This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
Follow Isla Mujeres News & Events on Facebook for highlights of news & events, and more photos & videos
Both issues of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
Here is the Rescue Anastacia FB page where updates will be posted
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Boats return & suspend their search for five man crew of Anastacia
Se esfuman las esperanzas
Hoy suspenderían la búsqueda de los cinco tripulantes de la “Anastacia”
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 12 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 12 de abril.-
Boats returned to the island which had been searching for the five fishermen of the Anastacia in the southern part of the state, in the area of Mahahual, Punta Herrero and Bahía del Espíritu Santo, without favorable results. The Naval ship "Uxmal" also returned to the Naval dock.
Jorge de la O Pino, the father of one of the missing fishermen, said that the work of searching for the five Isla Mujeres fishermen has been left in the hands of the US Coast Guard, who began searching with a plane in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday.
The Isla Mujeres fishermen of the Patria & Progreso cooperative are exhausted from searching for so many days and this day (Tuesday) no boats left that location to search. Sr. de la O Pino explained that yesterday (Monday) the search was only being done along the southern coasts of the state by three boats (“Sol Ha”, “Cubana” and “Shaday” ) and a helicopter, in the areas of Punta Herrero, Mahahual, Bahía del Espíritu and Punta Ascensión, while the US airplane remained on the ground with the intention of saving its resources to continue the search on Tuesday. The US aircraft is expected to make its last search on Tuesday, and to suspend efforts on Wednesday.
It has been two weeks since the crew members of the Anastacia left to go fishing, and it is expected that the search could be suspended after today.
Woman accused of fraud released on bail
Paga fianza y deja los separos
La acusada de fraude a medio centenar de personas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 1 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 1 de abril.-
The Chief of Police, Joaquin Poot Acosta, confirmed that he received an order from the local Prosecutors office to release Fatima Gonzalez Heredia, who has been accused of fraud. She regained her freedom me at 4pm on Monday, following payment of 160,000 pesos for bail. She had been arrested on Friday, April 8th. In addition to the single lawsuit, there are ~50 people who are claiming to the media they have been defrauded. (See article in Por Esto for more information)
Street lights repaired along walking path
Reactivan alumbrado público
En cuatro colonias
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 12 de abril.-
On Tuesday, repairs were made to the outdoor lights that provide lighting for the walking path in Salina Grande, as well as Miraflores, Canotal, and La Gloria. According to residents, the copper wire that serves as a power supply was stolen, leaving this area without proper lighting for the past few weeks. Two complaints were made on Monday from neighbors who were concerned that crimes could occur in the area due to the lack of light. Several months ago, there was a purse snatching in this area, which generated a strong reaction and the lights were repaired at that time, but recently, the area was left in the dark again. Light service has been restored.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
Invitation to obtain birth certificates
April is the Month of the Child and May is the Month of Mothers, and there is a national tradition that during this time to offer services for the procedures of registration and obtaining of birth certificates, at no charge. A birth certificate is a vital document for all Mexican citizens, providing them access to all rights and obligations under Mexican Law. Residents are also invited to submit any birth certificate errors, to make any necessary administrative corrections, and to regularize (legalize) their official documents.
The Civil Registry reported that in January, there were 74 births and five deaths. As of this time, there have been 47 civil marriages and four divorces were processed. They have provided 447 certified records, including 300 birth certificates from other states in the Mexican Republic.
You are invited to participate in the International Fishing Tournament Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana on May 20, 21, & 22
Participa este 20, 21 y 22 de mayo en el Torneo Internacional de Pesca Cosme Alberto Martínez Magaña.
Teams were working in different areas of the island patching potholes in the streets and avenues to meet the community's expectations for safe streets.
Con brigadas distribuidas en diferentes rumbos del municipio, atendemos
el tema del bacheo de calles y avenidas para responder a la expectativa
ciudadana de contar con rutas seguras.
Para brindar seguridad y eficiencia en el suministro del alumbrado
público, estamos llevando a cabo el cambio de cables eléctricos en el
andador de la ampliación La Gloria.
provide security and efficiency in the provision of street lighting, we
are changing the electric lines along the walking path of Amplification la Gloria
En nuestras bellas playas no hay lugar para la basura.
Cuidemos nuestro hermoso paraíso.
Cuidemos nuestro hermoso paraíso.
On our beautiful beaches are no place for littering.
Take care of our beautiful paradise.
Take care of our beautiful paradise.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)…/busqueda-se-extendio-otr…/
Extending the search
A group of islanders traveled to the United States to take charge of a search by air from Florida, which they said will take place on Tuesday, with the intention of locating the "Anastacia" and its five crew members, who are still missing. The delegation was led by Marcelo Cupul, his son, and Kirsten Tywan, who is a family friend and who has been making contacts in Florida for the rental of planes to extend the search over the Gulf of Mexico.
With a sense of optimism, now a flight will be made from the Key West airport, taking a new search route over the Gulf of Mexico, into an area where it is presumed they could be 'trapped' in an ocean current. "In this area, there are currents that go in a circle/swirl (hace un remolino), and we think they could be in that area," said one of the group. They explained that there have been fly overs covering hundreds of nautical miles, and unfortunately there has been no luck, but currently there is a strong sense of optimism that today could be a great day.

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Small lanchero tour boats operating at 40%
Lancheros operan al 40% de su capacidad.. [+] Ver mas Photos & Full article at this link
April 12. The port remains open for general navigation with no resrictions, although the Port Authority advised caution among the small vessels, said Harbor Master Miguel Ismael Gonzalez Gil. He said there is currently an east wind at 25-35 kph, which doesn't warrant a closure for small vessels, but they should remain cautious to avoid mishaps.
He said the weather conditions are favorable for all types of nautical and aquatic activities, including tours to Isla Contoy, for sport fishing, and for diving. He said the port is expected to remain open throughout the week.
On Wednesday, temperatures were hot during the day, and there was a normal amount of people at the beach. Many of them were visiting for the day, with most arriving on boats that offer an all inclusive package for the day. A fewer number took the car ferry, whose advantage is the tickets are only 40 pesos, and its biggest drawback is that the passage from Punta Sam to Isla Mujeres takes about 45 minutes. The ferry is popular with families who live in Cancun who are usually carrying everything they need for the day, and want a quick mini-vacation on the weekend, especially on Sundays, to escape their normal routine.
Despite the good weather, the lanchero tourism cooperatives reported an average demand of 40 percent, which meant there were relatively few customers. Therefore the boats took out tours with a lesser number of people in each boat, so that more boats would be able to work. Demand is strongest for these tours during the periods of Christmas, Easter, and summer, especially on the weekends.
Still no results in search for fishermen
Búsqueda de pescadores, sin resultados .. [+] Ver mas
April 12 Nine boats which had been searching for three days in the area of Bahia del Espiritu Santo and Majahual. returned to Isla Mujeres without finding any trace of the five missing fishermen of the Anastacia.. They were joined on Monday by a helicopter provided by the state government.
In addition, the families provided funds for flights by private aircraft to join the search efforts, with no results. The United States Coast Guard, and a plane, are continuing the search for the men who departed March 30th, intending to return the following afternoon.
At the end of last week, the "Guachisan" returned from the Isla de la Juventud, Cuba, where it had been searching the waters near that country, without success. Others had traveled to Cuba to investigate whether the men might be in a Cuban jail, with negative results.
It has been thirteen days since Jorge Fernando de la O. Ávalos “Pipis”, Alfonso Jiménez Torres “Chanty”, Humberto Constantino Ordaz “Beto”, Russel Enrique Pech Cemé “Curro” y Marco Antonio Bardales Pastrana “Vampiro” departed for an overnight trip to fish for shark. There has not been the slightest trace of the fishermen, but families, friends, and coworkers continue to keep hoping.
Donations in cash are no longer flowing into the Patria & Progreso coopertive, where the wives are responsible for managing everything that is donated. There have been many expenses and most of the approximately $21,000 dollars was used for fuel and aircraft rental, which was raised on social networks through the 'Rescue Anastasia' page, and which was turned over to the wives to administrate.
Islanders have mobilized and begun to auction items for the benefit of the families of the fishermen, and some businesses have offered half of their profits for this cause. The local and international community has helped the families with donations of food, and items that are needed for the babies and children such as diapers and other items, paying for medicines, bills, and other obligations which are impossible to meet without the income that their husbands usually provide.
Unfinished eastern malecon
Malecón Oriente aún inconcluson .. [+] Ver mas
After five municipal administrations, none of these Mayors has had the work finished on the eastern malecon, which should theoretically terminate behind the Judicial building, but it actually ends near the Aguakan pump. The section between these two points has a bleak, overgrown appearance, and has some unauthorized construction ("Obra negra"..lit. black labor), including the steps that were built there. In addition, there is a lack of public lighting, leaving the area very dark at night, which annoys residents, and causes tourists to avoid the area. People who live in the area are unhappy with the appearance and the lack of lighting. There are also concerns about the lack of protection in the event of a hurricane at the section of about 50 meters where there is no seawall.
Woman accused of fraud released on bail
Presunta defraudadora, libre bajo fianza [+] Ver mas
Fatima Heredia Gonzalez was released from jail after paying a bail of 160,000 pesos. An estimated 50 people have alleged that she defrauded them, and an undetermined number reported it to the Public Ministry, with only one lawsuit proceeding to the Juzgado Mixto (lit: Mixed Court). After a year, an arrest warrant was issued and the detention occurred. It is unknown why others who filed lawsuits have not had the cases assigned to court. Others who allege they were defrauded did not file a complaint at the time and discovered that the crime of fraud has a one year limit, or in some cases, three years.
Accusations concerning the alleged fraud began in March of 2015, when some people accused Sra Heredia Gonzalez of failing to comply with her offer to purchase building materials on the conditions that the beneficiaries of this social program provide 50% of the cost in cash. Before filing the complaint, those affected requested refunds of their money, which was amounts between 5000 and 20,000 pesos.
In October, 2015, Sra. Heredia had said she had not defrauded anyone, and that she has papers to support this. She said that although the assistance had been delayed, all the obligations would be fulfilled. She said she has not gained a single peso from this assistance, which was offered after several of the shack-like homes in the 'irregular' colonia of Guadalupania burned, and some Americans offered their help. Since the project began, it has been handled in a private manner.
Translation from this link:
Quintana Roo Congressman requests search for lost fishermen be intensified
Congressman Edgar Gasca Arceo, who represents the district of Isla Mujeres (and is Chairman of the Board of Directors), made an appeal to the Secretary of the Mexican Navy (Secretaría de Marina Armada de México), to the Department of the Interior (Secretaría de Gobernación) and to the Department of Foreign Affairs (Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores) to implement all necessary actions to intensify the search and rescue efforts to locate the crew of the boat "Anastacia". The Congressman explained how the five men from Isla Mujeres had left the island to fish on March 30, but had failed to return the following day as expected. When the families had no information or contact from the crew, the local Harbor Master issued an alert, which was also extended to the Navy, to include them in the search.
The Navy has followed search and rescue protocols, but has been unable to locate the boat and crew at this time. Therefore, it is necessary to implement legislative action to strengthen and intensify the search for the crew, whose names are: Rousel Enrique Pech Cemé, Humberto Constantino Ordaz, Jorge Fernando de la O. Ávalos, Marco Antonio Bardales Pastrana y Alfonso Jiménez Torres.
The Congressman explained, "While various authorities within the three levels of government, as well members of the private, civilian community, have joined efforts to locate and rescue the vessel and its crew, they have had negative results. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen and intensify the efforts to locate and rescue these five crew members."
During the Regular Session #14, State legislator Edgar Gasca Arceo presented his Activity Report as President of the Board of Directors of the "Second Month of the Second Regular Session of the Third Year of the Congressional Legislature". This was attended by legislator Judith Rodriguez Villanueva, who is President of the Congressional Commission of the Fourteenth Legislature. At the meeting the members of the Board for the "Third Month of the Congressional Session" were named.
During the period when Sr. Gasca was serving in this position, the following actions took place:
This blog is brought to you by....
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
April events
Sunset ~7p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
April 21 6:54pm
April 22 7:44pm Full Moon
April 23 8:33pm
April 24 9:24pm
April 25 10:14pm
April 26 11:04pm
April 27 11:54pm
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 10am: Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials.
Kid's classes every other Saturday at 12:30: March 26, April 9 and April 23.
Every Tuesday and Thursday: Free spay/neuter clinic (Isla Animals)
Consults 100p, Vaccines: parvo & distemper 50p, flea & tick meds 20p, wormer 10p. Helpers always welcome! Isla Animals, Mundaca Hacienda, 10am-4pm (No food morning of surgery/water ok)
April 7, Thursday 4-9p Casa de Cultura: Artist Fair (Last of the season)
April 7, Thursday at 6:30pm on the Town Square, in a "Sesion Ordinaria" (That usually means a regular session of the City Council) the Music Trova (repertoire) of Isla Mujeres will officially be declared a part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the state of Quintana Roo.
It doesn't mention if there will be a performance, but since it is happening on the Town Square rather than inside the Town Hall, that seems like a possibility.
April 10, Sunday night at 8pm on the Town Square
April 30 Children's Day
May 1 Labor Day
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)…/busqueda-se-extendio-otr…/
Extending the search
A group of islanders traveled to the United States to take charge of a search by air from Florida, which they said will take place on Tuesday, with the intention of locating the "Anastacia" and its five crew members, who are still missing. The delegation was led by Marcelo Cupul, his son, and Kirsten Tywan, who is a family friend and who has been making contacts in Florida for the rental of planes to extend the search over the Gulf of Mexico.
With a sense of optimism, now a flight will be made from the Key West airport, taking a new search route over the Gulf of Mexico, into an area where it is presumed they could be 'trapped' in an ocean current. "In this area, there are currents that go in a circle/swirl (hace un remolino), and we think they could be in that area," said one of the group. They explained that there have been fly overs covering hundreds of nautical miles, and unfortunately there has been no luck, but currently there is a strong sense of optimism that today could be a great day.

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Small lanchero tour boats operating at 40%
Lancheros operan al 40% de su capacidad.. [+] Ver mas Photos & Full article at this link
April 12. The port remains open for general navigation with no resrictions, although the Port Authority advised caution among the small vessels, said Harbor Master Miguel Ismael Gonzalez Gil. He said there is currently an east wind at 25-35 kph, which doesn't warrant a closure for small vessels, but they should remain cautious to avoid mishaps.
He said the weather conditions are favorable for all types of nautical and aquatic activities, including tours to Isla Contoy, for sport fishing, and for diving. He said the port is expected to remain open throughout the week.
On Wednesday, temperatures were hot during the day, and there was a normal amount of people at the beach. Many of them were visiting for the day, with most arriving on boats that offer an all inclusive package for the day. A fewer number took the car ferry, whose advantage is the tickets are only 40 pesos, and its biggest drawback is that the passage from Punta Sam to Isla Mujeres takes about 45 minutes. The ferry is popular with families who live in Cancun who are usually carrying everything they need for the day, and want a quick mini-vacation on the weekend, especially on Sundays, to escape their normal routine.
Despite the good weather, the lanchero tourism cooperatives reported an average demand of 40 percent, which meant there were relatively few customers. Therefore the boats took out tours with a lesser number of people in each boat, so that more boats would be able to work. Demand is strongest for these tours during the periods of Christmas, Easter, and summer, especially on the weekends.
Still no results in search for fishermen
Búsqueda de pescadores, sin resultados .. [+] Ver mas
April 12 Nine boats which had been searching for three days in the area of Bahia del Espiritu Santo and Majahual. returned to Isla Mujeres without finding any trace of the five missing fishermen of the Anastacia.. They were joined on Monday by a helicopter provided by the state government.
In addition, the families provided funds for flights by private aircraft to join the search efforts, with no results. The United States Coast Guard, and a plane, are continuing the search for the men who departed March 30th, intending to return the following afternoon.
At the end of last week, the "Guachisan" returned from the Isla de la Juventud, Cuba, where it had been searching the waters near that country, without success. Others had traveled to Cuba to investigate whether the men might be in a Cuban jail, with negative results.
It has been thirteen days since Jorge Fernando de la O. Ávalos “Pipis”, Alfonso Jiménez Torres “Chanty”, Humberto Constantino Ordaz “Beto”, Russel Enrique Pech Cemé “Curro” y Marco Antonio Bardales Pastrana “Vampiro” departed for an overnight trip to fish for shark. There has not been the slightest trace of the fishermen, but families, friends, and coworkers continue to keep hoping.
Donations in cash are no longer flowing into the Patria & Progreso coopertive, where the wives are responsible for managing everything that is donated. There have been many expenses and most of the approximately $21,000 dollars was used for fuel and aircraft rental, which was raised on social networks through the 'Rescue Anastasia' page, and which was turned over to the wives to administrate.
Islanders have mobilized and begun to auction items for the benefit of the families of the fishermen, and some businesses have offered half of their profits for this cause. The local and international community has helped the families with donations of food, and items that are needed for the babies and children such as diapers and other items, paying for medicines, bills, and other obligations which are impossible to meet without the income that their husbands usually provide.
Unfinished eastern malecon
Malecón Oriente aún inconcluson .. [+] Ver mas
After five municipal administrations, none of these Mayors has had the work finished on the eastern malecon, which should theoretically terminate behind the Judicial building, but it actually ends near the Aguakan pump. The section between these two points has a bleak, overgrown appearance, and has some unauthorized construction ("Obra negra"..lit. black labor), including the steps that were built there. In addition, there is a lack of public lighting, leaving the area very dark at night, which annoys residents, and causes tourists to avoid the area. People who live in the area are unhappy with the appearance and the lack of lighting. There are also concerns about the lack of protection in the event of a hurricane at the section of about 50 meters where there is no seawall.
Woman accused of fraud released on bail
Presunta defraudadora, libre bajo fianza [+] Ver mas
Fatima Heredia Gonzalez was released from jail after paying a bail of 160,000 pesos. An estimated 50 people have alleged that she defrauded them, and an undetermined number reported it to the Public Ministry, with only one lawsuit proceeding to the Juzgado Mixto (lit: Mixed Court). After a year, an arrest warrant was issued and the detention occurred. It is unknown why others who filed lawsuits have not had the cases assigned to court. Others who allege they were defrauded did not file a complaint at the time and discovered that the crime of fraud has a one year limit, or in some cases, three years.
Accusations concerning the alleged fraud began in March of 2015, when some people accused Sra Heredia Gonzalez of failing to comply with her offer to purchase building materials on the conditions that the beneficiaries of this social program provide 50% of the cost in cash. Before filing the complaint, those affected requested refunds of their money, which was amounts between 5000 and 20,000 pesos.
In October, 2015, Sra. Heredia had said she had not defrauded anyone, and that she has papers to support this. She said that although the assistance had been delayed, all the obligations would be fulfilled. She said she has not gained a single peso from this assistance, which was offered after several of the shack-like homes in the 'irregular' colonia of Guadalupania burned, and some Americans offered their help. Since the project began, it has been handled in a private manner.
Translation from this link:
Quintana Roo Congressman requests search for lost fishermen be intensified
Congressman Edgar Gasca Arceo, who represents the district of Isla Mujeres (and is Chairman of the Board of Directors), made an appeal to the Secretary of the Mexican Navy (Secretaría de Marina Armada de México), to the Department of the Interior (Secretaría de Gobernación) and to the Department of Foreign Affairs (Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores) to implement all necessary actions to intensify the search and rescue efforts to locate the crew of the boat "Anastacia". The Congressman explained how the five men from Isla Mujeres had left the island to fish on March 30, but had failed to return the following day as expected. When the families had no information or contact from the crew, the local Harbor Master issued an alert, which was also extended to the Navy, to include them in the search.
The Navy has followed search and rescue protocols, but has been unable to locate the boat and crew at this time. Therefore, it is necessary to implement legislative action to strengthen and intensify the search for the crew, whose names are: Rousel Enrique Pech Cemé, Humberto Constantino Ordaz, Jorge Fernando de la O. Ávalos, Marco Antonio Bardales Pastrana y Alfonso Jiménez Torres.
The Congressman explained, "While various authorities within the three levels of government, as well members of the private, civilian community, have joined efforts to locate and rescue the vessel and its crew, they have had negative results. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen and intensify the efforts to locate and rescue these five crew members."
During the Regular Session #14, State legislator Edgar Gasca Arceo presented his Activity Report as President of the Board of Directors of the "Second Month of the Second Regular Session of the Third Year of the Congressional Legislature". This was attended by legislator Judith Rodriguez Villanueva, who is President of the Congressional Commission of the Fourteenth Legislature. At the meeting the members of the Board for the "Third Month of the Congressional Session" were named.
During the period when Sr. Gasca was serving in this position, the following actions took place:
- Approval of the amendments, additions, and deletions to the State Law of Sports and Physical Culture and the State Health Law of Quintana Roo.
- Musica Trova of Isla Mujeres was declared to have Cultural Heritage status by the Legislature, which was temporarily convened in Isla Mujeres to issue that decree.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
![]() | ||
Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes southward down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes southwest to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or other options. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
April events
Sunset ~7p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
April 21 6:54pm
April 22 7:44pm Full Moon
April 23 8:33pm
April 24 9:24pm
April 25 10:14pm
April 26 11:04pm
April 27 11:54pm
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 10am: Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials.
Kid's classes every other Saturday at 12:30: March 26, April 9 and April 23.
To reach the classroom enter the doors shown in the photo & go through the
building, into the courtyard. His classroom is on the right. If this front door
is locked, go left around the side of the building to the back/seaside and enter the courtyard from there. LINK to FB page w photos & more info
Every Tuesday and Thursday: Free spay/neuter clinic (Isla Animals)
Consults 100p, Vaccines: parvo & distemper 50p, flea & tick meds 20p, wormer 10p. Helpers always welcome! Isla Animals, Mundaca Hacienda, 10am-4pm (No food morning of surgery/water ok)
April 7, Thursday 4-9p Casa de Cultura: Artist Fair (Last of the season)
April 7, Thursday at 6:30pm on the Town Square, in a "Sesion Ordinaria" (That usually means a regular session of the City Council) the Music Trova (repertoire) of Isla Mujeres will officially be declared a part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the state of Quintana Roo.
It doesn't mention if there will be a performance, but since it is happening on the Town Square rather than inside the Town Hall, that seems like a possibility.
April 10, Sunday night at 8pm on the Town Square
April 30 Children's Day
May 1 Labor Day
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