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featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Mayor announced change in Police Department
Ajustes en seguridad
Anuncia Juan Carrillo cambio en la Policía
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 31 de mayo.-
ISLA MUJERES, 31 de mayo.-
See City section below.....
Wreath will be placed at sea for Navy Day
Depositarán ofrenda floral en el mar
Unica actividad por Día de la Marina
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 31 de mayo.-
ISLA MUJERES, 31 de mayo.-
The only activity to be held on Thursday June 1, to mark the celebration of Navy Day, will be the placing of a wreath at the sea, in memory of the sailors who lost their lives at sea.
The Director of the Institute of Sport and Recreation of Isla Mujeres, Natanael Gallegos Salinas, explained that the departure of participating boats is scheduled for 10:30am. The vessels will depart from the concrete pier, which is located by the (car) ferry dock, and it is expected that simultaneously the vessels of the Fifth Naval Region will also set sail with officials from the Mexican Navy, and state and municipal government officials. Boats will also be participating from Puerto Juarez. At 10am, a private event will be held on the grounds of the Naval base.
It should be noted that before this event, on Sunday May 28 there was a 6k race, on Monday May 29 the Queen of Navy Day was crowned, on Tuesday the prizes were awarded for the children's drawing contest "Los Marinos de mi Isla" at the Casa de la Cultura, and on Wednesday the Symphony Orchestra of Quintana Roo performed (with the Opera Maya).
Increasing security for everyone's tranquility: Mayor Juan Carrillo
Refuerza seguridad
Para tranquilidad de todos, Juan Carrillo
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de mayo.-
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de mayo.-
See City section below.....
Navy Day festivities begin with coronation of Queen
Inician festejos a la Marina
Con la coronación de la reina de los mismos
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de mayo.- .
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de mayo.- .
See yesterday's translations.....
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis announced there is a new Director of Public Security, Agustín Blanco Dzul.
The Mayor said, "In Isla Mujeres we are committed to the tranquility of our citizens. Every day, we make our best efforts by investing in a better prepared police force, and top quality equipment and infrastructure, so that island families feel safe and live in peace."
The Mayor acknowledged the work carried out by the outgoing director during his time in charge, and thanked the new director, Agustín Blanco Dzul, for his dedication and commitment to the police force. He said, "Isla Mujeres is a municipality characterized by tranquility and where crime rates are very low, so the municipal government that heads continue to make changes to strengthen and maintain the security of all inhabitants, both on the island and in the Continental Zone."
A swearing in event was held for the Neighborhood Committees of the island, let by the Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis and the head of the municipal department of Citizen Participation, Yuseli López Tec. She said, "We spent a couple months visiting each of the colonias of Isla Mujeres, on the island and in the Continental Zone, to train them, and we are very grateful for the great civic response."
The Mayor gave certificates to the members of the Committees and thanked them, saying this is part of his commitment to having a government that is close to the people. Those who were sworn in will share the needs of their neighborhood with officials, to work together in a coordinated manner. Names of officials in attendance are given.
Islanders were delighted by the performance of the Quintana Roo Symphony Orchestra and the Maya Opera, in honor of Navy Day, held at the hall of the Church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, coordinated by the municipal Director of the Institute of Culture and Art, Rubén Pérez Martín, who gave certificates of appreciation to the performers.
Prizes were awarded to the winners of the children's drawing contest “Los Marinos de mi Isla”, in honor of Navy Day. There were 85 participants and the first, second, and third prize winners were Roberto Ángel Martínez Mendoza, Tersha Gibana Hazar Sánchez and Danae Velázquez Ceballos. The contest was coordinated by the Navy and the municipal departments of Communication, of Transportation, and of Education. Names of officials attending are given.
The Municipal Commission of Ecology was installed as another effort by the City of Isla Mujeres to maintain the care of the municipality's natural resources and ensure the well-being of island families. On behalf of the island's mayor, Joel Saury Galué, General Secretary of the City, presided over the event. The Director of Environment and Ecology, Carlos Barranco Garcia, explained that the purpose of the Commission will be to analyze the environmental problems that occur at the municipal level through a multidisciplinary team, including different sectors of society.
New, fully equipped patrol cars were delivered to the municipal Department of Public Security. The City of Isla Mujeres reaffirms its commitment to keep the peace in the municipality for the benefit of all the islanders, and to maintain the image of the island as a safe destination for all visitors, national and foreign.
"We will not lower our guard and we will continue to strengthen the preparation and equipping of the officers of the Public Security and Municipal Transit Authority to guarantee the welfare of all the island families," said Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis. Since the start of his administration, the number of officers has increased from 72 to 200, who were previously trained, and communication has been improved with the addition of 15 Matra radios and 10 portable radios.
"Isla Mujeres is characterized by being a very safe municipality and keeping its crime rate below the national average, however, from the first day I took on this great responsibility I acquired the commitment to protect the island's citizens and all people who visit us; it is for them that I will continue to work," said the mayor.
The City invites young people between the age of 13 and 26 to take advantage of the discount card "Futuro Joven" to receive discounts of 10% to 30% at the businesses listed and 30% to 50% on permits and licenses, which is available from the municipal Youth Institute.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
Junk removal campaign begins in colonia La Gloria
In advance of the rainy season, a second junk removal campaign began on Wednesday, May 31 in colonia La Gloria and will take place in all areas of the island, explained José Guadalupe Ríos Chalé, the Director of Public Services of Isla Mujeres. He said that although there is ongoing, continual work in the colonias to keep them clean, campaigns like this are important to remove junk and potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes. He asked for the cooperation of the community in this campaign and to remove any items from their properties where mosquitoes could breed.
Formalized changes in Public Security Department of Isla Mujeres-
See City section....
More than half have not received their whale shark permits
Isla Mujeres seamen say they are worried because more than half of the licensees have not received their permits for Whale Shark tours. If the permits have been denied they will resort to the legal recourse to be able to take advantage of the season.
Whale shark permit holders are worried because most of their permits have not arrived and they fear there is an intention to reduce the number of the licenses to benefit large new companies.
Last week, the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (Conanp) began issuing the first permits for the "Mexican Caribbean", however, the happiness of the boaters didn't last long, since many of the permits have not yet arrived and it is feared that there is an intention to reduce the number of permits, thus affecting the investment made by the boat captains dedicated to this activity.
Marcelo Cupul, president of the"Eco Tourism of Isla Mujeres Association", dedicated to the activity of Whale Shark tours, said there is uncertainty on the part of many of the licensees of Isla Mujeres, who do not know what will happen with their permits that have not yet been delivered.
He acknowledged that the uncertainty grew due to misinformation, rumors, and the doubts that are beginning to prevail in the group, however, fortunately, next Tuesday, June 6, a meeting is expected with Francisco Ricardo Gómez Lozano, Regional Peninsular Director of Yucatan and the Mexican Caribbean National Commission of Protected Natural Areas, where they will seek to dispel all the doubts and concerns.
It is impossible to know the actual number of permits authorized for this season that is just starting, as it is unknown whether the same number of applicants were respected as last year. Ismael González Gil, Harbor Master of the Isla Mujeres explained that of the 170 Isla Mujeres licensees last year, 30 have obtained their authorizations from CONANP.
The Harbor Master did not rule out that another equal amount (30 or maybe 40) of permit holders may already have their authorizations, but more than 100 are possibly "pending." The uncertainty is causing concern, because there are some who had three permits for their boats, but have only received on permit so far.
The issues of reduction of permits and of reducing the number of passengers will be addressed at the meeting on Wednesday, when the boaters of Isla Mujeres will seek to clarify all these issues. One of those affected said, "We have invested about half a million pesos in each boat, and many made sacrifices to be able to equip them and have them 100% operational, so that they now want to deny us the permits."
The situation is not encouraging, since the permits issued by the Wildlife Department have not yet arrived, which concerns many of the nautical entrepreneurs.Those who now worried, explained that the problem causes great concern because these are not new permits; they are permits that have been renewed for more than 6 years in some cases, but even so, they have not been taken into account.
They said, "If we are denied permits in the Mexican Caribbean (from CONANP), we will also be left out for the permits from the Wildlife Department." The only certainty is that the uncertainty has begun to generate speculation among the seamen, causing of suspicion about new permisionarios and about proposed changes of strategy.
Marcelo Cupul, said that for now there are no plans for demonstration or resistance, since they will first seek to clarify all doubts and request an explanation about the permits that have not yet arrived. He said, "After this meeting we will make a decision, but if I can tell you that the people of Isla Mujeres are already tired. "
Swearing in of Neighborhood Committees
See City section....
They will confirm date for fishing tournament in Isla Mujeres tomorrow, on Wednesday-
The Municipal Committee of the XIV International Fishing Tournament, "Cosme Alberto Martinez Magaña" will decide on Wednesday if the tournament will be postponed again, depending on the weather, according to the head of the committee, Leonel Povedano Castillo.
It was rescheduled for this weekend (June 3 and 4) however, this date could also be in doubt. There is a high probability that the weather will be cooperative on Saturday, but there are concerns about that the waves could be too large on Sunday. He said that the opinion of the Harbor Master of Isla Mujeres, Ismael González Gil, will be sought.
APIQRoo (state Port Authority) disburses more than 4 million pesos in profit sharing-
The Director of the Port Authority of Quintana Roo (APIQROO), Alicia Ricalde Magaña, reported that for the first time in its history, the state agency will distribute profit sharing payments to 420 workers and former employees. The public official reported that 4.1 million pesos will be distributed among 315 active workers, to whom they have already been deposited, and 105 inactive, who have until May 31 to go to the place where they worked to collect.
The Director of APIQROO said that in fiscal year 2016 the state-owned company declared 40.1 million pesos in profits, and are required by law, to pay 10 percent, 4.1 million pesos, in profit sharing.
Isla Mujeres prepares to receive the Blue Flag designation for the third time
The city of Isla Mujeres is currently preparing to receive its third flag "Blue Flag" for Playa Centro, which is scheduled to be raised on July 4th. Vladimir Vallejo Molina, Director of ZOFEMAT (Federal Maritime and Terrestrial Zone) of Isla Mujeres explained that after complying with all the guidelines, standards and each of the international criteria that are required, the news of the new award has finally been received.
The flag will be delivered to the municipal president during the XII National Meeting of Clean Beaches, which will be held in Bahía de Banderas, on the Riviera de Nayarit. According to the official, PRONATURA made the last inspection visit on April 5, and some observations were corrected, which were minimal. Mr. Vallejo said that the Nayarit event is scheduled to take place on June 8, and the flag raising event on Playa Centro will take place on July 4th.
The White Flag has been awarded to Playa Norte and 80 percent of requirements have been met for the Blue Flag designation, however, work must be done to meet the rest.
Concerns about the huge proliferation of stray cats in Isla Mujeres-
The new Isla Mujeres Animal Protection and Welfare regulation became official with its publication in the Official Gazette, and work began last week establishing Councils for this regulation, said the environmental Alderman, Sebastián Escobedo Jiménez. The Municipal Citizen Councils for Animal Care and Welfare are bodies for consultation and citizen participation, whose main purpose is to carry out promotional actions in the promotion of culture (raising of awareness) in the area of animal protection and welfare.
The councilman said that while the new regulation establishes actions to prevent the proliferation of stray dogs, it also defines penalties for irresponsible owners, as it is they who end up abandoning the animals in the street.
Residents of Isla Mujeres are especially worried about the proliferation of street cats in various colonias, a problem that is not new, and which the publication of the new Animal Protection and Welfare regulation seeks to resolve. It aims to bring people together, to protect and control animals, in order to have a clean, healthy municipality.
. He said the first council installed was in the colonia "Nazarene" of Rancho Viejo in the Continental Zone, and explained that is in compliance with the provisions of the General Law of Animal Welfare of the State of Quintana Roo.

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Legal complaint filed by fisherman in land dispute
Pescador interpone demanda por despojo . [+] Ver masFull article at this link
On Tuesday, retired fisherman Mateo Burgos Garrido. filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor's Office regarding a dispute with businessman Alvaro Burgos Ríos and he alleged threats recorded on video were made by the latter's witness, Raziel Rivero, against him physically and against his family members. The dispute concerns land in the Federal Zone that was recently fenced by Alvaro Burgos Rios, despite objections from Mateo Burgos Garrido, who acknowledges he owes a debt of 250,000 pesos to the businessman, and says he wants to pay the debt and that Mr. Burgos Rios has no claim on the land.
On Monday, APIQRoo (Port Authority) conducted an inspection of the boundaries of the lot and the fencing, which is in the Federal Zone. It is unknown whether PROFEPA (Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection) validated that. There is solid construction starting two meters from the water. Mr. Mateo Burgos said he did not request the inspection, saying, ""It's all Alvaro's doing."
Injusticia .. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
May 31
Dozens of permits to sighting and swimming with the whale shark were canceled and new requests that had made fishing cooperatives were rejected, by SEMARNAT (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources). After a meeting held by those affected at the SEMARNAT office in Cancun, in an attempt to seek consideration, because they have already made investments in equiping their boats to start this season on Thursday, June 1, and they question why those who have a hoard of 10 or more permits did have any reductions. The reporter consulted some of those affected, who agreed that, "It seems that some enjoy special privileges, under the allegation that they have a contract with travel agencies."
The cooperative Patria y Progreso invested money to equip two boats and Isla Blanca cooperative equipped one, however they were denied permits. They had been assured they would have no problem because of their cooperative status, but now, who will pay them back? Social organizations such as Isla Mujeres, Isla Bonita, A Perfect Day, Playa Centro and Opca of Puerto Juárez were also affected.
Emma Garcia, of the Mexican Caribbean reserve, met with the unhappy boaters on Tuesday. It also was revealed that CONANP (National Commission for Natural Protected Areas) reduced the number of permits for this season by 60 permits, from just over 300 down to 240 permits in the municipalities of Lázaro Cárdenas, Isla Mujeres and Benito Juárez, with cancellations of permits.
Those who are affected have plans to mobilize, and even their families could go to the offices of the SEMARNAT to try and get the federal officials to be reasonable.CONANP has finished releasing the 240 permits, but the Wildlife Department (DGVS) has not done so and it has been confirmed that the season will start this Thursday, June 1st. However, there are already reports of the presence of boats with tourists.
Commemoration of Navy Day
Hoy conmemorarán el Día de la Marina. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
See translation in DQR section above.
Isla Contoy cabins nearly finished
A punto de terminar cabañas .. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
- During the week the rest of the lumber will be transferred to the Isla Contoy fishing camps, which is needed to complete the construction of five cottages, one for each cooperative of the island. Two have been completely finished and are ready to be occupied according to Baltazar Gómez Catzín, president of the Social Justice cooperative. Mr. Gómez Catzín recalled that the project of the cabins was made possible thanks to the non-governmental organization Seacology based in the United States, whose representative in Mexico, Marisol Rueda, held a meeting in June last year to submit the application, which was approved in mid December. He added that along with the approval in December came the first contribution of 250 thousand pesos, out of a total of about 550 thousand. The money was used to purchase the lumber needed for the construction of the five new cabins. "We had problems since January regarding transporting the lumber for the huts, which we had on Isla Mujeres, but bad weather prevented us from moving it to Contoy. Fortunately, we were able to verify with Seacology that this was not our fault, and we did not lose Seacology's support.".He said that fortunately they were able to recover from the bad luck, and managed to raise the first two huts, in which 40% of the resource was applied, corresponding to the first 250 thousand peso payment."We are waiting for the delivery of the resources for the second stage, which will be another 150 thousand pesos, similar to that of the third stage, which will complete one hundred percent of the funds." He made it clear that the fishermen do not see a single peso of this investment, and the organization issues it directly to the company in charge of the project.The president of the Regional Federation of Cooperative Societies of the Fishing Industry in the State said the two finished cabins are ready to be occupied starting July 1, the day the lobster season starts.
He announced on June 22 when the federation assembly will meet and determine the prices of lobster for next season. "The previous one closed with prices at 400 pesos a kilo for whole lobster, with an intention to raise that to 450 pesos per kilo, both alive or dead and at 800 pesos per kilo of tails.
Slow season for tourism
Dura baja de turismo. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
May 30 Entrepreneurs involved in tourism say business is at 30% during this slow season and some blame the high ferry rates for contributing to the reduced numbers of tourists.
Making decisions about the fishing tournament
Por definirse si se realiza torneo de pesca [+] Ver mas Full article at this link
It will be decided on Wednesday or Thursday whether the Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana Fishing Tournament will be held on June 3 & 4, or whether it will be suspended for a second time, which would be doubly historic. It was cancelled due to weather for the first time in its 14 year history, when it was scheduled for May 19, 20, & 21st. There are 104 boats registered and about 20 more are expected. There are concerns about the winds that are forecast for this weekend.
The Municipal Commission of Ecology of Isla Mujeres was installed as part of the actions focused on ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment for the fauna and inhabitants of the municipality.The community is confident that the members of the Commission will serve the community by helping to solve problems such as the proliferation of dogs in the streets, the invasion of sidewalks with construction materials and the invasion of green areas for various uses,as well as addressing the removal of mangroves and the impacts of trash heaps, and other problems.
The director general of Environment and Ecology, Carlos Barranco García, explained that the purpose of the Commission will be to analyze the environmental problems that occur at the municipal level through a multidisciplinary team, including different sectors of society.
Hot sunny weather with few tourists
Mucho sol, alta temperatura y poco turismo. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
May 30 The temperatures went up to 30C and felt like 36C (97F) with southeasterly winds of 15 to 25kph and sunshine. According to the Tourism Department, there is an overall hotel occupancy of 70% in the municipality of Isla Mujeres, of which 80.% of the occupancy corresponds to the hotels in the Continental Zone and 55% to the island.Some hotels like Las Palmas, El Marcianito or Xbulu-Ha closed temporarily, some to carry out various remodelations during the low season and others, so that their owners can go on vacation. Affected workers must take vacations without pay. There is a reduced demand for boat tours, and they are more popular with the Puerto Juarez boats because they include the crossing. There are fewer people arriving with suitcases on the ferries. Moderate numbers of people were observed on the beaches.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Within ten minutes walk are the restaurants Mango Cafe, Brisas, Manolitos, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants. It takes 20-30 minutes to walk downtown.
Provided by MaraVilla Caribe & Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events
The Circus is in Town:
"Arriving for
the first time & for a short period, directly from Mexico City, the
Afeere Brothers International Circus. Feel the maximum excitement with
the 4 suicidal motorcycles in the Globe of Death, and the acrobats
performing feats on the Fantastic Pendulum more that 10 meters in the
the air. A show of this magnitude happens only once a year!"

Thursday, June 1 Navy Day Día de la Marina
Memorial placing of the wreath at sea (in the Bahia). Boats leave the pier near the car ferry at 10:30am
Saturday & Sunday, June 3 & 4 Cosme Magana Fishing Tournament New Date: Weather permitting
Sunday, June 4 Noches Magicas at 8pm on the Town Square will feature the Isla Mujeres Senior Citizen's Choir & performances by three dance troupes from Cancun.
Monday, June 5 World Environment Day
Thursday, June 8 World Ocean's Day & Playa Centro (aka Posada Beach) will receive its third Blue Flag award, during the XII National Meeting of Clean Beaches, which will be held in Bahía de Banderas, on the Riviera de Nayarit.
Sunrise ~6a
Sunset ~7:25p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
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June 9 7:41 June 10 8:30 June 11 9:17 June 12 10:03 June 13 10:47 June 14 11:29 |
Painting by Pam Haase Link to website
Sunday, June 11 Noches Magicas at 8pm on the Town Square
Sunday, June 18 Father's Day & Noches Magicas at 8pm on the Town Square
Tuesday, June 20 Summer Solstice (11:24pm)
Friday & Saturday, June 23 & 24 Women's Fishing Tournament Dorado del Caribe
Sunday, June 25 Noches Magicas at 8pm on the Town Square
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