The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published early August!, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in August. (Some have already been contributed.)
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in August. (Some have already been contributed.)
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Ready for the contest
Marthy announces "Grandmother/Grandfather 2014"
Listos para certamen
Miércoles, 30 de Julio de 2014 22:58
Anuncia Marthy “Abuelita Abuelito 2014”
Cesicia SOLIS
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de julio.-
Leer más...
Magana will offer more ferry crossings
Se ampliarán cruces
Miércoles, 30 de Julio de 2014 22:56
Naviera sumará dos embarcaciones a flota en vacaciones
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de julio.-
Leer más...It is expected that by this next weekend the business Transportes Marítimos Magaña will begin offering service every half hour between Isla Mujeres and Puerto Juarez. Their boats that will be running this route are the "Caribean Miss" & "Caribean Lady", crossing the bay from five in the morning until 8pm. The business has a new administration and a representative explained that it has taken a long time to restore full coverage to the route because the boats were in very bad condition when he assumed leadership. He said the new administration plans to provide the best possible service during these summer holidays, when the demand is great, and they expect to maintain quality service every day for their resident island clients.
"Flea Market" tenants concerned
Temen alzas en “La Pulga”
Miércoles, 30 de Julio de 2014 22:51
Tras cobros a los minisúper
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de julio.-
Leer más...The tenants of the handicrafts market "La Pulga" have been paying 200 pesos monthly, and are concerned that the municipal agency of collection and enforcement, the Dirección de Fiscalización y Cobranza,is planning to charge a higher rate, based on square footage, and to include fees for garbage collection, operating licenses, advertising, approval from Civil Protection, and other fees. They say this could cost them five times what they have been paying. They are waiting for more information.
The small business owners explained that the cost per square meter is equal to one daily minimum wage (about $5 usd), plus use of the sidewalk, advertising, trash collection fees, usage permit (uso de suelo), and other taxes which add up to a large sum. It is noted that after three decades of existence, the property has not been improved, as was promised, and the zinc roof has significant damage.
Authorities analyze pilot plan for trash collection at night
Recoja de basura, ¿nocturna?
Martes, 29 de Julio de 2014 22:50
Autoridades analizan plan piloto
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 29 de julio.-
Leer más...The municipal Director of Public Services, Manuel Figueroa Cetina, said they intend to implement the "Pilot Plan for Trash Collection at Night" before the end of the year, and to begin in colonia La Gloria first. Depending on the success there, they will extend it to the rest of the island and possibly to the entire municipality.
The initial plan is that residents should only put their trash out at night, when they go to bed, and they should bring in their trash can in the morning when they get up. This would eliminate trash being strewn around at night by stray animals, and improve appearances for tourism. If the pilot plan is successful, it would be implemented downtown, and the businesses would also put out their trash at a certain time, and the trucks would collect during those hours, and there would be penalties for noncompliance.
He also mentioned that the Bando de Policía & Buen Gobierno wants residents to keep the fronts of their houses clean and to prune their trees and shrubs. If this plan is implemented, the trash trucks will have to pass through the downtown area at least four times to collect all the trash of the businesses.
Dismantling fountain in Town Square
Built for 9 million pesos: Out of Order
Desmantelan fuente
Martes, 29 de Julio de 2014 22:21
Cuyo costo fue de 9 mdp, en plaza principal: Estaba inservible
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 29 de julio.-
Leer más...ISLA MUJERES, 29 de julio.-
The fountain that originally cost nine million pesos, seven years ago, was being removed today by a business under contract with the City. According to employees in charge of the dismantling, the parts are being taken to the basement of a hurricane shelter. However it was noted that a person who buys scrap had come to the site.
The workers said after the fountain is dismantled, the area will worked on so it matches the rest of the Town Square, and a kiosk will probably be built. According to witnesses, the fountain only worked for three years, after it was installed seven years ago.
It was installed during the administration of Manuela Godoy González, in the period 2014-2007 (sic...that should say 2004), and it is reported that it worked for the first two years, and then was only put into operation periodically. At the time the installation was seriously questioned, since it was considered an unnecessary expense. It was included within the budget of the paving work of the perimeter road of the island, and it was mentioned that the investment was nine million pesos.
Tvisla Mujeres
Noticias de Quequi......
Prepared for contingencies
Preparados para afrontar contingencias
0 31 de julio de 2014
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.-
During an ceremony for the delivery of official vehicles, the director of Civil Protection of Isla Mujeres, Humberto Mauro Rodríguez Velázquez, said they are constantly monitoring for any weather events. He said so far the town of Isla Mujeres had been enjoying excellent weather, and there is no cause for alarm. In the Atlantic, there is currently a formation of a possible natural phenomenon, but it is still far from the shores of the Mexican Caribbean. The hurricane shelters are ready for use, and have enough supplies to deal with any weather contingencies, and it has been verified that they have water, electricity, and that the hydraulic system and the new generator, are working. The new electrical generator was donated by CAPA. -
Remodeling the Town Square
Remodelarán la explanada del municipio
0 31 de julio de 2014The City is investing ~1.2 million pesos in the development of the Town Square, which includes removal of the hydraulic fountain and filling in that area, which has become a hazard for children. The Director of Public Works, Miguel Ariel Caballero García, said the fountain has been out of operation for several years and its maintenance would be expensive.The area will be given a new appearance, including new benches, new lighting, and installation of planters to improve its appearance and make it safer for visitors, and especially for children. He said the fountain will be relocated, but it will be subject to analysis concerning whether or not it is practical to put it into operation.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- a.
Announcing a pilot plan for trash collection
Anuncian plan piloto para recoja de basura
0 30 de julio de 2014
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- -
Hotel occupancyTurismo
Repunta la ocupación hotelera al 67%
0 30 de julio de 2014
The Hotel Association of Isla Mujeres reported that occupancy was at 65 percent last Friday, and rose to 69 percent on Saturday. Today the overall occupancy rate is above 63 percent, and next week it is expected to be ~67 percent.
The Director of Tourism, Gustavo Rodríguez Orozco, said the island is having a successful summer season, and not all visitors are day trippers, as is evidenced by the occupancy statistics. He said the City is making a major effort to promote this destination, and it is also necessary that the private sector contribute strategies.
He said the mayor has been striving to find meaningful alternatives to help promote tourism, such as the gifts and recognition given to the millionth arriving visitor on Friday. The Tourism Director said the murals by recognized artists, and the television exposure are proof of the City's efforts to find alternative ways to promote the island. He said they are also taking actions for tourism promotion in coordination with the OVC in Cancun (The Convention & Visitors Bureau).
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.-
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Aumenta dos salidas más el transbordador
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres

Due to increased demand, the vehicle ferry company (Transbordadora Marítima de Isla Mujeres), added two more crossings with a sign announcing they will be at 8:00 A.M. and 11:45 A.M. This company's route is between Isla Mujeres and Punta Sam, which is covered by their two boats, the Sergio García (sic..that should be Gracia..its full name is "Sergio Gracia Aguilar") and the Isla Blanca. There have been large numbers of visitors arriving, and this is the least expensive method of transportation to the island. It is noted that its arrival and departure location is along Rueda Medina avenue.
Read more: Aumenta dos salidas más el transbordador

por esto
SEMAR joins fight against "El Quemadal" fires on mainland
Semar se une al combate de “El Quemadal”.. [+] Ver mas
La Secretaría de Marina (SEMAR) (a Naval Department) is engaged in fighting a jungle fire in the municipality of Benito Juarez,(Cancun's municipality), with an aircraft that can discharge dozens of cubic meters of water at once. They are assisting the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR) in fighting a fire called "El Quemadal" that is located southwest of the Cancun International Airport. As of noon on Wednesday the helicopter had made 20 discharges, releasing a total of 60,000 liters of water.(Quemar means to burn).
These actions are part of the Plan Marina de Auxilio a la Población Civil en Casos y Zonas de Desastre, (Naval Plan to Aid the Civilian Population in Disaster Zones and Situations). Every year during this hot season SEMAR fights dozens of fires, in coordination with other agencies at the different levels of government, to control the brush fires.
Curbs & sidewalks need attention
Banquetas y guarniciones faltan [+] Ver mas
Plans to "rescue" downtown were launched in 2007, but were not been continued to include the sidewalks and curbs of the side streets, and therefore the partial renovation left much to be desired, according to some residents.
The next stage of renovation was supposed to include Matamoros, Abasolo, Madero, Morelos and Allende streets. The streets, curbs and sidewalks that were improved during the period 2007-2011 are Hidalgo, Guerrero, and Rueda Medina.
It is noted that groups of senior citizens who arrive to enjoy this vacation destination cannot safely walk down Juarez Avenue with its uneven sidewalks and parked vehicles, because they are the most likely to suffer injuries, according to preliminary data gathered from local medical institutions.
"Grandmother-Grandfather 2014" competition tomorrow
Mañana, certamen “Abuelita-Abuelito 2014”+] Ver mas
Cost 9 million pesos: Now it's junk
Nueve millones de pesos hechos chatarra. [+] Ver mas
Analyzing the operation of golf carts
Analizan la operación de carros de golf+] Ver mas
The municipal Alderman in charge of Transport, José Magaña Galué, met with the SINTRA (Secretaría de Infraestructura & Transporte) delegate for this area, Guillermo García Padilla, to discuss the regulation of golf carts which are operating illegally on the island; to detect individuals who are renting carts to tourists, which represents an obvious competition to established businesses.
In an interview, the Councilman said there are more and more homeowners who are engaged in the practice of renting rooms, usually via the Internet, without paying the three percent lodging tax, and they are also renting out golf carts. Sometimes the unit is included in the rental price, but whatever the option, neither is correct.
"At the meeting, we discussed the illegal ("irregular") rental of golf carts, in order to put a stop to this activity, which injures the rental agencies, especially during low season when there are fewer tourists," said the alderman.
He was asked about the carts that are circulating with only one license plate, presumably because the owner is using the second plate on a second vehicle and thereby profiting from two vehicles under a single permit for their concession. He said they are working to detect this type of irregularity, and a report must be obtained concerning how many vehicles are detected with a single plate, in order to file a formal complaint with SINTRA.
Rehabilitation of the coastal area Puerto Juarez-Punta Sam
Rehabilitación de la costera Puerto Juárez-Punta Sam[+] Ver mas
This is about the mainland area of the municipality of Isla Mujeres, where there are plans to invest 28 million pesos in federal funds for infrastructure, which includes enlarging a road by seven meters, as well as including curbs, sidewalks, a bike path, and lighting.
Developing regulations for the porters working at the pier
La operación de maleteros en el muelle carece de reglamentación+] Ver mas
Officials are working to develop regulations for the operations of the porters, seeking to achieve harmony between them and the taxi drivers, so there are no more embarrassing events that are damaging to tourism and the image of the island. Recently there were disagreements between the tricycle porters and the cabbies, that were witnessed by dozens of visitors on main street, Rueda Medina.
The taxi drivers argue that the porters are only authorized to carry baggage and cargo from the docks to the taxi stand, but there are no regulations over this activity, to make things work smoothly. Sources with the City say if there are no regulations, the porters are offering an illegal ("irregular") service. The taxi drivers have their concession, and have historically tolerated the porters doing this work.
An unnamed source said the City is seeking to establish regulations that are fair, and to not give an advantage to anyone. Currently there is a verbal agreement with the porters to transport the luggage of arriving tourists, and if the tourist requests, they can transport it to the hotels, but they cannot go looking at hotels for guests that are departing the island.
It should not be forgotten, that in addition to the services the porters offer to the tourists, they also transport cargo, especially when it arrives, to the hotels and restaurants downtown, and there is no intention to limit them to this practice. It is important to establish the regulations soon, which will define these activities, said the unnamed source.
Jorge Cardenas Bazan ratified: Red Cross of Isla Mujeres
Ratifican a Jorge Cárdenas Bazán en la Cruz Roja de Isla Mujeres[+] Ver mas
Jorge Cárdenas Bazán was ratified as the president of the Red Cross during a meeting on Tuesday which included a report of the last two years of activities. The next meeting will be on August 5th, and will include discussions about financing and the possibility of establishing monthly fixed donations, which would of course provide a tax deduction for the contributor.
They are also considering coordinating with Civil Protection regarding the programs that are required for the businesses, which would provide more income for the Red Cross, while training more people in how to provide first aid.
They will also discuss having a laboratory at the Red Cross for clinical analyses at more reasonable prices for the community, and then later to add a pharmacy. He aims to accomplish this in the first year of this second term as head of the local Red Cross.
The monthly operational expenses are about 60,000 pesos, of which 26,500 goes to payroll, about 7000 goes to electricity and water, while the minimum amount to maintain the ambulances is five or six thousand pesos. The Red Cross receives monthly income of 5000 pesos from the Taxi Union (the sindicato “Gustavo Díaz Ordaz”) as well as some set donations from other businesses and individuals to provide a small support fund.
During the administration from 2012-2014, incoming monies totaled 1,496,922, of which 163,821 was from this year's collections, but the expenditures for the last two years were 1,496,201, which left a balance of ~720 pesos.
This blog is brought to you by....
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
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the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal
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amenities such as
bikes, outdoor shower,
portable beach
chairs &
beach towels,
washer, loungers & BBQ.
panoramic views from the
rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown
is ~ a mile away; if
you don't feel like
walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop
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View from rooms |
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Small room |
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Large room |
Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
Karen Rosenberg's
NEED DIABETES SUPPLIES FOR OCTOBER DIABETES CLINIC: We have been doing Diabetes Clinics on Isla Mujeres for five years, with more local residents participating annually. This is a joint project of bilingual social workers, nurses, and other health care professionals originally from the USA, working with Isleno community partners. Diabetes is now the primary cause of death in Mexico.
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pm
Ken Wanovich
Wed 7/23 - Mamacita's, 7:00pm.
Fri 7/25 - Chi Chi & Charlie's, 4:00pm.
Mon 7/28 - Villavento Beach Hotel - Noon
Wed 7/30 - Mamacita's, 7:00pm.
Fri 8/01 - Chi Chi & Charlie's, 4:00pm.
Sat 8/02 - Marina Paraiso, 6:30pm.
Mon 8/04 - Villavento Beach Hotel - Noon
Tue 8/05 - Mamacita's, 7:00pm.
( Keys 4 Life is also bringing school supplies and 3 new LCD projectors for the elementary schools, and doing some minor construction projects to repair/improve several homes in Guadalupana.)
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & SunKen Wanovich
Wed 7/23 - Mamacita's, 7:00pm.
Fri 7/25 - Chi Chi & Charlie's, 4:00pm.
Mon 7/28 - Villavento Beach Hotel - Noon
Wed 7/30 - Mamacita's, 7:00pm.
Fri 8/01 - Chi Chi & Charlie's, 4:00pm.
Sat 8/02 - Marina Paraiso, 6:30pm.
Mon 8/04 - Villavento Beach Hotel - Noon
Tue 8/05 - Mamacita's, 7:00pm.
( Keys 4 Life is also bringing school supplies and 3 new LCD projectors for the elementary schools, and doing some minor construction projects to repair/improve several homes in Guadalupana.)

Sat ~2p Frequencia
Sun ~2p Salsa
Weekday's ~2p.. Various artists including
Chucho (Jesus Campezino) & SeBlues..tho he's off isle right now.
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
Saturday afternoon ~3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
July Events....
Thursday 5:30-9:30pm Artist Fair on Town Square (Note new/summer hours)
Rain date...rescheduled to Friday
Friday, Fourth of July US Independence Day
At Casa de los Suenos....

From Christy Dix....For those who are in Isla Mujeres and want to practice your Spanish, come join us!! Spend an hour at Barlito's at Marina Paraiso this Friday 7/4 (3-4pm) and practice your Spanish skills while helping those who are studying English. It's a win win!!
July 5 Saturday 7p Abuelito & Abuelita contest La Gloria open air theatre
July 6 Sunday PRI Barracuda Fishing Tournament 8am start, 4pm weigh in, awards to follow on Posada Beach. 2pm Son 3 performing on Posada!
July 7 Town Square ~7p "Michael Jackson Extravaganza"
July 11 Friday Full Moon Rise: ~6:50 Sunset is ~7:30
Careful of the migrating crabs crossing the road to get to the sea to spawn, especially down at the south and south east part of the isle.
July 12 Saturday Full Moon Rise: ~7:45
July 13 Sunday Moonrise 8:41pm
July 14 Monday Moonrise 9:31pm
July 15 Tuesday Moonrise 10:17pm and ~50 minutes later nightly
July 20th...Start of Whale Shark Festival
PangeaSeed's photo.
PangeaSeed in collaboration with 1xRUN, Residencia Gorila, @World Artist Destination & Juxtapoz Latin America present Sea Walls: Murals for Oceans - Mexico Expedition: Isla Mujeres 2014 !Here's a selection of 6 of the 15 large walls that will be painted by
15 renowned international contemporary artists on the island of Isla
Mujeres, Mexico.
Together via art and activism, we are helping to
celebrate, educate and inspire both local and tourist communities on
the importance of preserving oceans and marine wild life. The festival runs July 20-28, for some incredible works
created by an incredibly talented international team. Together, we can
help save our seas!
#pangeaseed #seawalls #saveourseas #staywild #mexico #islamujeres #sharklove
#pangeaseed #seawalls #saveourseas #staywild #mexico #islamujeres #sharklove
The artists are also planning a beach clean up. LINK to video of Day 3 Murals & their artists LINK to video of Day 2 of the murals & artists
This mural is on Guerrero around the corner & a lil north from the Super. The print (by Tatiana Suarez) is available for $65 HERE
Ixchel (above) is on the north wall of the Palacio (town hall) along the pedestrian street.
The mural below is on Guerrero, a lil farther north
Article about the mural project LINK (In English...Huffington Post)
**July 20 or 24th -27 : Whale Shark Festival. Includes a parade with floats, sand sculpture contest, recreational activities, and more. (See schedule below)
July 24-26 Miss Caribe de Mexico beauty pageant
July 25, 26, & 27
Fri 6p Parade Rueda Medina
7p Costume contest Town Square
Sat 8a Beach clean up Playa Norte & Colegio Bachilleres
5p Conference about whale sharks City Council room
6p Recognizing "Sea Walls" mural artists City Council room
7p Event with samples of Lion Fish dishes Town Square
Sun 10a Sand sculpture contest Posada Beach
4p Tour of the Sea Walls murals
Jul 26 Saturday 6pm Town Square Zumba event
July 26, Saturday: There will be 600 Mexican athletes competing on the island for the “Copa Isla Mujeres de Tae Kwon Do”, including about 40 athletes from Isla Mujeres.
August Events
Turtle hatchling releases at Media Luna & Guadalupana (eastern) beaches TBA (Usually 1-2 days before event.)
(Gets 10 min later across month)
Aug 1 ~6:20am
Aug 31 ~6:30am
(Gets 20 mins earlier across month)
Aug 1 ~7:25p
Aug 31 ~7:05p
Aug 9 5:05 am ~Full moon sets before sunrise
Aug 10 6:11am Full moon sets ~sunrise
Aug 10 Full Moon Rises at 7:18p Sunset ~7:20p
Aug 11 Sunset ~7:20p Moonrise 8:07p
Aug 12 Moonrise 8:54p
Aug 13 Moonrise 9:40p
Aug 14 Moonrise 10:25p
Aug 15 Moonrise 11:10p
Aug 1 7pm Casa de Cultura (east malecon downtown) Abuelito-Abuelita 2014 State Competition
Aug 7, Thursday Artist Fair on the Square 5:30-9:30 Summer Hours
On August 31, about 500 athletes, both Mexican and international, are expected to participate in an open water swimming competition, Competencia de Nado de Aguas Abiertas, at Playa Norte/North Beach. The swimmers will travel distances between 250 meters and five kilometers, with the course being defined by a rectangle of buoys off Playa Norte. Dozens of foreigners are expected to participate, especially from the United States.
Whale Shark Season ...ends Sept 15
It is Sea Turtle Mating & Nesting season
Red & Blue crabs are migrating to the sea for spawning during full moons
Turtle releases August-Sept dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
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