The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published soon, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities soon...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities soon...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Excellent influx of visitors to the island: APIQroo reports on September statistics
Excelente afluencia
Continúan observando cruces a Punta Sam, resalta la Apiqroo
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 11 de octubre.-
"September was a good month for Isla Mujeres, with an increase of 13 percent in the mobilization of maritime passengers," reported the state Port Authority Administration /Administration Portuaria Integral de Quintana Roo (Apiqroo). In the ninth month of this year, 118,680 passengers were transported to Isla Mujeres, compared to 104,405 in September, 2013.
There has been a six percent cumulative increase during the January-September period over the same period last year, which is considered an excellent year for tourism. As of September there were 1,338,984 passengers brought to Isla Mujeres, compared to 1,263,153 during that period last year. These statistics were reported by representative of the Apiqroo in Puerto Juárez and Isla Mujeres, Ricardo Ancona Argaez.
He said "This means we are having an excellent number of visitor so far, with good expectations for the end of the year." It is not too bad in the off season in Isla Mujeres, because it is appreciated by local and regional tourists, who continue to visit at all times of the year. However, he said, better economic times will be seen when there is an increase in overnight tourism. He said that currently 80% of the tourists visit the island for the day, coming in the morning and departing in the afternoon. He also spoke about Gov. Borge's commitment to the promotion of tourism in Isla Mujeres and the goal of increasing the stays of visitors.
"September was a good month for Isla Mujeres, with an increase of 13 percent in the mobilization of maritime passengers," reported the state Port Authority Administration /Administration Portuaria Integral de Quintana Roo (Apiqroo). In the ninth month of this year, 118,680 passengers were transported to Isla Mujeres, compared to 104,405 in September, 2013.
There has been a six percent cumulative increase during the January-September period over the same period last year, which is considered an excellent year for tourism. As of September there were 1,338,984 passengers brought to Isla Mujeres, compared to 1,263,153 during that period last year. These statistics were reported by representative of the Apiqroo in Puerto Juárez and Isla Mujeres, Ricardo Ancona Argaez.
He said "This means we are having an excellent number of visitor so far, with good expectations for the end of the year." It is not too bad in the off season in Isla Mujeres, because it is appreciated by local and regional tourists, who continue to visit at all times of the year. However, he said, better economic times will be seen when there is an increase in overnight tourism. He said that currently 80% of the tourists visit the island for the day, coming in the morning and departing in the afternoon. He also spoke about Gov. Borge's commitment to the promotion of tourism in Isla Mujeres and the goal of increasing the stays of visitors.
Staff of the Civil Protection agency will carry out an intense operation inspecting stationary propane tanks
Sobre tanques estacionarios
Personal de Protección Civil realizará intenso operativo de supervisión
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 11 de octubre.-
In order to ensure the safety of customers in general, soon we will conduct a day of inspection of the stationary tanks of LP gas", said Mauro Humberto Rodríguez Velázquez, director of Civil Protection of the municipality of Isla Mujeres. The inspections will be carried out mainly at the restaurants to insure the tanks are in good condition and present no risks, as well as that they are properly installed and connected to the ground.
The establishments are also required to have a fire extinguisher and to meet minimum safety measures, which include having first aid kits, signs, and people trained in first aid. There is an average of about 300 stationary tanks, of which ~60 are already in poor condition.
They will seek the assistance of Z Gas to report any stationary tanks that they notice are in poor condition and should refuse to fill them with fuel. Tanks that have received notices to improve their installations, and if necessary, to replace their stationary tanks, must do so before the upcoming year, and already cannot fill them because they will be denied service. .
In order to ensure the safety of customers in general, soon we will conduct a day of inspection of the stationary tanks of LP gas", said Mauro Humberto Rodríguez Velázquez, director of Civil Protection of the municipality of Isla Mujeres. The inspections will be carried out mainly at the restaurants to insure the tanks are in good condition and present no risks, as well as that they are properly installed and connected to the ground.
The establishments are also required to have a fire extinguisher and to meet minimum safety measures, which include having first aid kits, signs, and people trained in first aid. There is an average of about 300 stationary tanks, of which ~60 are already in poor condition.
They will seek the assistance of Z Gas to report any stationary tanks that they notice are in poor condition and should refuse to fill them with fuel. Tanks that have received notices to improve their installations, and if necessary, to replace their stationary tanks, must do so before the upcoming year, and already cannot fill them because they will be denied service. .
Distinction to Baltazar Gomez Catzin: Leader and representative of the local fishermen
Distinción a Baltazar Gómez Catzín
Dirigirá federación de pescadores
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 11 de octubre.-
He said he will work to seek financial support for the fishermen during the four month ban on lobster fishing, noting that support of at least 8000 pesos is needed for each fisherman. Lobster fishing is the main source of income in both the Northern and Southern regions of Quintana Roo, for fisherman. There is insufficient fish to support them during this period, and there is also a ban on grouper from March 15 to April 15. (The lobster ban begins March 1 and is over on July 1st.)
He said it is important for all the fishing cooperatives in the state that the federal resources from the PROPESCA program arrive in a timely manner. He said he will also fight to obtain benefits from other Federal programs that can assist the seamen and their families of Isla Mujeres and of the state.
Yesterday & the day before that (Friday)....
Residents of La Guadalupana will not be evicted
No serán desalojados
Los vecinos de La Guadalupana
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de octubre.-
He said so far there has been no official survey of the property and it has not been uncommon to have problems with invasions from people who have the intention of settling there. This generates conflict for those who are living in this area, and they have made many complaints. There are also concerns about measures between adjoining properties.
Currently the land registration staff is working to determine valid information to accurately identify and determine the properties to avoid conflicts among the residents and prevent conflicts between residents and non residents who try to invade their community. The Director explained that the staff from his agency have no other purpose there, and they are not trying to evict the current residents of the colonia.
More public works
Renovation of main roads of the island begins
Más obra pública
Inicia remodelación de principales avenidas de la ínsula
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de octubre.-
The new paving will include and area of some (?) square meters that is the equivalent of a length of 1600 linear meters. (una superficie de millones 341 mil 14 metros cuadrados...Maybe the numeral before "millones" is missing?.. que equivalen a una longitud de mil 600 metros lineales).
The event marking the start of the public works was led by mayor Agapito Magaña Sánchez, and officials in attendance included Fidel Villanueva Madrid, síndico municipal (municipal union); Alvaro Magaña Galué, tesorero municipal (city treasurer), y los regidores (and City Council members), Adriana Trejo González, Eva Fanny Quijano Kini, Bartolomé Pech Matú, José del Carmen Magaña Galué and Pedro Abiran Fuentes Cruz.
Recognizing & honoring the fishermen on their day
Celebran a pescadores
Agapito les rinde merecido reconocimiento en cálido encuentro
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de octubre.-
This event honoring the fishermen killed in the line of work took place at the monument to the fishermen, which was erected sixteen years ago. A wreath was placed at the monument and another was placed in the Bay.ISLA MUJERES, 9 de octubre.-
Authorities gave gift packages to the fishermen which included rain gear, tee shirts, and other articles that are useful in their line of work. There were two very emotional moments. The first was when the Mayor asked for applause to recognized the oldest fisherman in the state, who is a very respected islander, Buenaventura Delgado Díaz, aka “Coleguita”; and the second was when a cake was presented to commemorate 40 years of free and sovereign statehood for Quintana Roo. The Mayor spoke about his intentions to give financial support to the widows of fishermen and his commitment to preserve the traditions of Isla Mujeres as a reminder of the origins of this tourism destination.
Officials in attendance included the Mayor and his wife, Admiral of the Fifth Naval Region/ el almirante de la Quinta Región Naval, Juan Ramón Alcalá Pignol, and his wife; el capitán de Puerto (Harbor Master), Ismael González Gil; el coordinador de Pesca del municipio (Fishing Coordinator for the city), Baltazar Gómez Catzín; el síndico municipal, (City union rep) Fidel Villanueva Madrid; el tesorero del Ayuntamiento (city Treasurer), Alvaro Magaña Galué, and la regidora de la Comisión de Pesca, (Alderwoman for the Fishing Commission) Adriana Trejo González, who gave economic support to the widows and families of deceased fishermen.
Goodbye to millions of pesos: For bad commercial practices
Adiós a millones de pesos
Por malas prácticas del comercio
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de octubre.-
He said it appears the PROFECO unit was acting upon direct tourist complaints against certain jewelry businesses. He said these merchants damage the image of the island, which is a site of much international prestige, and they make efforts to promote the island worthless, including the certification of the beaches, when attention is focused upon their bad practices, instead.
It is recalled that at the beginning of this week, PROFECO fined four jewelry stores and impounded 4000 pieces of jewelry (e inmovilizó cuatro mil alhajas), because false metal (alpaca) was being sold to visitors as gold, silver, paladium and paladio, in violation of Federal consumer protection laws and the regulation Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM-033).
Reproduction of Hawksbill & Loggerhead sea turtles is increasing
Crece reproducción de tortugas marinas
De carey y cahuama
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de octubre.-
She explained that the Hawksbills and Loggerheads require special conditions for nesting which include total silence, a lack of lights, and sand which does not have any rocks. "If these conditions are not met, they can spend all night looking for an appropriate spot, and if they do not find it, they will look for another place to lay their eggs," she said.
The tortugrana has protected 30 nests of the Hawksbill species, representing ~3000 eggs, some of which have already hatched. As for the loggerheads, there have been 15 nests protected, with a total of about 150 eggs, some of which have hatched and others are still incubating. (That is probably a typo for 1500 eggs, since there are about 100 eggs per nest. Also, in previous years, there have been more Loggerheads than Hawksbills, so I don't know if that has changed, or the statistics are mixed up.)
With both of these species, the hatchlings are released in a special manner, and in the manner that is usual with the Green turtles, because otherwise they subject to attack by predators, because they are very slow. (The Green hatchlings are liberated at public releases, while the others are released by Tortugranja staff, as far as I know.)
It is recalled that about 85,000 hatchlings are expected to be released this season. In upcoming days the kindergarten/preschool, and the primary school students will be carrying out massive releases, with participation by the community in general. At this time, there are 429 nests being protected, and each one contains an average of ~100 eggs, so it is estimated that an additional 43,000 hatchlings are waiting to be born.
Public works in Punta Sam: Beginning construction of the new Maritime Terminal in upcoming days
Ahora, obras en Punta Sam
En los próximos días iniciará construcción de nueva terminal marítima
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de octubre.-
With tourism growth projected for the Continental Zone of Isla Mujeres, there will be construction of a Maritime Terminal in Punta Sam with an investment of ~30 million pesos in federal resources. The bidding process is complete and the contracts have been awarded, and everything is ready for work to begin in upcoming days. This work is taking place in anticipation that this port will be mobilizing a large number of annual passengers, and is taking place in connection with the planned construction by hoteliers of over 20,000 rooms in the zone of Isla Blanca.
This important work of the Terminal at Punta Sam, toward future development of this area, joins the new terminal recently put into operation at Isla Mujeres as part of the projects to improve port infrastructure that over the past three years will total to ~150 million pesos. In terms of port infrastructure, this is a historical statistic in nautical development, that represents important projects for the entire state.
A Buoy washed up on the south part of the island after the strong winds yesterday (actually it ended up landing on our beach in Bachilleres)
Se desgarita boya en parte Sur
A raíz de los fuertes vientos de anteayer
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES 7 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES 7 de octubre.-
Due to strong winds from the southeast, a signal buoy that normally marks the channel of access near the south point of Isla Mujeres made landfall upon the eastern shores of the island. This did not affect navigation and caused no harm to others. The Harbor Master, Ismael Gonzalez Gil, explained that it must have broken its anchoring chains, which had been affected by corrosion from the seawater. He explained that this buoy is one of four buoys who indicate and define the access channel for boats coming toward the Bay of Isla Mujeres, via the south part of the island.
He added that on the day it came loose, they began addressing the problem with staff from the Señalamiento Marítimo de la Capitanía de Puerto (Harbor Master's Maritime Signaling division) to decide whether to rehabilitate the system of signaling, or to replace it with another in better condition, or with new equipment.
Ismael Gonzalez Gil said that to avoid all kinds of incidents and accidents, the local Harbor Master maintains constant communication with the vessels that navigate through this area, using electronic devices, which is how they learned about this buoy breaking loose. He added that in the absence of this signaling buoy, it is important that the captains of boats of all sizes take extreme caution to avoid any incidents or accidents.
Finally, Sr. Gonzalez, said the lack of this signaling buoy does not put local vessels at risk, but at any moment if a vessel that requires great depth, such as a cruise ship, were to approach the Bay of Isla Mujeres, there is a risk they could run aground. This probability is reduced because ships with this sort of intention would be in communication immediately with the Harbor Master's office.
View of the buoy from my balcony......It's big!
Green Patrol cleans up the isle
With 300 volunteers, including members of the City government including Mayor Agapito Magana Sanchez, a massive clean up was conducted around the island. It included members of the police force, the DIF social service agency, the CROC labor union, the Navy, Aguakan, the Port Authority (API), the Taxi union, the Human Rights Commission, and students from the grade schools “Julio Sauri Espinosa”, “Andrés Quintana Roo”, and “César Mendoza Santana, among others. The efforts were interrupted by rain, after nearly a ton and a half of trash was collected from various parts of the island.
The offices of Green Patrol “Patrulla Verde” were inaugurated afterward the clean up at mid day, by the president of the Human Rights Commission, Harley Sosa Guillen. They are located in the vicinity of Mundaca. This NGO, which organized the clean up, has been working for the good of the community for more than 15 years, said Sr Sosa during the opening ceremony.
Arrest of alleged thief of cables: Intended to steal from the lights of the walkway
According to the municipal police, at 8:30pm he was seen with a pair of electrical pliers, and had already cut the line, and was about to remove it, presumably to sell it. Fortunately he did not get away with the cable, but the pathway has been left without lights and currently remains that way. The director of Public Security (the chief of police), Joaquín Poot Acosta, said that theft of cable from public spaces is a recurrent problem that usually occurs in the early morning hours of the night, but in this case it was almost in the light of day, because it happened when it was still dusk. Since the cable was not removed, the young man was turned over to the prosecutor for damage to public property.
The police chief said that this weekend there were a total of seven people detained, which included two for public fighting, one with a 'coa' and the other with a rock in his hand. They were fighting over 250 pesos for work that one of them (was) paid and the other had not finished. (estaban peleando por 250 pesos de un trabajo que uno de ellos había pagado y que el otro no había terminado.) The official said they both had injuries, but in the end they came to an agreement, and both obtained their freedom. They had been surprised by police at the time of the fight, and were handcuffed and transported separately to the police station. The other people who were detained over the weekend were taken in for disturbing the peace, and for general administrative offenses.
Tvisla Mujeres
Noticias de Quequi......
Seeking "Pedestrian Only" signage for Hidalgo avenue
Piden señalar restringir el paso en avenida Hidalgo
0 12 de octubre de 2014
The leader of the Chamber of Commerce of Isla Mujeres, Juan Carrillo Figueroa urged the Municipal Director of Traffic to take advantage or the off season in tourism to reinstall the tubes preventing vehicles and motorcycles from entering Hidalgo avenue. He said this is not the first time this request has been made.
He explained that it is necessary that the street be strictly restricted to pedestrian traffic, otherwise there is a risk of tourists causing an accident. People walk along this pedestrian street freely and children are given great freedom, because it is trusted that vehicles are not allowed. However, sometimes golf carts drive down them because there is no clear signage or a barrier preventing access for the tourists to see. He said the City needs to reinstall the tubes that prevent vehicles from having access to this street.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- . -
Despite animal regulations, problems remainSocial
Les vale ‘gorro’ el reglamento
0 12 de octubre de 2014
Pet owners ignore the sanctions and allow animals to loiter in the tourist areas, which concerns many restaurant owners, because the animals harass their customers. (Someone, it doesn't say who.) said, "We can not adopt drastic measures against the animals, because after all, they are not the culprits. but we need to do something, since they annoy the tourists who visit the restaurants in the area, especially on Hidalgo Avenue, where there is a large concentration of restaurants serving from 3pm to midnight."
It is acknowledged that the Department of Ecology has made efforts, but that more radical measures are needed, with stronger sanctions for those who do not care for their pets. It was explained that this is also true of people who walk their animals along the beaches and who allow them to meet their needs in that place, and those whoallow them to prey on tourists to get something to eat.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.-.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Anuncian encuentro de Handball playero
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Anuncian encuentro de Handball playero

por esto
Return of harpoon fishing competition
Retomarán torneo de pesca con arpón [+] Ver mas
Meetings were held this weekend toward the goal of conducting a harpoon fishing competition, with free diving (by lung/without tanks), in Isla Mujeres. In attendance for the meeting on Friday were the municipal Directors of Tourism and of Sports, Gustavo Rodríguez and Enrique Barros, respectively. On Saturday they met with official representative (el subdelegado) of the National Committee on fisheries (Conapesca), Manuel Cardenas to establish a date, and a plan for promotion of the event. This was reported by one of the promotors, Ramón Guerrero. Comments were made that this had been proposed to the previous government, but there had been a lack of interest.
This is expected to be promotional for Isla Mujeres as a destination, and to attract major participants of international stature, who will attempt to win the trophy. When it was proposed two years ago, a prominent American woman diver attended, who wanted to participate in the tournament. Although there is very little participation in this region by women in this sport; in the United States there are quite a number of women who compete openly with men in various types of fishing.
In the shallow water conditions of this northern coastal area of Quintana Roo and surrounding Isla Mujeres, it is thought that this event could develop well, and could prove to be an attraction to those who fish with harpoons, "by lung", via free diving (without tanks).
The island's professional soccer: In danger
El futbol profesional isleño, en peligro [+] Ver mas
Young José Sánchez says the city needs to hurry up and keep its commitment to put roofs over the stands so families and friends can support the teams, and these sentiments were also voiced by parent Juana Can, who goes to see her son play at the field in colonia Salina.
Day before yesterday (Friday)....
Authorities seize Queen conch
Decomisan caracol rosado[+] Ver mas
About three kilograms of Queen Conch (caracol rosado) was seized by the Navy on Tuesday at the malecon of Rueda Medina South, and the product, but not the crew was turned over to the PGR, Procuraduría General de la República (Attorney General's office/ Prosecutors office). This occurred around 8:30 pm, and no official information has been released, however it has been learned that the offender's last name is Castro.
Within its legal framework, the Mexican Navy carries out work in support of other agencies involved with the conservation of nature, in order to preserve protected species such as turtles and endangered conchs, and during the bans on lobster, snapper, and grouper.
There have been several fishermen from the island in recent decades who have suffered heavy fines and loss of equipment. This should be a warning to fishermen who poach species that are listed as being protected because of the reductions of their populations in this area, due to over exploitation.
Cables falling down everywhere
Cables caídos por doquier [+] Ver mas
Oct. 9.... The strong winds of recent days have increased the number of telephone and television cables that are falling down, and obstructing pedestrian areas. However a gang of workers from the Cable company was seen replacing them, but residents complain that they are falling down "on all sides" due to corrosion of the metal parts that connect them to the poles. This problem is observed near the grade school Julio Sauir, and in the south point, and near the high school (Colegio Bachilleres), among other areas. (That cable by Bachilleres has been in the new previously.)
Some residents have suggested that the municipality should penalize the two companies involved if they don't meet their responsibilities immediately, in order to avoid any accidents from these cables. Juan Velez said the city could be sued for failing to ensure the safety of its citizens along the public walkways. Elva Enríquez said that it seems like a "beauty contest" from the way some of the City Council members frequently have their photos in the newspapers, when they should be meeting their responsibilities with this and other issues.
Bringing order to the new maritime terminal
Ponen orden en la nueva terminal portuaria+] Ver mas
Oct. 8... Staff from the municipal Department of Tourism were present at the new Maritime Terminal on Wednesday to prevent the comisionista hawkers from entering the new facilities and harassing arriving visitors. They are restricted to offering their products, such as golf carts, from the sidewalks, and when some went into the terminal, they were invited to leave.
The director of tourism, Gustavo Rodriguez, said more than a half dozen small portable booths will be available to offer these services at the exits of the terminal in upcoming days. There will be space for these sales in the south wing and it is intended that the terminal will be used in an orderly manner, according to international norms.
There was also assistance from the Tourist Police to keep order after the cabbies intended to collect in the public way, preventing the tricycle porters from carrying suitcases. The Port Authority (APIQRoo) has requested assistance from the muncipality to ensure that the facility is used in an orderly manner and to avoid the spectacles and embarrassments that occurred at the old terminal. It is expected that by the end of this month all the cooperatives will be installed inside the building. It is not known whether the Association of Golf Cart Rentals will install its own booth in the facility to avoid the use of middlemen.
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Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
Karen Rosenberg's
NEED DIABETES SUPPLIES FOR OCTOBER DIABETES CLINIC: We have been doing Diabetes Clinics on Isla Mujeres for five years, with more local residents participating annually. This is a joint project of bilingual social workers, nurses, and other health care professionals originally from the USA, working with Isleno community partners. Diabetes is now the primary cause of death in Mexico.
Miguel's schedule
Wednesday 7 - 9pm Comono - solo
Wednesday through Saturday - 10:30 - 12:00 - Faynes - La Banda Sin Nombre (closing 9/16 for 4 weeks)
Friday & Saturday 7 - 9p Marina Paraiso - solo
Friday & Saturday 12:00 - 2:30am - Adelitas - La Banda Sin Nombre Salsa Music
Sunday 7 - 9p - ComoNo - The Sol Rockers
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Sunday Comono at El Patio, The Sol Rockers
Sundays Sol Rockers 7-9 pm and Ryan 9-12
,Mondays Ryan 8 - 11,
Ryan 8-11,
Wednesdays Miguel 6:30-8:30 Felo and Israel 8:30-11:30,
Thursdays Ryan 8 - 11
Fridays, Fabio 6"30-8:30 and Ryan
Closed temporarily for renovations...find the Sol Rockers tonight at the Joint, instead.
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & SunClosed temporarily for renovations...find the Sol Rockers tonight at the Joint, instead.

Sun ~2p Salsa
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
Saturday afternoon ~3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
October events
Sunset ~6:30p
Full Moon..Moonrise
Oct. 8 6:50pm
Oct. 9 7:37pm
Oct. 10 8:26pm
Oct.11 9:16pm Dia de la nina
Oct.12 10:07pm Día de la Raza
Oct.13 10:58pm
Blue crabs are migrating to the sea for spawning during full moons
Turtle release dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance
Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
Artist Fairs on the Square, usually first Thursday, have been cancelled for October & November. Next Fair: Dec. 4
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