The "Morning Edition" has translated headlines & newspaper photos. This Afternoon Edition has translations of the articles, Daily Events & Live Music Schedules & the "Around the Internet in the Past 24 Hours" section including photos & info from individuals & local businesses ....Daily In Isla Mujeres. There are always links to the original articles in Spanish.
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Work on the Ferry Terminal progresses in a timely manner
At 37% & due to be finished in December
En tiempo y forma, obra de la terminal marítima
Martes, 20 de Agosto de 2013 21:41
Registra avance del 37%, y debe concluirse en diciembre
ISLA MUJERES, 20 de agosto.— This terminal is being built with an investment of 34 million pesos and is expected to be completed in December. It will include a commercial area, waiting area, spaces for sales of nautical services, bathrooms, showers, and parking for over 150 vehicles.
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Promoting Crab protection in Isla Mujeres
Promueven cuidado del cangrejo en la Isla
Martes, 20 de Agosto de 2013 21:40
ISLA MUJERES, 21 de agosto.- The Rescue & Protection Program for Red and Blue Crabs by the municipal Environmental agency is working with the group "Amigos of Isla Contoy", seeking to increase the number of participants in this campaign, compared to last year. The director of the agency stressed the importance that drivers are aware and take precautions to reduce their speed to help preserve this species. At this time the crabs are spawning, moving between their burrows and the sea. Drivers should watch for them in the roads near Punta Sur, and at Sac Bajo, where the mangroves are their habitat. Each year the awareness among islanders is increasing, and more children and parents are participating in these campaigns which are carried out during the full moons of August, September, and October.
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Tvisla Mujeres
Young singer representing Quintana Roo in national audition
Concern about lack of teachers for grade schools
Noticias de El Quintanarroense
by Ovidio Lopez
Noticias de Quequi......
Teacher shortage in two schoolsEducación
Faltan maestros en dos escuelas
0 20 de agosto de 2013 Por Carlos Gasca/Quequi 0 comentarios Leer toda la noticia
They are lacking one teacher in the grade school "Cesar Mendoza Santana”, and two at the grade school “Enrique Estrella Oxté”, which is attributed to a problem with the assignment of teachers by the Secretaría de Educación. The principal of Cesar Mendoza Santana said that many of the teachers who are invited to work in Isla Mujeres decline the offer or quit after a few days because the salary is not enough when you take into account the costs of the ferry, or the costs of rent if they opt to live here. He said it would be easiest to hire teachers from Isla Mujeres, but this is difficult under the new educational reform policy. They do not have a date when these positions will be filled, but meanwhile the children are attending classes. Attendance is important on Thursday & Friday when the evaluation exams "ENLACE" will be given.
New office for Human Rights agency
Cambia de sede Derechos Humanos
0 20 de agosto de 2013
Por Carlos Gasca. The new office is on Jesus Martinez Ross avenue in Amplification la Gloria, by the malecon. This new location is not yet well known to islanders, including taxi drivers. The reporter said it is not very distinctive and goes unnoticed by passersby.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Landfill appears to be more than half full
Inattentive tourist injures Islander in accident
Despistada turista choca contra isleño
Martes 20 de Agosto de 2013 13:43 Jesús Molina DIARIO RESPUESTA
More students in Isla Mujeres
Campaign for protection of blue crab begins
Diario La Verdad
Pescadores de Isla Mujeres esperan apoyos
Seventy-nine fishermen are waiting for approval of their applications for Federal program, via the State, that offers assistance with purchasing new engines and boats. Of these fishermen, thirty are from Isla Mujeres, with 18 having requests for boat replacement, and twelve for motor replacement.

Al salvamento de cangrejos [+] Ver mas
Saving the crabs
La delfín herida se recupera. [+] Ver mas
Dolphin recovers
The headline identifies the mammal as 'the injured dolphin', although no injuries were found. Information about the release of the animal has not been given yet by PROFEPA. It is noted that "environmentalists oppose keeping any animal in captivity", and that a "dolphin is worth more alive than dead because those shows generate millions of pesos annually". It is estimated that there has been a 15% increase in visitors to the Tortugranja turtle farm, where the female animal is recovering after being rescued near Cancun. Por Esto says the animals can cost as much as 300,000 dollars on the black market, while admitting that tourism businesses usually don't pay that much, and noting they require expensive facilities to maintain and a pool of at least 50,000 liters.
Menores infractores, imparables [+] Ver mas
Complaints about young offenders
Residents are upset about golf cart thefts by minors, and they are complaining on social networks, and to local & state police. In the recent thefts, parents paid the damages and the children were released. (They are being monitored by the DIF social service agency, with inclusion of the parents). A woman reported an attempted theft of her golf cart in La Gloria on Monday night about 4am by "two little kids, one of whom was dressed in a black tee shirt, thin, 1.6 meters tall". They fled on a beige golf cart when they were surprised by the owner.
Señalamientos viales vencidos por la corrosión+] Ver mas
Corrosion of road signs
Corrosion from salt air caused a sign to fall over near a pedestrian crossing in the colonia of Salinas on Tuesday morning. No vehicles were parked nearby. It says the crossing is near the sports dome. (That is the crossing between the park and the tennis court in Salina Chica & the sports dome is on the south side of the tennis court.)
This blog is brought to you by....
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Upcoming Events
TODAY Aug 21 6pm Punta Sur Rescue & Protection Program for Red Crabs & Blue Crabs begins Wear white, bring bucket or box & gloves or a lil shovel, and a flashlight.
Moon rise 7:38 Sunset 7:13
Aug 22 Dia de Bomberos..Firemen's Day. Moon rise 8:21
Aug 23 Moon rise 9:03
Aug 24 Moon rise 9:45
Sept. 30 Current municipal government completes its term
Critter events...
It is currently the season for swimming with the whale sharks, and turtles are mating offshore & nesting on the eastern beaches. The mating is visible by day, especially off Punta Sur, the South Point. The nesting happens in the wee hours, and there are Tortugranja personnel, volunteers, and Naval staff monitoring the beaches to prevent people from disrupting them, and to gather and transport the eggs for incubation.
By far, most of the turtles nesting in Isla Mujeres are Green turtles (called Blancas in Spanish), and the second most common are the huge Loggerheads, and there are some Hawksbills. The Green turtles take ~60 days to hatch and are held in the water tanks at the Tortugranja until the hatchlings are released by the public at events at dusk on Media Luna or Guadalupana. These events will occur periodically until early October and are usually announced a day or two in advance. They are rescheduled if the sea is rough.
Lately there have been many rays, in addition to many whale sharks. From MVC, we have been seeing dolphins from the balcony, and some large fish while snorkeling offshore. Lotsa mama turtles visiting our beach lately!
There are small red crabs that migrate to & from the sea in July-August, watch out for them at night on the coastal road at the southeastern part of the isle.
Lobster season began July 1 and continues until the end of February.
Please slow your speed and try not to smash us. This week they are crossing b/c of the full moon.
Live Music Wednesday In Isla Mujeres
Casa de los Suenos 4-7 Banda Sin Nombre Half priced appetizers LINk fb
Fenix: 8-10 La Guera & Willy's Blues 8 w Special Guest SeBlues
Iguanas 6:30-8:30 Jazz LINK Fb
Sunset Grill 6-7:30 Keyboard & Vocals LINK
Bally Hoo 7-9 Sol Rockers
Bahia Tortuga 7p Open mic? LINK
Cafe del Mar 8 -10 (?) LINK LINK
Faynes 8-10 Raul Alexis
Faynes Banda Sin Nombre 10:30-12:15 LINK
John Cain's schedule is
Tuesday- Cafe Del Mar, 8-10, solo guitar & vocals
Wednesday- Bally Hoo, 7-9, Sol Rockers band
Friday- Iguana Bar-7-9, solo guitar & vocals
Sunday- Bahia Tortuga- 7-9, Sol Rockers band
John Cain Tonight
at The BallyHoo Restaurant from 7 to 9 pm, The Sol Rockers, one of the
most beautiful settings on Isla Mujeres, always a lovely breeze and
great food....see you there!
On the internet in the past 24 hours...
Tony Garcia added 6 photos.

Pat Oreskovich
Tony Garcia's photo.
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Tony Garcia shared Semarnat's photo.
Fenix Lounge updated their cover photo.
Fenix Lounge added 7 new photos to the album Cumbia & Reggae.
Casa Havana Cafe Paladar updated their cover photo.
Jesus Campuzano shared Poc-Na Hostel's photo.
Playa Norte now in real time in Isla Mujeres
"Time Lapse" of Playa Norte Webcam: LINK
. .
After reading the reports of the dophin in recovery, it occurred to me that there is a lot of concern here NOB about the number of dophins that have died and washed onshore recently. I'm wondering if this dophin may have experienced similar conditions which is causing the problem here, and, if so, if the organization rehabilitating her/him might be aware of this and wish to explore the implications.
ReplyDeleteI would be curious to hear any feedback.
Thank you