The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published in July!, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in July.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in July.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Expecting 1 millionth passenger to arrive during July
Llegará el pasajero 1 millón
Miércoles, 09 de Julio de 2014 22:28
Durante el presente mes, da a conocer la Apiqroo
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de julio.-
Leer más...The Port Authority of Quintana Roo (APIQRoo) in Puerto Juarez and Isla Mujeres reported that the number of passengers who have arrived so far this year will reach 1 million during the month of July. Representative for the agency, Ricardo Ancona Argáez, said in June they reached 869,683 passengers, and in July another 180,000 passengers are expected to be transported.
He said the summer season looks promising and for the months of July and August together, the total could exceed 300,000, which would be an increase of 4 percent over the same period last year. The average number of passengers coming to Isla Mujeres, during the current summer season between July 1 and August 20 is between six and seven thousand daily. He credits the steady increase to the Governor and the President, who have made tourism promotion a priority.
Ready for Whale Shark Festival 2014
Listos para festival
Miércoles, 09 de Julio de 2014 22:24
El Tiburón Ballena 2014, será todo un éxito: Agapito
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de julio.-
Leer más...The seventh edition of the Whale Shark Festival will take place July 24-27 and will include an agenda of activities that are: cultural, artistic, touristic, and environmental; with participation by artists, musicians, speakers, and environmental experts. There will be contests of: decorated golf carts, costumes, and sand sculptures; as well as parades, plays, lectures, performances by dance & music groups, photographic exhibitions, and other artistic activities.
A group of international artists plan to paint murals focused on the themes of conservation and protection of whale sharks, in a project titled "SEA WALLS". All events will be completely free and will take place at venues including the Town Square, the Posada Beach, and Rueda Medina Avenue (main street). Municipal agencies who are coordinating this event include the departments of Culture, Tourism, Public Relations, Ecology, and Social Communication.
Regulating the porters
Reglamentarán a maleteros
Miércoles, 09 de Julio de 2014 22:14
Piden a taxistas mejor trato a usuarios
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de julio.-
Leer más...As a result of the meeting between City officials and representatives of the taxi drivers and of the tricycle porters, it was established that above all, there must be respect for the law by both groups, and presenting a bad image of this destination to locals or visitors. must be avoided.
The City Secretary General, Cesar Perez Poot, said that both parties will continue to operate, and must comply with municipal laws. In the case of the tricycle porters, the City will seek to develop regulations that regulate this commercial activity through the Comision de Transporte which is headed by José Magaña Galué, within the City government, and with approval from the City Council.
These regulations will seek to define the benefits and responsibilities of this group, so that once and for all they will have a legal framework that regulates them, explained Sr Perez Poot. He said that currently their vehicles have plates, but they are not paying fees/taxes (impuestos).
It was stated that the Tricycle porters must not carry passengers or children, with the intention of avoiding any sort of accident. These regulations are expected to be determined within 30 days, to be approved by the City Council, and then will be promptly implemented. They intend to neither harm or benefit either of the parties, but to incorporate this activity into the legal framework, which has not been included.
DIF & City: Detecting prostate disease
Acerca servicios médicos
Martes, 08 de Julio de 2014 21:19
DIF, con apoyo de Comuna, para detectar enfermedades prostáticas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de julio.-
Leer más...On Wednesday from 9 am - 2pm at the Community Center on the mainland, and Thursday at the same time at the Senior Citizen's Club, testing will be available for men over 45 for the detection of prostate disease. This is a blood test that is not painful, and provides immediate results. The prostate is about the size of a walnut, but after age 50 it can grow from benign causes (hyperplasia) or from malignancy (cancer), so it is essential that diagnosis be done early when it is curable. This effort is coordinated between the DIF Social Service Agency and the Municipal Health agency.
First case of decompression received immediate attention: One week into lobster season
Primer descompresionado
Martes, 08 de Julio de 2014 21:18
A una semana de haber iniciado la temporada de langosta: Lo atienden de inmediato
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de julio.-
Leer más...According to a report by the manager of the Hyperbaric Chamber, Heli Garcia, a fisherman named "Antonio Torres Regalado or Pedro Osorio Córdova,"(sic), age 21, suffered decompression illness after making two dives to a depth of 140 feet, or about 42 meters, with a total bottom time of about 25 minutes for each dive. When the lobster fisherman suffered pain in his abdomen and left leg, he was immediately taken for treatment at the hyperbaric chamber, at about 6pm yesterday, and treated for about four hours.Today he is receiving another treatment at 3 in the afternoon. The seriousness was rated as 'moderate'. At the time of the decompression, he was aboard the boat "Nayely", in the area known as "Los Picos", near the golf of Mexico, about "zero" (sic) nautical miles north of Isla Mujeres. Note: TVIM says his name is Pedro Osorio Córdoba, age 21, of the Isla Blanca fishing cooperative of Isla Mujeres.
Speculation about presence of Federal police
Crece expectación por federales
Martes, 08 de Julio de 2014 21:14
No faltaron las especulaciones
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 8 de julio.-
Leer más...
The presence of two "Polaris" vehicles (UTV's) and an ATV, all orange, staffed by members of the Federal Police and INM (National Immigration Institute) caused excitement, curiosity, comments, and speculation among the islanders.
On one hand it was said that the presence of the INM indicated they are on an operation to detect undocumented foreigners, including Europeans, who are carrying out activities that are not permitted, such as working, at this holiday destination, in order to detain and extradite them. (para que sean asegurados y extraditados.)
Another version is that these units were brought to Isla Mujeres to increase monitoring of the beaches as the summer holiday period begins. It should be noted that during the last Easter holiday period, a group of Federal Police cadets came for 15 days, but no information is being released about this subject at this time.
The officers of the Federal Police and personnel of the INM arrived on the island ~10:30am and went to the Naval Base for about an hour, where presumably they met with the commander, Juan Ramón Alcalá Pignol. Then they went to the INM offices, leaving the units parked on the sidewalk until they left around 1pm, and headed south, and the reporter lost track of them.
Tvisla Mujeres
Everything is ready for Whale Shark Fest 2014
Tvisla Mujeres shared a link via Ayuntamiento De Isla Mujeres.
First case of decompression treated at the Hyperbaric Chamber
Moto wasn't stolen: He was drinking and forgot where he left it
The Judicial Police confirmed that so far this year only six motorcycles have been stolen, of which five were recovered, and in most cases they were complete except for the theft of their wheels. A curious event occured last weekend when Jorge Esteban Dzib Caamal went to the prosecutors to report the theft of his motorcycle, which he said he had left an unspecified place somewhere in colonia Caribeña.
Officers of the municipal force (Public Safety) and of the Judicial Police (state police) began an operation to locate the vehicle, and a person was even temporarily detained upon suspicion of vehicular theft. On Monday the vehicle was located, abandoned in some bushes in the aforementioned colonia, with the keys inserted.
Eventually, the owner admitted he had gotten drunk at the bar "El Viejo y el Mar", and when he left he'd decided to leave his moto and take a taxi home, to avoid an accident. Unfortunately, due to the strong effects of the alcohol, the next day he did not remember anything, much less the whereabouts of his vehicle, which finally was found completely intact and with his keys.
INM (Immigration) operation in Isla Mujeres, checking fishing cooperatives, marinas, and hotels
More than 15 inspectors for the National Migration Institute (INM), supported by officers of the Navy of Mexico, conducted an operation on Tuesday in various parts of the island, including a hostel, fishing cooperatives, marinas, and businesses. At each one they verified the legal status of the workers.
Islanders were aware of this operation from an early hour, having seen the three all terrain vehicles parked outside the offices of the INM. They did not release any official information about the operation, which involved about 10 official vehicles. There was no element of surprise since islanders knew about this operation by INM very early on, and it is done every year.
According to the law, a foreigner born in the United States may enter Mexico and stay for 180 days to visit friends, perform services, make investments, or other types of businesses, However, to stay for more than 180 days, or to work, it is necessary to go through the documentation processes to obtain an FM3, which must be renewed annually.
The immigration law that went into effect in Nov 2012 discontinued use of the terms FM2 & FM3, and now the resident visas are called "Temporary" and "Permanent", with no renewal required for Permanent Resident Visa holders. Temporary resident visas come in different types, such as "Lucrativo" (a work visa) or "Rentista" (which are held by retirees). ~WC.
Noticias de Quequi......
Port Authority beings enforcement of requiring boat removals
Inicia API retiro de barcos de recinto portuario
0 10 de July de 2014The Port Authority of Quintana Roo (APIQRoo) placed signs along 600 linear meters by the federal zone of the malecon along Mujeres Bay/Bahia Mujeres where dozens of boats have been parked, and in some cases fiberglass work has been done, which is prohibited on the beach. There have been complaints about this 'invasion' of the federal area for years, but the Harbor Master said it is API who has final authority, as this is considered a 'port area'. “recinto portuario”. The signs warn that this concession belongs to the Port Authority of Quintana Roo.The Harbor Master said that at first it was difficult to locate the owners of the boats, now that some have been abandoned for years, and not all of their registrations were visible, but that has been resolved and now it is up to the API to proceed to clear the area of the boats.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- Se colocó letreros para delimitar el área.
INM (Immigration) checking workers
Verifica el INM a trabajadores
0 09 de July de 2014
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- Durante de la inspección de ayer no se detectó a ningún empleado extranjero. -
First case of decompression reportedSalud
Se registra primer caso de descompresión
0 09 de July de 2014
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- El pescador fue ingresado a la cámara hiperbárica presentado una notable mejoría.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Agapito invites families to whale shark festival
Invita Agapito a familias a fiesta de tiburón ballena
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres

Read more: Invita Agapito a familias a fiesta de tiburón ballena
Lobster fisherman suffered decompression
Sufre descompresión un pescador de langosta
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Sufre descompresión un pescador de langosta
Exhortan a realizar pruebas de próstata
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres

Read more: Exhortan a realizar pruebas de próstata

por esto
Application of "“plan with maña” for tenants of the artisan's market known as "The Flea Market"
Aplican “plan con maña” a locatarios de “La Pulga”.. [+] Ver mas
Tenants of the artisan's market "La Pulga" claim that the municipal director of Fiscalization (Enforcement and Fees), Joge Meja has threatened to raise their fees from the 200 pesos monthly that they now pay. They are concerned that they will be expected to sign new contracts with higher fees based on square meters, plus charges for use of the sidewalk, for advertising signs, garbage fees, and land use fees, which would represent a large sum.
The daughter of a tenant went to the office and says they refused to accept the monthly fee, became angry, and ordered her to leave the office and threatened to call the police if she did not leave, after she questioned them and demanded an explanation.
Some tenants recalled that this and previous administrations have promised maintenance and painting, repairs, and promotion, but they have been repairing the small stores, of 3 square meters each, and the facility's metal roof, themselves, and say have not received promotional help.
Unrest among boat tour operators over Immigration operation
Malestar entre lancheros por el operativo del INM.. [+] Ver mas
The operation by INM (National Migration Institute), with assistance from the Navy and the Federal Police, continued on Wednesday, in response to persistent complaints about the illegal presence of various foreigners in Isla Mujeres.
The operation took place at the Port Authority (APIQRoo) dock, where identification documents were inspected. This caused general unrest (malestar) among tourism service providers because they believed the visitors were upset by the presence of heavily armed military personnel.
Compared to Tuesday, the number of INM agents was reduced, as well as the effects, but they did not offer any information about the results. Unofficially it is said that there were no arrests on Tuesday, and nothing exceptional as of this time, shortly after noon.
A sort of checkpoint was established between the APIQRoo port terminal and the pier where thousands of visitors arrive daily, while the officers and agents requested documents from passengers who were arriving from Puerto Juarez, and those that were departing for that destination.
The boat tour operators said the presence of the military causes fear among the visitors arriving to this vacation destination, and when the tourists see the big guns, they get nervous and are not interested in purchasing tours. It is noted that this operation began on Tuesday afternoon when they visited various locations including fishing cooperatives, marinas, and certain houses 'casa particulares del sector popular.'
During the Easter holiday period, dozens of federal agents arrived and it is presumed that now with the summer vacation period about to start, that these officers are here to ensure that the holiday season will be safe. ( se presume que en la temporada de verano, que está por iniciar, volverían estos policías para garantizar el período vacacional en puerta )
First case of decompression of the season
Primer descompresionado de la temporada.. [+] Ver mas
"Hunting" undocumented immigrants
“Cacería” de indocumentados [+] Ver mas
Members of Immigration, in coordination with the Navy of Mexico, and the Federal Police, conducted a surprise operation in Isla Mujeres seeking undocumented Europeans and Cubans, which did not yield positive results, although the officers went to specific locations, including a fishing cooperative, a marina, and three private homes.
Approximately 10 Federal Police officers and the staff of the INM (National Migration Institute) went to the premises of the Navy base, presumably to meet with the commander, Juan Ramon Alcala Pignoa, and stayed for about an hour. Then they went to the INM offices, leaving their two Polaris vehicles and the ATV (all orange) parked on the sidewalk, until they left for an unknown destination around 1pm.
Word went out around 2:30pm of unusual movements around the Naval base, causing islanders to be surprised and perplexed as the official vehicles moved around the area by the Naval base and Rueda Medina Avenue, when the Bases de Operaciones Mixtas (BOMs), together with the INM, Navy, and Federal Police began an operation in search of undocumented immigrants. There were at least six INM vehicles known as "julias", plus several Naval vehicles with seamen on board, and the ATV & Polaris vehicles, which divided into several groups and departed for specific points around the island.
In the Naval vehicles, there were several people wearing bulletproof vests and carrying guns, while the immigration agents wore their customary brown uniforms, and they included several woman. Regardless, they rode together in their vehicles, and a Naval boat of the type "Interceptor" and a boat of the type "tiburonera" headed toward the Makax lagoon.
One group went to the fishing coop Patria y Progreso, while another went to the marina Buchanan, owned by Javier Ayala Rejon, and a third group went up the street Martinez Ross, where they visited three private homes, where it was suspected that undocumented Cubans have been sheltered, who flock to the island as a starting point to reach the United States.
Upon arriving at the Patria y Progreso coop, they encountered various fishermen under the shade of the trees, and they spoke with them for a few minutes. One group when into the interior of the cooperative, and a pair of the Naval sailors walked down the pier to the hut at its end, while agents looked through nearby brush and trees.
More excitement was caused by the arrival of a BOM group at the Buchanan marina, located on prolongation Rueda Medina by colonia Caridad del Cobre, where residents left their homes to watch the arrival of the convoy, and other citizens stopped and parked their motorcycles in order to not miss the smallest detail. Some agents entered the facilities, owned by Javier Ayala, while others guarded the nearby area, and no undocumented workers were found.
Neighbors noted that no results were found when the BOM went to Martinez Ross Avenue in their vehicles, with agents from the Navy and INM, and inspected three homes, leaving some personnel outside guarding, but no undocumented people were discovered.
Next the units went to the docks of the boat tours and ferries (a los muelles de las empresas navieras) but did not find any suspicious people lacking documents, and they left the island.
It is rumored unofficially that the Federal Police and the Navy of Mexico pressured Immigration to undertake this operation, because it is thought that most of the islanders know that there are a quantity of undocumented immigrants here, especially Cubans, who come to this island seeking a better future outside their native country, and that the INM of Isla Mujeres has not carried out operations to detect foreigners who cannot prove their legal status in Mexico.
For years Isla Mujeres has been, and still is, an arrival point via the sea for undocumented Cubans, who are assisted by groups who are living here, and in a majority of cases they are disguised as tourists, and allowed to leave the island without impunity in the ferries, and once they are in Puerto Juarez, they are collected by other accomplices in this chain that moves them to the boarder of the United States.
Hoping for 80% occupancy during vacation period
Esperan ocupación de 80% en vacaciones.. [+] Ver mas
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Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
Karen Rosenberg's
Follow up...The Go Fund Me campaign by Sally Margolis to assist with the HIV testing events by Brazos Abiertos was successful, & BA have also coordinated with the City to provide education about sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy in the schools, monthly.
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pm
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun
Sat ~2p Frequencia
Sun ~2p Salsa
Weekday's ~2p..Chucho (Jesus Campezino)
Wed: Blues W SeBlues..tho he's off isle right now.
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
Saturday afternoon 3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
July Events....
Thursday 5:30-9:30pm Artist Fair on Town Square (Note new hours)
Rain date...rescheduled to Friday
Friday, Fourth of July US Independence Day
At Casa de los Suenos....

From Christy Dix....For those who are in Isla Mujeres and want to practice your Spanish, come join us!! Spend an hour at Barlito's at Marina Paraiso this Friday 7/4 (3-4pm) and practice your Spanish skills while helping those who are studying English. It's a win win!!
Soggy Peso, in the past, has had Red White & Blue jello shots & a smoked brisket special
Miquel's Moonlight bar has had 4th parties in the past
July 5 Saturday 7p Abuelito & Abuelita contest La Gloria open air theatre
July 6 Sunday PRI Barracuda Fishing Tournament 8am start, 4pm weigh in, awards to follow on Posada Beach. 2pm Son 3 performing on Posada!
July 7 Town Square ~7p "Michael Jackson Extravaganza"
July 11 Friday Full Moon Rise: ~6:50 Sunset is ~7:30
Careful of the migrating crabs crossing the road to get to the sea to spawn, especially down at the south and south east part of the isle.
July 12 Saturday Full Moon Rise: ~7:45
July 13 Sunday Moonrise 8:41pm
July 14 Monday Moonrise 9:31pm
July 15 Tuesday Moonrise 10:17pm and ~50 minutes later nightly
July 24-27 : Whale Shark Festival. Includes a parade w floats, sand sculpture contest, recreational activities, and more.
The seventh edition of the Whale Shark Festival will take place July 24-27 and will include an agenda of activities that are: cultural, artistic, touristic, and environmental; with participation by artists, musicians, speakers, and environmental experts. There will be contests of: decorated golf carts, costumes, and sand sculptures; as well as parades, plays, lectures, performances by dance & music groups, photographic exhibitions, and other artistic activities.
A group of international artists plan to paint murals focused on the themes of conservation and protection of whale sharks, in a project titled "SEA WALLS". All events will be completely free and will take place at venues including the Town Square, the Posada Beach, and Rueda Medina Avenue (main street). Municipal gencies who are coordinating this event include the departments of Culture, Tourism, Public Relations, Ecology, and Social Communication.
July 26: There will be 600 Mexican athletes competing on the island for the “Copa Isla Mujeres de Tae Kwon Do”, including about 40 athletes from Isla Mujeres.
On August 31, about 500 athletes, both Mexican and international, are expected to participated in an open water swimming competition, Competencia de Nado de Aguas Abiertas, at Playa Norte/North Beach. The swimmers will travel distances between 250 meters and five kilometers, with the course being defined by a rectangle of buoys off Playa Norte. Dozens of foreigners are expected to participate, especially from the United States.
Whale Shark Season ...ends Sept 15
It is Sea Turtle Mating & Nesting season
Red & Blue crabs are migrating to the sea for spawning during full moons
Turtle releases August-Sept dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
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