This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
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The second issue of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles
Islander motorcyclist could lose leg after colliding with a parked SUV
A punto de perder pierna
Infortunado motociclista isleño se impactó con una Explorer estacionada
Lanrry PARRAISLA MUJERES, 14 de octubre.-
Motorcyclist Felix Badillo Trejo, 39, who is a native of San Luis Potosi and lives in colonia Caridad del Cobre, collided with a parked Explorer SUV while riding his motorcycle on Rueda Medina, near the Isla Blanca fishing cooperative, and could lose his leg as a result. The accident is believed to be his fault, due to a lack of caution, but because of the severity of his injuries, an examination could not be conducted to determine if he had been driving while intoxicated. However, he said he'd had some beers. (The Isla Blanca cooperative is next to the Soggy Peso).
The collision occurred around 8:20pm when the motorcycle was traveling from north to south when he struck the right front corner of the truck. The truck was parked in the lane from north to south, but its front was facing north; however the municipal police said this did not cause the accident. They said the driver had an exposed (compound) fracture of the right tibia of his leg, and amputation could be likely. He also suffered abrasions and bruises to his face, head, and stomach.
He was taken to the Cancun General Hospital, and then to the Surgical Hospital of the South, where he was treated. So far the results are unknown, and the family and their friends are asking for blood donations.
For security, Civil Protection restricts sale of LP gas
Shortages due to fire
Desabasto por incendio
Por seguridad, Protección Civil restringe venta de gas LP
Lanrry PARRAISLA MUJERES, 14 de octubre.-
They have been unable to provide service since Monday, and there are some customers who are unhappy because they don't understand the reason for the delay, and more cylinders continue to arrive daily. The employees and customers are waiting for Civil Protection to give the authorization for work to resume so the tanks and cylinders can be delivered.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... (you can join this FB page at this link)
Third National Health Week begins
The Third National Health Week began on Tuesday, and will take place from Oct. 12-16, with the goal of preventing diseases. The three levels of government are working together, and the main objective is to give MMR vaccines (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) to the children who are newly enrolled in grade school, and any six year old children who are not enrolled and who have not received their second dose.
They will also administer vaccines against the Human Papilloma Virus to the girls in fifth grade, and any other 11 year olds not in school who have not received the first dose. The second dose will be given during the Second National Health Week of 2016.
They are also giving boosters and ongoing vaccines as needed including BCG, Anti Hepatitis B, Triple Viral SRP, Anti Rotavisrus,, Influenza, DPT, TD, and others, to children and adults. They will also distribute packages of electrolytes to the mothers and guardians of children under five who come in contact with health services.
They will also administer and teach about supplementation of vitamins, minerals, iron, and folic acid to the general population. There was an event to inaugurate the week, which was attended by children and officials, who are listed in the article.
Important agreement signed between the City of Isla Mujeres and the University of Caribe
On Wednesday morning, the Mayor of Isla Mujeres, Agapito Magana Sanchez, signed an agreement with the rector of the University del Caribe (UNICARIBE) at the Municipal Government facility in Punta Sam.
The agreement will directly benefit the 37 students who cross daily to the campus of the University. It will allow the students to provide social services within City departments and agencies, while developing their skills and experiences in the workplace. Names of officials who attended are given in the article.
The City of Isla Mujeres will release specific proposals for social service programs performed by the students, according to the Social Service Format Guidelines, and establish a schedule and a program of activities, and other details.
El convenio signado beneficiará de forma directa a los 37 alumnos que diariamente cruzan de la ínsula al plantel universitario.
#IslaMujeres #Educación

The Municipal President Agapito Magaña Sanchez and the rector of the Universidad del Caribe Tirso Juan Ordaz Coral, signed an important agreement so that students can do their social service at the departments and agencies of the City.
El Presidente Municipal Agapito Magaña Sanchez y el Rector de la Universidad del Caribe Tirso Juan Ordaz Coral, firmaron un importante convenio para que alumnos presten su servicio social en áreas y dependencias del Ayuntamiento. #ComunidadEnAcción
Our Municipal President Agapito Magaña Sanchez held a cordial pleasant meeting with Mr David Mico, Consul for the United States of America.
Nuestro Presidente Municipal Agapito Magaña Sanchez sostuvo un cálido y afectuoso encuentro con el Señor David Mico, cónsul de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica.
We maintain relationships with various countries, because we are a tourism destination and a village of friends
Como destino turístico y pueblo de amigos que somos, mantenemos relaciones con diferentes países. #IslaMujeres #EstadosUnidos
Recycling trash for food on Friday in Colonia Salina Chica
Este viernes nos vemos en la Colonia Salina Chica.
Reciclando Basura x Alimento
link to Quequi's Isla Mujeres articles
Inauguration of hospital delayed
Atrasan inauguración del hospital
0 14 de octubre de 2015 By Carlos Gasca
The official inauguration of the new Community Hospital was scheduled for Thursday, but is being rescheduled due to changes in the agenda of the Federal Health Secretary, Dra. Mercedes Juan.
The Mayor, Agapito Magana Sanchez, said the new date will be confirmed soon, and that Governor Borge intends to attend. The work on the hospital was completed over the course of several years, and 40 million pesos were invested. The work concluded a month ago, and then hospital began operating normally.
Isla Mujeres to be promoted at Travel Mart
Favorecerá Travel Mart la promoción insular
0 14 de octubre de 2015 By Carlos Gasca
Yesterday, the Mayor of Isla Mujeres, Agapito Magana Sanchez, led the delegation of islanders who attended the Travel Mart Mexican Summit 2015 at the Cancun Convention Center. The Director of Tourism,, Gustavo Orozco Rodriguez also attended.
The delegates at the event include 262 agents from 20 countries around the world. The participants include representatives from hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, airlines, and tourism promotion agencies and businesses from Cancún, Puerto Morelos, the Riviera Maya, the Grand Costa Maya, Cozumel, Holbox, Isla Mujeres, Tulum and Contoy; and from the Mexican states of Puebla and Guerrero; as well as from Colombia and Panamá.
Fire causes shortage of LP gas
Provoca incendio desabasto de gas LP
0 15 de octubre de 2015 By Carlos Gasca This has the same information as translated above, and also includes the name of the propane gas company, Zeta Gas.
Isla mujeres. - A 39 year old motorcycle driver could lose his leg after suffering an accident while traveling from north to south last night. (photo at link)
Un joven motociclista de 39 años de edad, podría perder la pierna luego de que ayer por la noche sufriera un aparatoso accidente cuando circulaba de norte a sur a bordo de su motocicleta.…/joven-motociclista-podri…/

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles
Controlling the fire
Incendio controladoVer mas
Although the fire was under control, as of Tuesday, they were not able to extinguish it completely. Officials have minimized the situation by saying that the burning matter is leaves and branches, while families living nearby are complaining that the smell has been unbearable and it does not seem to be only vegetation.
Residents are also concerned about the Z Gas plant being located near the Trash Transfer Facility, saying if a spark had flown to that neighboring property, it could have been disastrous. Civil Protection, the Mexican Navy, and Aguakan worked hard to extinguish the flames, which official information reported as being 85 percent extinguished.
On Tuesday morning, a persistent rain fell which flooded the main streets downtown, especially Hidalgo. However, only a small amount of rain fell on the southern part of the island, which was insufficient to quell the flames. That afternoon, the Director of Public Services, Manuel Figueroa Cetina, explained that although they had the fire nearly completely controlled, but it was not extinguished yet because most of the fire had burned through the organic matter of plant waste, burning from the inside out, and the embers were preventing them from extinguishing all the flames. He said, "If it had rained harder, that would have helped, but only a few drops fell, while all the rain went downtown, where it rained hard."
There are some people who conjecture that the fire could have been set to get rid of the serious problem of accumulated trash, especially now that Isla Mujeres has been named a Pueblo Magico. According to a City employee who wishes to remain anonymous, this occurred during the administration of Manuela Godoy Gonzalez, when she ordered the waste to be burned, because they were unable to get it off of the island.
The range of the smoke went from Ramon Bravo's house to the home of Ricardo Gaitan, according to the changing wind direction, and affected Captain Dulche, Indio's, and Casa de los Suenos; as well as the families Fernández, Ríos, Povedano, Ayala. It affected many homes of Mexican and foreigners, who are suffering firsthand from the environmental pollution and dense clouds that made the air almost unbreathable. They are concerned about what could happen if a leaf or branch flew to the property adjoining the Trash Transfer Facility, where the gas plant is located and their fuel is stored.
Poor production of lobster
Triste producción de langosta.. [+] Ver mas
Fishermen are complaining about low catches of lobster, with each cooperative bringing in only 20 to 30 kilos daily, bringing in a total average of 150 kilos daily between all the coops. This is very poor amount, and nearly nothing.
The lobster are not appearing close to the island, and the fishermen return after a hard day with only a few kilos of fish or lobster, resulting in a net profit of ~250 pesos, which is not worth the effort. Some days they do not make enough to pay for gasoline, and on days like Tuesday, most don't go out as a precaution. (due to the weather and swells ).
To compensate, recently the island fishermen have been able to capture more than two tons of the species known locally as zozin, which is considered as very good bait for species such as marlin, sailfish, and shark. While the fishermen are waiting for the lobster to appear in larger quantities, they are holding the zozin to sell later as bait. It is also used for the preparation of fish nuggets and fish burgers, since its many spines and strong odor of seafood make it unpalatable when prepared it other ways. The zozin fish only appear in September and October, and at this time of the season, many of the fishermen of the different cooperatives are engaged in its capture.
Fishermen increasingly at risk
Pescadores cada vez en mayor riesgon.. [+] Ver mas
With the difficulty finding lobster causing a critical situation in the local fishing industry, the fishermen are driven to travel farther in search of them, which increases the risks from decompression, according to Baltazar Gomez Catxin, president of the Regional Federation of Fishing Cooperatives of the state. He said in just three days there have been seven cases of decompression among the fishermen of Isla Mujeres, Puerto Juarez, and Chiquila, which were all due to low lobster production forcing them to move farther from the coast and to dive deeper in search of the crustaceans.
There were three fishermen treated at the Hyperbaric Chamber on Friday, one on Saturday, two on Monday, and then on Tuesday, the seventh fisherman was treated, who belonged to the Puerto Juarez fishing cooperative. The latter was Jose Lopez, 27, who was with other fishermen about four miles east of Isla Contoy, when he suffered decompression following his second dive, after he surfaced in less time that was necessary, having not calculated his times correctly.
The first time he was down for about 65 minutes, at 30 meters, using a compressor; after which he surfaced and took a break. Then he dove down for about 80 minutes to the same depth, but apparently he miscalculated his dive time, and he ascended within eight to ten minutes, when he should have spent about 15 minutes. When boarding the boat, he felt discomfort in his right shoulder, and with his colleagues decided to head for the Isla Mujeres hyperbaric chamber immediately, where he received his first session at midday on Tuesday.
Sr. Gomez advised the fishermen who applied for the Federal and State programs, which provide for renewal of boats and engines. that the list of beneficiaries should be available this week. He reminded them to begin gathering the 30 percent that is their responsibility to pay, for the engines which cost them between 45,000 and 50,000 pesos, or for the motors which cost them between 12,000 and 40,000 pesos. He asked the to not forget, because if the authorities see that in the end the beneficiaries fail to supply their 30 percent, they will reduce the number of engines and boats next year.
Magana company doesn't know when their ferry will be operational
Ni la empresa sabe cuando habrá barco [+] Ver mas
The Magana ferry has been out of service for nearly a month and a half, and the residents who cross frequently are impatient for it to become operational because they are paying higher prices with the other company.
On the Magana ferry, they can pay 50 pesos for a round trip, while Ultramar charges islanders 84 pesos for that service. Other passengers on Ultramar must buy a tourist ticket, except those who qualify for the discounts that are required by law for students, seniors, and those who are disabled, which take more work to process than an audience with the pope.
The Harbor Master, Miguel Ismael Gonzalez Gil, said that if the Magana ferry is out of service for a total of six consecutive months without resuming service, they could have their permit revoked for transporting passengers, which was granted by SCT (Department of Communications and Transport).
He said, "I went by the dock on Monday at 11:40am and they were painting the boat, and said they were waiting to receive a part. They didn't give a date when service would resume, but the situation is not serious (dramatica) for the users; the island is not incommunicado and there are other boats providing service."
Magana company representative Jorge Aragon apologized to users for the delays, saying they were required to ensure passenger safety and service. He gave assurances that despite the large investment which has been required, the prices will remain unchanged and residents of the island and of the state will continue to enjoy the same discounts.
He explained that in addition to repairing the problem, most of the parts were unavailable in Mexico, and were therefore priced in dollars. He said they are changing the image of the boats and giving them new paint, and repairing any damage on the inside and the outside, to ensure good service to the residents and tourists.
He said they were unable to resume operations on the announced dates because they are still awaiting parts that have not been delivered. Therefore they don't want to announce a specific date, in case there are new unforeseen circumstances.
Neighbors feeling desperate
Desesperación de los vecinos. [+] Ver mas
ISLA MUJERES, 14 October. Residents living near the Trash Transfer Facility have been inhaling smoke for three days from the fire which began on Sunday afternoon. There is still toxic waste burning such as tires, refrigerators, and lumber.
A member of the family Tuz, who live some 200 meters from the facility, wrote that those who live near the area are drowning (in smoke), which is unhealthy for everyone, rich or poor. The families Rios, Fernandez, and Puerto, as well as their guests, are asking for prompt attention to this phenomenon. Visitors are passing through on foot, golf carts, and scooters taking photos and videos, which could negatively affect the image of this holiday destination.
Neighbors report that the past two nights, the fire has 'revived', and the flames are being fueled by wood, car tires, plastic, and other trash which is deposited at the southern part of the facility. A minor official said, "It was not purely foliage and wood, like we were told. Under the bulky trash, there was enough hidden trash to fuel the flames." He estimated that the fire will finish consuming it by this weekend.
The Public Services department is confident that the fire will not advance into the trash that has accumulated in recent weeks at the facility, which is estimated to be nearly a thousand tonnes, because there are firebreaks to limit it.
Many of those living nearby who are affected are blaming the Mayor for any negative effects that could occur to their health, and many have left their homes to stay elsewhere temporarily. However, one neighbor said there are others who have nowhere to go, unless the authorities would pay for the space.
On Tuesday, there was an evaluation meeting of various municipal departments and agencies, but the moment their statement was released, there was strong criticism in social networks, saying they thought the City was not doing enough to deal with this contingency. They spoke about neglect and deficiencies and blamed the Mayor.
The reporter inspected the site at noon on Wednesday, and found that the smoke was still very dense and there was still plenty of fuel around, so it is expected that the smoke would continue in upcoming days. Only a heavy rain could completely put out the fire, while the small drizzle that fell did not.
Collaboration agreement signed
Firman convenio de colaboración.. [+] Ver mas
This information is translated in the City section, above. And it also notes that the US Consul, David Mico had a meeting with Mayor Agapito Magana Sanchez in the same building where the collaboration was signed. One of the issues they addressed was the Pueglo Magico program which now includes Isla Mujeres, and which should bring a major investment of public and private funds for the development of the tourism destination.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or Seso Loco. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
October events
Sunset ~6:40
Moonrise over the Caribbean
Oct. 1 9:52
Oct. 2 10:45
Oct. 27 6:44
Oct. 28 7:37
Oct. 29 8:31
Oct. 30 9:26
Oct. 31 10:22

Friday, Oct. 9 Day of the Fishermen (Dia del Pescador). Event at Monument to the Fishermen at Rueda Medina commemorating those who lost their lives at sea and placing of wreath at sea
Monday, Oct. 12 Dia de la Raza
Tuesday, Oct. 27 Blue Crab protection campaign scheduled (Sac Bajo, possibly also along the eastern coastal road between the cemetery and Punta Sur)
The living celebrating the dead in Isla Mujeres...Oct 30 & 31
En Isla Mujeres los vivos celebramos a los muertos.
Saturday, Oct. 31 Halloween
Sunday, Nov. 1 Dia de los Muertos, All Saints Day
Monday, Nov. 2 All Souls Day

Participate! This is a poster for a Hanal Pixan altar competition Hanal Pixan is the Mayan holiday that occurs around the time of Dia de los Muertos and Halloween. It lasts about a week and a half and is a commemoration of departed relatives and friends, who are remembered with offerings of their favorite foods, drinks, and items at altars containing their photos, at homes, businesses, and other locations, and their graves are cleaned and decorated. There are specials foods and other traditions.
Every Tuesday and Thursday: Free spay/neuter clinic (Isla Animals)
Consults 100p, Vaccines: parvo & distemper 50p, flea & tick meds 20p, wormer 10p. Helpers always welcome! Isla Animals, Mundaca Hacienda, 10am-4pm (No food morning of surgery/water ok)
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