The "Morning Edition" has translated headlines & newspaper photos. This Afternoon Edition has translations of the articles, Daily Events & Live Music Schedules & the "Around the Internet in the Past 24 Hours" section including photos & info from individuals & local businesses ....Daily In Isla Mujeres. There are always links to the original articles in Spanish.
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Tortugranja Turtle Farm has stranded dolphin: Evaluating its health for 48 hours
Tortugranja aloja a delfín varado: Evaluarán su salud en 48 horas
Martes, 13 de Agosto de 2013 20:43
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de agosto.-
ISLA MUJERES, August 13. - With the department of the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa), and the Department of Parks and Museum of Isla Mujeres, the Tortugranja facilities provided help a stranded dolphin. It was found off the coast of Cancun early Tuesday, stranded in the hotel zone of Cancun by fire personnel. The staff of Dolphin Discovery are assisting. It was given first aid. They do not know if it will recover and took samples to screen for diseased and are trying to help it recover. The next 48 hours will be crucial.
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ISLA MUJERES, August 13. - With the department of the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa), and the Department of Parks and Museum of Isla Mujeres, the Tortugranja facilities provided help a stranded dolphin. It was found off the coast of Cancun early Tuesday, stranded in the hotel zone of Cancun by fire personnel. The staff of Dolphin Discovery are assisting. It was given first aid. They do not know if it will recover and took samples to screen for diseased and are trying to help it recover. The next 48 hours will be crucial.
Commemoration of 163 Anniversary of the founding of Isla Mujeres
Conmemorarán 163 aniversario de la Isla
Martes, 13 de Agosto de 2013 20:31
Declaran recinto oficial explanada municipal
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de agosto.- On August 17th, Isla Mujeres will commemorate the 163rd anniversary of the founding of the City. There will be a formal City Council meeting dedicated to the event as well as a cultural festival at the Town Square. The Annual Merit Awards will be presented, one in Tourism (named for “José de Jesús Lima Gutiérrez”) and one for Citizenship (named for “Alfonso Ríos Azueta”). The Governor is expected to visit. The Pueblo of Dolores was founded in 1850. As part of the anniversary celebration, awards will be given to descendents of the founding elders. After the official formalities are over, there will be a cultural program, with the crowning of the Founding Grandmother (“Abuelita fundación” ). There will be folkloric dancing from the students of the Casa de Cultura, and a presentation by members of the Renata Dance Studio, to name a few of the events.
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Tvisla Mujeres
The responsibility for young people is shared: Agapito Magana (Mayor elect)
His comments were similar to the Mayor's about the need to implement programs, to offer healthy activities for youths, and to involve youths. He said that it is crucial that parents take responsibility, and his work will begin on Sept. 30.
Noticias de El Quintanarroense
by Ovidio Lopez
Combating low achievement | ||
Last year the director of the Middle School, Ramón Peña Celis, drew up a plan, involving parents, to improve student comprehension and grades. In the previous school period, the average was 8.0 and the goal is to raise it to 8.3. In January, one third (64) of the high school freshmen failed because they failed three subjects or more. Of the 153 students entering high school, on their evaluations they were all deficient in reading, 19 had no problem in mathematics, nine passed English, and 125 students were evaluated as having inadequate scores. The problem is said to go down to the primary level. The Director of Education just concluded a summer session of remedial classes for 137 students with poor achievement, which began in July. Report of various potholes |
Reportan diversos hoyancos | ||
Over a year ago, SINTRA was renovating Carlos Lazo Avenue with stamped concrete, when they departed without finishing the section in front of the Convention Center. The City filled it in, but the section was in rough shape. Now SINTRA (Secretary of Infrastructure and Transport) has completed work on the street. The reporter complains about nearby potholes and lists incomplete projects: mercado de la colonia Cañotal; malecón Rueda Medina; Hospital de Segundo Nivel; Sac-bajo; terminal de Punta Sam; Canotal market, main street seawalk, Specialty hospital (Under construction), Sac bajo (sidewalks), terminal at Punta Sam, among others
Cost of whale shark tour falls 50% | ||
Cae 50% costo de tour del tiburón ballena | ||
Many of the whale shark tour providers are from Cancun and the Riviera Maya, with their sales being made outside the municipality of Isla Mujeres. The official rate was set at $120, which was agreed upon because it is necessary to cover the cost of operation and supplies. The tours are being sold for $60-$80 dollars.
Another problem is the lack of control of the vessels entering the reserve area where the whale sharks congregate, and the whales do not always gather within the Protected Area. Scientific studies have indicated there is justification for extending the Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Yum Balam . |
Noticias de Quequi......
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Trash on the avenue
Convierten avenida en un muladar

Complaint of dangerous post
Denuncian poste peligroso

Da inicio nuevo curso docente
The teachers began their school year yesterday, and more that 3000 students are expected to join them next week. Eighty teachers are taking classes from 8am to noon about managing children & that are described as "refresher classes".
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Comienza demolición en terminal marítima
Demolition of the ferry terminal began yesterday, and the new building will be one of the most modern in the country. It is being built at a cost of ~32 million pesos and is expected to increase the flow of visitors to the island. It will include a parking area, lockers, showers, and the various local businesses that were in the terminal previously.
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Arroja cervecería aguas putrefactas
Agents with the Dept. of Ecology and managers from Aguakan paid a visit to a beer store (cervecera) that has allegedly been throwing putrid water onto the public road. Aguakan manager José Pinzón explained that when this business opened in an area lacking water infrastructure, they were given the option of disposing of their water in the area behind. Instead they installed their own infrastructure so that the water was pumped to a drain in back. But their system has deteriorated, which has caused the overflow. The neighbors say the problem has been going on for several weeks, and they hope it is resolved quickly. Sr Pinzon said they were bringing in a truck to remove the accumulated water.
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Vigilará el DIF a los jóvenes infractores

Monday night in the area of prolongacion Aeropuerto (on the Caribbean side), there was a fire in three small palapas, following a lightning strike at one of the private home, then wind caused the other two to be affected. On Tuesday morning, the police received a report of an attempted burglary in the Aeropuerto prolongacion area, but the owners arrived home before the crime occurred.
Twelve minors detained for fighting are released in Isla Mujeres

Diario La Verdad

A million tourists visited Isla Mujeres in one year
Un millón de turistas fueron a Isla Mujeres en un año
DIF monitors the detained minors in Isla Mujeres -
DIF apoya a menores detenidos en Isla Mujeres
.This is the same story about the social service agency monitoring the minors who got in trouble this week.

Progress on new ferry terminal
Nueva terminal marítima avanza [+] Ver mas
Some of the golf cart rental agencies have filed complaints because the location of the new terminal makes them less competitive, and there is a Magana rental agency that is benefiting from the new location of the terminal entrance. The current access is provisional.
A dolphin was rescued
Un delfín fue rescatadoVer mas
Light poles dangerous for pedestrians
Postes de luz peligrosos para los transeuntes[+] Ver mas
This blog is brought to you by....
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
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![]() |
View from rooms |
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Small room |
![]() |
Large room |
Sunrise this morning from MVC B&B
It was a lonely sunrise & I was too sad to take pictures...Usually it's just me and Odd & Missy out there. Their absence will make the sunrises kinda sad, but the memories are precious.
- Did find one in an email. This is Missy waiting at top of stairs at Casa Vista Alegre hoping Eileen would appear. I had a property manager that use to say "The dogs can smell when Doug and Eileen get off the ferry"
Upcoming Events
Saturday, Aug 17 1p at Fenix: Isla Art Expo & Corona Beach Party
Sat. Aug 17 Evening Town Square 163 Anniversary of Isla Mujeres (speeches & awards, then crowning the Founding Grandmother, then folklorico & other dances by students from Casa Cultura & Renata Dance Studio)
Aug 19 Mexico Summer Holiday season ends with the start of school
Aug 20 Next Full Moon
Aug 22 Dia de Bomberos..Firemen's Day.
Sept. 30 Current municipal government completes its term
Critter events...
It is currently the season for swimming with the whale sharks, and turtles are nesting on the eastern beaches in the wee hours. There are Tortugranja staff monitoring the beaches to prevent people from disrupting them, and to gather and transport the eggs for incubation.
By far, most of the turtles nesting in Isla Mujeres are Green turtles (called Blancas in Spanish), and the second most common are the huge Loggerheads, and there are some Hawksbills. The Green turtles take ~60 days to hatch and are held in the water tanks at the Tortugranja until the hatchlings are released by the public at events at dusk on Media Luna or Guadalupana. These events will occur periodically until early October and are usually announced a day or two in advance. They are rescheduled if the sea is rough.
Lately there have been many rays, in addition to many whale sharks. From MVC, we have been seeing dolphins from the balcony, and some large fish while snorkeling offshore. Lotsa mama turtles visiting our beach lately!
There are small red crabs that migrate to & from the sea in August, watch out for them at night on the coastal road at the southeastern part of the isle. The main migration of the blue crabs is during the full moons of Sept-Oct, but there are always some early ones... watch out for them in Sac Bajo.
There are usually some "crab rescue" events on these nights, to help them get across the roads safely. The red ones move between scrub and the sea and the blue ones move between the mangrove type areas and the sea. They are spawning.
Lobster season began July 1 and continues until the end of February.
Live Music Wednesday In Isla Mujeres
Casa de los Suenos 4-7 Banda Sin Nombre Half priced appetizers LINk fb
Fenix: 8-10 La Guera & Willy's Blues 8 w Special Guest SeBlues
Iguanas 6:30-8:30 Jazz LINK Fb
Sunset Grill 6-7:30 Keyboard & Vocals LINK
Bally Hoo 7-9 Sol Rockers
Bahia Tortuga 7p Melekai Joe & Open mic LINK
Cafe del Mar 8 -10 (?) LINK LINK
Faynes 8-10 Raul Alexis
Faynes Banda Sin Nombre 10:30-12:15 LINK
John Cain's schedule is
Tuesday- Cafe Del Mar, 8-10, solo guitar & vocals
Wednesday- Bally Hoo, 7-9, Sol Rockers band
Friday- Iguana Bar-7-9, solo guitar & vocals
Sunday- Bahia Tortuga- 7-9, Sol Rockers band
On the internet in the past 24 hours...
I know thiw looks kinda nasty, but it will probably expend its energy in the Gulf and there are no warnings & no significant activity threatening any coasts.
Eastern Pacific | ![]() |
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Atlantic | ![]() |
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Atlantic - Caribbean Sea - Gulf of Mexico
Chuuk Kay Restaurante added a new photo.
Playa Norte now in real time in Isla Mujeres
"Time Lapse" of Playa Norte Webcam: LINK
. .
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