This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
Follow Isla Mujeres News & Events on Facebook for highlights of news & events, and more photos & videos
Both issues of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
Anastacia FB pages where updates will be posted
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Search moved downstate: Focused on Sian Ka'an Biosphere
Trasladan búsqueda al Sur del Estado
Centran trabajos en la Biosfera de Sian Ka’an
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 15 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 15 de abril.-
Relatives of the five fishermen who disappeared over two weeks ago confirmed that fishing cooperatives and staff of the Sian Ka'an Biosphere are searching that area in the southern part of the state. The Isla Mujeres fishermen aren't currently involved there, who returned to the island to care for their families, after searching in that area for two days. In addition to the Biosphere staff, there are 15 fishermen participating, with searches being conducted on land and at sea in the Biosphere and in the area of the Chinchorro Banks.
Isla Mujeres fishermen say the searching will continue until the families and spouses of the missing men determine, and as long as they have resources, with contributions still being received.
The last day of flying over Belize and Honduras was Thursday, and that was suspended on Friday, which marked 15 days since the fishermen of the Anastacia disappeared. So far there had been no evidence of the location of the crew or the boat.
Hotel occupancy drops to 50%
Baja demanda de cuartos de hotel
Reportan ocupación del 50%
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 15 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 15 de abril.-
During the Easter holiday period, which ended two week ago, occupancy reached nearly 100 percent, but now it has dropped to 50 percent. It is noted that more rooms are occupied by foreign tourists and fewer by domestic tourists. The hoteliers said that during the Easter holidays, there were large numbers of domestic tourists staying at the island hotels.
Islanders skeptical that Cubans crossed by sea because they appear "too fresh"
Nadie les cree
Ponen en tela de duda supuesta travesía de cubanos en altamar: “Fresquecitos”
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de abril.-
See translation in Por Esto section...
Search has not been suspended: Families of missing fishermen have not lost hope
No se ha suspendido la búsqueda
Familiares de pescadores no pierden esperanzas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de abril.-
While the search continues on land and by air for the Anastacia which has been missing for exactly two weeks, the search by sea has been suspended. The families of the missing men denied that the work has been suspended and said they continue searching in various areas by air,including the Sian Ka'an Biosphere and the area by Honduras. Although the search is not as intensive as it was earlier, people remain hopeful. The small boats discontinued their searching because the distances to where the search is being conducted are too far for them, such as the Sian Ka'an Bisophere, so it was decided to use other means, such as by land and by air. The rest of this information has already been translated. It is noted that some members of the families of the missing fishermen appear to be depressed, and for this reason were taken to clinics in Isla Mujeres for treatment.
Ferry delay affects passengers
Sufren retraso en travesía
Por avería de embarcación
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de abril.-
The Ultramar ferry that left Gran Harbor at 10am was having problems and traveling at a very slow rate of speed, but the Port Authority did not have details available about the mechanical problem. The ferry that was scheduled to leave Isla Mujeres was a half hour late and left at 11am for Grand Harbor. Most tourists did not notice and some workers were unhappy that the delay would make them late for work. No one panicked or became hysterical.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
With a lovely photo of our beautiful island, we wish you an excellent weekend.
Con una hermosa postal de nuestra bella isla, les deseamos un excelente fin de semana.
April 10, Sunday night at 8pm on the Town Square
Participate in the International Fishing Tournament Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana on May 20, 21, and 22.
Participa este 20, 21 y 22 de mayo en el Torneo Internacional de Pesca Cosme Alberto Martínez Magaña.
Compartimos información sobre vacantes, para los interesados favor de ponerse en contacto a los teléfonos mencionados en las imágenes.
We are sharing this information about these job vacancies, for those interested please contact the numbers mentioned in the notice
The City of Isla Mujeres fulfills its commitments and responsibilities to maintain urban infrastructure, which in this case is the sports facilities.
De manera permanente el Ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres cumpliendo su compromiso y responsabilidad, da mantenimiento a la infraestructura urbana, en esta ocasión corresponde a los espacios deportivos.
Cleaning is storm drains is essential in order to avoid problems during rainy season; with preventative planning we are take cleaning up this vital part of the urban infrastructure.
La limpieza de alcantarillas es fundamental para evitar problemas y contratiempos en temporada de lluvias; con una previa programación nos encargamos de limpiar esta infraestructura urbana vital.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Families have the final say
Familiares tienen la última palabra.. [+] Ver mas Photos & full article at this link
The search for the crew of the "Anastasia" will continue until families of fishermen decide, who have the last word in the decision, said coordinator of the search operations, Jaime Osorio Sánchez, He added that despite the fact that two weeks have passed since the boat's disappearance, the families and their friends are still holding onto hopes of finding the five fishermen alive.
He said the State Congress has asked for support from the Naval Department, the Department of the Interior, and the Foreign Relations Department to intensify the search. He said there are 15 fishermen from the island searching in the southern part of the state.
Sr. Osorio Sanchez said the fishermen are searching on land and at sea in the entire southern part of Quintana Roo, including the Sian-Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, the Chinchorro Banks, and Punta Allen. The search continues although fifteen days have passed since the disappearance of Jorge Fernando de la O. Avalos “Pipis”, Alfonso Jiménez Torres “Chanty”, Humberto Constantino Ordaz “Beto”, Russel Enrique Pech Cemé “Curro” and Marco Antonio Bardales Pastrana “Vampiro”.
He said a group of island fishermen are searching in the Biosphere, with these actions being coordinated by staff of the Reserve. "They are searching by land because their boats are too big to move through this coastal area, while fishermen from cooperatives in that southern part of the state are using their boats to help," he explained.
Sr. Osorio said that not only are the families remaining hopeful, but hope continues to stay alive among the islanders and the community of foreign residents and frequent visitors, which is obvious because they are still raising funds and are bringing cash and donations to the Patria & Progreso cooperative.
Preparing for the whale shark season
Ya se preparan para el tiburón ballena. [+] Ver mas Photos & full article at this link
Harbor Master Miguel Ismael Gonzalez Gil said that whale shark tour permit holders have been updating their documents since February, for the season which is tentatively scheduled for May 15 to September 17. He said they are updating their certificates of maritime safety and verifying their their logbooks are current. They must pay for nautical tourism permits which are granted by the Port Authority and which have requirements including having current passenger insurance and for third party damage.
Once those steps are completed there are documents to submit to the CONANP (National Commission for Protected Natural Areas) and to the Wildlife Department. under the authority of the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources. These are the authorities who authorize the permits for the area of the Whale Shark Reserve and for the area of Aguas Azules.
Last year there were delays in the issuance of permits at the beginning of the season, causing concerns that this could happen again this year. An anonymous tour provider said they lost money when they had to cancel reservations last year for the second half of May, and that this year they don't want to accept reservations during this period, in case this reoccurs.
Complaints about Community Hospital
Hospital Comunitario genera inconformidadesi.. [+] Ver mas
There are an increasing number of complaints about the Community Hospital, particularly on social networks following the case of an islander who was taken by taxi for urgent care during the wee hours of Friday night, and the Emergency Room was closed. They had to return home, although the woman was very ill. A commenter on social networks said, "We as islanders must unite and demand 24 hour medical care, because there is no benefit to constructing a fine hospital, if the government does not hire staff, doctors, and nurses for 24 hours. They are not fulfilling their promises/commitments to the community when they build a hospital, and then fail to provide human resources." There are also complaints that the pharmacy is poorly stocked, therefore patients must often go elsewhere to purchase medicines which they should receive at no cost under their insurance.
When the hospital opened, it was announced that 101,331,000 pesos had been invested, of which 83.5 million pesos were for construction and 18 million was for equipment. The official announcement said the Community Hospital is equipped with 13 beds, an Emergency Department, hospitalization area, operating room, recovery area, delivery room, trauma area, hyperbaric chamber, consulting rooms, sterilization area, X Ray Department with digital Xrays and sonogram service, dental service, and it is equipped to provide medical oxygen, has internal cables for data functions, and offices for governmental officials and a medical residence area.
When questioned about the citizen complaints, the director of the Hospital, Pedro Zapata Reyes, said that this is a "Community Hospital" and as such is not required to provide one hundred percent of its services 24 hours a day. He said a "General Hospital" operates 24 hours a day, but Isla Mujeres does not have a sufficient number of inhabitants to qualify to have a General Hospital. He said, "In Isla Mujeres, we are a Community Hospital, whose specialty services are available until 2pm. For example in the Radiology Department, we have all the equipment necessary, but the radiologist only works until 2pm."
Fishermen weren't leaving the island
Pescadores no se alejan de la isla, .. [+] Ver mas
Although the port was open for general navigation, most of the fishermen did not venture away from the coast because of strong and dangerous currents and waves ( la marejada). They said there is not much to catch near the island, but it was not worth the risks to go out farther until the seas are calmer. One fishermen explained that it is different for the tourism vessels such as those offering snorkeling, diving, or sport fishing, but that the fishermen's boats are only 25-30 feet, and the open seas are rough.
Suspicions that the Cubans were "planted"
Los cubanos fueron “sembrados” .. [+] Ver mas
There are Islanders who say it is strange that the Cubans who landed on Wednesday morning near the Guadalupe Chapel had only mild signs of dehydration and sunburn, and that their lips weren't chapped, although they said they had been at sea for 16 days. They came ashore just before 5am and were taken into custody by the Municipal Police and taken to the police station where their health status was checked by personal from the Red Cross. They were found to be in perfect health with moderate signs of dehydration. One of them was suffering from hypertension and another from diabetes. Both received proper treatment and were turned over to the Mexican Navy who transported them to Puerto Juarez, where their treatment will be continued, specifically the person with diabetes who requires insulin via injection.
There are fishermen who theorize that the Cubans received help from another boat and were "planted" a few nautical miles from the island to continue the journey on their own. They say it is impossible that they could have sailed for many days in the full sun and now not a single one has a sunburn. One fisherman said, "If we went out there fishing for an entire day in the blazing sun, we would return sunburned and very tanned, but they looked pretty good for having been so long at sea on a raft without shade. One fisherman theorized that the Cubans waited in Cuba for a big boat to pick them up, boarded with their raft, and were dropped off near Isla Mujeres, planning to arrive before dawn and find their contact, but the currents caused them to arrive later than expected and they didn't have time to escape.
An island doctor, who preferred to remain anonymous, was asked for an opinion on whether the balseros were "planted" a few miles from the island, and the response was, "In the first place, they should exhibit signs of debilitation from lack of eating protein, because they said their diet was just soda crackers, cookies, and water, which should have caused weight loss; however they arrived in good physical condition. Common sense indicates that there would be some renal or gastric problems, since they said most of them were vomiting during the frequent bad weather, which would cause more dehydration than they exhibited." The doctor said that it is particularly curious regarding the diabetic patient, who requires insulin, which would be difficult to administer aboard a raft and it is a medication which requires refrigeration. He said, "It is impossible that after 15 or 16 days at sea, no one had an elevated temperature or any other problems, and they were almost as fresh as lettuce. It is my perception that they were 'planted' and are healthy."
Hope has not diminished
La esperanza no se diluye
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes southward down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes southwest to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or other options. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
April events
Sunset ~7p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
April 21 6:54pm
April 22 7:44pm Full Moon
April 23 8:33pm
April 24 9:24pm
April 25 10:14pm
April 26 11:04pm
April 27 11:54pm
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 10am: Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials.
Kid's classes every other Saturday at 12:30: March 26, April 9 and April 23.
To reach the classroom enter the doors shown in the photo & go through the
building, into the courtyard. His classroom is on the right. If this front door
is locked, go left around the side of the building to the back/seaside and enter the courtyard from there. LINK to FB page w photos & more info
Every Tuesday and Thursday: Free spay/neuter clinic (Isla Animals)
Consults 100p, Vaccines: parvo & distemper 50p, flea & tick meds 20p, wormer 10p. Helpers always welcome! Isla Animals, Mundaca Hacienda, 10am-4pm (No food morning of surgery/water ok)
April 7, Thursday 4-9p Casa de Cultura: Artist Fair (Last of the season)
April 7, Thursday at 6:30pm on the Town Square, in a "Sesion Ordinaria" (That usually means a regular session of the City Council) the Music Trova (repertoire) of Isla Mujeres will officially be declared a part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the state of Quintana Roo.
It doesn't mention if there will be a performance, but since it is happening on the Town Square rather than inside the Town Hall, that seems like a possibility.
April 10, Sunday night at 8pm on the Town Square
April 15 7pm Benefit at El Patio for the families of the Anastacia
April 17 Dance performance Sunday evening 8pm on the Town Square as part of the "Noches de Pueblo Magico"
Friday, April 22
April 30 Children's Day
May 1 Labor Day
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