North Beach/Playa Norte In Real Time In Isla Mujeres LINK to 24 hour time lapse of the webcam This is the "Morning Edition" with translated headlines & newspaper photos. The Afternoon Edition has translations of the news articles, Daily Events & the evening's Live Music Schedules. There are always links to the original articles in Spanish. |
I only had time for the headlines & a couple translations today.
Hasta manana!
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Sports courts in the Salinas suffered from heavy rains in recent days
Canchas sufren estragos
Martes, 20 de Mayo de 2014 22:30
Ante intensas lluvias de los últimos días en la Salinas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 20 de mayo.-
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Getting ready for Dia de la Marina (Naval Day)
Program to include sports activities
Se alistan para Día de la Marina
Martes, 20 de Mayo de 2014 22:13
Programa incluirá actividades deportivas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 20 de mayo.-
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Rescuing nests
The season for nesting by sea turtles began six days ago
Resguardan nidos
Martes, 20 de Mayo de 2014 22:05
A seis días de que inició la temporada de anidación de tortugas marinas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 20 de mayo.-
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Beginning the renovation of the municipal jail: With an investment of nearly 1.3 million pesos
Inicia remodelación
Martes, 20 de Mayo de 2014 21:50
De la cárcel municipal, con inversión de un millón 280 mil pesos
Lanrry parra
ISLA MUJERES, 20 de mayo.- .
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Tvisla Mujeres
Noticias de Quequi......
Holbox seamen get a head start on those of Isla Mujeres
‘Madrugan’ náuticos de Holbox a los de la ínsula
0 20 de mayo de 2014Thirty percent of the whale shark licensees of Holbox had received their permits, but only one from Isla Mujeres had received theirs. The Harbor Master confirmed that one person from Isla Mujeres had been given authorization. It said the Hobox licensees file as a cooperative, and the permission come thru the group for each of the members. It says many of the Isla Mujeres licensees are still hoping that all their vessels will receive authorization, but 2014 Operating Plan by the federal Wildlife Department states that there can only be one permit per person, which went into effect three weeks ago.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- Más del 30% ya tiene permisos para el tiburón ballena. -
Urged to keep the streets cleanPrevención
Exhortan a mantener limpias las calles
0 20 de mayo de 2014
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- Organizan brigadas de limpieza para evitar la obstrucción durante la temporada de lluvias.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Nautical tourism services reactivated
Reactivan servicios náuticos al turismo
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Reactivan servicios náuticos al turismo
Preparan playa para resguardo de tortugas
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Preparan playa para resguardo de tortugas

por esto
Delay in Oral Health Week
Retraso en la Semana de Salud Bucal[+] Ver mas
Slowly returning to normal
Lenta reactivación de la vida cotidiana[+] Ver mas
Road signs are needed
Necesaria señalización vial[+] Ver mas
Cars hitting street light poles
Automovilistas la traen contra los postes[+] Ver mas
This is on the mainland part of Isla Mujeres, on the road to Punta Sam, where there have been three collisions with the concrete poles, in the past month and a half, causing 60,000 pesos in damages to the streetlights, with no victims... ninguna víctima que lamentar. Reportedly, most incidents involved excessive speed, and in some cases, alcohol consumption.
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View from rooms |
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Small room |
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Large room |
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