Support is being sought from the nautical community, media and general public to help locate the missing yacht "MIO GUADALUPE" which has delivered more than 4 tons of humanitarian aid to Haiti. The GPS signal and communication with the boat were lost at 12:30 on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 130 miles from Cozumel, when it was on its return route from Haiti.
The last known location was Latitude 19°47. 4 N; Longitude 084°40.4 ́W. It is an 86 foot-long white Haterras yacht flying the Panamanian flag, with 4 crew members aboard. Reports have been filed with the Cozumel Harbor Master and Cuban Coast Guard. The Mexican Navy has activated its search protocols. A leased airplane is doing flyovers and boats of volunteers are searching in the area of its last known location.
The crew who were on a mission to help those in need now needs us. Any information or assistance in the search is greatly appreciated. Email contact: and WhatsApp: (+52) 998 578 1281.
The boat had left Puerto Aventuras on Sept. 11, carrying humanitarian aid to Haiti, according to Por Esto, and was returning from that mission. It has delivered more than four tons of humanitarian aid to Haiti, including food, medicines and medical supplies, as part of a joint operation between various organizations and entrepreneurs of Quintana Roo who reached out during Haiti's emergency situation to establish a field hospital in the city of L'Asile.
Yesterday... As
promised by the newly sworn-in Mayor of Isla Mujeres, the process of
removing the accumulation of garbage at the Trash Transfer Facility has
begun. (Video shows about a dozen large semis driving south along the Caribbean coastal road.)
The Governor, Carlos Joaquin, attended the swearing-in of the new Municipal President of Isla Mujeres for 2021-2024, Atenea Gomez Ricalde. He wished her success with her administration, for the benefit of the isleños.
There are photos on his page of his attending the oaths of office of the new Mayors of the four municipalities of the Southern Zone of the state, and six of the seven municipalities in our Northern Zone, so far, yesterday and today. (And now his page shows that he attended all eleven events.)
On Monday, six new commemorative 10 and 20 peso coins went into circulation. They were preceded in April by two new 12-sided (decagon) 20-peso commemorative coins.
The first photo is a 20 peso coin that went into circulation in April, which we received in change on Isla for the first time this week. It commemorates the 100th anniversary of the death of General Emiliano Zapata Salazar, an important leader during the Mexican Revolution. It features a campesino plowing land behind his right shoulder and a map of Mexico in the security feature by his left shoulder, with microtext on his sombrero reading "tierra y libertad" (land & liberty). The dates 1919-2019 honor the centenary of his death. Like the other coins, on the flip side is the national shield and the legend "United Mexican States". The next photo is the same coin, in better focus.

The 20 peso coin below also went into circulation in April and commemorates the 500th
anniversary of the foundation of the City and Port of Veracruz, with the
dates 1519-2019. The design includes a 16th century ship with stylized
waves and a profile of the Old City Hall, which is the current Palacio
Municipal/City Hall. The microtext above the boat says "500 VERACRUZ"
and the security feature is a "20".
next six coins entered circulation on Monday, honoring the 200th
anniversary of Mexico's independence, 500 years since the fall of
Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City) and 700 years since the lunar foundation
of Tenochtitlan
The 20 peso coin below commemorates
the Bicentennial of National Independence with the dates 1821-2021,
featuring profiles of Miguel Hidalgo, José María Morelos and Vicente
Guerrero, with the Angel of Independence (Winged Victory) in the
security feature above them, and "LIBERTAD" in microtext.
This is the 10 peso silver coin which also commemorates Independence with the heroes facing the Angel of Independence.
Below is the 20
peso coin commemorating 500 years of indigenous resistance and the fall
of Tenochtitlan with the dates 1521 / 2021 and a legend that translates
as 500 years of historical memory of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. The
illustration is the Metropolitan Cathedral located in Mexico City's main
square with a reflection image of the Templo Mayor de los Mexica, which
was destroyed by the Spanish, leaving remnants below the foundations of
colonial buildings. The microtext says "Fusión cultural” and the
security feature contains an image of the Templo Mayor.
is the 10 peso silver coin with the same legend and dates, with an
illustration of the Templo Mayor in the foreground, and the
Constitutional Plaza with the Mexican flag, the Metropolitan Cathedral
& the National Palace in the background.
Below is the 20 peso coin celebrating 700 years since the foundation "lunar"
of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. It features the "original" eagle on a prickly
pear cactus that became Mexico's national symbol. This illustration was
carved into the "Teocalli of the Sacred War" which may have been the
throne of Montecuhzoma II. (Teocalli is Nahuatal for temple & the
sculpture was discovered in the foundations of the National Palace.) A
moon is behind the security feature and the microtext says Teocalli.
is the silver 10 peso coin that also celebrates these 700 years with a
representation of an eagle on a nopal cactus which is from the Codice
Mendoza, which is written above it. (Mendoza was the first viceroy of
New Spain who commissioned the codex containing extensive information
about the Aztecs, their lords and the origins of their capital city of
Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City.) This design is the frontispiece which
represents the four sections of Tenochtitlan and the Aztec's explanation
of their reason for settling there. When they left their ancestral home
of Aztlan, their patron deity said to settle where they saw an eagle
atop a cactus growing from a rock, which they observed on an island in
the middle of Lake Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico in 1325.
Sept. 29 TV
Isla Mujeres reports that 13 Cubans in this handmade "balsero" boat
were rescued by the Navy on Monday & turned over to immigration
(INM). IM Noticias reports a fishing boat from Puerto Juarez rescued
them on Monday, who turned them over to the Navy, who in turn turned
them over to INM in the early hours of Tuesday. Photo credit-TV Isla Mujeres
Sept. 29....
The NGO Patrulla Verde (Green Patrol) invites individuals, groups and businesses to join them in rescuing the public spaces of Isla Mujeres, beginning this Saturday, Oct. 2 at 9am with the walking path around Salina Grande lake, meeting in this area. You're encouraged to participate in person and/or with donations of paint, equipment, drinking water, etc. You can communicate with them via the Noti Isla Mujeres page or here is Patrulla Verde's page: reporter thanked the golf cart rental company "Caribe" for donating paint and Candalaria Tours for paintbrushes & rollers. (Video with interview with representative of the NGO & showing a newly painted part of the wall along the walking path)
Sept 29.... Mexico
will begin vaccination of 12 to 17 year-olds with the Pfizer vaccine by
first administering doses to youths with comorbidities, who are most at
risk. They are encouraged to begin registering on Friday, at the
mivacuna website. Comorbidities include immunosuppression (cancer,
transplants, HIV, etc); COPD; chronic disorders of the kidneys, liver or
the digestive, cardiac or neurological systems; diabetes or other
endocrine disorders (including Grade 2 obesity and +); genetic anomalies
and adolescent pregnancy.
Sept 29....
Red area isn't tracking in our direction and is expected to become a
Tropical Depression or Tropical Storm later today. The nearby Yellow
area represents a low pressure trough whose chances for development have
dropped to 30% as it drifts WNW over the tropical central Atlantic. Our
four day forecast looks good & it's a sunny, pretty morning. Photo
taken at 8am from Maravilla Caribe Bed & Beach. (Today, October first, the Red and Yellow area are no longer on the NHC maps.)
Sept. 28.... Rabies
vaccinations will be administered tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 29, at the
La Gloria park starting at 9am, and residents are invited to bring
their cats and dogs. This is part of a national campaign and will be
conducted by the municipal Department of Environment and Ecology, whose
director encourages residents to participate, with a reminder that face
masks are mandatory and to maintain healthy distance. There will be 260
doses available.
Sept. 28.... The
CFE (Federal Electrical Commission) announces a suspension of
electrical service tomorrow 8a-2p in the areas listed of colonia La
Gloria and Ampliacion La Gloria for maintenance to the network.
new trash collection truck has arrived, with five to six more expected for the
Island and the Continental Zone. Noti Isla Mujeres credits this to the
work of the Mayor-Elect, Atenea Gomez Ricalde, who will be sworn in on
Thursday. Photo credit-Noti Isla Mujeres
Sept. 27....This is Juan Román Martín Pérez, explaining that the administration of the Tortugranja is in the process of being turned over to INAPESCA (Instituto Nacional de Pesca & Acuacultura/National Institute of Fish and Aqua-culture). Mr. Martin is in charge of the municipal government until the Mayor-elect takes office on Thursday. (The former Mayor is now serving as a federal legislator.) The reporter complains about a lack of clear information from different officials, says there are concerns that the facility will close and he wants to know if the transfer be completed within a few days, a few months, or when? The official says he does not have a date to provide and again confirms that INAPESCA is taking it over and that change-over is in process. Photo credit TVQRoo--screenshot from their video.
Sept. 27 ....A
reminder that residents 18-29 can receive their second dose of Astra
Zeneca vaccine against C-19 at the Bicentennial Dome in colonia La
Gloria today thru Thursday, 8a-6p. Bring the documents you needed for
your first shot & that shot record. It says this is for AZ second
doses only.
Sept. 25... When
it was first settled, Isla Mujeres was part of the independent Republic
of Yucatan. This is the story of the Republic's partnership with
fellow-secessionists, the Republic of Texas, and Yucatan's
near-annexation to the United States
When Isla Mujeres was settled in 1847, it was part of the Republic of Yucatan. That was the year Isla Mujeres and the rest of the Yucatan peninsula nearly became part of the United States.
The Republic of Yucatan declared its independence in 1841, as Mexico completed its second decade as a nation. The new Republic formed an official Alliance with the Republic of Texas, who had seceded five years earlier. The two rebellious Republics established embassies in each other's capitals and joined forces against Mexico.
Before its annexation by the United States in 1845, the Republic of Texas existed as a sovereign nation for a decade, while Mexico considered it a rebellious province. The Republic of Yucatan lasted seven years before rejoining Mexico, after attempting to become annexed to the United States in 1847. This is the tale of the political partnership between the two secessionist Republics & how the Yucatan peninsula nearly became part of the US the year Isla Mujeres was settled.
Isla Mujeres was seasonally inhabited by regional fishermen in 1837, when it began its relationship with the Republic of Texas by being spuriously "claimed" by the Texan Navy, who visited for a few days while raiding the Yucatan coast. That was a year after the former "Texians" had declared their independence from Mexico, sparking a war between the two.
Texas had been independent for five years when the Republic of Yucatan seceded from Mexico in 1841.
Striking a deal with Texas President Lamar, the two upstart nations formed an Alliance, with the Yucatan agreeing to pay Texas $8000 monthly for three ships to defend its coasts against Mexican blockades and raids. The Republics agreed to split the proceeds from any seized prizes. This agreement promised an infusion of badly needed capital for the Republic of Texas. The Texans hoped that as long as Yucatan remained in rebellion, Mexico would be too busy to mount a fresh invasion of Texas.
The Texas Navy patrolled off the coasts of the Yucatan peninsula, capturing various commercial Mexican ships, until April 1842, when Yucatan suspended payments during a temporary truce with Mexico. The Alliance between the two Republics continued, with embassies in Merida and Austin. A year later, two Texas Naval ships returned to the Yucatan, battling with various Mexican vessels. However, Texas President Houston proclaimed the Texas Navy to be pirates & requested that any friendly country capture them and return the ships to him in Galveston. Upon hearing this, the Navy returned to Texas in July, 1843, which was the end of its operations.
The ten year-old Republic of Texas was annexed by the United States at the end of 1845, triggering the Mexican-American War. When the US Navy blockaded the Yucatan coast, the President of Yucatan sent a delegation to Washington DC to remind the US of the Republic of Yucatan's neutrality in the war between Mexico & the US.
Meanwhile, the Caste War broke out on the Yucatan Peninsula with Mayan rebels taking up arms against the outnumbered whites and mestizos. This caused the settlement of Isla Mujeres by refugees escaping the carnage. The war changed the mission of the Yucatan delegation, as their President Mendez desperately offered his country to the US in exchange for military assistance. He also offered sovereignty to Cuba, Jamaica, Spain, and the United Kingdom, but the US was the only country who seriously considered accepting.
In Washington DC, President Polk supported the formal Offer of Annexation, and Congress passed a bill to provide the requested military assistance and pave the way for annexation. However, the bill was defeated in the Senate.
The Republic of Yucatan turned to Mexico for assistance with the Caste War, rejoining the country in 1848, after seven years of independence. The Treaty of Hidalgo ended the US-Mexican war in 1848, with the US paying 15 million pesos and Mexico ceding about 55% of its territory. Yucatan received 150,000 pesos from Mexico's President, along with arms and ammunition. The settlers of Isla Mujeres found refuge on the isle and adapted to coastal life. They petitioned the Mexican government for official status as a town, which they received in August, 1850.
Written by Ronda Winn-Roberts
Flag of the Republic of Yucatan 1841-1848
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