The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published in July!, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in July.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in July.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Concern among merchants about misunderstandings over closing times
Cunde temor entre tenderos
Domingo, 13 de Julio de 2014 23:02
Por “malentendido” en horarios
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de julio.-
Leer más...On Thursday the municipal agency of Enforcement, the Dirección de Fiscalización, released a circular that said after that date corner stores must close their doors at 10pm, which caused objections from store owners and residents, particularly residents who get off work after 10pm.
The director of Fiscalización y Cobranza, Jorge Mejía Reyes, explained that the convenience stores who only sell groceries, and not alcoholic beverages do not need to be concerned, and they will publish another circular to clarify this and to calm their concerns. He said the stores that are only selling groceries could be open for 24 hours if they wanted, and his department has no intention of harming them, and no plans to send inspectors to visit them.
Comments were made on social networks. In the past this was applicable to mini supers selling alcoholic beverages, but other convenience stores selling groceries were confused and concerned that it could apply to them.
Today: White smoke?
(White smoke means: "A decision has been made". It's a reference to the white smoke that indicates a decision has been made when choosing a new pope)
Everything is ready to define the situation of the tricycle porters at the piers
Hoy, ¿humo blanco?
Domingo, 13 de Julio de 2014 22:55
Todo está listo para definir situación de tricicleteros en muelles
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de julio.-
Leer más...The head of the Taxi Union, Eduardo Peniche Rodríguez, said the status of the tricycle porters should be defined tomorrow, following a meeting that will be held with the City Secretary General (vice-mayor) Cesar Poot Perez, regarding a system of regulation for these workers. The taxi leader said a meeting is scheduled with the municipal authorities, which is expected to inform the taxi drivers about the agreement, with the intention of avoiding another quarrel with the porters. He said in this way they intend to avoid creating a bad image for visitors, which could have the result of reducing the number of tourists, over time.
He said it was never the intention of the cabbies to end the work of the tricycle porters, they are simply seeking that the porters work under a system of regulations. In this regard, he said fees may be imposed for the type of service the tricycle porters provide, and at the same time, the areas in which the porters may work should be defined.
As for the rates, he said he does not know what system may be used, but (he says) it should be very clear what type of service they may provide, which is the carrying of luggage, as well as the area where they work, which is from the ferry to the street or to the taxi stand. He said they (the cabbies) are not in agreement that they (the porters) should be allowed to extend their range of work, and they (the cabbies) will not allow that to happen. ...pero que lo que está muy claro es el tipo de servicio que deben de prestar, que es el de carga de maletas, así como el área en el que deben de estar laborando, que es del barco a la calle o al sitio de taxis.
Sostuvo que no estará de acuerdo en que se pretenda ampliar su radio de acción, y que no permitirá que así suceda.
He said the porters to not pay fees/taxes (impuestos), do not have a concession to work, and do not have make the same sort of investment, but occasionally, tho not always, they earn more than the taxi drivers.
Tvisla Mujeres
Noticias de Quequi......
Extending the ferry schedule
Extenderán los horarios del ferry
0 14 de July de 2014The company that runs the vehicular ferry said they will increase the number of round trips in response to the start of summer season. Both boats are running, and currently offer five round trips, but starting on Tuesday, this could be increased to seven trips, depending on demand. José Sunza Chí, company cargo service manager, said the schedule should be released today and implemented tomorrow. The ferry "Gracia Sergio Aguilar" has 180 luxury seats, in an air conditioned area, and the larger ferry "Isla Blanca" is also ready to provide service. The prices are expected to be continued to avoid a negative impact on family budgets, and it is not known at this time if any discounts will be offered to users of their services.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- Se tendrán de cinco a siete viajes redondos por la temporada vacacional. -
Expecting an increase in the lobster catch
Esperan repunte en captura de langosta
0 14 de July de 2014
The low production experienced in the first two weeks of lobster season is considered "normal" said leader of the fishermen, Baltazar Gomez Catzin. The season began July 1 and will continue through February 2015, and is expected to improved during the months of October, November, and December. He said last season they harvested 75 tonnes of live lobster, and 25 tonnes of tails.(In one article these figures were reversed).
He said at the cooperative Justicia Social, they are selling for 410 pesos/kilogram for tails, and 210 pesos/kilo for whole live lobsters. He explained that the simple fact that production has improved in recent years, speaks of an excellent incentive for them, but it is recognized that the best months come after November.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- Los pescadores no han tenido las ganancias esperadas.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Safeguarding swimmers
Salvaguardan a los bañistas
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres

Read more: Salvaguardan a los bañistas

por esto
Navy helps with an injured youngster
Auxilia la Marina a menor accidentada[+] Ver mas
A six year old American child was transported by the Navy, with his parents, from a cruise ship at sea, so that he could receive treatment at a Cancun hospital for an injured right hand. Assistance was given on Saturday night, 19 kilometers southeast of Isla Mujeres, after the call was received in Cozumel from the ship which was traveling from Cozumel to the United States. The minor suffered an accident on board the cruise ship, who sent a distress call to the Agencia Consignataria del Sureste, en Cozumel. A medical evacuation was ordered and personnel aboard the Naval Interceptor Patrol boat ( el zarpe de una Patrulla Interceptora) with Naval medical personnel aboard, who located the cruise ship, and provided first aid and immediate evacuation to the Naval station at Puerto Juarez, where an ambulance was waiting for transfer to a private hospital in Cancun.
This action can be added to a long list of assistance given to cruise ships whose clients have health problems while they are passing through Mexican waters, which is part of an ongoing program to protect human life at sea.
This is the first case of assistance in this summer vacation season.
Whale shark festival without conference
Festival sin conferencia del tiburón ballena [+] Ver mas
This article includes the information already translated about the 7th Whale Shark Festival, which is included in the July events below, and notes that this event will not include talks and conferences by specialists about whale sharks which were featured in previous Whale Shark Festivals. It claims there is daily 'chaos' at the perimeter of the 140,000 hectares of the protected sea area, with the massive arrivals that occur at the southern part of this area, which is not monitored, and there are cuts that occur in the whale sharks from boat propellers, which has been a subject that was discussed by researchers.
Accelerated population growth
Acelerado crecimiento poblacional[+] Ver mas
This is about the continental zone of Isla Mujeres, focusing on the increasing number of students, which it says it relatively low on the island, in comparison.
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Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
Karen Rosenberg's
Follow up...The Go Fund Me campaign by Sally Margolis to assist with the HIV testing events by Brazos Abiertos was successful, & BA have also coordinated with the City to provide education about sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy in the schools, monthly.
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pm
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun
Sat ~2p Frequencia
Sun ~2p Salsa
Weekday's ~2p..Chucho (Jesus Campezino)
Wed: Blues W SeBlues..tho he's off isle right now.
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
Saturday afternoon 3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
Like Reggae? CD release party by local band Sunday/tomorrow....
:::Bucket of 5 Coronas & Nachos x $175 pesos & 2x1 Margaritas!:::
July Events....
Thursday 5:30-9:30pm Artist Fair on Town Square (Note new hours)
Rain date...rescheduled to Friday
Friday, Fourth of July US Independence Day
At Casa de los Suenos....

From Christy Dix....For those who are in Isla Mujeres and want to practice your Spanish, come join us!! Spend an hour at Barlito's at Marina Paraiso this Friday 7/4 (3-4pm) and practice your Spanish skills while helping those who are studying English. It's a win win!!
Soggy Peso, in the past, has had Red White & Blue jello shots & a smoked brisket special
Miquel's Moonlight bar has had 4th parties in the past
July 5 Saturday 7p Abuelito & Abuelita contest La Gloria open air theatre
July 6 Sunday PRI Barracuda Fishing Tournament 8am start, 4pm weigh in, awards to follow on Posada Beach. 2pm Son 3 performing on Posada!
July 7 Town Square ~7p "Michael Jackson Extravaganza"
July 11 Friday Full Moon Rise: ~6:50 Sunset is ~7:30
Careful of the migrating crabs crossing the road to get to the sea to spawn, especially down at the south and south east part of the isle.
July 12 Saturday Full Moon Rise: ~7:45
July 13 Sunday Moonrise 8:41pm
July 14 Monday Moonrise 9:31pm
July 15 Tuesday Moonrise 10:17pm and ~50 minutes later nightly
July 24-27 : Whale Shark Festival. Includes a parade w floats, sand sculpture contest, recreational activities, and more.
The seventh edition of the Whale Shark Festival will take place July 24-27 and will include an agenda of activities that are: cultural, artistic, touristic, and environmental; with participation by artists, musicians, speakers, and environmental experts. There will be contests of: decorated golf carts, costumes, and sand sculptures; as well as parades, plays, lectures, performances by dance & music groups, photographic exhibitions, and other artistic activities.
A group of international artists plan to paint murals focused on the themes of conservation and protection of whale sharks, in a project titled "SEA WALLS". All events will be completely free and will take place at venues including the Town Square, the Posada Beach, and Rueda Medina Avenue (main street). Municipal gencies who are coordinating this event include the departments of Culture, Tourism, Public Relations, Ecology, and Social Communication.
July 26: There will be 600 Mexican athletes competing on the island for the “Copa Isla Mujeres de Tae Kwon Do”, including about 40 athletes from Isla Mujeres.
On August 31, about 500 athletes, both Mexican and international, are expected to participated in an open water swimming competition, Competencia de Nado de Aguas Abiertas, at Playa Norte/North Beach. The swimmers will travel distances between 250 meters and five kilometers, with the course being defined by a rectangle of buoys off Playa Norte. Dozens of foreigners are expected to participate, especially from the United States.
Whale Shark Season ...ends Sept 15
It is Sea Turtle Mating & Nesting season
Red & Blue crabs are migrating to the sea for spawning during full moons
Turtle releases August-Sept dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
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