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Both issues of The Isla Mujeres Magazine are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Prosecutors office intervenes in case of alleged abuse of a tourist
Intervendrá Fiscalía
En caso de turista abusada en Isla Mujeres
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 19 de junio.-
ISLA MUJERES, 19 de junio.-
It is anticipated that on Tuesday or later this week, staff from the Prosecutor's Office who specialize in Sexual Offenses will come to the island with the intention of attending to the case of the foreigner, who allegedly suffered sexual harassment (abuso sexual) from taxi driver of cab #215.
Regarding this case, the aggrieved went to the local Public Prosecutor's Office (MP), where she was assisted by staff of the Municipal Tourism Department and was attended by the MP agent. It turned out that the foreigner doesn't intend to file a complaint and apparently she wants to negotiate with the alleged harasser. However, this apparently is not a possibility, because the offense of sexual abuse is pursued ex officio by the relevant authorities.
This is precisely why staff from the Special Prosecutor's Office for Sex Offenses will come to Isla Mujeres, who are translators and experts in sex crimes. As soon as these personnel arrive on the island, the foreigner will be summoned to the agency of the MP again, so that the corresponding proceedings are carried out in relation to this case.
It is noted that the foreigner reported on social networks that she was intoxicated when she left a downtown business and got into taxi #215, to travel down the eastern coastal road to her rental home, and she alleged that during the trip, the driver touched her inappropriately.
Mayor keeping his commitment to work at improving health
Trabajando por la salud
Juan Carrillo cumple firme compromiso
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 19 de junio.-
ISLA MUJERES, 19 de junio.-
Dolphin release postponed because of weather
Posponen liberación del delfín
A causa de las condiciones climáticas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 19 de junio.-
ISLA MUJERES, 19 de junio.-
See TV Isla Mujeres section below....
Isla Mujeres fisherman unhappy about Cubans fishing for Bonito
Alejen barcos cubanos de IM
Piden pescadores porque acaban con “bonito”
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 18 de junio.-
ISLA MUJERES, 18 de junio.-
See yesterday's translations....
Preparations for rainy season
Preparados y protegidos
Isleños ante temporada de lluvias
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 18 de junio.-
ISLA MUJERES, 18 de junio.-
See City section below....
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
Preventative actions continue
The Mayor, Juan Carrillo Soberanis, instructed the Director of Civil Protection and the Fire Fighters, Helman Ulises Berman Graniel, to carry out operations on the island and in the Continental Zone to prevent flooding.
They have removed all the trash and vegetation from the storm drains including those at the Salina Grande malecon, those along Martinez Ross avenue, the drain known as "La Corona", and other areas of the island. Downtown, they just conducted surveillance tours because that cleaning work has been completed. The responded to a call concerning the area in front of the Jean Piaget primary school in colonia La Gloria.
The Mayor said that for these operations to prevent flooding, they have been using shovels, picks, shovels, pitchforks, patas de cabra, brooms, rakes, wheelbarrows, and other items. He asked residents to avoid throwing trash in the streets and to help keep them clean.
During its 17th Regular Session, the Isla Mujeres City Council approved the constitutional reforms for the State Anti-Corruption System, with the creation of the Office of the Prosecutor Specialized in Combating Corruption and Administrative Tribunals.
Inauguration of mobile mammography unit
Working in coordination with federal institutions, the City of Isla Mujeres continues to manage resources for the benefit of the residents and their health. Officials inaugurated a mobile mammography unit with the IMSS (Mexican Institute of Social Security).
The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), reported in 2015 that every two hours a Mexican woman dies of this disease, and every year 23,000 new cases are diagnosed. Current knowledge about the causes of breast cancer is insufficient, so early detection remains the most important factor in the fight against this disease. Names of officials attending are given.
Yesterday's translations....
The City is making preparations at the start of rainy season, with a low pressure system at the northwest of the Caribbean Sea affecting the countries of Guatemala, Belize, as well as the Yucatan Peninsula and the states of Chiapas and Tabasco. The preventative activities include tree pruning, sewer cleaning and garbage collection on streets and avenues of Isla Mujeres, and citizens are invited to join these activities and work in a coordinated manner with the municipal government.
The Mayor said, "Today personnel with the Public Services Department will be in the colonias checking sewers and collecting all the trash that can obstruct the drains. All the residents are invited to help us by cleaning the front of their houses, securing objects that could become projectiles but above all, to keep themselves informed."
Congratulations to all the fathers on your day.
Muchas felicidades a todos los padres en su día.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
Runners celebrate their first successful race in Isla Mujeres
Although there was a threat of rain, more than 60 people participated in the successful event "Runners for Runners" (“Corredores para los Corredores”), celebrating Father's Day. Participants included housewives who registered for the 2 km walk, as well as children, youths, and adults, running distances of 400 meters, 1 km, 2 km, 5 km, and 10 km.
The winners are: Hannah Méndez Silvan and Yohem Yam Méndez, age 6, in the 400mts; Samuel Burgos Brito and Ramona Esteva Medina, age 9, in the1 km, youths Yaremi Mendoza Uh and Luis Cupul Perdomo in the 2 kilometers, and in the adult categories Víctor Méndez and Angelica del Villar won the 5 km and Gerardo Vázquez Pérez won the 10 km.
We will only have rains: Juan Carrillo Soberanis-
The Mayor gave reassurances that there is not alert of danger, and the weather will only include rain, and possibly winds. Officials are monitoring the weather and encourage residents to stay informed. He said Civil Protection is working to address flooding problems, and it is noted that the shelters are prepared. The rest of this information has been translated in the City section.
The municipal government continues working for the health of the island
- See City section...
The release of the dolphin "Pake" has been rescheduled for Thursday
The dolphin "Paki" will carry a tracking device for two months
Due to poor weather conditions, Dolphin Discovery has rescheduled the release of the dolphin "Paki" for Thursday, which had been planned for Tuesday. The dolphin was rescued by a group of islanders from a rocky area on May 2nd. He was found to have a serious infection and wouldn't eat, and received 24 hour care from the veterinarians of Dolphin Discovery. After nearly two months, he finally recovered and will be released, which is scheduled for June 22nd.
The head of the Dolphin Discovery veterinarians, Roberto Sanchez Okrucry, said the dolphin is ready to be returned to his habitat, after regaining 10 kilograms, and more importantly the bad infection that had him on the verge of death has been eradicated.
For the release of the dolphin, a tracking device (a satellite tag) was placed, which send about 80 signals daily, which will help to follow the path of the animal when he is returned to his normal life. He said the installation of this equipment won't compromise the health of the animal, since the materials are biodegradable, and the animal will be rid of the device in a little over 2 months.
It's made of a very soft metal alloy, which degrades little by little, and releases from the animal in a short time. It is noted that a similar device was installed on the dolphin "Maya" which was successfully returned to its habitat in 2015. The last signal emitted from that tracker was emitted for water near the border of Honduras and Nicaragua, where the tracker fell off the animal.
Dr. Sanchez explained that the equipment will emit a signal for approximately 70 days. He said, "It will give us four locations a day for the first month and two for the second month." The device is functioning and working correctly.
The rains will continue throughout the Caribbean sea and Gulf of Mexico
The maximum rains of the last 24 hours, measured in millimeters, were registered in the meteorological stations Jalapa, Ver. (54.8); Cancún, Q. Roo (51.3); Tapachula, Chis. (43.1); Acapulco, Gro. (12.0); The Future, Tab. (6.7); Puebla, Pue. (1.0), and Oaxaca, Oax. (0.2). The rain was caused by a low pressure system located in Quintana Roo at 7am. The forecast includes cloudy hot weather, with winds of 15-30kph and gusts over 50 kph while the storm system passes.
Note, 51.3mm is 2 inches.
At 4:00am, Central Mexico time, Tropical Depression Number 2 evolved into a tropical storm and was located 3,745 km east-southeast of the coast of Quintana Roo with maximum sustained winds of 65 km / h, Gusts up to 85 km / h and moving west at 37 km / h. Because of its distance, this system doesn't affect the country of Mexico, it is being kept under close watch.
Municipal Government conducts preventive work before rainy season
Tropical Storm "Bret" has formed
In its 5pm bulletin, the National Hurricane Center confirmed the formation of Tropical Storm "Bret", which is located in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 3180 km east-southeast of the coast of Quintana Roo, moving northwest at about 30mph. It has sustained winds of 40 mph with stronger gusts, and tropical storm warnings have been issued for Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, and parts of Venezuela, including Isla Margarita. A storm watch was issued for Bonaire, Curazao and Aruba.
Predictions from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) estimate that that this will be an above average hurricane season and they expect the formation of 11 to 17 tropical storms,of which five to nine would become hurricanes, of which two to four are expected to be in the stronger categories. For a normal season, NOAA would expect an average of 12 storms, of which six would become hurricanes, and of those three would reach the higher categories, starting at 3 on the Saffir-Simpson intensity scale.…/
The Cahuameros of Isla Mujeres Nueva Generación will play the Mexican Sub-18 National Basketball Team, at the Convention Center on Monday, July 3, starting at 8 pm. This is part of the SIS Show-Case Internacional Cancún 2017, to be held from July 1 to 9.
The fishermen of Isla Mujeres, as well as the whale shark workers, will impose conditions on their approval and support for the creation of the Biosphere Reserve of the Mexican Caribbean
-The Federation of Fishing Cooperatives of the state of Quintana Roo, which includes the fishermen of Isla Mujeres, as well as the whale shark workers, will impose conditions on their approval and support for the creation of the Biosphere Reserve of the Mexican Caribbean, because they want the support of the authorities to force the Cuban boats move farther away, who are fishing about 12 nautical miles from Isla Mujeres, and allegedly killing the "Bonito" species.
The merger of Harbor Master with the Secretary of the Navy
The merger of the control of the Harbor Masters office was formalized by passing control from the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (SCT) to the Secretary of the Navy of Mexico.
"With the changes that are taking place, the Secretary of the Navy is already part of the maritime authority of Isla Mujeres and of all Harbor Masters throughout the country, "said the Harbor Master.
At the moment, the Harbor Master of Isla Mujeres, Ismael González Gil, said that the functions of the Port Captaincy will remain the same, but in this case, with the administration of the Navy.
He added that previously, the Department of Harbor Masters depended directly on the Secretary of Communications and Transportation (SCT), but now everything will depend on the Secretary of the Navy.

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
No risk of overflowing of the salina lakes
No hay riesgo de desborde de las lagunas Salinas. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
June 19 Personnel with the municipal Civil Protection Department confirmed that the three salina lakes of Isla Mujeres are not at risk of overflowing from the rain of the last 24 hours and in upcoming days, because the bilge pumps have sufficient capacity.
During the night, there were gusts of wind that exceeded 40 kph, without causing any falling of private or public landscaping plants. Officials have asked residents to remove anything that could become projectiles in strong winds.
No plans to rebuild the hurricane wall
Aún sin planes para construir un muro sólido+] Ver masFull article at this link
June 19 No plans have been made to replace the hurricane was that was built 15 years ago, and there are indications that it lacks a proper foundation. The three meter breakers crashed against the wall with this weather.
It is noted that the 30 meter stretch at the south part of colonia Salina Chica was not completed, and that there is nearly a kilometer with dozens of houses by Bachillers Colegio and the gas station that are unprotected. There is another low point near colonia Guadalupana, where fragile houses are located. Although some rocks were placed after the passage of Hurricane Wilma, some 600 meters of wall would be needed to protect that part of colonia La Gloria. In this area there are sections of road that have been affected with erosion of the cliffs, with the passage of those large hurricanes.
Although the island faces serious problems with increased population and erosion of its natural defenses, the upper areas of the isle remain safe to live in, compared to inhabitants of Cancun and the Continental Zone. because these homes are located up high, and is some cases they are more than 6 meters above sea level.
Mild absenteeism at school campuses
Leve ausentismo en planteles escolares[+] Ver masFull article at this link
June 19 Absenteeism was estimated at about 20 percent for some schools, due to the tropical disturbance that is affecting the region. Absenteeism was minimal, with the rain subsiding by 7am, however the drizzling continued. A number of children could not catch a taxi, since not all cabs have plastic protection. Employees also had difficulty getting to work on time, causing restaurants and shops to have problems opening on time. However, there was very little tourism activity at the small businesses on Hidalgo and Rueda Medina, where sales were very slow due to the weather.
Isla Mujeres news briefs
Breves de Isla Mujeres [+] Ver masFull article at this link
June 19 This article is about the rescheduling of the release of the dolphin "Paki" and that tourism was decreased by the weather with less than half of the 700 golf carts being rented. Some people were traveling around the island, wearing plastic, and very few people were observed at Playa Norte at 5pm. The majority of visitors stayed in their hotels, with the small hotels reporting occupancy of about ten percent and about 40 percent at the larger hotels.
Prepared for season with formation of "Bret"
Listos para enfrentar el temporal que llegará por “Bret” [+] Ver masFull article at this link
There is more current weather information at the following links (These graphics are from this morning):
Tropical Tidbits LINK
Servicio Meteorologico Nacional (Spanish LINK, Satellite LINK)
Not respecting business hours
No respetan el horario para abastecer negocios,.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
To manage downtown traffic, this month the municipal Transit police implemented a policy regarding delivery hours downtown, however some food and drink companies are not complying. This weekend beer trucks could be seen at noon supplying businesses on Matamoros, Abasolo, Hidalgo, Guerrero and other streets, when this is supposed to occur at 5am to 8am and at 5pm to 9pm.
The Iceland ice company shared the circular on social networks for its clients on June 7 reporting the policy imposed by the the Transit police. During other hours the customers will have to go to the factory to resupply, or wait until the next delivery. Many businesses operate almost 24 hours on Hidalgo and need a constant supply of food and drink products at almost all times, however they have accepted this policy of authorities in order to cooperate in the face of traffic chaos, especially during rush hours.
It is noted that parked golf carts and scooters clog the streets, leaving delivery vehicles with no where to park, and new parking space is needed to lessen congestion downtown.
Cooperatives are seeking whale shark permits
Cooperativas buscarán permisos con el tiburón ballena. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The President of the Federation of Fishing Cooperatives of Quintana Roo, Baltazar Gómez Catzin, announced that there is a possibility to resume the initiative for obtaining permits for sighting and swimming with the whale sharks, with the cooperatives of the neighboring municipalities where the animals appear. He said, "We had the opportunity to get up to seven permits per cooperative, but our ignorance and lack of vision let it pass. This also happened with sea cucumbers. " He explained, "We have already talked about this possibility with the regional director of the National Commission for Natural Protected Areas (CONANP), Ricardo Gómez, in recent meetings concerning the whale shark permits."
They have to take the responsibility at the five local fishing cooperatives to prepare and condition the boats if they are authorized. The next meeting will be held Thursday, June 22 with the directors of the cooperatives and senior officials with CONANP and CONAPESCA to discuss issues, including the problem of Cubans fishing for bonito. This species spawns in this area, providing food for hundreds of whale sharks.

This is part of an interview published by our town historian, Fidel Villanueva Madrid, (LINK) with islander Doña Aurelia Nájera, who tells some of the local tales from pre-tourism times, when the isle had a fairly stable population of ~600 people.
The first story is about her maternal grandfather & is collaborated by another islander. They say a bad spirit was involved with his death. ("Huaypach", who the older people describe as having an enormous body similar to that of an iguana). He liked to party and leave the house without warning, which greatly angered his wife. Once he came back drunk and took an eye out of the wooden image of Saint Prudencio, owned by Doña Candelaria. The people say he paid for his wickedness because he was found dead at el riíto of Playa Norte (that's near Na Balam), covered in sand & seaweed, missing the same eye he had destroyed from the saint.
The names are omitted from the next story to avoid upsetting anyone. One day, back when the church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception only had a tile roof, the son of the lady who took care of the church stole the jewels from the icon. With no idea who the thief was, the woman asked at Mass that the worst punishments be given to whoever had committed the robbery. There was a fire in the home of the thief and he confessed his crime, and was so embarrassed that he moved to Cozumel. But while he lived there and was working on a ship, an alijo fell on him and killed him. This story has been around for decades.
She talks about how scary the moonless nights were, with the rustling palm branches, falling coconuts,and moaning winds, which conjured up fantasies of ghostly dancers and pirate spirits. She said the best years were working on the coco plantation of her great aunt in what is now Puerto Juarez, which became populated with the arrival of a road from Yucatan in the 50's. But the copra industry ended after Hurricane Janet and the lethal yellowing of the coco palms, and the workers concentrated on fishing and agriculture until tourism arrived, which was just regional at first, and then became massive, causing the consequences we see today.
"After Janet in 1955 it was impossible to recover the good times of the copra," said Sra. Aurelia. So we got involved with fishing, particularly turtles, which were exported to Belize and Florida. Then, with the arrival of tourism, came the rise of the lobster and conch fishing, so the islanders lived some years without trouble, until the excess population made us strangers in our own land."
On this subject, it is important to remember that the population of Isla Mujeres was stable for a hundred years at very low level of density, because the sea was the only means of moving from one place to another, so very few people were encouraged to come to live on the island.
"Who would imagine it?" exclaims Dona Aurelia. "When so many people arrived, we were displaced to the south, having to establish a colonia in the area where salt was once mined. The Colonia Salina was called "Bondojito". As more people moved there, they used a tractor to fill in the former salt mining area, creating property, where I lived for years before the colonia had services. Eventually a water line was put in, then I bought an electric pole and was connected, and little by little other colonias appeared on the map, until we had no more room for housing."
These days, Doña Aurelia Nájera Povedano lives a contented life, knowing that she has built her home on the basis of personal effort. She is visited by her large family and doesn't know loneliness.
She says, "Gone are the years when I had to kill - at least - one turtle every day, to remove and sell the meat, for which I was paid up to 75 pesos." Gone are the times when she had to make charcoal or chop wood to support her children.
She talked about the island in the 1950's when Chino Fernandez played serenades under the palm trees, or when there would be a dance on the isle and they would present a carton of beer to the girls to make them more lively, and she recalled the songs they enjoyed.
She remembers the treasures left under the sand by the pirates, and Miguel Magana arriving with a boat full of fish. She has many memories, so it will be necessary to return to talk to this wonderful woman, survivor of hurricanes, an islander of pure blood, one of those who will never be again.
(The original article in Spanish is longer than this one and includes more names.)
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Within ten minutes walk are the restaurants Mango Cafe, Brisas, Manolitos, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants. It takes 20-30 minutes to walk downtown.
June Events
Provided by MaraVilla Caribe & Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events
The Circus is in Town:
"Arriving for
the first time & for a short period, directly from Mexico City, the
Afeere Brothers International Circus. Feel the maximum excitement with
the 4 suicidal motorcycles in the Globe of Death, and the acrobats
performing feats on the Fantastic Pendulum more that 10 meters in the
the air. A show of this magnitude happens only once a year!"

Thursday, June 1 Navy Day Día de la Marina
Memorial placing of the wreath at sea (in the Bahia). Boats leave the pier near the car ferry at 10:30am
Saturday & Sunday, June 3 & 4 Cosme Magana Fishing Tournament New Date: Weather permitting
Sunday, June 4 Noches Magicas at 8pm on the Town Square will feature the Isla Mujeres Senior Citizen's Choir & performances by three dance troupes from Cancun.
Monday, June 5 World Environment Day
Thursday, June 8 World Ocean's Day & Playa Centro (aka Posada Beach) will receive its third Blue Flag award, during the XII National Meeting of Clean Beaches, which will be held in Bahía de Banderas, on the Riviera de Nayarit. The flag raising ceremony is scheduled for July 4.
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June 9 7:41 June 10 8:30 June 11 9:17 June 12 10:03 June 13 10:47 June 14 11:29 |
The nine days of festivities in honor of "Corpus Christi" at the Sacred Heart of Jesus church in colonia La Gloria will continue thru next Friday, June 23rd and include a dance with live music, performances by various dance troupes, musical groups, and other events. Photo from Por Esto.
Friday, June 16 7p Fund raising benefit dinner for Brazos Abiertos & their volunteers at aMar Peruvian restaurant with a special tapas menu
June 17 Brazos Abiertos is back for their IX health campaign for the
prevention of teenage pregnancy, HIV and STD's. They will be in La
Gloria Park Saturday 10-2 offering rapid, confidential HIV tests,
counseling, and immediate results.
Sunday, June 18 Father's Day & Noches Magicas at 8pm on the Town Square presents performances by the Ballet Folklorico of Cancun & the dance troupe Playa Dance.
Tuesday, June 20 Summer Solstice (11:24pm)
Friday, June 23 Dance event at the Mundaca Theater, next to the Mundaca apartments 8p
Friday, June 23 On the Town Square at 8pm on Friday, June 23, the orchestra Típica Tumben K'ai will perform, who are students from Chetumal.
Saturday & Sunday, June 24 & 25 Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana Fishing Tournament
Saturday, June 24 Dance event 5p behind the Casa de la Cultura 4th Edition of Danzarte with over 200 dancers performing from Isla Mujeres & other parts of the state.
Sunday, June 25 Noches Magicas at 8pm on the Town Square
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