The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published in May!, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. Ad for the remainder of year is a $30 donation. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in May.
Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. Ad for the remainder of year is a $30 donation. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in May.
Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Foreigner commits suicide in his hotel room
Extranjero, con “muerte dulce”
Lunes, 12 de Mayo de 2014 22:29
Se suicida en cuarto de hotel
Lanrry Parra
Isla Mujeres a 12 de mayo.-
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Twenty six year old John ("Jhon") Patrick Stanton, of Ohio, was found in the bathroom of his room at the hotel Francis Arlene, after having committed suicide. The State Judicial Police (PJE) received a call from hotel staff, who detected a strong odor of smoke coming from the foreigner's room,which he had rented since May 6th.
The police found three pewter pots that still had carbon burning, and the doors and windows were sealed, which did not allow the smoke to escape or oxygen to enter. Before taking his own life, the young man had stuck a sign on the outer door that he did not need towels and did not want to be disturbed. The police entered the room from the balcony. Inside there were other messages warning about carbon monoxide and advising to call the police. On the bathroom door was a warning to not open the door because of the risk of poisoning, and to call the firemen and police. The initial expert opinion is that the young American died from inhalation of carbon monoxide.
His family had contacted the US consulate in Quintana Roo about the young man's suicidal intentions, but they did not know what town he was in, much less at what hotel he was residing. Also in the young man's bathroom they found pills for headache and bags of ice to combat the heat to the burning carbon. In the room they found the receipts from the purchase of the coal, the containers, and other articles.
The article mentions that on the social networks, this is called "muerto dulce" which literally translates as sweet death.
Vigilancia estricta
Lunes, 12 de Mayo de 2014 20:52
La que se mantendrá sobre permisionarios del tiburón ballena
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de mayo.- .
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Martín Trejo Manzano announced the reactivation of the Asociación de Permisionarios (Association of Licensees) who intend to create a monitoring committee to control access to the whale shark sighting area, working in partnership with the authorities who are responsible for the management of this marine park area. The creation of this committee will require contributions from the whale shark tour workers, which could be between 10 or 15 pesos, to fund the cost of fuel, the boat, and the monitoring crew, who will have a direct connection (una relación directa) with the environmental authorities. They seek to maintain strict control of access to the sighting area, especially regarding private boats that come to the site to see the world's largest fish.
He said another new provision that is planned to be implemented this season, (which begins this weekend), is that the sighting of whale sharks may possibly not include swimming with them, depending on the number of specimens in the area. Sostuvo que otra de las nuevas disposiciones que se pretenden implementar para esta temporada, prevista a iniciar el próximo fin de semana, está la del avistamiento, que no forzosamente contempla el nado con el tiburón ballena, dependiendo del número de especimenes en el sitio.
He said the main goal is to preserve and care for the species for many years, working together with the environmental authorities. The Association is expected to be reactivated this week, with a meeting scheduled for Thursday for licensees who are interested in participating in the care of the species and protecting the permit holders.
Emotional final phase of fishing tournament "Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana"
Emociones al por mayor
Domingo, 11 de Mayo de 2014 23:28
En fase final del torneo “Cosme Alberto Martínez Magaña”
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 11 de mayo.- “Cosme Alberto Martínez Magaña”.
Leer más...The successful tournament was witnessed by the Mayor, the Governor, and over 100 journalists, from all over the world. Its prizes amounted to nearly a million pesos, and was scored by points, with catch and release for some species, whose captures included one blue marlin, twenty three white marlin, and twenty nine sailfish. (These statistics differ in the following article.) They were captured, recorded on video, and released back to the sea. This broke the state record for largest number of specimens released.
"Generation" wins fishing tournament
Governor & Mayor award prizes
“Generation”, la ganadora
Domingo, 11 de Mayo de 2014 23:24
Beto Borge y Agapito encabezan premiación de torneo de pesca
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 11 de mayo.-
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The Mayor and the Governor awarded prizes at the ceremony of the 11th International Fishing Tournament "Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana", which involved 120 vessels. Most of the boats were from Quintana Roo, and some were from the United States, and most had five crew members. In the mode of 'catch and release', there were 52 blue marlin caught, 21 white marlin and 21 sailfish, which broke records. The names of other officials are given, as well as the prizes (the latter has been translated..The winner got 300k pesos, and other prizes were: a Ford pickup truck, a golf cart, motorcycles, a 25 foot boat; and a trips to Las Vegas for those who caught the largest fish.
Start of ban for shark fishing
No fishermen can capture or sell shark in the next two months
Inicia veda de tiburón
Sábado, 10 de Mayo de 2014 21:39
Ningún pescador puede capturarlo y comercializarlo en los próximos dos meses
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de mayo.-
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This two month ban on shark fishing began May 1st and covers all species of shark of which are estimated be about 40 types. This affects the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. The State Fisheries representative, Manuel Cardenas Magana said there are 17 permits issued in the state of Quintana Roo for the capture and sale of shark, of whom one or two groups are in Isla Mujeres. They will be inactive for two months. The season will resume on July 1st, which is also when the lobster catching season resumes. Sr. Cardenas said they are studying the bull shark, which may be placed under a permanent ban, because apparently it is threatened.
New taxi rates in June
Hasta junio, nuevas tarifas en taxis
Viernes, 09 de Mayo de 2014 21:06
Asegura sindicato
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de mayo.-
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The 12% increase in taxi rates will take place in mid-June or later that month, according to the union leader Eduardo Peniche Rodríguez, with the possibility that the increase could be 15 percent, due to constant increases in fuel costs, which rose again last Saturday. The delay in implementing the new rate is due to the updating of the application for the increase, with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (SINTRA). The last increase was over four years ago, in 2009. The increase will include a 2 peso increase for locals and a 12 to 15 percent increase for the rates that apply to other parts of the island, such as Garrafon and hotels near Sac Bajo, among others.
Therefore, the cost for islanders will increase from 13 to 15 pesos and up to 16 pesos for locals, and for visitors the increase of 12 or 15 percent will be added to the published rate at the taxi stand. For students, their rate will increase from six pesos to eight pesos.
Tvisla Mujeres
Brad Whirt (USA) wins first prize of Fishing Tournament of Isla Mujeres with 7169.5 points, taking the first prize of 300,000 pesos
Second place was taken by the boat Diablito of José Pelfini Batiz , with 7,086.8 points, who won the pick up truck. Representing the islenos, the boat Washisan, captained by Juan de Dios García Povedano, took third place with 6,895 points, winning a golf cart.
TVIM reports the catch & release captures as: marlín azul (1), marlín blanco (23), pez vela (29),
One blue marlin, 23 white marlin, and 29 sailfish.
Noticias de Quequi......
SESA fighting mosquitos
Combate Sesa mosquitos en general.
0 12 de mayo de 2014 This insect is harmless, and known as the mosco (mosquito) 'bobo', it belongs to the 'chironomids' (los quironómidos), and represent no threat to inhabitants. They have the ability to proliferate massively, which is associated with a change in weather and a rise in the pH of water, and they have increased following recent rains. The Department of Health, via the Vectors agency took advantage of the winds and began fumigating around the colonias and the salinas today. Bobo is slang for 'silly' or 'fool". They are not a mosquito &, in the Midwest they are called gnats or midges, tho there are many varieties and names for them. These don't bite, & fish like to eat their larvae..and probably them also. There are birds that eat them, and the geckos seem to enjoy them. They fly in swarms & may make you spit & sputter if you get a face full of them. You can Google chironomidae if you're curious.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- Isleños se quejan del aumento de población del mosquito bobo. -
Fish deaths caused by lack of oxygen
Muerte de peces por falta de oxígeno
0 12 de mayo de 2014 The Mayor, Agapito Magana Sanchez, announced that the death of hundreds of fish was caused by a lack of oxygen, associated with high temperatures which were recorded weeks ago. These are the results of a review by the staff of PROFEPA, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. The dying of the fish ended when heavy rains fell, causing oxygenation to Salina Grande. The Mayor said they are considering a couple of options to oxygenate the lake, such as interconnecting it with the sea or with Laguna Makax.
One option would be to connect the salina with the Lagoon Makax through a system of pipes that would allow the free flow of water, which would cause oxygenation and prevent the fish dying. The other option would be to open a channel to allow the free flow of water, which would require a bridge over the road, Rueda Medina Prologacion. This proposal would create a natural harbor which would offer refuge to small boats in the event of a hurricane. The Mayor said this is a good proposal, but given its high cost, the interconnection by pipes may possibly be initiated.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- Analizan el proyecto para conectar la laguna a otro cuerpo de agua.
Maritime terminal nearly finished
A punto de concluir la terminal marítima
0 11 de mayo de 2014 The head of the Port Authority of Quintana Roo (APIQRoo), Erce Barron Barrera, said the new passenger terminal could be ready in two weeks, which will be officially designated by the SCT (Secretariat of Communications and Transport). Then they will have the official opening which is expected to be a major event attended by officials from the three levels of government. He recalled that the work took longer than predicted, due to the good management of the Governor who gave continuity to the second stage of the project, which included the parking lot, which is also about to be concluded. While the Governor was visiting for the Fishing Tournament XI Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana, he took the opportunity to tour the facilities and verify its progress. The project was achieved through the Federal Government, via the SCT, with the investment of 32 million pesos.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- En dos semanas se podría hacer la entrega oficial.
Licensees estimate losses of 63 million pesos
Permisionarios estiman pérdidas por 63mdp
0 10 de mayo de 2014 The Whale Shark sighting season is expected to begin on Thursday, with the new operating plan which only allows one permit per person for the licensees, who estimate this will cost them losses of more than 63 million pesos. Last year a licensee was allowed to hold up to 10 permits, and some were allowed as many as 14, but now to prevent monopolization of services, a modification was enacted. Some licensees expected the number of permits in 2014 to be increased to 300, but under the new regulations 210 boats could be left out. The loss per boat for an entire season is estimated at 495,000 pesos. According to the last record of permits in 2013, there were a total of 260 boats, which was presuemd to increase to 300 by 2014, or which more than 50 percent are from the municipality of Isla Mujeres. This means that in the case of Isla Mujeres, there could be a loss of an average of 30 million pesos during the season, and the other 33 million pesos in losses would be divided between the licensees of Holbox and Cancun.
Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- El jueves inicia el avistamiento del tiburón ballena.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Excellent results expected from Tianguis Turistico
Abatirán temporadas bajas en destino
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Abatirán temporadas bajas en destino
Temen ambulantes a los operativos
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Temen ambulantes a los operativos
Following the small seizure recently by SAGARPA of merchandise from vendors who were selling conch shells, of species which are currently protected by a fishing ban, yesterday other vendors decided not to open their stands. Most of these are humble stands located near the irregular colonia of Guadalulpana, and they fear their goods will be confiscated. It is alleged that many do not have permission to perform this activity.
Celebra Agapito a madres isleñas
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Celebra Agapito a madres isleñas
Organizan fiesta para las reinas del hogar
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molian
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Organizan fiesta para las reinas del hogar

por esto
Ended with his fatal decision
Cumplió con su fatal decisión .. [+] Ver mas
photo at link This has the same information as the DQR article, noting that John Patrick Stanton had suffered from depression and had announced to his family that he intended to commit suicide at a Mexican-Caribbean location, according to the US Consulate. He was last seen on the 10th of May at 10pm, and the hotel staff made the report about the strong smell of smoke from his room to the police at 5pm on Sunday, who then discovered his body in the hotel bathroom.
"Testarossa" appears to be the winner
“Testarossa” se perfila como la vencedora[+] Ver mas
The preliminary results of the Regatta Al Sol are given as follows: “Testarossa”, who crossed the finish line first, has a “tiempo corregido” of 73 horas, con 2 minutos y 13 segundos goiing 555 nauticla miles through the Golf of Mexico and the Yucatan Channel. . Her captain is George Gamble, and she is in the category "Cruiser A"; followed by " Free Spirit, with Thomas Stokes, at 75:20:32; “Lady Gray”, with Bob Hugles and Howard Leach, 75:26:50.
Caribbean Sou, 76:22:02; Decisión, 77:52:28; Fidelis II, 78:03:06; Kativa, 79:11:15; and Parlay 81:13:05.
The Cruising division departed the US on Wednesday and the Racing division departed on Thursday. The last boat is expected to arrive on Tuesday. On Sunday and Monday there was adverse weather with winds gusting up to 60 km/hr. The Distinguished Guests ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday at 7pm at Punta Sur, and the awards event is planned for Thursday at Playa Norte at 6:30pm.
Oxygenating Salina Grande lake with pumps
Se oxigenará con bombas la Salina Grande.. [+] Ver mas
This article has the same information about proposals for oxygenating Salina Grande, and additionally mentions the possible use of small capacity pumps, before the oxygen concentration is decreased again, which is caused by evaporation due to heat. The municipal Department of Ecology is planning further studies of the pH of the water and its level of contamination, but they had not received the report on Monday. It is noted that the rain caused the level of the lake to rise by about 20 centimeters, but as the days pass and the heat continues, its level will drop and the problem will return.
Altering route to protect the whale sharks
Modificarán ruta para proteger al tiburón ballena[+] Ver mas
Francisco Remolina, director of the Reserva de la Biosfera Tiburón Ballena (Whale Shark Biosphere Reserve) was asked about the status of the passage for cargo ships and cruise ships where it intersects with an area where the whale sharks are located, several miles north-northeast of Isla Contly National park, where several whale sharks are injured or die every year. The official said that according to internal information, the Dirección de Marina Mercante, (Merchant Marine department), under the SCT (Ministry of Communication and Transportation), should soon announce an international modification of the route of the vessels crossing the Yucatan Channel, presumably because of the deaths of several whale sharks in the past. They have also asked the SCT for permission to place a Buoy to exclude the area, following several recommendations on this issue. On the registry, to begin participation this 16th of May, the limitation of capacity is set at 160 boats. Their authorizations will be valid until the end of the season. It is noted that CONANP will not be authorizing additional permits.
Regatta "Al Sol" : 50 years old
Regata “Al Sol” cumple 50 años[+] Ver mas
This regatta involving yacht clubs from Isla Mujeres and Pensacola Florida occurs every other year and is in its 28th edition, celebrating 50 years since it was organized in 1964. This article summarizes much of the interesting history of this race and the other annual regatta...which I have translated a number of times, and which is available in English on their websites.
Announcing soon: Archeological finds at Mundaca Hacienda
En breve anunciarán hallazgos en Mundaca[+] Ver mas
During excavations taking place at Mundaca Hacienda, they have discovered foundations of "chultunes" and possible remains of tombs, which indicate Maya settlements or buildings at the location. Adriana Velazaeuz Morlet, of the INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History) in Quintana Roo, said they will announce their findings later this month, giving credit to the municipality for funding this work from earlier in the year. They have found at least 5 "chultunes" which is the name of cisterns often built underground by the Maya to store food and water. They are widespread throughout the Yucatan peninsula, according to archeologists and campesinos, they are found 'everywhere' in the three states of the peninsula. Each 'chultun' has an average depth of about 2.5 meters, with a narrowed entrance of 60 to 70 centimeters in diameter, with an underground bottle shaped chamber. Campesinos use them to cool off water, in the countryside. The foundations appear a few meters from the east side of the house of Macario Diaz, which is located about 200 meters from the entrance to Mundaca. Also, for about two meters around the mound where the monkey cage was, there appears to be a buried Mayan structure, according to an expert who declined to have his/her name published at this time. There will also be an announcement about the survey at the Hispanic church at Boca Iglesia, where there may be a federal investment to purchase the area of 30 hectares which are privately owned. It is noted in the municipality of Isla Mujeres, on the mainland, there are many more unexplored archeological sites, including a whole row of sites that begin at Rancho Viejo and go to Francisco May. In ancient Mayan times that area was in connected with with the port at El Meco for regional trade in the area with canoes on the Caribbean waters. Budget concerns may affect the likelihood of excavations in these areas, which would require contributions by all three levels of government, and contributions from the business community could accelerate this project. These explorations have been considered since 1996 when the whole area was reviewed, and excavations were promoted by the municipality at that time. Currently, two sites are being investigated, and this could benefit the community, whose the history and culture are assets. These could be attractions to tourists and benefit tourism providers. (Pardon this all being one paragraph...having problems with the text layout.)
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Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
Miguel's high season schedule:Thursday at 6pm Marina Paraiso Isla Mujeres with Seblues Hernandez Miranda - blues variety
Wednesday - Saturday at 10:30 Fayne's BarandGrill with La Banda Sin Nombre - Rock, blues & pop
Friday - Saturday at 12:00 mn Tequileria La Adelita with La Banda Sin Nombre - Salsa & Mexican
Sunday at 7:00 Bahia Tortuga with The Sol Rockers - Rock & blues .
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pm
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun
Fenix Sat ~1p Reggae/Cuban
Sun ~1p Salsa
(Start times posted on menu board by entrance)
Fenix Lounge Domingo
Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! :: Sunday Live Salsa
with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la
Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No
You may find live
music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and
at Poc Na Hostel.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Texas Holdem Every Monday and Thursday
at 6:00pm El Patio Caribbean Grill
May 1 Thursday 4p-9p Artists Fair on Town Square
May 1 Formal welcome to Regatta Sol al Sol XLVI
May 1 Labor Day in Mexico
May 1 May Day
May 2 Regatta Amigos XLV 12:30 Isla Children sail around isle
May 2 Regatta Sol al Sol Awards dinner
May 3 Regatta Sol al Sol departure
May 3 Day of the Holy Cross (festival for mason/constrct wkrs /Dia de Santa Cruz, also called El Día del Albañil. (Essay..maybe May 4th 2012)
May 5 Battle of Puebla 2012 "Cinco de Mayo"
May 8 Thursday Town Square: "First Municipal Artist's Fair"
May 8 Thursday Regata Al Sol XXVIII Departs for Isla Mujeres
May 9-11 Cosme Magana Fishing Tournament
May 10 Saturday Mother's Day in Mexico
~May 13-20 Festival of Lady of Fatima at Rancho Vieho ~30+ yr tradition Continental IM
May 13 7p Official welcome of Regatta as Distinguished Guests
May 14 7:25pm Full Moon Rise of Caribbean Sea
Rises an hour later each night
(Sunset ~7p)
May 15 Regatta Awards Event
May 15 Thursday Teachers Day
May 29 Thursday Ascension Day
There's a pink wig breakfast to benefit breast cancer ....I will post the info...I think it is May 31st.
May 15- Sept. 15- Whale Shark Season
Early May - Nov. Sea Turtle Mating & Nesting
Whale Shark Festival TBA ~ late June-early July?
6th Annual Alicia Ricalde Magana Women's Fishing Tournament TBA August?
Turtle releases August-Sept dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance
Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
I have to say that I am impressed with the limitations placed on the permits for the whale shark boats, and the possibility that there will be no swimming if there are too few whale sharks in the area. I never thought the government would step in to start protecting the whale sharks. Leo
ReplyDeleteJohn always made fun of me because I am not good at technology so I hope I am doing this right. I am John Stanton's mother and the one sent the American Consulate out in search for him. When my brother told me about the article I was upset and felt violated. I felt that I still needed a little while longer before it went public. After reading it I feel it was done in good taste and I thank whoever wrote it and the care and attention of the hotel staff. I want all to know about John from the one who knows him best. He is not a bad person or dead beat. Although reserved, he is loving and caring and I know where I am concerned as his mom would do anything for me. Half my heart is gone but the other half is still occupied by his brother. I think it funny that John's great grandmother is from Chile and I speak Spanish but he was never interested in learning the language yet I see the article and in his handwriting is a note written in Spanish. I thank everyone for their love and kindness towards my baby and for helping search for him. Muerto dulce para mi hijo dulce
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. Our community was shocked and saddened. Condolences to you and your family. Thank you for your kind words.
DeleteThank you for your condolences and your kindness