Denise Azaria] you two just rock!!! -60 Artists & local food vendors!!!  @[795152257:2048:Joe Mendez] & Corona make it all work.  Thank you all so much!!!

Roger Hardesty's photo.

 at 6:00pm   El Patio Caribbean Grill
 Charity Info
Donate some shoes? You can drop them off at Barlitos! (See below re holiday donation Drop Off Locations!) If you aren't coming before this event, your donations of shoes or money are always welcome and needed! 
ZAPATOS PARA LOS NINOS   Shoes for the Children Annual Christmas Party and Shoe Drive
        December is here, and we are collecting shoes and donations for our annual Christmas Party and shoe delivery.  Last year every child that came for shoes walked away with a new pair for Christmas!
This is the one time of year we only collect new shoes in order to make each child feel extra special.
Not only do we distribute shoes, but we join with the local community to provide a meal and a small gift. It is a special event, as for some of the children, it will be their only Christmas gift. They are already looking forward to it on December 24th.
If you would like to donate shoes, please contact Greg Snider at: bullridersnider@yahoo.com

If you would like to contribute monies so we can purchase shoes, food, or small toys, please also contact Greg at the email address above or go to our website for Pay Pal http://www.islazapatos.blogspot.mx/   We will happily send you photos of the children who receive your gifts.   Greg and Natalie


Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross:  Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)

 Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos:  On Hidalgo, the pedestrian street, at Abasolo  Barlito's is closed for the holidays...If you need to drop off books, shoes, items for LYSH or Isla Animals....  contact the group (see tab at top "Charities" for contact info, or email me at westofcuba@gmail.com)

Toys for PEACE: Galerita across from Olivia's Restaurant



Iguana's: Thursday is Blues, with beer & pizza specials. Friday evenings have featured Cuban-Vera Cruz music. On Saturdays & Sundays they have   Reggae- Caribbean-Tropical music.  Starting around 6.  Saturday they are grilling & Sunday's special is paella. Usual menu also.

  Miguel's playing schedule 
 Fayne's BarandGrill  Wednesday through Saturday 10:30pm - 12:00am.
 Saturday Tequileria La Adelita's 12:00am - 2:00am for salsa night. 
 Sunday Bahia Tortuga with the Sol Rockers 7:00pm - 9:00pm

 John Cain's schedule   
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Friday, Bally Hoo Restaurant, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 530 to 730 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pm 
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun

Domingo Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! ::  Sunday Live Salsa with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No Falten!! 
Fenix Sat ~3p Reggae/Cuban  

       Sun ~2p Salsa
Fenix Lounge   Domingo Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! :: Sunday Live Salsa with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No Falten!!
every tuesday!You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or  Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
ComoNo, Isla Mujeres, Mexico  RYAN RYCKMAN......back at ComoNo......every night 8:30

On the internet in the past 24 hours...

Renee Grooves
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Buen inicio de semana les esperamos vengan a disfritar nuestros lechoncitos estan delicioso att. Cheff. Raul


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