Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events Tuesday, October 20

This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte 

  Follow Isla Mujeres News & Events on Facebook for highlights of news & events, and more photos & videos  HERE.

The second issue of 
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
 to benefit Isla charities 
 is online, 
featuring  a variety of talented writers and photographers!

Please pardon my lack of publishing yesterday....an electric pole was being replaced in front of our house yesterday & we were without service or internet for most of the day.

  From  Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....

link to their Isla articles

 Mayor conducts inspection tour
 By Lanrry Parra
    The Mayor, Agapito Magana Sanchez, and his colleagues toured the island and inspected that the pumps removing water from the Salina lakes were functioning correctly. He gave instructions to the Department Directors to be prepared for any incidents that could occur until the rains have stopped.

Port remains closed for navigation by small boats for the fourth consecutive day 

 Por cuarto día consecutivo restringen la navegación para embarcaciones menores

Lanrry PARRA

ISLA MUJERES, 19 de octubre.-
      The ferries continue to run while the port remains closed for navigation by small vessels, for the fourth consecutive day, causing general inactivity among the seafarers.The Harbor Master, Ismael Gonzalez Gil said this restriction could continue until Tuesday, depending on the weather.
      He said the restriction could continue for 24 to 36 more hours, according to the weather forecasts. He said these (rainy) conditions are favored by cold front #7, which is located in the Gulf of Mexico, north of the Yucatan Peninsula, and continues to move slowly east-southeast, causing decreasing temperatures, cool & gusty north-northeast winds, as well as clouds and rain in the affected areas.
     In Isla Mujeres, the forecast is for cloudy weather with intermittent scattered moderate showers, at times accompanied by electrical activity, with cool east-northeast winds of 15 to 25 km per hour, with gusts up to 45 km per hour.


 Agapito instruye acciones ante afectaciones provocadas por las lluvias

Lanrry PARRA

ISLA MUJERES, 18 de octubre.-

See the translations and photos in the City section below.....

From the Municipal Facebook site.....  (you can join this FB page at this link)

Oct. 19 World Day Fighting Against Breast Cancer
Hoy 19 de Octubre, Día Mundial de la Lucha Contra el Cáncer de mama.

Let's celebrate our traditions!
¡Celebremos juntos nuestras tradiciones!

State of Emergency declared, making Federal funds available for Isla Mujeres, Cancun, Cozumel and four other municipalities
Mexico.- Today the  National Coordination of  Civil Protection of the Department of the Interior issued a Declaration of Emergency for the  municipalities of Benito Juárez, Solidaridad, Cozumel, Isla Mujeres, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Bacalar and Othon P. Blanco due to the severe rain which took place on  October 16 and 17,  2015.
With this action the resources of the Fund for Emergency Care (FONDEN) are available.
On the basis of this declaration, which was requested by the state government, the authorities will have the resources to meet the needs for food, shelter and health of the affected population.
México.-La Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil de la Secretaría de Gobernación emitió hoy una Declaratoria de Emergencia para los municipios de Benito Juárez, Solidaridad, Cozumel, Isla Mujeres, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Bacalar y Othón P. Blanco por la presencia de lluvia severa ocurrida los días 16 y 17 de octubre de 2015.
Con esta acción se activan los recursos del Fondo para la Atención de Emergencias (FONDEN).
A partir de esta Declaratoria, solicitada por el gobierno estatal, las autoridades contarán con recursos para atender las necesidades alimenticias, de abrigo y de salud de la población afectada.

#‎BoletínMeteorológico‬ del día de hoy.
‪#‎LeerMás‬ http://islamujeres.gob.mx/isla/?p=6893 l

Today's Weather Bulletin
Based on the evaluation and analysis of weather information from forecasts from the National Weather Service, the following is reported from the State Coordinator for Civil Protection from 9:30am to 3:30pm on Oct. 19:
1. A weak, secondary low pressure system  has evolved in recent hours on the southeast of the Yucatan Peninsula. It is slowly moving west / northwest. Its movement over land is limiting its development, and it has a  0% probability of evolving into a tropical system, according to the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, USA. Its peripheral circulation is driving tropical sea air with moderate to strong moisture content toward the Yucatan peninsula; causing continued clouds and intermittent / moderate / heavy rainfall with isolated showers accompanied by electrical activity. It is being monitored.

2. Cold Front No. 7 is located on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, north of the Yucatan Peninsula. It continues moving slowly east / southeast, causing drops in temperature with cool,gusty winds from the  north-northwest, clouds and rain in the affected area.

Probable forecast for the state of Q Roo

1. . Benito Juarez, Lazaro Cardenas, Isla Mujeres, Cozumel, Solidaridad, and Tulum.- Cloudy, intermittent moderate rain,  with isolated showers accompanied by electrical activity, winds from the east-northeast of 15-25 km/h, with occasional gusts of 45 km/h.
2. A similar forecast is given for the other municipalities, although their forecast is for moderate to heavy rain.

Statistical data for the last 24 hrs:
Precipitation:  Lázaro Cárdenas: 19.0 mm, Cancún: 18.0 mm, Isla Mujeres: 25.0 mm, Solidaridad: 10.0 mm, Tulum: 48.0 mm, Cozumel: 20.0 mm; Felipe Carrillo Puerto: 50.0 mm, José Ma. Morelos: 40.0 mm, Chetumal: (acumulado ultimas 24 hrs., hasta las 08:00 hrs.) 178.2 mm, Othón P. Blanco (La Unión: 30.0 mm, Banco Chinchorro: 56.0 mm, Xcalak: 106.2 mm).

No cyclonic systems are evolving in the Caribbean Sea 

Advisories are given for boaters, and drivers are cautioned about fog in the mornings and evenings, and about reducing speed and using lights during heavy rains.
You can find an updated graphic and forecast HERE   

Mayor Agapito Magana Sanchez and his colleagues took an inspection tour to assure that the pumps that remove water from the Salina lakes are working properly. He gave instructions to the Department Directors to be ready for any incidents until the rains have stopped.
ISLA MUJERES, Q. ROO.- El presidente municipal, Agapito Magaña Sánchez y sus colaboradores, realizó un recorrido para inspeccionar que las bombas de absorción de La Salina funcionen con normalidad.
Las instrucciones del alcalde son de estar al pendiente por cualquier eventualidad hasta que las lluvias hayan cesado.

Our Municipal President Agapito Magaña Sanchez reports on the current situation about the rains that have fallen in the entire state of Quintana Roo.
Nuestro Presidente Municipal Agapito Magaña Sanchez informa sobre la situación actual ante las lluvias intensas que han caído en todo el estado de Quintana Roo.
Isla Mujeres las bombas trabajan las 24 hrs. para evitar la inundación, con recursos del Fonden esperan adquirir más equipo @AgapitoMaganaS
 In Isla Mujeres the pumps are working 24 hours/day to prevent flooding, and with funds from FONDEN, more equipment will be available.
Interview with Agapito Magana (On Soundcloud  HERE).
    He is asked about the wall that collapesed at the dome in La Gloria, and about a wall falling at a residence, and to give a report. He says they received a report in the madrugada Sunday (wee hours of Saturday night/Sunday morn) about the wall at the Senior Citizen's park collapsing and responded. He said Sunday there were reports of two residential walls that had fallen. He clarified that the dome is not collapsing, just the wall collapsed, and the structure is not at risk. He and the reporter agreed that has been an abnormal, atypical amount of rain, which he explained has raised the levels of the lagoons and salina lakes, and has caused flooding in the low areas of the island.
    He says the rain water is gathering in the lagoons and lakes, as it normally does, and that the pumps have been running continuously for the past two days to lower the salina levels. He says there has been flooding in the low areas of the island, which is where the problems are, and workers from the City departments and from Aguakan were working all day yesterday.
      Another pump was obtained for Salina Grande lake, and its level is being lowered. The salina lakes function to collect rain water and runoff. This is an atypical amount of rain and has affected the low areas of the colonias of Salina Chica, Salina Grande, and La Gloria with flooding. There was a tremendous amount of rain on Saturday night.
     He is asked how many centimeters of rain have fallen and responds that we got more rain on Saturday night than we did with Hurricane Wilma (which occurred ten years ago on Wednesday). 
       Now, since the Declaration of a State of Emergency, more pumps will become available. The flooding problems and state of emergency have been limited to the low areas of the island and did not occur to the Continental Zone on the mainland part of the municipality, where Rancho Viejo and Francisco May are fine. There are pumps on each of the salinas to lower their levels and one downtown,all working 24 hours per day.  It was again clarified that the dome is not at risk of collapsing,that just its wall fell.

Editor's note...The ten year anniversary of Hurricane Wilma is this week. NOAA says "On the morning of Oct 22, 2005, Isla Mujeres was recording over six inches of rain per hour. Isla Mujeres reported 62.05 inches of rain during the hurricane's passage." I don't know how much we got Saturday night-Sunday morning...a friend said their rain gauge showed 10+ inches.


Weather Bulletin.
Weather Bulletin from the State Civil Protection website, where it says it is from 10p last night until 9:30 this morn. (here: http://proteccioncivil.qroo.gob.mx/portal/Boletin.php).This says:
Based on forecasts from the National Weather Service, the following is reported:

1. A broad, weak low pressure system, which is located over land to the west, at Villahermosa and Tabasco, continues to move west-northwest, with its peripheral circulation driving tropical sea air toward the Yucatan Peninsula, with moderate to high moisture content, causing ongoing clouds and intermittent moderate to strong scattered showers, which may be occasionally accompanied by electrical activity, on the Peninsula and adjacent areas. This is not presenting a possibility of evolving into a Tropical system, according to information from the National Hurricane Center in Miami. It remains very limited in its development over land, but will be monitored.
Weather Forecast for Q Roo:
1. Benito Juarez, Lazaro Cardenas, Isla Mujeres, Cozumel, Solidaridad, and Tulum: Cloudy, scattered showers, electrical activity, winds from the east-northeast at 15-25kph with occasional gusts up to 45kph.
2. (a similar forecast is given for the other municipalities)
Max Temp 24-26 C Min Temp 19-21C Sunrise and Sunset times are given.
NOTE: The State Coordination of Civil Protection issued the following recommendations for the general population:
In the Caribbean Sea there are no hurricane systems developing.
There is an advisory to periodically check for updated weather bulletins and notices at the websites of the Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil and of the Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo.

We removed the rubble and cordoned off areas to avoid accidents.
Retiramos los escombros y delimitamos algunas áreas para evitar que las personas se acerquen con el consiguiente riesgo de un accidente.

...Regarding the structural damage to some buildings; this has occurred because their foundations were weakened by the continuous rain that has caused serious problems throughout the state of Quintana Roo.
En cuanto a los daños estructurales de algunas construcciones, estas se han presentado debido al reblandecimiento de sus bases a causa de la lluvia ininterrumpida que está causando serios problemas en todo Quintana Roo.
Areas of risk have been cordoned off to avoid accidents
Se delimitaron las áreas y sitios de riesgo para evitar alguna situación que lamentar.

We continue with the work of cleaning of drains in the colonias of the island.
Continuamos con los trabajos de limpieza de las alcantarillas en las colonias de la ciudad.

The Municipal President has instructed the Directors of the Departments of Civil Protection and of Ecology to be prepared for any major problem that could occur.
La instrucción del presidente municipal para las Direcciones de Protección Civil y la de Ecología, es estar muy al pendiente ante la posibilidad de presentarse algún problema mayor.
We responded immediately to the weather emergency
Ante la emergencia climatológica respondimos de inmediato.

City workers cleaning and repairing damage done to the urban infrastructure caused by torrential rains, which affected the entire state of Quintana Roo.
Realizamos trabajos de limpieza y reparación de la infraestructura urbana dañada por las lluvias torrenciales que han causado conflictos en todo el territorio Quintanarroense.

Personnel with the Police (Public Security and Traffic / Seguridad Publica y Transito) working on repairing the Eastern Coastal Road (Avenida Perimetral Oriente)
Elementos de Seguridad Pública y Tránsito trabajan en la rehabilitación de la Avenida Perimetral Oriente.

The City reports that all the pumps are working day and night in order to minimise the problems arising from heavy rains in recent days.
It is reported that the pumps will continue to work continuously for as long as is necessary.
El Ayuntamiento informa que todas las maquinarias de bombeo están trabajando de día y de noche para minimizar los problemas derivados de las intensas lluvias de los últimos dias.
Se informa que las bombas seguirán trabajando todo el tiempo que sea necesario.

Due to the weather today, instructions were given to fumigate areas like Devil's Curve, as allowed between showers, to avoid any outbreaks (mosquito prevention)
Ante la eventualidad climatológica de hoy se giraron las instrucciones para abatizar sitios como La Curva del Diablo, y apenas lo permita la lluvia, termonebulizar la Aguada, esto para evitar precisamente algún brote.

During recent weeks intense fumigation has been done to avoid mosquitoes breeding, coordinated by the municipal Department of Health and the State Department of Health.
Durante las últimas semanas la Dirección Municipal de Salud y la Secretaría Estatal del ramo, han llevado a cabo tareas de intensa fumigación para acabar y evitar los criaderos de moscos.


link to Quequi's Isla Mujeres articles  

Looking grey on the island


Escenario gris de la ínsula

0 20 de octubre de 2015   By Carlos Gasca
Most of the information in this article is given in the City section above. It notes that the weather caused road closures, the collapse of two walls, and losses for merchants and fishermen, and that the port may remain closed for small boats for two more days. 
      Yesterday morning the mayor toured the isle to view damage and assure that the pumps were working correctly, which are responsible for lowering the levels of the Salina lakes. The Mayor commented that this is unusual weather and has had serious consequences not only for Isla Mujeres, but for the entire state of Quintana Roo as well. He said the rain water accumulates in the salinas and additional pumps have been employed to lower the level of Salina Grande, so the islanders can rest easy. The pumps will run continuously because the runoff will continue, and more rain is expected, he said.

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From Tvisla Mujeres ( link)


From  por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles

Poor weather prevails
Prevalecerá el mal clima e.. [+] Ver mas
  The port is expected to remain closed for small vessels on Tuesday, due to the weather, which is not causing formation of tropical cyclones, but is causing heavy rains. A review of Isla Mujeres beaches is scheduled for Tuesday, regarding fulfillment of requirements for Blue Flag status, which was granted November 2014 to Playa Centro.

Merchants affected by rain & flooding
Lluvias, el peor enemigo .. [+] Ver mas
   The beaches are empty, and the fishermen are also affected, as well as restauranteurs and vendors. Many islandes are affected economically.  The headline actually says: Rain: the worst enemy.

Agua entered her kitchen
El agua se metió hasta la cocina. [+] Ver mas
    In areas of marginal housing (casas humidles/literally "humble homes"), overflow of rainwater from Salina Grande lake has affected many yards, but has not entered most of the homes. However, Sra Victoria Yanes has had water enter her home made of plywood ("vivienda de lamina de carton"), which is located in the lowest part of colonia Salina Grande. She has water in her kitchen, which reached 10 centimeters on Sunday, and fell slightly on Monday, due to the pump which is lowering the level of the salina, which is located 200 meters away.
       She said her family has not been able to sleep well because their roof is badly deteriorated and needs replacement, which will take ten sheets of plywood, costing 500 pesos each, for a total of 5000 pesos if they could buy it all, which is an amount they do not have, because of the lack of fishing, since the head of the family is a fisherman. She needs help dealing with the water coming in; a problem which also affects other families, who have been unable to replace this type of roof with one made of concrete. This is the case of Sra. Alejandrina Xool de Pool, in colonia Caridad del Cobre, who lives in a plywood house of her son Francisco, with rain coming into most of the home lately, affecting their clothes and furniture.
      In these two areas, there are about ten families who have had flooding in their yards, and Dona Alejandrina says, "If it continues to rain, water will enter the homes of my neighbors, as well as mine." She said during Hurricane Wilma there was more than a meter of water in her home, when the Salina Grande lake became the enemy of those living around it.
        In the colonias of Miraflores, Canotal, and La Gloria, overflow from Salina Grande affected the nearby roads, preventing passage of vehicles while the streets were flooded. The same problem occurred in colonia Meteorologico and Salina Chica, with flooding since the weekend at the entrance to the police station ( Dirección General de Seguridad Pública). There was also a private home at the southern part of the island that has been affected since Sunday.

Sports facilities underwater
Infraestructura deportiva, bajo agua. [+] Ver mas
   The sports facilities for baseball and soccer are underwater, since they lack storm drainage systems, and are not expected to be useable soon, considering the forecasts for this week. There has been a truancy rate of fifty percent among grade school students. The pump continues working at Salina Grande, whose level barely decreased, and it was visited by Mayor Agapito Magana Sanchez, inspecting the work of the Civil Protection Department. There are 10 centimeters of water accumulated at the main area of the children's park "Ariel Magana", and the baseball field "El Pescador" is even deeper. If the water continues to rise, it could affect the soccer field's artificial turf.


Wall collapse raises concerns about dome
Domo a punto de desplomarse. [+] Ver mas
   A wall at a residence of a well known family fell in colonia Salina Grande, as well as the one at the dome of the Senior Citizens in La Gloria. Police and staff from Civil Protection removed the debris shortly after dawn to allow free movement of traffic. Heavy rains caused flooding in areas where water doesn't usually collect, because the water was draining slowly.  Sand accumulated on the coatal road, affecting the passage of traffic, and the City brought in equipment to remove it, and made the road passable for tourists and residents.
     Complaints and concerns were expressed on social networks about the collapsing walls and flooding streets, with requests that officials reconnect the storm runoff system to the sea, which could help solve the old problem of flooding in the colonias.

Complaints against authorities
Pecaron de negligentes las autoridades.. [+] Ver mas
     After three days of continuous rainfall has caused runoff into Salina Grande, affecting neighboring houses and streets, some residents are complaining that the pump should have been turned on earlier on Saturday. Among those affected are Ignacio Acosta Pérez, Elva Solís Euán and Deborah Náhuatl, who live in rental housing.
        The Committee of officials confirmed that the pump at Salina Chica was operating at 2pm, and confirmed that the Salina Grande pump was working. It was noted that the level had dropped 10 centimeters around the banks of the lake. To lower it by another meter will require the expulsion of tens of thousands of cubic meters of water, based on past experience. This main body of water catches rain that falls in the colonias of La Gloria, canotal, Miraflores, Lol be, Caridad del Cobre, Salina Grande, and Meteorologico. When Salina Grande overflows, it affects dozens of homes.
    The drainage system installed in the areas of the sports facilities of colonia Salina Chica does not have the capacity to drain off the water, which are directly conneced to Salina Grande, and the overflow had caused vehicles to change their routes who could not get thru that part.
      There were also low areas of streets downtown that were flooded for the umpteenth time, and those affected have lost patience with the failure of the pumps located near the Casa de Cultura to keep up with this flooding, especially near Hidalgo and Abasolo. Residents are complaining that there once was a tube that caused natural drainage to the sea, and they want it reinstalled.

Weather brings tourism activities to a standstill
Sigue paralizada la actividad turística +] Ver mas
   It has information previously translated and this article also notes that the well off people who usually visit shopping malls and cinemas in Cancun could not do so because that city's streets were flooded. Many workers were unable to get to work on time due to flooding in the streets on the island, and many were unable to ride their scooters.
     Workers with Civil Protection and the cleaning crews were removing many buckets of sand from the streets from an early hour, which was complicated by the scooters and other vehicles left parked in the streets near the flooded areas.

And the day before....

"De manteles largos": Veterinary Hospital
“De manteles largos” hospital veterinario. [+] Ver mas
 The Veterinary Hospital of Isla Mujeres just celebrated its first anniversary, and its Director Dr. Delfino Guevara Collazo, accompanied by his student Rossely Gonzalez presented a report about the past year, since the facility opened in late September, 2014. The article is very lengthy and I'll  get back to it another day.

  This blog is brought to you by....
View from the rooms.

MaraVilla Caribe   Bed & Beach    Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with  kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of  Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate.  Quiet & Private.   
 Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical)
Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed.
A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left.
Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen

Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available.   Downtown is  ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll  sleep to the sounds of the sea.$275/$325/$425 wk   $40/50/$65nt  Monthly Discounts

Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me.

Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or Seso Loco. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.

October events

Sunset ~6:40
Moonrise over the Caribbean

Oct. 27   6:44
Oct. 28   7:37
Oct. 29   8:31
Oct. 30   9:26
Oct. 31  10:22

Thursday, Oct. 1 You are invited to the lighting of the pink lights today at 7pm on the Town Square commemorating the start of the fight against breast cancer

Monday, Oct. 5 Noon Bazaar at offices of El Corazon del Wilito charity which benefits babies and children needing heart surgery (Next to Tugui Paleteria in La Gloria)

Friday, Oct. 9  Day of the Fishermen (Dia del Pescador). Event at Monument to the Fishermen at Rueda Medina commemorating those who lost their lives at sea and placing of wreath at sea

Monday, Oct. 12  Dia de la Raza

Activities at the Casa de la Cultura:
  On October 12, a workshop will begin on Painting and Drawing with teacher Dante Loyola at the Casa de Cultura on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm, for 50 pesos weekly, which includes basic materials.
   On October 5, fitness classes to relieve stress and improve fitness will begin, with Dani Velasquez, at a cost of 100 pesos a week, on Monday thru Friday at 6pm, at the Casa de Cultura.
    On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5pm, there are classes for those who enjoy the rhythms of urban dance, hip hop, soca, afro, and mambo de calle at the Casa de Cultura.
      A theater workshop for youths and adults will begin on Oct. 14 from 6p-8p, with teacher Rita Giacchetti, with the objective of teaching the participants how to put on a performance. There will be 24 sessions between Mondays and Fridays, with a small contribution required.  

Wednesday, Oct. 21 Casa de Cultura  4p-8p Free Entry Sea turtles and their conservation at the Isla Contoy National Park of Quintana Roo   
       Subjects: Nesting beaches,  Sea monitoring, Genetics and marking, Monitoring the beach temperatures 
  Sponsored by Amigos de Isla Contoy and contact info is given for more information

Tuesday, Oct. 27   Blue Crab protection campaign scheduled (Sac Bajo, possibly also along the eastern coastal road between the cemetery and Punta Sur)

The living celebrating the dead in Isla Mujeres...Oct 30 & 31
En Isla Mujeres los vivos celebramos a los muertos.

Saturday, Oct. 31 Halloween

Sunday, Nov. 1 Dia de los Muertos,  All Saints Day
Monday, Nov. 2  All Souls Day

Isla Mujeres: A Place of Traditions 
 Participate!  This is a poster for a Hanal Pixan altar competition   Hanal Pixan is the Mayan holiday that occurs around the time of Dia de los Muertos and Halloween. It lasts about a week and a half and is a commemoration of departed relatives and friends, who are remembered with offerings of their favorite foods, drinks, and items at altars containing their photos, at homes, businesses, and other locations, and their graves are cleaned and decorated. There are specials foods and other traditions. 

Coming up in November at the Casa de la Cultura!

Every Tuesday and Thursday: Free spay/neuter clinic  (Isla Animals)
 Consults 100p, Vaccines: parvo & distemper 50p, flea & tick meds 20p, wormer 10p. Helpers always welcome! Isla Animals, Mundaca Hacienda, 10am-4pm (No food morning of surgery/water ok)

From Sally MargolisHi all!! We (Isla Animals) are gearing up for a HUGE Spay/Neuter, Vaccination, Wellness campaign for the animals in Rancho Viejo Nov 17-22. This is a very poor area in the municipality of Isla Mujeres. Most are living without electricity and running water. The situation for the animals there is dire right now with parvo & distemper running rampant, and heavy overpopulation. We expect to treat/vaccinate/spay/neuter 1000 cats & dogs with the cost of surgery at just $10us per dog. This may be the only time any of these animals see a vet. We can treat the existing animals, vaccinate others against disease, curb the population growth, and educate pet owners on proper animal care and make a HUGE DIFFERENCE!! We have the knowledge, experience, volunteers, and heart to make it happen. We are asking for all of your help to raise funds to make the campaign a reality. (We can also accept Paypal donations via our site islaanimals.org - just add RANCHO VIEJO in message, and cash in person on Isla Mujeres. Please, please share the link on your social media. It helps us so much. If you are not in a position to donate PLEASE do read the campaign & share, there is lots of excellent info in it about the work we do-There is always so much to do! Thank you for your time! http://www.gofundme.com/isla-animals-rv

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