This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
Follow Isla Mujeres News & Events on Facebook for highlights of news & events, and more photos & videos
Both issues of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
Here is the Rescue Anastacia FB page where updates will be posted
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Relatives feeling desperate after fishermen missing more than a week
Familiares se están desesperando
A más de una semana de desaparición de pescadores
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de abril.-
"We are entering into a state of desperation. Help us. We appeal to your sense of humanity," said the relatives of the missing fishermen to the authorities of the Secretaría de Marina-Armada de México (Mexican Navy), after more than a week of living with the uncertainty of awaiting news about the five lost men.
Meanwhile, the fishermen believe the missing men have entered into international waters and areas that are restricted, and for this reason there is a need to interact with foreign authorities to incorporate them into this work. They want the Mexican Navy to increase its efforts and to permit foreign units to be included in the search.
A father of one of the missing fishermen said to the Commander of the Fifth Naval Base, "We ask you as parents, and not an an authority; asking for help for a friend. It is urgent. We are becoming desperate!"
Meanwhile, the foreign community, as well as the islanders, have continued to show support since day one, providing both financial help and delivering items. There are several restaurateurs who bring food daily for the families and fishermen who are standing guard, coordinating, and waiting for news. There are also foreigners who have been bringing all kinds of items for the families of the lost fishermen.
This morning a group of people from the United States arrived with a pickup truck full of canned food and other items for the wives and children of the missing fishermen, who expressed their gratitude. This outpouring of support is expected to continue for the families who are waiting on land for their loved ones who are missing at sea.
This morning a group of people from the United States arrived with a pickup truck full of canned food and other items for the wives and children of the missing fishermen, who expressed their gratitude. This outpouring of support is expected to continue for the families who are waiting on land for their loved ones who are missing at sea.
Juan Carrillo registers to run for Mayor
Arropan a Juan Carrillo
Isleños le refrendan su apoyo durante su registro ante el Ieqroo
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de abril.-
Juan Carrillo Soberanis presented himself at the offices of the Electoral Institute of Quintana Roo (Ieqroo) in company
Carlos Ruben Perez Martin, representing the Partido Revolucionario Institucional/ Institutional Revolutionary
Party (PRI) , to register as a candidate for Mayor of Isla Mujeres for the
coalition "We Are Quintana Roo"/“Somos Quintana Roo”, formed by the PRI, the Green Party/el Partido Verde Ecologista (PVEM), and by the New Alliance Party/ Partido Nueva Alianza (Panal).
The registration was accepted by the President of the Isla Mujeres Electoral Council, Margarita Concepción Briceño Magaña, who said the documents will be submitted for review before an opinion is issued.
Raising awareness among students about caring for the environment
Crean conciencia entre estudiantes
Sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de abril.-
In coordination with these efforts, the Aguakan company is actively participating with a program called Cinema in Your Neighborhood (Cine en tu colonia); providing movies about environmental issues to raise awareness.
The municipal Department of Public Relations and the municipal Secretary General are promoting taking care of the beaches and keeping them clean through social networks, with creative designs and helpful messages to motivate visitors to help keep our beaches clean which are considered some of the most beautiful in the world. Some of these messages are quoted in the article.
The municipal Department of Public Services has been distributing leaflets to downtown businesses regarding the trash collection schedule as part of an initiative to avoid the accumulation of trash in the streets of the downtown historic center.
General tips are given for a healthier cleaner environment which include: conserve water, conserve energy, generate less waste, use recyclable packaging and avoid plastic bags, reduce your use of chemicals, reuse paper, reduce your use of cars, and take care of the flora and fauna.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
To inform the public, this Press Release was
issued by the Fifth Naval Zone based in Isla Mujeres and its contents
are fully transcribed below:
Pursuant to the legal
powers granted to the Secretary of the Navy of Mexico regarding the
safeguarding of human lives at sea, via the Fifth Naval Region, it is
reported that they will continue with the search and rescue efforts to
locate the crew of the boat "Anastacia"
regional Commander met with the families of the missing fishermen,
again, and he confirmed the authorization by the High Command to
continue the search using the resources available to the Fifth Naval
Region, highlighting that it is extraordinary, in terms of international
standards, to extend the time of the search. The families were also
advised that one of them may be allowed aboard the Persuader plane to
help and to bear witness to the efforts being made by the Navy in this
In this manner, the Secretaría de
Marina- Armada de
México will maintain the search for the boat and its crew, thereby
fulfilling one of its most important responsibilities, which is the
protection of human life at sea.
considerar de interés colectivo el comunicado de prensa 08 / 16 emitido
por la Quinta Región Naval con sede en Isla Mujeres Quintana Roo, a
continuación transcribimos integro su contenido:
En cumplimiento a las atribuciones que la ley confiere a la Secretaría de Marina- Armada de México para la salvaguarda de la vida humana en la mar, a través de la Quinta Región Naval, informa que esta dependencia continúa con el plan de búsqueda y rescate para la localización de los tripulantes de la embarcación Anastacia.
En cumplimiento a las atribuciones que la ley confiere a la Secretaría de Marina- Armada de México para la salvaguarda de la vida humana en la mar, a través de la Quinta Región Naval, informa que esta dependencia continúa con el plan de búsqueda y rescate para la localización de los tripulantes de la embarcación Anastacia.
La comandancia de esta región se reunió nuevamente con los familiares
de los pescadores extraviados, confirmándoles la autorización por el
Alto Mando, que continuará las búsqueda con los recursos que estén a la
disposición de la Quinta Región Naval, resaltando de manera
extraordinaria que se está extendiendo un tiempo dicha búsqueda por
encima de los estándares internacionales.
También se les hizo del conocimiento que uno de los familiares de la tripulación Anastacia, estará en posibilidades de abordar una aeronave tipo Persuader para apoyar y dar testimonio de las tareas de búsqueda que realiza esta institución.
De esta manera la Secretaría de Marina- Armada de México se mantendrá en la búsqueda de la embarcación y sus tripulantes, cumpliendo así una de sus atribuciones más importantes que es la salvaguarda de la vida humana en el mar.
También se les hizo del conocimiento que uno de los familiares de la tripulación Anastacia, estará en posibilidades de abordar una aeronave tipo Persuader para apoyar y dar testimonio de las tareas de búsqueda que realiza esta institución.
De esta manera la Secretaría de Marina- Armada de México se mantendrá en la búsqueda de la embarcación y sus tripulantes, cumpliendo así una de sus atribuciones más importantes que es la salvaguarda de la vida humana en el mar.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
They are not in Cuba! Our fishermen companeros have not been detained in Cuba and we are continuing to search for them: Jorge de la O Pino Link to video (in Spanish)
No están en Cuba! Nuestros compañeros pescadores no están detenidos en Cuba y continuaremos la búsqueda: Jorge De la O Pino.
We are not going to rest until we have news of them, whether they are alive or dead: Father of the captain of the Anastacia Full article & photo at this link
Jorge de la O Pino, father of one of the five fishermen who have been missing for over week, held a press conference to clarify that his son and the other four men are not detained or imprisoned in Cuba, as has been reported on social network sites. He said that via the state government, they have been in communication with the Mexican foreign ministry in Cuba, who confirmed that there are no fishermen from Isla Mujeres in Cuba.
Sr. de la O Pino said, "We sent two people to Cuba to investigate about the whereabouts of our fishermen, who were received at the Embassy in Cuba by the Conuslate representative, Sr. Luis Gonzalez Delgado, who said that the only Mexican fishermen being detained in Cuba were Yucatecos (from the state of Yucatan) who are being held in relation to other problems that are unrelated to these circumstances
The father of the captain of the Anastacia was accompanied by the Civil Protection coordinator for the Northern Zone,Guillermo Morales Lopez, who said that during the phone call it was explained that in Cuba they provide special attention to shipwrecked sailors, providing care and making prompt reports about them. He said, "Regarding this information, we have followed up on it. Please, dismiss this hypothesis which people have been spreading, because it is a lie, pure BS, garbage!"
He said efforts are continuing by the authorities and have the attention of Mayor Agapito Magana Sanchez to remain directly linked to the search efforts of the Fifth Naval Region. Sr. de la O Pino said, "I must say that in my heart, this is a difficult, painful thing (la chingada) but I do not want you to give up; I want you to understand clearly, as do I, that we must do what we believe is correct, and if there is a lack of response regarding international agreements, we will cross a line to rescue our fishermen."
He emphasized that the authorities in Cuba have confirmed that they have not arrested any Isla Mujeres fishermen and that the municipal government is working with them and providing support to help find the missing fishermen. He said, "I want to say that this includes providing all the letters, and the government has helped us financially. There are witnesses among you of the money that has been given by this administration to the wives of the fishermen."
He said, "I am not seeking any type of prominence, because it is my child who is involved and I will not rest until there is news of them; whether they are now living or dead. It is very hard to face, but it is reality, and it is breaking my heart and soul."

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Search continues past 96 hour limit
Restan 96 horas para suspender la búsqueda.. [+] Ver mas Photo & full article at link |
The boat departed on March 30, with the following crew: Jorge Fernando de la O. Avalos “Pipis”, Alfonso Jiménez Torres “Chanty”, Humberto Constantino Ordaz “Beto”, Russel Enrique Pech Cemé “Curro” and Marco Antonio Bardales Pastrana “Vampiro”, for an area near Cozumel called "Molas", where communication was received from them for the last time. They should have returned on the evening of March 31.
At first the family did not worry excessively, assuming the delay was caused by a good catch, but as the hours passed and the Anastacia did not return, they began mobilizing assistance. They notified the Harbor Master, who issued a search alert to all the boat captains in the region, and notification was given to the Navy of Mexico. The Navy began searching for the fishermen on April 1st, and since then has been searching with a coastal patrol and an oceanic patrol, in an organized manner. They have also had a Persuader type plane making flights over the area, equipped with the latest in searching technology
Search continues by air & sea
Prosigue la búsqueda por mar y aire. [+] Ver mas Photos & full article at link
April 8
Although nine days have passed since the disappearance of the boat "Anastasia", the search continues by sea and air. The Navy of Mexico has added an plane with a range of eight hours of flight. Relatives and wives of the missing fishermen had a meeting with civil and military authorities at the headquarters of the Fifth Naval Region, and were provided with detailed information about the work that has been done since April 1st to locate the lost men, and to dispel doubts about the operations implemented by the Secretary of the Navy.
At the meeting, which also involved the state coordinator for Civil Protection, the efforts were explained in detail to the wives and relatives of the fishermen, which have included searching, so far, in a radius of over 150 nautical miles.
The wives requested that the formalities be completed which are required to involve the US Coast Guard, so that they could look for the fishermen in international waters and to be allowed to fly over Mexican airspace. In respect to intervention by the Coast Guard, Jorge Fernando de la O Pino, father of one of the missing men, said, "The requirements of the international treaties and the bureaucracies are breaking our hearts & souls. It is sad when we are being told there is an inability to take action to implement the technologies and practices necessary to save human lives. "
He said in April the regattas from St Petersburg to Isla Mujeres will be held, like every other year, and the sailboats will be monitored in Mexican waters by the US Coast Guard, who are in charge of the security of their countrymen, until they are moored at the official dock, but they cannot pass the dividing line to save fishermen in distress.
More support delivered
The wives of the missing fishermen received a pleasant surprise on Friday morning when a truck appeared at the Patria & Progreso cooperative full of articles donated by members of the foreign community. The altruistic foreigners unloaded large boxes full of diapers, cereal, fresh produce, cleaning and personal hygiene supplies, eggs, crackers, oil, and many other items, and they were greeted by looks of astonishment and gratitude.
Fortunately, between islanders and foreigners there is an awareness that these women and children are not being provided with the daily income they had when their husbands and fathers were fishing, which has resulted in many people wanting to help in every possible way. There have also been donations of cash and of food & supplies. Each morning there are selfless and concerned people who bring huge trays of breakfast foods for those who are keeping guard & maintaining operations at the Patria & Progreso cooperative, while awaiting news.
Serious losses for fishing cooperative due to lack of electricity
Graves pérdidas resiente cooperativa de pesca [+] Ver mas Photo & full article at link
The fishermen of the Patria & Progreso cooperative have lost more than 300,000 pesos with the decomposition of about 12 tons of shark and an undetermined amount of fish, due to having their electricity turned off by the CFE (Federal Electrical Commission), for an alleged debt, although the last bill was paid.
Those who are staying at the site of the facilities of the Patria & Progreso cooperative, where the command center for the missing fishermen is located, are suffering with the lack of electricity. They have been forced to rent generators in order to be able to use their radios, computers, and other items needed in the search. A portion of the cash donations collected by the wives of the missing fishermen has been used to buy bags of ice so people can have cold drinks. In the early days, before they rented the generators, they went thru difficulties just to obtain hot coffee.
Cooperative members have expressed regret that because of the lack of power, they had to throw out all of the inventory in the cold room, which included about 12 tonnes of shark and an unknown amount of fish and seafood. They had to clean and disinfect the storage areas, where the products had spoiled.
Some fishermen said that the new board was elected in a rigged and deceptive manner and they do not recognize it. They say its chairman, Raziel Rivero Coba, was the one whose influence caused the electricity service to be suspended. One of the members of the current/old board said the bill was paid in a correctly and on time, but the service was cut with the intention of getting them to leave, so the other group could take charge of the facilities. Their lawyer, Gavino Andrade Romero, has filed a case and provided information and evidence for the MPFC (Public Prosecutors Office) with the intention of reversing the appointment of the Board of Directors who were elected at a meeting in December 2015, which the fishermen say had severe irregularities.
They say the meeting had no legal quorum and took place in an tense, intimidating atmosphere with a near-brawl. They say that despite the document by the Public Registry of Property and Commerce, several mistakes have been made, and therefore they are waiting for justice that is fair to the members who ask for clarification regarding an administration that was fraudulent for many years. They say this legal process is ongoing despite the fact that Raziel Rivero has documents supporting the appointment of that new Board in December.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes southward down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes southwest to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or other options. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
April events
Sunset ~7p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
April 21 6:54pm
April 22 7:44pm Full Moon
April 23 8:33pm
April 24 9:24pm
April 25 10:14pm
April 26 11:04pm
April 27 11:54pm
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 10am: Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials.
Kid's classes every other Saturday at 12:30: March 26, April 9 and April 23.
To reach the classroom enter the doors shown in the photo & go through the
building, into the courtyard. His classroom is on the right. If this front door
is locked, go left around the side of the building to the back/seaside and enter the courtyard from there. LINK to FB page w photos & more info
Every Tuesday and Thursday: Free spay/neuter clinic (Isla Animals)
Consults 100p, Vaccines: parvo & distemper 50p, flea & tick meds 20p, wormer 10p. Helpers always welcome! Isla Animals, Mundaca Hacienda, 10am-4pm (No food morning of surgery/water ok)
April 7, Thursday 4-9p Casa de Cultura: Artist Fair (Last of the season)
April 7, Thursday at 6:30pm on the Town Square, in a "Sesion Ordinaria" (That usually means a regular session of the City Council) the Music Trova (repertoire) of Isla Mujeres will officially be declared a part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the state of Quintana Roo.
It doesn't mention if there will be a performance, but since it is happening on the Town Square rather than inside the Town Hall, that seems like a possibility.
April 10, Sunday night at 8pm on the Town Square
April 30 Children's Day
May 1 Labor Day
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