Operating the pumps, before it rains: To avoid problems
Funcionan bombas de achique, antes de lluvias
Lunes, 17 de Junio de 2013 23:38
Para evitar contratiempos
Manuel VALDEZ ISLA MUJERES, 17 de junio.- Leer más...
To avoid concerns that occurred with the last rains, the Civil Protection Agency began operation of the pumps yesterday morning, to lower lake levels in anticipation of the arrival of Tropical Depression #3. This storm has formed in the Mexican Caribbean, which is expected to bring heavy rains by Monday night. The staff began preparing yesterday morning. (NOAA has information about Tropical Depression #2, see below. We had an hour of rain yesterday at noon, which dropped temperatures nicely, and it has been overcast since. )
From NOAA..LINK Coastal Watches/Warnings and 5-Day Forecast Cone for Storm Center
Click image to zoom in – Download GIS dataOther images: 5-Day track on – 3-Day track on – 3-Day track off – Interactive
Check that they are meeting public health standards
Sanidad inspeccionará las marinas
Lunes, 17 de Junio de 2013 23:28
Checarán se ajusten a las normas de salud pública
Manuel VALDEZISLA MUJERES, 17 de junio.- .Leer más...Without mentioning the date, the head of Regulación Sanitaria of Isla Mujeres, Leonel García Povedano, said they will conduct inspections at the marinas, to detect those who are not connected to the sewage system and are discharging sewage into the sea. He estimated that the majority are not connected to the sewer system, saying can be assumed that that over a dozen marinas dump their sewage into the sea. They have records of three marinas that are connected to the sewer system: Club de Yates de Isla Mujeres, Marina Paraíso and Marina Puerto Isla Mujeres.
Quintana Roo lacks a Marine Manual, and the only standard available from the internet is the Paz Baja California "Manual of Marine Management Practices". It notes that if a marina is at a site that lacks municipal sewage service they must establish a treatment plant, and where there is service, the boats must be connected to a pumping station, which is connected to the system, and marked with an international logo.
Tvisla Mujeres
The Hyperbaric chamber could resume functioning next month
Anticipating rain in Isla Mujeres
Noticias de El Quintanarroense
Finished the HIV prevention campaign Finaliza campaña de prevención del VIH
Although the organization Brazos Abiertos/ Open Arms did not reach their goal of administering 200 free screening tests for HIV, they conducted 120 tests, gave out 4000 condoms. and provided education during the 2 day campaign this weekend, which included a forum with 100 members of the Navy. There were 15 volunteers from Merida, and some foreigners, who offered testing to 30 people on Friday night downtown, and to 90 more on Saturday in the La Gloria park. There was one positive result, who was referred to their respective clinic, for further testing and psychological support and treatment.
From Brazos Abiertos page on Facebook LINK where you'll find more photos & info
Carlos Cabrera So proud of our amazing volunteers! BAI certified! Muy orgullosos de nuestros fabulosos voluntarios! Con Certificación BAI! —
Noticias de Quequi......
Civil Protection prepares for the rain
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Restricting navigation by small vessels
Restringen la navegación menor [+] Ver mas
Due to the proximity of Tropical Depression #2, on Monday at 12:30 yellow caution flags were posted by the Harbor Master, restricting navigation boats under 40 feet, as a precaution. These small boats normally cruise between Isla Mujeres and Puerto Juarez, Punta Sam, Isla Contoy, and the Farito. Boaters are advised to monitor the weather because constant rains are anticipated for the next two days. The beaches were semi empty, with some foreigners who were enjoying the winds, and who appeared to be enjoying getting wet, and walking in puddles. However none went into the water, due to the waves, and other took the opportunity to enjoy some fine dining before returning to their rooms. (In this article PE is now calling it #2, but in the Operation Storm article below, PE resumes calling it #3.)
Hyperbaric chamber to become operational
Cámara hiperbárica entrará en funcionamiento [+] Ver mas
President of the Board of Hyperbaric Chamber, Baltazar Gomez Catzín, reported that one of the politicians running for election is offering assistance to get the hyperbaric chamber working again, with the arrival of four technicians. The lobster season resumes July 1, and the ~90 divers of the five fishing cooperatives would prefer it is operational so they do not have to travel to Cancun for treatment of decompression illness. (The candidate and party are named in the article. The unit was serviced and repaired last year, but lacked a contracted, trained specialist to operate it.)
Activation of "Operation Storm"
Activan el “Operativo Tormenta” [+] Ver mas
On Monday morning city agencies began cleaning and dredging drains, maintaining the pumps, pruning brush and trees, and removing trash from the streets to prevent flooding like that which occurred 15 days ago. Agencies that were involved included Oficialía Mayor, Secretaría General, Protección Civil, Servicios Públicos, Albergues y Refugios, among other municipal departments, as well as the Comisión de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado (CAPA).
This blog is brought to you by....
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
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amenities such as
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panoramic views from the
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walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop
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View from rooms |
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Small room |
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Large room |
Sunrise this morning from MVC B&B
Yesterday at ~12:30p these high school kids decided to walk home along the coast, which is unusual. They were smiling and waving to the tourists next door, and suddenly the winds picked up & started pelting them with spray and sand and the rain started rolling in..and they hustled!
Today at Sunrise: Above is looking north at Punta Norte downtown, and below is east, the sun rising behind the cloud bank.
From MVC B&B : June Events
Friday June 21: Summer Solstice
Fri-Sun June 21-23: Whale Shark Festival See below for events
Sat & Sun June 22 & 23 : Super Full Moon (6:50, 7:50, & ~hour later nightly)
Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. BTW the serpent shadow moving on the steps of Chichen Itza occurs with the Equinoxes.
Super Moon of June: The biggest brightest moon of the year
This year the Supermoon will be up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than a typical Full Moon is. This is a result of the Moon reaching its perigree — the closest that it gets to the Earth during the course of its orbit. During perigree on June 23 the Moon will be “only” about 221,824 miles away, as compared to the 252,581 miles away that it is at its furthest distance from the Earth (apogee). Source link
Whale Shark Festival Parade Friday....
Turismo De Isla Mujeres Te
invitamos a participar al Festival del Tiburon Ballena, decora tu
carrito con motivos marinos este viernes 21 de junio a partir de las
4:30 pm. Informes al tel. 8770307. We
invite you to participate in the Whale Shark Festival by decorating your
golf cart with sea themes this Friday June 21st at 4:30pm, for more
info call 877 0307
Turismo De Isla Mujeres Festival
del Tiburon Ballena, participa en el desfle alusivo al pez mas grande,
dandole su bienvenida. Ademas concurso de disfraces infantil
Casa de los Suenos LINKwebsite LINKfb 4-7 Banda Sin Nombre
Sunset Grill Playa Norte LINK Dusk Vocalist & Keyboard
Cafe del Mar 8-10 John Cain LINK LINK
El Patio/ComoNo (rooftop) LINK 8:30 - 11 - La Guera & Willys Blues
Fayne's: LINK 8:00-10:00-Raul Alexis
Ocean Blues & Sassy Jazz LINK- 8 - 10
Fayne's LINK
On the internet in the past 24 hours...
Tony Garcia added a new photo.
Jul Isla Atención Amigas Isleñas! Interested in trying Stand Up Paddleboarding? Every Tuesday at noon we will meet at Fenix for some SUP! Special discounts for local chicas ;) if you've never tried it thats ok, it's great excersize and lots of fun! Inbox me for details - or just show up tomorrow!!! —
For Local chicas or Chicos
12pm-1pm or 5pm-6pm from. Tuesday to Saturdays !!
Ignacio Acosta Casanova shared Caribe On Canvas's photo.
Katie Cain John and I whistle with him every day since he/she was a baby. Fun! — LITTLE BUDDY BIRD (3 photos)
This is a video on Capt Tony's page..Coupla guys having fun in the waves yesterday Tony GarciaCochinita pibil can be found on Sunday mornings at the Mercados downtown & in La Gloria, and on the west side of the street in Salina Chica where the people are lined up. It is sold by weight. Nearyb you can purchase tortillas or bread.
A Cochinita Pibil Recipe..step by step...
A very informal version Gringo style in a crock pot....
Posted Yesterday...
Crepes to go 30p with one ingredient-35p for two..at Manolitos ..to go & delivery.. Nutella, strawberry, cream cheese, banana
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If you are interested in
participating with your art, handcrafted wares or delicious yums email
me at barlito@live.com I do need payment & a copy of your passport
or Mexican documentation (residency card, FM2/3) by this Saturday, Jun
22nd. You can email me a copy of your documentation & we have a
PayPal account for payment. The Artist Fair is really turning into a fun cultural affair. The art & handcrafted wares are incredible & the food is out of this world. Just an FYI, the Artist Fair is held the first Thursday of every month from 4pm to 7pm in the Zocolo (town square). Visiting artists are welcome to join our local artists & food vendors. If you are on the Island for one of the Artist Fairs, we hope to see you in the square!! You can also check out
Last 24 hrs "Time Lapse" of Playa Norte Webcam: LINK
Playa Norte now in real time in Isla Mujeres
The Morning Edition has newspaper photographs and headlines.
This Afternoon Edition has translated articles, events, and original photos with the "Around the Internet in the Past 24 Hours" section.
Both blogs always have links to the original articles.
Usually if there is a headline, but no translation, it was probably published in another paper recently, and the information was translated.in a previous post, usually in the past couple days.
Actually, the concept of employing the pumps in the salinas on a somewhat regular basis may not be a bad idea .... it would certainly help to keep them cleaner.