This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
Follow Isla Mujeres News & Events on Facebook for highlights of news & events, and more photos & videos
Both issues of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
Here is the Rescue Anastacia FB page where updates will be posted
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Increasing uncertainty as search for missing fishermen extends into international waters
Crece la incertidumbre
Extienden la búsqueda de pescadores extraviados a aguas internacionales
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 5 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 5 de abril.-
This has the same information as the articles translated below noting that this area of the Mexican Caribbean near the coast of the Yucatan and the Gulf of Mexico have been searched and no more boats are being sent into these areas, unless there is a report of evidence of the missing boat or its crew.
Jaime Osorio Sanchez, of the Patria & Progreso cooperative said with permission from countries such as Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Panama, and the islands and coasts of the Caribbean area; they can increase the search parties in those areas. He mentioned that a drifting boat had been sighted east of Cuba which is being tracked by satellite to rule out or confirm whether it is the Anastacia, but as of Tuesday no boat had yet reached that area east of the isle of Cuba, and it is unknown when a boat could be sent there.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
Take care of our beaches with these three easy steps:
Put trash where it belongs.
Carry a bag with you for your litter.
Cuidemos nuestras playas en 3 sencillos pasos.
This week the Isla Mujeres police officers are taking a course to improve physical fitness to enable them to perform their jobs better for the benefit of the community. The goal is to increase professionalism and improve the development of the members of the police force in the entire municipality.
Durante esta semana los elementos policíacos de Isla Mujeres reciben un curso para contar con una saludable capacidad física que les permita desempeñarse mejor en beneficio de la población.
El objetivo es profesionalizar y fortalecer el desarrollo de los integrantes de la Dirección de Seguridad Pública en todo el municipio.
This 81 year old man (Gluck Lawrence) is missing & was last seen at the downtown pedestrian crosswalk (by the Magana ferry pier) yesterday/Tues. at 6p, wearing blue pants & a brown shirt with white squares. He has a pacemaker & it's urgent that he be located. Please call 998 197 4379 if you have any information.
There is a repost of the press notice from the Navy, which I translated yesterday, and of the downtown trash schedule, which has been posted here a couple times.
Take care of our beaches and keep them clean
Cuidemos y mantengamos limpias nuestras playas.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
Wives of the missing Isla Mujeres fishermen have petitioned the Secretary of Foreign Relations, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, to seek help and intervention from the Consulates of the United States, Cuba, and Jamaica.
Esposas de los pescadores desaparecidos en Isla Mujeres recurren a la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, para solicitar apoyo e intervención con los consulados en Estados Unidos, Cuba y Jamaica.
(Aunque existe un error en la fecha).
There is a photo on FB of the petition (which is in Spanish) here. with this comment by Kristine Caudreault on the from the Rescue Anastacia page, reposted by TVIM :
This is the letter signed by family to get officials to request international assistance. This is not only to help with search/rescue but also in the event they are found in another country removes complications on Mexico taking part in rescue. Arturo is currently on the phone making sure it is done followed up.

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Extending the search further
Se extiende aún más.. [+] Ver mas Photos & full article at this link
April 5
After searching for five days in the nearby Caribbean seas and in the Gulf of Mexico, and exhausting the possibilities of finding the five fishermen aboard the missing boat "Anastacia" in that area, the search is being extended into the waters near Cuba. If necessary, the search will be extended to Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Panama, and their neighboring countries, depending upon the ocean currents.
The search continues by air and sea for Jorge Fernando de la O. Ávalos “Pipis”, Alfonso Jiménez Torres “Chanti”, Humberto Constantino Ordaz “Beto”, Russel Enrique Pech Cemé “Curro” and Marco Antonio Bardales Pastrana “Vampiro”. Family and friends have not lost hope and continue to wait together at the Patria & Progreso cooperative, which has become the headquarters, where activities are being coordinated.
There have been different numbers of boats searching; four one day, five another and six another day, but the search isn't stopping said Jaime Osorio, who looked visibly fatigued, after many hours of being awake, standing together with the relatives of the crew of "Anastascia", who are leaving the cooperative only when essential and spending more time there than in their homes.
Jaime Osorio said, "All hopes are pinned in the area of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama, Jamaica; it all depends on the currents. Here, in this part of the Caribbean, there is nothing to look for; they would have to be out in international waters now, and that is where the search is being focused."
The boat "Guaschisan" obtained the required permits from the Harbor Master to sail for Cuba and left on Tuesday afternoon, after completing the requirements of the Port Authority, which included the presence of an international captain on board with authority to sail outside of territorial waters and to enter waters of other countries. At 11am, the last fuel drums were loaded onto the "Guachisan", and they were provisioned with food, water, and everything necessary for the search.
Meanwhile, a boat returned from combing the sea, tired after many hard hours of fighting the waves, saying they had to return because the seas were too dangerous. They had used up between 500 and 600 liters of fuel making their way to and from international waters.
A private plane is ready to depart for Cuba on Wednesday at 7am, focusing on the Isla de la Juventud, which was chosen as an intermediary point in Cuba. The private plane had been ready to depart before Wednesday, but first they had to complete the requirements for obtaining authorization from the Cuban government, which has apparently been resolved. The plane is scheduled to land on the Isla de la Juventud at 11 or 11:30am, and after the crew has rested, to return, when they will rest and refuel, and search if there is time. Otherwise they will fly on Thursday morning and return that afternoon. While the plane is searching the area and crossing between the islands, the "Guachisan" will wait in Cuba, and if the plane sees anything, they will set sail for the designated coordinates.
The Navy continues to search
La Marina se mantiene en la búsqueda [+] Ver mas Photos & full article at this link
Most of the information in this article has already been translated. In addition it notes since the start of its operation, the search by the Navy, its aircraft has covered 71,000 square nautical miles (131, 492km), with negative results so far. The search on the sea includes an Oceanic Cruiser vessel and Coastal Patrol boat, while the aircraft include a Persuader and a Texan II.
End of Easter Holiday Operation
The Navy reported that the Easter 2016 security operation was terminated after April 4, which had been implemented by the Navy in 171 tourist destinations. During those 16 days, nationwide during this operation, they provided assistance 1259 times, of which 860 people were given medical attention. They assisted 14 boats, rescuing 165 people and they made 32 medical transports. They located 180 minors, both national and foreign.
Families not losing hope
Familiares no pierden las esperanzas. [+] Ver mas Photos & full article at this link
Families and friends have not lost hope and there have been no signs of a shipwrick, such as life jackets, coolers, or other equipment, which indicates the crew remains on board the Ansastacia and could be located within hours. The Patria & Progreso cooperative has become a 24 camp where relatives, search coordinators, friends, and volunteers spend as much time as they can; waiting for news and continuing to collect donations for the expenses that are being generated, including for food for the nearly 100 people who remain on duty. A makeshift food service center has been set up where tacos and sandwiches are being prepared for those who are waiting for news or directly involved with the work. The women in charge commented that people are behaving very well and many people are bringing food to help and two local restaurants have been donating food.
The mothers, wives, sisters, and other relatives of the missing fishermen hardly leave the cooperative, because of course they want to be the first to hear about any news. Virginia Barbosa, wife of Russel Enrique Pech Ceme, aka "Curro", who is the mother of two girls aged 8 and 2, said she had never imagined something like this could happen. She said everything was normal on the day they went fishing; "Curro" is one of those people who always would spend time with the girls, and tell them, 'See you tomorrow" and that he hoped to return at a certain time. But that time passed and the Anastacia didn't return, and now this mobilization continues that has been organized since then.
She said, "I am in anguish, not knowing about them; it is a feeling that eats you up inside, but at the say time you continue hoping they will return to us. Boats and planes have gone out and found no remnants, which makes us think they are still on board the Anastacia, and if they are, they will be fine and we just have to keep waiting."
Suleima Medina is the wife of Alfonso Jimenez "Chanti", who has been a fishermen for over 15 years, and they have three children aged nine, five, and four months. She said, "We are still hopeful, and our hearts are open, because we know they are coming home. We have confidence that they will return okay, but really, the anguish is not something we can make go away." She recalled that they were very distressed on the day that the Anastasia did not return because the weather was changing with increasing winds and rain. She said, "When it rained, I was in despair, but then it was explained to me that the rain is good because then they would have water to drink, and if they did not lack water, they could survive a long time, even when they have exhausted their supplies. I am hoping, like everyone here, that they will return and be okay."
Trabajó para su hermano y nunca le pagol.. [+] Ver mas
I'll translate this manana..
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes southward down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes southwest to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or other options. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
April events
Sunset ~7p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
April 21 6:54pm
April 22 7:44pm Full Moon
April 23 8:33pm
April 24 9:24pm
April 25 10:14pm
April 26 11:04pm
April 27 11:54pm
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 10am: Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials.
Kid's classes every other Saturday at 12:30: March 26, April 9 and April 23.
To reach the classroom enter the doors shown in the photo & go through the
building, into the courtyard. His classroom is on the right. If this front door
is locked, go left around the side of the building to the back/seaside and enter the courtyard from there. LINK to FB page w photos & more info
Every Tuesday and Thursday: Free spay/neuter clinic (Isla Animals)
Consults 100p, Vaccines: parvo & distemper 50p, flea & tick meds 20p, wormer 10p. Helpers always welcome! Isla Animals, Mundaca Hacienda, 10am-4pm (No food morning of surgery/water ok)
Saturday, March 19-Monday, April 4: Easter Vacation (Semana Santa)
Many domestic tourists visit during this time & the island (and ferries) are busy during the daytripper hours (~10a-5p)
March 20- Palm Sunday and 8p on Town Square: Pueblo Magico Nights 8p Fusion Latina Mardi Gras dance troupe performance
March 20-27 Holy Week
March 21, Monday Anniversary of the Birth of Benito Juarez
March 24 Holy Thursday: Mass 7:30 at Our Lady of Immaculate Conception 8:30 reenactment on the Town Square of the washing of the feet of the 12 Apostles. 9pm Mass at Sacred Heart in La Gloria.
March 25 Good Friday Noon: Viacrusis procession of the Stations of the Cross (Passion of Christ). Begins slightly before noon at the Sacred Heart Church in La Gloria, with over 90 actors reenacting the Stations of the Cross and ending on the Town Square downtown.
March 27 Easter (Domingo de Pascua)
April 5, Tuesday Students return to school
March 19-April 3 9a-10pm Town Square including the Basketball court & Paseo de la Triguena.
The Guelaguetza is a cultural festival dating back hundreds of years bringing together musicians and dancers from the eight regions of Oaxaca wearing clothing representative of their districts to dance, dine, pay homage to corn, and to share their native ceramics, textiles, etc. It typically takes place on two Mondays in July on an historical hill in Oaxaca,
The Oaxaca Exposition and Guelaguetza in Isla Mujeres is located on the Town Square, 9am-10pm thru April 3rd.
*The poster lists many of the types of items and foods for sale..."from the hands of the artisans who create them to your hands".
*There is the schedule of activities, which generally start at 6p and include music and dancing from different regions of the state of Oaxaca.
*There are learn to dance workshops 5pm-6pm thru April 1st.
*On Saturday and Sunday, April 2 & 3, there will be live music and the Guelaguetza performances from the eight regions of Oaxaca, starting at 5pm.
April 7, Thursday 4-9p Casa de Cultura: Artist Fair (Last of the season)
April 30 Children's Day
May 1 Labor Day
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