The second issue of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
Here's a link to the Magazine
share the charity document, patronize the supportive businesses, &
enjoy the articles, photos, & videos! If you'd like to donate $15 to
your favorite charity to have an ad in this 2015 issue, contact me at
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles
Preparing logistics for the traditional Rancho Viejo festival
Cada vez con más arraigo
La tradicional feria de Rancho Viejo: Alistan logística del evento
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de mayo.-
In the Continental Zone of the municipality.....on the mainland.
Whale shark tour season is delayed by 10 days
Temporada se retrasa 10 días
La de avistamiento del tiburón ballena
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 13 de mayo.-
There is no possibility that the period of watching and swimming with the whale sharks could begin on Friday, May 15, as scheduled, because so far none of the service providers for these tours have appropriate permissions to perform the activity.
The tour providers say they will lose thousands of pesos
during those ten days they cannot work, since reservations were made
several days in advance in anticipation of the start of the season. It
will be rescheduled for May 24 or 25.
According to the original schedule, the season was expected to be from May 15 to September 17, for the area of the Blue Waters (Agua Azules) under the authority of CONANP (National Commission of Protected Natural Areas) who monitor the National Marine Park. For the area of Blue Waters monitored by the Wildlife Department, the dates of swimming with and viewing the whale sharks is scheduled for June 1 to September 17.
According to the Harbor Master, Ismael Gonzalez Gil, none of the permits
have been released, and if they are delivered this week, then it will
take 8-10 days for the licensees to meet all the regulations, including
safety equipment requirements, for the boat as well as for the crew and
New hospital could be administered by the Mexican Navy
The transfer is being managed directly by the federal government, and provides for the demolition of the current Naval hospital, while the new Hospital de Segundo Nivel (HSN) would provide care for members of the Navy and their families. They stressed that the transfer of the HSN would be temporary, and with the reconstruction of the Naval Hospital, the new hospital would return to the operation and administration of the State Health Department.
State Health Secretary, Lorenzo Ortegon Pacheco, said that the purpose of this visit was to work out an arrangement or a deal with the Admiral of the General Diplomatic Corps, commander of the Fifth Naval Region, Juan Guillermo Fierro Rocha to analyze the possibility for his medical personnel to work at the HSN. He said in addition to conducting a tour of the secondary hospital, he arrived to have a substantial discussion with the commander of the Fifth Naval Region.
In response to a direct question, he said that it would be excellent if the various health agencies of the island were concentrated together, such as the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE), Health Center Integral or General Hospital and apparently the Naval Hospital.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... (you can join this FB page at this link)
The twelfth edition of the most traditional fishing tournament in the region, the Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana International Fishing Tournament, to be held on May 22, 23 and 24 May this, will be memorable this year (see yesterday's news for a translation of this article).
edición número doce del más tradicional torneo de pesca de la región,
el Cosme Alberto Martínez Magaña, que tendrá lugar los días 22, 23 y 24
de mayo, en este año será memorable.
Join the 1st Paintball Tournament: Gotcha! On May 15, 16 and 17 at 12 noon behind the convention center.
en el 1er Torneo de Paintball Gotcha! este 15, 16 y 17 de mayo a las 12
del medio día a espaldas del centro de convenciones.
Help a tourist friend. We are looking for a Sony camera. Any information will be helpful.
It says Residents & tourism service providers, please help find a Sony camera that was lost on Tuesday at 3p in the ice cream stand by the Diamante Negro (Black Diamond) Jewelry Shop. Any information would be very helpful.
Ayudemos a una amiga turista. Estamos localizando una cámara sony. Cualquier información será de mucha ayuda.
The traditional festival of Ranch Viejo is increasingly traditional

From Tvisla Mujeres (You can join this fb page at this link)
Noti Isla Mujeres (you can join this page on FB at this link & view the photos)

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles
Permits have not been released
No han liberado los permisos[+] Ver mas
Due to delays by the Wildlife Department in releasing of the whale shark permits for the area "Agua Azules" (Blue Waters), tours to the area may not be available until May 25th, if the permits are released on Thursday. The Harbor Master, Ismael Gonzalez Gil, confirmed that it takes ten days for each vessel to complete procedures with his office, once they have obtained their permit.
Meanwhile, regarding the area of "Aguas Verdes" (Green Waters) of the Whale Shark Biosphere, which is under the jurisdiction of SEMARNAT (the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources), the date for entering their area will be June 1. This differs from the Blue Waters/Agua Azules operation, which is the name of the East side of the reserve, where most of the species have visited in recent years, where they had planned to begin May 15 and end September 17th, in general.
As of Wednesday, there was no new information about the release of the permits. It is assumed there will be 320 units in total, of which 160 correspond to the aforementioned biosphere. This is the second consecutive year that the permits have been delayed, which has caused suspicions that the Wildlife officials are favoring certain companies over the small boat owners and fishermen of Isla Mujeres.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, two days of training begins for all of the licensees of the Whale Shark Biosphere on academic topics. The following week there will be practical workshops on the application of regulations, in compliance with the Management Program that is in effect, with the goal of avoiding stress to the animals. The lectures will be from 9am to 4p, at the Naval auditorium for the first group of about 90 crew members of the boats and the licensees, and another group will attend on Friday. On Thursday and Friday of next week, the operation will be repeated, except they will practice the watching and swimming with the species at North Beach. The staff of SEMARNAT are responsible for this indispensable course, with the director of the Biosphere, Maria del Carmen Garcia Rivas, among others.
Cabbies allegedly violating the law
Taxistas violan la ley[+] Ver mas
According to Article 41 of the Law of Traffic, Transport, and Use of roads and highways of Quintana Roo, the practice of transferring or leasing of taxi 'placa' concessions (medallions/permits) is prohibited, with some exceptions. The law states: "Concessions and permits granted by the State Executive are personal and may not be leased or transferred under any title except in cases provided for in this law." The second paragraph clarifies that: "The government may authorize the transfer or lease of the concession or permit when the causes that motivate it are justified and not contrary to the provisions of this order, provided that the request is made by the concession holder." The next paragraph warns: "Agreements, operations or acts that transfer or alter the ownership of the concession without fulfilling the requirements established in the preceding articles shall be void under the law."
It is rare for the person owning the placa permit/concession to be actually operating a taxi in Isla Mujeres, and this is also the case in other municipalities in the state. There are reports of cases where influential union members are allegedly leasing dozens of units, allegedly including the union leader Eduardo "Wato" Peniche Rodriguez.
It is alleged that these protected people have become major tax evaders whose income per month is allegedly hundreds of thousands of pesos, much more than the President's salary, while the drivers work like slaves struggling to pay for gas and the cost of the lease payments of three shifts daily and a ridiculous income.
Regarding the leasing of placas, a group of (anonymous) users who are familiar with the law addressed the topic saying, "The taxi placa owners who do not personally use their concession are in violation of the law." They said, "The goal of this law is precisely to protect the people with less resources, who cannot afford a car, motorcycle, or even a bicycle, so they may expect rates that they can afford within their economic circumstances. Therefore the legislature supported the necessity of transportation for the poorest, with prevention of undue speculation in taxi placa concessions."
It is reported that during the past ~10 years of leadership by Eduardo Peniche, the increase in the number of placas has been exponential, from less than 200 units to nearly a thousand in the entire municipality. This has increased competition, which is bad for the drivers, while the concession owners are assured their money.
This saturation has led to the logical consequence of supply exceeding demand, giving rise to practices that violate the rules of this service. Examples are: not picking up riders when there are more than two, not providing service when they have suitcases, collecting from the same family that requested the service and charging by the number of passengers rather than renting the unit as it should be, and turning the taxi, which is a private vehicle for hire, into a collectivo taxi. (A collectivo is a bus-like vehicle which charges each individual and has a set route.)
This latter practice is forbidden by the second paragraph of Section 9 of the Decree which has detailed rules for the provision of services of passengers and freight in Quintana Roo. It says, "It is strictly prohibited: taxis cannot have a set route, cannot pick up additional passengers when they are already in service, and cannot charge separately for services to individuals."
Continuing the festivities at Rancho Viejo
Continúan los festejos en Rancho Viejo[+] Ver mas
Due to delays by the Wildlife Department in releasing of the whale shark permits for the area "Agua Azules" (Blue Waters), tours to the area may not be available until May 25th, if the permits are released on Thursday. The Harbor Master, Ismael Gonzalez Gil, confirmed that it takes ten days for each vessel to complete procedures with his office, once they have obtained their permit.
Meanwhile, regarding the area of "Aguas Verdes" (Green Waters) of the Whale Shark Biosphere, which is under the jurisdiction of SEMARNAT (the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources), the date for entering their area will be June 1. This differs from the Blue Waters/Agua Azules operation, which is the name of the East side of the reserve, where most of the species have visited in recent years, where they had planned to begin May 15 and end September 17th, in general.
As of Wednesday, there was no new information about the release of the permits. It is assumed there will be 320 units in total, of which 160 correspond to the aforementioned biosphere. This is the second consecutive year that the permits have been delayed, which has caused suspicions that the Wildlife officials are favoring certain companies over the small boat owners and fishermen of Isla Mujeres.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, two days of training begins for all of the licensees of the Whale Shark Biosphere on academic topics. The following week there will be practical workshops on the application of regulations, in compliance with the Management Program that is in effect, with the goal of avoiding stress to the animals. The lectures will be from 9am to 4p, at the Naval auditorium for the first group of about 90 crew members of the boats and the licensees, and another group will attend on Friday. On Thursday and Friday of next week, the operation will be repeated, except they will practice the watching and swimming with the species at North Beach. The staff of SEMARNAT are responsible for this indispensable course, with the director of the Biosphere, Maria del Carmen Garcia Rivas, among others.
Cabbies allegedly violating the law
Taxistas violan la ley[+] Ver mas
According to Article 41 of the Law of Traffic, Transport, and Use of roads and highways of Quintana Roo, the practice of transferring or leasing of taxi 'placa' concessions (medallions/permits) is prohibited, with some exceptions. The law states: "Concessions and permits granted by the State Executive are personal and may not be leased or transferred under any title except in cases provided for in this law." The second paragraph clarifies that: "The government may authorize the transfer or lease of the concession or permit when the causes that motivate it are justified and not contrary to the provisions of this order, provided that the request is made by the concession holder." The next paragraph warns: "Agreements, operations or acts that transfer or alter the ownership of the concession without fulfilling the requirements established in the preceding articles shall be void under the law."
It is rare for the person owning the placa permit/concession to be actually operating a taxi in Isla Mujeres, and this is also the case in other municipalities in the state. There are reports of cases where influential union members are allegedly leasing dozens of units, allegedly including the union leader Eduardo "Wato" Peniche Rodriguez.
It is alleged that these protected people have become major tax evaders whose income per month is allegedly hundreds of thousands of pesos, much more than the President's salary, while the drivers work like slaves struggling to pay for gas and the cost of the lease payments of three shifts daily and a ridiculous income.
Regarding the leasing of placas, a group of (anonymous) users who are familiar with the law addressed the topic saying, "The taxi placa owners who do not personally use their concession are in violation of the law." They said, "The goal of this law is precisely to protect the people with less resources, who cannot afford a car, motorcycle, or even a bicycle, so they may expect rates that they can afford within their economic circumstances. Therefore the legislature supported the necessity of transportation for the poorest, with prevention of undue speculation in taxi placa concessions."
It is reported that during the past ~10 years of leadership by Eduardo Peniche, the increase in the number of placas has been exponential, from less than 200 units to nearly a thousand in the entire municipality. This has increased competition, which is bad for the drivers, while the concession owners are assured their money.
This saturation has led to the logical consequence of supply exceeding demand, giving rise to practices that violate the rules of this service. Examples are: not picking up riders when there are more than two, not providing service when they have suitcases, collecting from the same family that requested the service and charging by the number of passengers rather than renting the unit as it should be, and turning the taxi, which is a private vehicle for hire, into a collectivo taxi. (A collectivo is a bus-like vehicle which charges each individual and has a set route.)
This latter practice is forbidden by the second paragraph of Section 9 of the Decree which has detailed rules for the provision of services of passengers and freight in Quintana Roo. It says, "It is strictly prohibited: taxis cannot have a set route, cannot pick up additional passengers when they are already in service, and cannot charge separately for services to individuals."
Continuing the festivities at Rancho Viejo
Continúan los festejos en Rancho Viejo[+] Ver mas
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bufalo, Bahama Mama, Compadres Barbacoa or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or Seso Loco. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
May Events
Sunrise ~6:15a
Sunset ~7:10p
Moonrise over the Caribbean
May 2 6:10
May 3 7:01
May 4 7:54
May 5 8:48
May 6 9:43
May 7 10:36
Thursday, April 30 Regata del Sol al Sol Cocktail Party at Ballyho's (1:30), Poker Run (3:30p), Mayor's Reception (7p)
Thursday, April 30 Dia del Nino / Children's Day
May 1, Friday: Dia del Trabajo - Labor Day. A national public holiday with political and labor union marches and official speeches. Schools, banks and government offices are closed.
May 1. Friday: Regata del Sol al Sol Amigo's Regatta: Children board (10:30a), Departure (~11:30a) Awards ceremony at Buhos (7p)
May 3, Sunday: Dia de la Santa Cruz - Day of the Holy Cross
This celebration dates back to colonial times. Construction workers decorate crosses with flowers and mount them on buildings under construction, and have picnics at the site.
May 5. Tuesday: Cinco de Mayo (Battle of Puebla). No school. This date is commemorated more enthusiastically in the US, as general celebration of Mexican culture (and opportunity for abundant consumption of salsa, chips, and Mexican beer.).
Here it is an 'optional' holiday (office & bank closings vary state to state) commemorating the victory of Mexican troops against a large number of French troops in 1862.
(Then, more French troops arrived, sending Benito Juarez's government into exile, and Maximilian was crowned emperor of Mexico in 1864. At the time, the US was involved with its Civil War, 1861-65. {Link:How Battle of Puebla affected US Civil War.} Then the US supported Mexico and invoked the Monroe Doctrine against European involvement in the Western Hemisphere. Napoleon III withdrew French troops in 1866.)
Soggy Peso is having a Cinco de Mayo party w Jeff Current playing music 5-7:30
May 6, Wednesday...Inauguration of a painting exhibit at the Magana Maritime Terminal-continues for 2 weeks: “Mujeres del Caribe, Arte en Todas Partes”
Thursdays at 8:30p at Poc Na
May 8, Friday: Artes en Todas Partes event, maybe. TBA
7th Annual Water Rally (Teens compete in teams & learn about water conservation and processing)
May 10, Sunday: Mothers Day (Restaurants will be busy, and florists & mariachis.)
May 14, Thursday...see PocNa poster
May 15, Friday: Teacher's Day. No School.
Artes en Todas Partes Event, maybe,TBA.
Start of Turtle Nesting Protection Program along the eastern coast and the eggs are incubated at the Tortugranja, with public releases of hatchlings in the fall. (Hawksbills begin laying in earlier, so tours are made to watch for their nests starting ~May 1)
Start of the Whale Shark tour season may vary and continues until ~Sept. 15th
May 16, Saturday

~May 17, Sunday Scheduled beginning of the Whale Shark tour season (Thru ~September 15). It is also turtle mating season, mostly noticed offshore at Punta Sur.
May 21, Thursday...see Poc Na poster
Fishing Tournament May 22, 23, & 24 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
(May 22 & 23: From Xcaret to Cozumel: Travesia Sagrada Maya - Sacred Mayan Journey. Recreating the pilgrimage of the ancient Maya to worship the Goddess lxChel, canoeists in pre-hispanic-style vessels race approximately 17 miles.)
May 28-30 Posada Beach: Maya Riviera Film Festival
May 29, Friday No School (Last Friday of Month...Technical Meetings)
Texas Hold 'Em Poker Mondays & Thurdays at El Patio 6p on Hidalgo..more info HERE.
No Artists Fair in May, scheduled to resume in November
The Women's Fishing Tournament, "La Dorada", organized by the DIF is planed for June 26 & 27.
Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Items for Little Yellow School House, Moto Helmets for kids...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
For donations to Zapatos Para Los Ninos.. please contact Greg at, or find them on Facebook at "Shoes For The Children."
Music: Schedule may change for low season
(By band & location)
Miguel's high season schedule:
Sunday: The Sol Rockers @ El Patio 9p - 11p
Monday: Miguel solo @ El Patio 6:30p - 8:30p
Tuesday: La Banda Sin Nombre @ El Patio 9:15p - 11:15p
Wednesday: The Sol Rockers@ El Patio 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Thursday: Miguel Solo @ el Patio 6p - 8p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Friday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
Saturday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
John Cain's schedule
Sunday & Wednesday 7:30pm - 9:30pm ElPatio Sol Rockers
Thursday Bahia Tortuga 6:45-8:45
Saturday. El Patio solo 630-830
Sundays 7:30-9:30 - Sol Rockers
Mondays 630 to 830 Miguel / 830 to 1130 Ryan Rickman -
Tuesdays 9-11 Banda Sin Nombre
Wednesdays 7:30 to 9:30 Sol Rockers / DJ 9-12
Thursdays 6 to 8 Miguel
Fridays 630 to 815 Fabio & Ryan / band 830 to 1130
Saturdays 7:30-9:30 John Cain solo Country music / 830 to 1130 Ryan and Band..
Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Banda Sin NombreMon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Fenix ~1p~4p Live music at the beach in the afternoons including Chucho (Jesus Campuzano) on Mondays & Wednesdays, the Cuban musicians Tuesdays & Thursdays, Pao & others on Fridays, someone on Saturday, Cuban musicians w Barbie playing Salsa on Sundays.
Marina Paraiso has live music Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 7-9
Bahia Tortuga has live music at times...announced on their streetside signboard.
You may find live music at night on Hidalgo
Fayne's: 10:30-12 (see above)
La Terraza: 9 or 10-12
Morgan's: 7 or 8 - 9 or 11 (see above)
El Patio (see above)
And at Poc Na Hostel: 9:30-11
Saturday afternoon ~3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
Here's Music by day of the week
Monday -
Fenix-Chucho 2-4
Miguel solo @ El patio 6:30 - 8:30
Ryan Rickman @ El patio 8:30 - 11:30
Jazz with Norman and Darin 7-9p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Tuesday -
Fenix Cuban musicians 2-4
Banda Sin Nombre @ El Patio house of music 9:15-11:15
Jazz with Norman and Darin 7-9p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Wednesday -
Fenix live music Chucho? 2-4
Sol Rockers @El patio house of music 7:30-9:30
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Faynes - 10:30 - 12:00
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Thursday -
Fenix live music 2-4
Miguel @El Patio house of music 6-8/ Faynes 10:30 - 12
John Cain Bahia Tortuga 6:45-8:45
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Fayne's 10:30 - 12
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Friday -
Fenix- 2-4 SesBlues, Pao & band..Blues, Rock, Salsa, Reggae
Miguel @ Marina Paraiso solo 7-9
Miguel @ Fayne's 10:30 - 12
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Adelitas for Salsa 12:30 - 2
Fabio @ El Patio house of music 6:30 - 8:15
Ryan and Band @ El Patio house of music 8:30 - 11:30
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Saturday -
Cuban Music at El Veradaro's 3-5
Miguel @ Marina Paraiso solo 7-9
La Banda Sin Nombre - Faynes 10:30 - 12:00
Banda Sin Nombre - Adelitas for Salsa 12:30 - 2
John Cain 7:30-9:30 @ El Patio house of music Ryan and Band 8:30 - 11:30
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Sunday -
Fenix for Salsa 2-4
Sol Rockers El Patio 7:30-9:30 Ryan Rickman 8:30 - 11:30
Wednesday -
Fenix live music Chucho? 2-4
Sol Rockers @El patio house of music 7:30-9:30
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Faynes - 10:30 - 12:00
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Thursday -
Fenix live music 2-4
Miguel @El Patio house of music 6-8/ Faynes 10:30 - 12
John Cain Bahia Tortuga 6:45-8:45
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Fayne's 10:30 - 12
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Friday -
Fenix- 2-4 SesBlues, Pao & band..Blues, Rock, Salsa, Reggae
Miguel @ Marina Paraiso solo 7-9
Miguel @ Fayne's 10:30 - 12
La Banda Sin Nombre @ Adelitas for Salsa 12:30 - 2
Fabio @ El Patio house of music 6:30 - 8:15
Ryan and Band @ El Patio house of music 8:30 - 11:30
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Saturday -
Cuban Music at El Veradaro's 3-5
Miguel @ Marina Paraiso solo 7-9
La Banda Sin Nombre - Faynes 10:30 - 12:00
Banda Sin Nombre - Adelitas for Salsa 12:30 - 2
John Cain 7:30-9:30 @ El Patio house of music Ryan and Band 8:30 - 11:30
Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge 8-11p Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Sunday -
Fenix for Salsa 2-4
Sol Rockers El Patio 7:30-9:30 Ryan Rickman 8:30 - 11:30
Artist Fairs on the Town Square, usually first Thursday, 4p-9p ~Nov-April.
Now the City is having Arte en Todas Partes events on Fridays.
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