The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published in May!, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. Ad for the remainder of year is a $30 donation. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in May.
Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. Ad for the remainder of year is a $30 donation. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in May.
Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Expecting to find out what killed the fish in Salina Grande: This week
Qué los habrá matado?
Domingo, 04 de Mayo de 2014 23:05
Esta semana despejarán dudas sobre peces muertos en Salina Grande
Personnel with PROFEPA (Federal Environmental Protection Agency) conducted a survey of water samples at Salina Grande to determine the cause of death of thousands of fish, which has occurred this past week. The results of these studies should be available this week, as well as those previously done.
Water samples have also been collected for analysis by COFEPRIS (Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risks, who also inspect businesses that sell food), by the agency that certifies the beaches, and another agency on the request of the Mayor.
Meanwhile about 150 City employees continue removing the fish, to prevent further pollution, and odors. The City workers have collected more than 40 black trash bags with thousands of dead fish and tonnes of trash, despite the ongoing cleaning campaigns that have been done under this administration. The Director of the municipal Ecology agency, Cristina Medina Figueroa said the the clean up work will continue for at least three days, and the cause of the fish deaths remains unknown, and will be revealed this week when the analyses are completed.
Another "Balsero" boat found
In the Continental Zone with no sign of its occupants
Recala otra “hechiza”
Domingo, 04 de Mayo de 2014 22:59
Pero no hay rastros de sus tripulantes, en la Zona Continental
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de mayo.- Leer más...
The balsero type, handmade boat was noticed in the area of Isla Blanca yesterday morning, and presumed to have washed up on Friday night or early yesterday. It is presumed to have held a half dozen or up to 10 undocumented Cubans, whose whereabouts are unknown. Isla Blanca is in the continental zone of the municipality of Isla Mujeres.
The balsero type, handmade boat was noticed in the area of Isla Blanca yesterday morning, and presumed to have washed up on Friday night or early yesterday. It is presumed to have held a half dozen or up to 10 undocumented Cubans, whose whereabouts are unknown. Isla Blanca is in the continental zone of the municipality of Isla Mujeres.
For seamen to obtain their "Libreta de Mar"
El día 8 inicia el curso
Domingo, 04 de Mayo de 2014 22:59
Para obtener la Libreta de Mar
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 4 de mayo.- Leer más...
These courses are offered intermittently and are required for obtaining the legal document required of seamen, so they are being offered before the start of whale shark season. The course for the type A Merchant Marine, which is required of the crew of private yachts, boats of passage, commercial vessels (merchant ships), and cruise ships of international stature, costs 2920 pesos. The Libreta de Mar type B, for those engaged in commercial fishing, costs 1100 pesos. Type C also costs 1100 pesos, and is required for those engaged in touristic activities such as whale shark tours, sport fishing, tourist tours, diving, snorkeling, and para sailing. Type D is for personnel of barges and platforms and costs 1800 pesos. Those who take the courses in the categories of helmsman, foreman, 'patrones de costa', yachtsman, and owner? ( paton marinero) receive a 40% discount. Information is given about registration and requirements, and topics will include survival at sea, personal safety & social responsibility, navigation in coastal areas and at sea, first aid, and basic principles the crew should know for incidents at sea or for other contingencies. Their documents will be delivered within 5 days of completing the course.
These courses are offered intermittently and are required for obtaining the legal document required of seamen, so they are being offered before the start of whale shark season. The course for the type A Merchant Marine, which is required of the crew of private yachts, boats of passage, commercial vessels (merchant ships), and cruise ships of international stature, costs 2920 pesos. The Libreta de Mar type B, for those engaged in commercial fishing, costs 1100 pesos. Type C also costs 1100 pesos, and is required for those engaged in touristic activities such as whale shark tours, sport fishing, tourist tours, diving, snorkeling, and para sailing. Type D is for personnel of barges and platforms and costs 1800 pesos. Those who take the courses in the categories of helmsman, foreman, 'patrones de costa', yachtsman, and owner? ( paton marinero) receive a 40% discount. Information is given about registration and requirements, and topics will include survival at sea, personal safety & social responsibility, navigation in coastal areas and at sea, first aid, and basic principles the crew should know for incidents at sea or for other contingencies. Their documents will be delivered within 5 days of completing the course.
Tvisla Mujeres
Noticias de Quequi......
Harbor Master reiterates restriction on licensees
Reitera Capitanía restricción de permisos
0 04 de mayo de 2014
At 10 days until the start of the whale shark tour season, the Harbor Master has confirmed that there has been no reversal of the new regulations issued by the Wildlife Department, which limit each licensee to a single vessel. This will hurt many permit holders who have been operating at least six boats. Demand for their services grows annually, and under this new policy it will be difficult for them to meet all the expectations.
However, those with only one permit think this will cause the "pie" to be shared more equitable manner, but this view is not shared by the majority. The Harbor Master says he does not expect the Wildlife Department director to change this policy.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- Asegura que política operativa sigue vigente.CLIMA
Rain affects tourism
Afectan lluvias a los turisteros
This photo is from their archives, because that restaurant is no longer there.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- Diversas actividades acuáticas se cancelaron y se inundaron algunas colonias por el frente frío 54.
The entrance of cold front #54 caused rainfall all day yesterday, but did not require any limitations on navigation by boats because there were not winds that posed any risks. Seamen were advised to pay attention to weather bulletins, and take appropriate precautions if the weather worsened. Although the port remained open, most water related activities came to a standstill, and there was some flooding in low areas of the island.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Empañan las lluvias 'puente' vacacional
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres

This says it was cold front 45, but it was cold front #54, that caused rains disrupting tourism at this vacation destination during this long weekend. In the colonias such as la Gloria and Salina Chica, among others, the reporter noted that some streets were flooded and there was large amounts of trash, which blocks the storm drains, causing flooding. The rainfall occurred throughout most of yesterday, falling intermittently, but with intensity at times, causing people to stay in their homes and hotels. The beaches were deserted and few tourists were visiting the various sites of Isla Mujeres.
Read more: Empañan las lluvias 'puente' vacacional
Flotan más peces muertos en el cuerpo de agua “Salinas”
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Flotan más peces muertos en el cuerpo de agua “Salinas”

Rescue of the convent: Of great importance |
Rescate de convento, de gran relevancia[+] Ver mas The National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) is preparing an initiative for the fredal government to have the Boca Iglesia Church declared a National Heritage Site.The INAH plans to survey and map the wells, stone arches, artifacts, and constructions at the west side of the building. Publication in the Official Gazette is required, in addition to a notice in the Public Registry of Property and in the Public Registry of Monuments and Archeological Zones, because the land is private. This site is said to be the location of the first Catholic Mass in America. This newspaper has disclosed that on a website there are about 2500 hectares for sale in Boca Iglesia at a price of 4-5 dollars per square meter. Historians and chroniclers agree that it is likely that this land is the location of the first battle between the Mayan and the Spanish, in March 1517. In Isla Mujeres, the 497th anniversary was celebrated on March 4th, of the arrival of Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba during his trip to the Yucatan Peninsula from Cuba in 1517. An unnamed researcher describes the site as follows: "Fifty yards from the main structure lies a walled convent house . The area is uninhabited and is surrounded by mangroves and by flooded low-lying areas, making the site inaccessible by land. Arrival by sea requires sailing about 40 miles from Isla Mujeres." The ancient settlement of Boca Church or Ecab is divided into two parts: the indigenous ( pre-Columbian) and colonial . By the end of the fifteenth century, the area north of the Yucatan Peninsula was divided into 16 Mayan groups. This site has been attributed with the following Mayan names by historians, Belma , Boxchén ( black earth ) and Pachi-Hom-Hom. In Maya that means "behind island Hom-Hom", since the island that separates the site from the sea is known as Hom-Hom.) The first Europeans to arrive on the Yucatan Peninsula were survivors of the shipwrecked expedtion of Diego de Nicusa, in 1512. The survivors included Jeronimo de Aguilar and "Morales". There are two versions of the arrival of the Spaniards to Cabo Catoche in 1517, under the command of Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba, who was accompanied by Bernal Diaz de Castillo who wrote the following narration.: (It was not published until 1632, and does not exactly agree with the writings of López de Gómara & Francisco Cervantes de Salazar. All of these accounts were written at a later date, when memories were less fresh, and politics is believed to have affected some of the information.) "On the 8th day of February, in the year of 1517, we left Havana from the port of Axaruco ( ... ) after twenty-one days (March 2 ) , we saw land (which ) hadn't been discovered , nor had it been heard of before, and from the ships we saw a great city (pueblo) that seemed to be along the coast for two leagues , and seeing that it was great city such as we had not seen on the island of Cuba nor any Spanish towns this large, therefore we named it Grand Cairo ( ... ) and one morning , on the 4th of March, we saw 10 very large canoes approaching, each made of one trunk, and in many of them, there were forty Indians " The story continues to explain that they were invited to land, and were ambushed in the jungle, where 15 Spaniards were wounded, and 15 Mayans were killed and two were taken prisoner. Julianejo died and Melchorejo helped contact Jeronimo de Aguilar at the next expedition of Hernan Cores in Cozumel, after which he escaped in the battle of Tabasco. The chronicler Oviedo wrote: "A head (cabacera) of a province, called Belma, was found close to the sea along the heavily populated coast." Little activity at the beach due to cold front Poca actividad playera por el frente frío[+] Ver mas Cold front #54 caused most people to stay indoors on Sunday, but more visitors are expected on Monday, when the weather is expected to be improved. The municipal Director of Tourism said occupancy improved with this holiday weekend. and next weekend is expected to be better with the arrival of the Regatta which departs Pensacola on Wednesday, as well as the fishing tournament on Saturday and Sunday. Relatives and friends of the participants of both events will also be arriving, which is expected to increase hotel occupancy to 60 percent. The following week is the beginning of the whale shark watching season, although the bulk of those visitors are transported to the area from Isla Mujeres and Punta Sam, some 100 boats of visitors come from Cancun and the Riviera Maya. There were some children playing on the beach, and their parents were nearby with sea birds at the Posada beach, where the winds were less, compared to Playa Norte. Most of the fleet of 400 golf carts were not in use, even when the rain fell with very little intensity. Most of the day was cloudy, which was a delight for some and a sorrow for other, and better weather is expected on Monday. Yamalcan: Maintaining hope in the 4th Division Yamalcan, mantiene esperazas en la 4ª división[+] Ver mas Rain causes water accumulations in low areas Lluvia causa encharcamientos en zonas bajas [+] Ver mas The heavy rain that fell on Sunday morning, due to the effects of cold front #54, brought flooding to the lowest areas, especially in the middle of the island. The sports complex was nearly full of water, but this did not dim the enthusiasm of Yamalkan, who are playing in the 4th and 5th Division of Mexican soccer, headed by coach Nabor Reyes. They opened a passage for the flow of water that had accumulated, and then held the two games scheduled against Campeche. The reporter noted a lot of trash at several areas, including around that sports facility, and neighbors are asking that trash receptacles be placed in the area. It did not rain as much downtown, and there was some puddling along Rueda Medina, and the staff of Civil Protection opened a passage in the sand of Playa Norte to drain water away. There is more rain predicted for Monday. The relatively strong winds closed the port to navigation by small vessels, so the boats for fishing and recreation were moored, waiting for improved weather to return to work. In the midst of the storm, the PRI political party (who are currently in power) organized a fishing tournament for children on Sunday, from the concrete pier near the ferry. The children used fishing line to catch fish from the underside of the pier. |
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Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
Miguel's high season schedule:Thursday at 6pm Marina Paraiso Isla Mujeres with Seblues Hernandez Miranda - blues variety
Wednesday - Saturday at 10:30 Fayne's BarandGrill with La Banda Sin Nombre - Rock, blues & pop
Friday - Saturday at 12:00 mn Tequileria La Adelita with La Banda Sin Nombre - Salsa & Mexican
Sunday at 7:00 Bahia Tortuga with The Sol Rockers - Rock & blues .
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pm
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun
Fenix Sat ~1p Reggae/Cuban
Sun ~1p Salsa
(Start times posted on menu board by entrance)
Fenix Lounge Domingo
Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! :: Sunday Live Salsa
with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la
Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No
You may find live
music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and
at Poc Na Hostel.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Texas Holdem Every Monday and Thursday
at 6:00pm El Patio Caribbean Grill
May 1 Thursday 4p-9p Artists Fair on Town Square
May 1 Formal welcome to Regatta Sol al Sol XLVI
May 1 Labor Day in Mexico
May 1 May Day
May 2 Regatta Amigos XLV 12:30 Isla Children sail around isle
May 2 Regatta Sol al Sol Awards dinner
May 3 Regatta Sol al Sol departure
May 3 Day of the Holy Cross (festival for mason/constrct wkrs /Dia de Santa Cruz, also called El Día del Albañil. (Essay..maybe May 4th 2012)
May 5 Battle of Puebla 2012 "Cinco de Mayo"
Soggy Peso is planning some drink & food specials & a visit from the Mariachis today.
May 8 Thursday Regata Al Sol XXVIII Departs for Isla Mujeres
May 9-11 Cosme Magana Fishing Tournament
May 10 Saturday Mother's Day in Mexico
~May 13-20 Festival of Lady of Fatima at Rancho Vieho ~30+ yr tradition Continental IM
May 14 7:25pm Full Moon Rise of Caribbean Sea
Rises an hour later each night
(Sunset ~7p)
May 15 Thursday Teachers Day
May 29 Thursday Ascension Day
May 15- Sept. 15- Whale Shark Season
Early May - Nov. Sea Turtle Mating & Nesting
Whale Shark Festival TBA ~ late June-early July?
6th Annual Alicia Ricalde Magana Women's Fishing Tournament TBA August?
Turtle releases August-Sept dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance
Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
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