Here's the webcam LINK, which also has time lapse of the past 24 hours. |
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~From the City....
There was a swearing in of young islanders who've joined the World Network of Young Politicians, who plan to work on issues including the defense of children, youths, animals, the LGBT community, the environment, and clean beaches.
David Jesus Portillo Vera will represent Isla Mujeres in the 4th State Youth Congress, with
Axel Osvaldo Canché as alternate. They participated in the municipal competition "Your Voice Counts, Too" in which proposals were submitted on topics including education, health, and youth.
The Día de la Armada de México is commemorated every November 23rd (Navy Day).
A large pet sterilization campaign was held on the mainland Nov. 14-20, organized by the organizations “Isla Animals” and “Pets Land”, which sterilized 1847 animals.
At the municipal soccer league tournament the City gave awards to the winning team "Real City" who beat "Real Villanueva".
VIDEO with caption saying security protocols were activated following a 911 call about criminal activity. The police went to the area of the Community Hospital and found nothing out of the ordinary except two men pushing a motorcycle who had an evasive attitude in the presence of uniformed police. They were found to have two firearms and were turned over to the state police and the FGR state Attorney General's office. They are José C. K. P., 24, and Michael S. P., 25.
The Navy conducted a medical evacuation of a passenger from the cruise ship “Crystal Symphony" near Punta Sur, taking the patient to the Naval Station at Puerto Juarez, to be transported via ambulance to a private hospital to receive specialized medical attention. LINK
VIDEO of a group of people and a taxi and golf cart with a caption noting there was a disagreement over a scratch to a taxi, with the lancheros (who sell boat tours) siding with the tourist, which was resolved with a payment of 300 pesos.
Isla Mujeres al Día
The Isla Mujeres Cockteleros, who won the previous league championship, will play the Astros of Tulum today at 1pm at the El Pescador stadium (in front of Chedraui).VIDEO of Governor Carlos Joaquín attending the commemoration of Mexican Navy Day in Isla Mujeres where he participated in the delivery of decorations to Naval personnel.
From Por Esto :
Business owners sign security petition
Firman empresarios petición de seguridad
The forty business owners who met on Friday to discuss security drafted a document demanding greater coordination between the three levels of government and requesting the installation of security cameras on the main roads. There are more than 200 signatures on the two page document whose six points are:A request for the federal Secretary of Citizen Protection and Security to send personnel with the National Guard to the municipality.
A request for support and intervention from the Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR) via the Fifth Naval Region to reinforce intelligence, patrols and public safety tasks.
A request to the Governor for personnel with the State Police.
A request for installation of lighting at all strategic points to inhibit crime
A request for the installation of security cameras at strategic points downtown and on the perimeter road.
A request for an in-depth review of the municipal Police Department, applying the trust control exams to all active officers, administrative staff, and the Chief of Police in order to to achieve a purification of the department to have a reliable police force, because there have been reports of some officers committing abuses toward visitors.
A copy of the document dated Nov. 22 and addressed to Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis says,
“… we allow ourselves to make it known that tourism entrepreneurs and the general citizenry are very concerned about the situation of ongoing insecurity in the municipality, since we have been able to verify the incidence of criminal events that have occurred recently, which have had an unprecedented negative impact, so that the tourist influx of Isla Mujeres and its image as a national and international destination are at risk of being irreversibly affected ”. They ask him, as the people's representative before state and federal authorities, according to the regulations, to attend this list of the requests.
Isla Mujeres news briefs
Breves de Isla Mujeres
Thursday night, Naval personnel conducted a medical evacuation of a 76 year old American passenger on the cruise ship "Crystal Symphony", because he was suffering internal bleeding of the urinary tract.The first brief is about the Fourth Youth Congress...see City section above, and the third brief is about yesterday's weather forecast.
Increased revenue collection in 2020
Mayor recaudación en 2020
The Isla Mujeres Income Law initiative has been submitted to the XVI State Legislature for approval during December in regard to the fiscal year 2020, It has a total projected income of 369,207,574 pesos, which is a 4.8% increase over the projection for 2019 of 352,488,864 pesos.The property tax income projection is 60.5 million which is a two million peso difference over the current income, and trash fee collection from the business sector is estimated at 15.6 million, which is a difference of less than 500,000. (Residents don't pay trash fees, just businesses.)
The City plans to implement strategies to improve collection by establishing mechanisms that allow taxpayers to use the internet to obtain statements and to facilitate ease of payment at more locations such as banks and convenience stores. They also plan to establish payment policies for delinquent taxes and to increase the taxpayer base by 2 percent.
There are five items for income that contribute to the total amount to be collected in 2020 (369,207,574 pesos) as follows, which represent 55% from the municipality and 45% from federal funds:
Taxes-95, 805,406 pesos
Derechos (lit-Rights, probably permits)-77,034,277 pesos
Products- 12,322,483 pesos
Aprovechamientos (lit. Achievements)-4,967,516 pesos
Federal Funds- 176,077,893 pesos.
Rain delays work on Maritime Terminal
Lluvias atrasan obras en terminal marítima
Work on to expand the Maritime Terminal began on October 30th and was expected to be completed by December 31st, but delays caused by rain could cause the project to continue into January of 2020. An investment of 5,425,597 pesos is being made to use the cargo passage area next to the parking lot and an unused space in front of the pier, to construct an area of 256 square meters. Construction in the two areas includes columns, concrete beams, and a joist and vault slab.It is noted that there is no new information about when the two new Naveganto ferries will begin operation between the island and Puerto Juarez, except an executive said, "Soon" ('en breve')
Accumulation of trash at Transfer Facility due to work by Aguakan
Acumulación de basura por culpa de Aguakan
Aguakan is installing the wastewater network along a six kilometer section from Playa Lancheros to the wastewater treatment plant, which has affected the road so that the large trucks that transport the island's garbage to the mainland have been unable to access the Trash Transfer Facility. This has caused an accumulation of 1700 tons of garbage and the Director of Public Services said he had made repeated requests to Aguakan to release the 50 meter stretch that would allow the trucks to enter the facility and do their job. The Trash Transfer station was emptied in October, after the City hired a dozen large trucks. The new accumulation is causing concern among the businesses in the area, because it causes odors and attracts vermin. There is also concern that the work is not progressing as expected, and that it could continue into high season.Fishing cooperatives urged to 'regularize'
Exhortan a cooperativas a regularizarse
Officials with the state Fishing agencies are urging three cooperative, Makax, Caribe, and Cabo Catoche to get themselves registered in the CONAPESCA database, so that they can access the "Bienpesca" program to receive 7200 pesos for this current year. Each fisherman must have documentation for their motor and boat equipment and register it before the deadline, in order to be eligible for assistance in 2020.It is noted that the Isla Blanca coop has serious infrastructure deficiencies, and that Social Justicia has its legal paperwork in order. Regarding the need for maintenance to several of the fishermen's huts on Isla Contoy, each cooperative must comply with procedures to request assistance from the PROCODES (Conservation for Sustainable Development) program. The fishermen use the camp during the lobster season until the end of February, however the huts on the upper part of the camp need maintenance so they can be used, because water has entered the huts on the lower part.
Isla Mujeres news briefs
Breves de Isla Mujeres
Middle school students watched a movie “La Revolución Mexicana y Pancho Villa”.The state Mobility Institute increased its verification operation for vehicles with public concessions in Cancun and Isla Mujeres. Many taxi owners have purchased their plates but haven't picked them up, so they were advised to go to the SEFIPLAN offices. There were 165 vehicles who needed their updated plates and/or removal of polarized shading (in Cancun). Drivers on the mainland with the Isla Mujeres taxi union were reminded to respect their operational territories. On the island, during October 20 verification operations were carried out for taxis and renters of golf carts and bicycles.
On Sunday at 1pm at the Pescador baseball field, the Cockteleros will play the Tulum Atros in the seventh game of the Fourth Championship in the Northern League. Isla Mujeres is in the lead, and were champions of the previous tournament, while the Atros are currently in fifth place.
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
sand beach and
the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & fast WIFI. In the coastal
neighborhood of Bachilleres, among
& boutique
convenient to downtown
the colonias, yet
separate. Quiet & Private.
![]() |
Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
Free amenities such as hammocks,bikes, BBQ grills, safes, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer & dryer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Large sliding doors open to a patio & our backyard-beach, overlooking the Caribbean sea. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. We provide a list of links & direction to over 20 eateries within ten minutes walk, including Mango Cafe, Mike's Pizza, Brisas, Rosa Sirena, Manolitos, La Chatita, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery , Chedraui & local craft brewery. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores. It takes 20-30 minutes to walk downtown.
Full moon rising over the Caribbean
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November 12 6:30 November 13 7:13 November 14 8:01 November 15 8:53 November 16 9:50 November 17 10:50 November 18 11:51 Painting by Pamela Haase Sunset ~6:11-6:04p (start-end/mo) Sunrise ~6:50-7:07a (start-end/mo) |
November Events
Provided by MaraVilla Caribe & Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events
Wednesday nights at 8:45p, the group "Isla en Bici" bike around the isle, meeting at Juarez & Abasolo. Lights required, helmet recommended. LINK
Wednesday, Nov. 6 Diabetic Clinic-Free for residents with glucose testing, glucometers & supplies, reading glasses, nutritional education. Senior Citizens Club in colonia La Gloria 9a-12p.
Saturday, Nov 9, the Isla Mujeres Cahuameros will receive the Dorados of Playa del Carmen at the Convention Center court at 8pm
Sunday, Nov. 10 At the Pescador baseball field (in front of Chedraui) the Isla Mujeres Cocteleros of Picus will play the Vaqueros of Leona Vicario. (It doesn't say what time, but games usually begin at 1p.)
Monday, Nov 11-12 N. Taurids Meteor Shower peaks around midnight
Tuesday, Nov. 12 Postal Workers Day El Día del Cartero y del Empleado Postal
Thursday, Nov. 14 World Diabetes Day
Friday, Nov. 15-Sunday, Nov. 17 Buen Fin (sales)
Saturday, Nov. 16-17 Leonids Meteor Shower but the moon will interfere
Monday, Nov. 18 Day off for Día de la Revolución Mexicana . Banks & governmental offices close.
Wednesday, Nov. 20 Dia de la Revolucion. There is usually a parade down Rueda Medina that starts around 8a, usually from the Naval base. Expect traffic detours.
Thursday, Nov 21 This year the Artist Fair has moved to the Paseo de la Triguena off the Town Square by the Malecon, near the food trucks.
Friday, Nov. 22 Mexican Fair at LYSH at 6p with food, prizes, surprises & plenty of fun! The Little Yellow Schoolhouse is on Paseo de los Peces...the east-west cross street with Mundaca & the hospital, at the southern end of La Gloria.
Sunday, Nov. 24 at 1p the Isla Mujeres Cockteleros will play the Astros of Tulum at the El Pescador stadium in front of Chedraui.
The Festival for the Town Saint, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception will begin sometime around the weekend of Friday, Nov. 29 and continue thru her day on Dec. 8th. There is usually a Cabalgata parade of horses and a "bullring" set up (bullfights have been banned in Mexico), where there are rodeos and comedic bullfights, as well as folklorico dance performances and a night or two of live music & dancing on the Town Square. More info TBA.
Sources for Weather Information:
LINK to Civil Protection Q Roo weather bulletin (Spanish)
LINK to Mexico National Weather Service (Spanish)
LINK to satellite images for the Mexico National Weather Service
LINK to GOES East Band 16 GIF (animation)
LINK to a private weather station on Isla Mujeres
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