The "Morning Edition" has translated headlines & newspaper photos.
This Afternoon Edition has translations of the articles, Daily Events & Live Music Schedules & the "Around the Internet in the Past 24 Hours" section including photos & info from individuals & local businesses ....Daily In Isla Mujeres. There are always links to the original articles in Spanish.Check out our new Restaurant Guide...with Delivery numbers, Menus, & Special/Daily Deals...HERE! And there's always a tab at the top of this page.
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Important advances in the change over process
Simulation shows an 80% general advance in the process of changing over the various City agencies
Importante avance en el proceso entrega-recepción
Miércoles, 07 de Agosto de 2013 23:04
Simulacro arroja que se tiene el 80 por ciento de avance general en el proceso que llevan a cabo las diversas direcciones del Ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres
ISLA MUJERES, 7 de agosto.- City agencies have done important work in recent days to deliver detailed reports and the simulated changeover of government revealed the work is 80% complete, during this drill which focused on administrative files. There have been ongoing reviews by the staff of the Comptrollers office, and there will be another simulation in late August. The new Administration takes office on September 30.
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Building a ramp for access to and from the vehicle ferries
Constructed from pure marine steel with the strength to support vehicles of all sizes
Reemplazarán rampa para acceso y descenso en los transbordadores
Miércoles, 07 de Agosto de 2013 23:04
Construyen otra con puro acero marino, con la dureza suficiente para soportar el paso de los vehículos de todos los tamaños
ISLA MUJERES, 7 de agosto.- It is about 35% complete and should be done in about two weeks. It is being paid for by funds from the Port Authority (APIQROO), and replaces the old one which was deteriorating, and at times had problems. This one will be stronger and able to support the passage of vehicles of all sizes. It is 4 meters by 6 meters of pure marine steel.
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Tvisla Mujeres
Noticias de El Quintanarroense
Reducing the trash | ||
Simulation of change over of government | |||
| |||
Noticias de Quequi......
Mayor blames SIRESOL (literally...'throws the ball to')
Hugo le tira la bolita a Siresol
0 07 de agosto de 2013
Por Carlos Gasca-Quequi.-0 comentarios Leer toda la noticia
The Mayor said the blame goes to Wilbert Esquivel when the problem of the landfill closure must be faced in upcoming days. He said this is happening due to the irresponsibility of this official who refuses to meet the commitments agreed to in the contracts. The Mayor says the problem is not only environmental, but also includes debts for operating licenses, and well as the payment for the last three months (to Isla Mujeres.) He said SIRESOL-Cancun, (Solución Integral de Residuos Sólidos) owes 600,000 pesos and has refused to settle this debt. He said Cancun Mayor Julian Ricalde promised a modern Technology Park when the project was approved, but today there is only an open air dump to be found. The Mayor regrets that his counterpart in Benito Juarez (Cancun) is not concerned about the legacy being left to the islanders.(The new facility is in mainland Isla Mujeres, and serves both municipalities)
State Government concludes work removing trash
Concluye Gobierno del Estado retiro de basura
0 07 de agosto de 2013
Por Carlos Gasca-Quequi.-
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Error message at site.
Constructing new ramp for vehicle ferries
Diario La Verdad
Bee attack at Town Hall in Isla Mujeres
Dr. Martín Tito Ávila Frías has been appointed to operate the hyperbaric chamber if someone needs emergency treatment for decompression illness, according to an order made by the Secretary of Health. President of the chamber's board, Baltazar Gomez Catzín said it is important to stress that the team is to be used only in case of an emergency. The cooperatives Justicia Social, Isla Blanca, Macax and Caribe have signed agreements to receive this medical care in Cancun. This doctor had previously been responsible, but for reasons unknown had left the position. It is said he has some reluctance about the appointment becauae he has not being given extra pay.

Allegation of bribery by 'pirates' (selling whale shark tours)
Fiscales sobornados por “piratas”. [+] Ver mas
High demand for vehicle ferry
Transbordador muy demandado [+] Ver mas
Demand exceeds supply of golf carts
Sobredemanda de carritos de golf [+] Ver mas
Golf cart agencies have been been renting 100% of their inventory, and sometimes have clients waiting for other customers to turn in their carts. The reporter spoke to an unnamed rental employee who explained that golf carts are available for 200 pesos/hour, 600peos/day and 1200 pesos for 24 houra, (!) and tourists should not be surprised by opportunists.(Often the rate is 600p for 24 hours)
Repaving improves urban image
Repavimentación mejora imagen urbana [+] Ver mas
In response to public demand, repaving was completed on Tuesday and Wednesday to this area in front of the Convention center that gives access to the Avalon and North Beach.
This blog is brought to you by....
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
sand beach and
the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal
neighborhood of Bachilleres, among
& boutique
convenient to downtown
the colonias, yet
separate. Quiet & Private.
amenities such as
bikes, outdoor shower,
portable beach
chairs &
beach towels,
washer, loungers & BBQ.
panoramic views from the
rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown
is ~ a mile away; if
you don't feel like
walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop
on the bus. We also have
room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then
come home our
quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt
Monthly Discounts
![]() |
View from rooms |
![]() |
Small room |
![]() |
Large room |
Sunrise this morning from MVC B&B
This is yesterday's...it was excellent in real life, but not as great on film.
MaraVilla Caribe B & B: Today's Turtle Report....
The nest on the upper/middle beach, that has half incubated eggs, remains intact. We put a sort of barricade around it, to discourage mamas from digging there after ~ a half dozen eggs were destroyed. (I reburied ~a half dozen & have no idea if there are other, viable eggs in there. Normally they lay ~100. We arranged the 'barricade' to avoid shading it.)
The following night a mama barged through the barricade and across the nest, but she didn't dig it up. Instead she came up along the edge of the patio, BEHIND the loungers we keep near the house outa their way, then returned to the sea over the rock ledges instead of the easier route down the beach.
It appears that last night there were a couple mamas digging on the lower beach, with one digging briefly on the middle beach by the ledge (too rocky), then going back down, via the ledge. They are pretty tank-like and usually land right side up.
Most of the middle/upper beach is too rocky beneath the sand, but one area was nearly suitable, so we improved it before the season started.. The nest we are protecting is in that area. From my observations, if they hit rocks on the first attempt, they often move and try once more, and occasionally twice more. Sometimes they follow their path back to the sea, and often they make a loop.
They come ashore in the wee hours of the morning & dig a large hole, flinging sand high in the air, over themselves and nearby landscape. This camouflages them, so it is easier to spot the moving sand. If they don't hit rocks after a meter or more, they usually dig a hole for the eggs which looks like it was made by a post hole digger.
Critter events...
It is currently the season for swimming with the whale sharks, and turtles are mating offshore & nesting on the eastern beaches. The mating is visible by day, especially off Punta Sur, the South Point. The nesting happens in the wee hours, and there are Tortugranja personnel, volunteers, and Naval staff monitoring the beaches to prevent people from disrupting them, and to gather and transport the eggs for incubation.
By far, most of the turtles nesting in Isla Mujeres are Green turtles (called Blancas in Spanish), and the second most common are the huge Loggerheads, and there are some Hawksbills. The Green turtles take ~60 days to hatch and are held in the water tanks at the Tortugranja until the hatchlings are released by the public at events at dusk on Media Luna or Guadalupana. These events will occur periodically until early October and are usually announced a day or two in advance. They are rescheduled if the sea is rough.
Lately there have been many rays, in addition to many whale sharks. From MVC, we have been seeing dolphins from the balcony, and some large fish while snorkeling offshore. Lotsa mama turtles visiting our beach lately!
There are small red crabs that migrate to & from the sea in July-August, watch out for them at night on the coastal road at the southeastern part of the isle.
Lobster season began July 1 and continues until the end of February.
John Cain's schedule is
Tuesday- Cafe Del Mar, 8-10, solo guitar & vocals
Wednesday- Bally Hoo, 7-9, Sol Rockers band
Friday- Iguana Bar-7-9, solo guitar & vocals
Sunday- Bahia Tortuga- 7-9, Sol Rockers band
Ken Wanovich
Tue 8/06 - Bahia Tortuga, 6-8pm.
Wed 8/07 - Mamacita's, 6-8pm.
Thur 8/08 - Brisas Grill, 5-7pm.
On the internet in the past 24 hours...
It's National Passport Day in the US, where in 2012 64% of US citizens did not have a passport.
How to Renew or Apply for a US Passport (Thanks to Diane Daniel for the info!)
Tony Garcia augost 7 2013 (10 photos)
This is a video on Tony's page
If you would like to be included in our business directory, or want information about your business or services included in this blog or our in Restaurant Guide, contact me at westofcuba@gmail.com
We don't charge any fees or expect any special considerations, but there are some restrictions. Generally, we don't feature other rentals. Photos with a link for specifics are preferred over a lot of text. The main criteria is to be of interest for the readers, current (or historical) & not too redundant. For example, tourism service providers befriend me on Facebook & give me permission to use their photos. They post photos of things above & below the sea, sunsets, views around the isle, etc & I post the ones I like, crediting the business & including a link.
I am very grateful to the individuals who allow me to repost their pictures! Please email me if you are interested in sharing yours. I could especially use some help gathering menus & food photos...there are so many restaurants! westofcuba@gmail.com
My latest project is the Daily Specials feature of the Restaurant Guide. My favorite part of this project is looking up the recipes of the Daily Specials & sharing information about each dish...adding photos & explaining seasonings. The link is always at the top of this page....and HERE.
This is my third summer of sharing Isla Mujeres news with you. I'm still learning new things about the island and its culture, cuisine, community, & history. And my Spanish comprehension and vocabulary are improving sloooooowly. (This is my daily Spanish lesson).
Thanks for reading!
And an big Thank You to The Neighbours who are letting us use their WIFI!!. And a grand AURGH to Cablemas (o menos) who disconnected service to this section on Monday A WEEEEEEEEK AGOOOOOOO. I complained then and they "took the report". Then I sent my SSFOTP to the office a coupla times last week. (Spanish Speaking Friend On The Payroll.) On the phone this morn, I was given an appointment for a tech on Aug 13, and told they'll call me if s/he comes sooner. They are installing a new line to our north. After The Neighbours repeatedly visited the office, a tech showed up and spent ~20 minutes hooking them up to the line going south. My SSFOTP went to the office for me today, but they stuck with "The 13th" and "It's a big job being done by the Cancun office". So if ya appreciate having The Daily News In Isla Mujeres this week & next....feel free to buy The Neighbours a cold beverage when ya see 'em! HERE is their blog.
WIFI Update Today.. At our trip yesterday to Cablemas, they intended to send a tech to fix The Neighbours iffy connection & said our appointment had been moved to today. It still appears that service is out to our north at least as far at the entrance to Bachilleres. The Neighbours dropped by the office & were reassured a tech was coming by this afternoon, and they left behind some donuts. They pass out cold water to the techs when they are working nearby & remember the names of the techs & office staff. We have Nice Neighbours, ay?!
Playa Norte now in real time in Isla Mujeres
"Time Lapse" of Playa Norte Webcam: LINK
. .
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