The "Morning Edition" has translated headlines & newspaper photos. This Afternoon Edition has translations of the articles, Daily Events & Live Music Schedules & the "Around the Internet in the Past 24 Hours" section including photos & info from individuals & local businesses ....Daily In Isla Mujeres. There are always links to the original articles in Spanish.
articles about Senior Citizen's week say there's a turtle release
planned for 7pm tonight...it doesn't say which beach, but I would guess
Media Luna (vs Guadalupana).
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Violating the ban has caused a decrease in lobster catches
Pescadores abandonan el oficio
Lunes, 26 de Agosto de 2013 21:32
La violación a la veda ocasiona que disminuya la captura de la langosta
ISLA MUJERES, 26 de agosto.- The President of the cooperative "Por la Justicia Social" said this had been a difficult year because many fishermen did not respect the ban and with the destruction of lobster roe, the species has suffered a large decrease, which now affects everyone. He said the fishermen of Punta Allen, as well as those of Holbox, have managed to capture up to 40 tons of lobster, while the six cooperatives of Isla Mujeres together cannot match that number. He said during the four months from March to June of closed seasons for lobster, grouper, and shark, the city needs to provide jobs that pay at least twice the minimum wage (The minimum wage is ~five dollars a day). He said the fishermen would be grateful for jobs such as maintaining piers, beaches, and parks to help them continue supporting their families.
Leer más...City Council chooses aldermen for the Installation Committee
Cabildo elige a los regidores que integrarán Comisión Instaladora
Lunes, 26 de Agosto de 2013 21:30
Aprueban la baja de bienes muebles, equipo de oficina y herramientas menores del Ayuntamiento isleño
ISLA MUJERES, 26 de agosto.-By unanimous decision the City Council chose Antonio Coronado Rojas, José Jesús Castillo Magaña and Edgar Humberto Gasca Arceo, to be members of the Commission for Installation (of the new government) Comisión Instaladora. They also approved the donation of usable equipment from the warehouse to schools and institutions that need them, which included office equipment and small tools.
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DIF celebrates Senior Citizen Week
Expressing support for the vulnerable sector
Celebra el DIF municipal Semana de Adultos Mayores
Lunes, 26 de Agosto de 2013 21:28
Expresan apoyo para el sector vulnerable
ISLA MUJERES, 26 de agosto.-The DIF social service agency is having a variety of activities for Senior Citizen's Week, including a Movie night on Monday at 6p, a Turtle hatchling Release on Tuesday (today) at 7pm, and free haircuts on Wednesday from 10am to 2pm. On Thursday there will be a zumba exhibition and on Friday at 7:30 there will be a serenade at Punta Sur.
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Tvisla Mujeres
Noticias de El Quintanarroense
by Ovidio Lopez
Noticias de Quequi......
The process of governmental changeover is 75% complete
75% de avance en proceso de entrega – recepción
0 26 de agosto de 2013
Por Carlos Gasca The delivery of reports from department heads is 75% complete.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Good income from the holidays
Buenos ingresos por vacaciones
The port was reopened for on Saturday at 4pm, with caution for navigation, and the only activity that remained suspended was the whale shark tours. Sunday morning many tour bouts were seen in the bay as well as catamarans, yachts, and other boats moored near the beautiful beaches. Tourism has been declining gradually, and now you especially see European tourists; from Italy, Israel, (sic) and England, among others. The tourism service providers reported they are happy with the income they made this summer holiday season of 2013.
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"Charalito" dies in house fire
Arde casa y muere 'Charalito'
Parents and children sanctioned with community service
Sancionan a padres e hijos con trabajo comunitario
La jornada de reinserción servirá para lograr mayor comunicación, unión e integración familiar entre los miembros.
. Activities begin for Senior Citizens In Isla Mujeres
Diario La Verdad

Work stoppage this Tuesday
Paro de labores, este martes [+] Ver mas
Due to a lack of response from officials regarding teacher concerns about possible suspension of economic incentives called "Concept 41" and the GE "Special Bonus", a work stoppage is planned for 10am Tuesday (today). They had other concerns also, which were listed in the previous article.
Promotions to attract customers in low season
Promociones para atraer clientes en temporada baja+] Ver mas
Restaurants and merchants are offering discounts from 15 to 50 percent and promotions such as "Happy Hour" 2x1 or 3x2, to attract tourists during this off season. He said there are about 10 restaurants offering these promotions. He said although the national holidays are not a tourism booster, they should serve to improve sales for a few days.
Senior Citizens Week: Full of Events
Semana del Mayor, llena de eventos+] Ver mas
Commission to install the next government
Comisión para instalar al próximo ayuntamiento+] Ver mas
This blog is brought to you by....
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Sept 5: 4-7 Thursday Art Fair On The Square
Sept. 7: Saturday 8:30am: Procession To Isla Contoy of Virgin of Caridad de Cobre. Meet at Church on Town Square at 8am. Return to Isla Mujeres ~3pm
Sept 14-16 Holiday Weekend: Mexican Independence Day begins with the Grito on Town Square Sunday at midnight
Sept. 30 Change of Municipal Government
Critter events...
It is currently the season for swimming with the whale sharks, and turtles are mating offshore & nesting on the eastern beaches. The mating is visible by day, especially off Punta Sur, the South Point. The nesting happens in the wee hours, and there are Tortugranja personnel, volunteers, and Naval staff monitoring the beaches to prevent people from disrupting them, and to gather and transport the eggs for incubation.
By far, most of the turtles nesting in Isla Mujeres are Green turtles (called Blancas in Spanish), and the second most common are the huge Loggerheads, and there are some Hawksbills. The Green turtles take ~60 days to hatch and are held in the water tanks at the Tortugranja until the hatchlings are released by the public at events at dusk on Media Luna or Guadalupana. These events will occur periodically until early October and are usually announced a day or two in advance. They are rescheduled if the sea is rough.
Lately there have been many rays, in addition to many whale sharks. From MVC, we have been seeing dolphins from the balcony, and some large fish while snorkeling offshore. Lotsa mama turtles visiting our beach lately!
There are small red crabs that migrate to & from the sea in July-August, watch out for them at night on the coastal road at the southeastern part of the isle.
Lobster season began July 1 and continues until the end of February.
Casa de los Suenos LINKwebsite LINKfb 4-7 Banda Sin Nombre
Sunset Grill Playa Norte LINK Dusk Vocalist & Keyboard
Cafe del Mar 8-10 John Cain LINK LINK
El Patio/ComoNo (rooftop) LINK 8:30 - 11 - La Guera & Willys Blues
Fayne's: LINK 8:00-10:00-Raul Alexis
Ocean Blues & Sassy Jazz LINK- 8 - 10 See poster below
Fayne's LINk
Poc Na ? Link
Tres Mentiras ? LINK
La Catrina ? LINK LINK
John Cain's schedule is
Tuesday- Cafe Del Mar, 8-10, solo guitar & vocals
Wednesday- Bally Hoo, 7-9, Sol Rockers band
Friday- Iguana Bar-7-9, solo guitar & vocals
Sunday- Bahia Tortuga- 7-9, Sol Rockers band
The lounger on its side and driftwood are a barricade to protect an 'old' turtle nest from July. The previous night a mama had shoved it aside and dug there. I pushed sand back over the nest & reset the barricade. This night one went around the yard & dug into it from the opposite side. It's a popular spot. The eggs/nest were overlooked when they were fresh, which is when they can be transported to the tortugranja. We didn't know there were eggs there until another turtle dug some of them up.
On the internet in the past 24 hours...
Back to School at the Little Yellow Schoolhouse! Where the kids are content & emotional to be back.
Breakfast time... Amor A La Niñez added 4 new photos to the album Hora del Desayuno/Time to Eat Ü.
Max the Wonder Dog migrated to The States...
Rick Melase Happy me !!!!! — at Balance Rock Inn.

Invitation to Isla Entrepreneurs for a Discussion & Consultation at Penquinos Restaurant downtown On Thursday Aug. 29 at 9:30am about Tourism Development and Financial & Assistance programs

Qubano hot summer days.
Katie Cain shared Brenda L Nash Lamonica's photo.
Playa Norte now in real time in Isla Mujeres
"Time Lapse" of Playa Norte Webcam: LINK
. .
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