The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published in May!, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. Ad for the remainder of year is a $30 donation. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in May.
Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. Ad for the remainder of year is a $30 donation. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in May.
Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Rain suspends girl's basketball tournament
Lluvia provocó dimes y diretes
Lunes, 19 de Mayo de 2014 00:11
Por suspensión de final de básquetbol femenil
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 18 de abril.-
Leer más...
The Marlin's were ahead at the end of the first quarter by seven points, and at the close of the first half, the D' Lilys were ahead by three points. At the start of the third quarter, the Marlin's again took the lead, by nine points. Near the end of the game, the D'Liliys 'encestaron' 10 points without response, and they were ahead by 10 points when there were about 10 minutes remaining. Then the Marlins fought back and reduced the lead to five points, which was when the rain fell, with one minute and thirty seconds remaining.
There was some bickering, and the head of the Municipal League "Benito Borges" (that's the name of the league, not the name of the official) said the case will be decided at the weekly meeting, and it is most likely that the 90 seconds remaining will be played to determine who will receive the championship trophy.
Collection for Red Cross continues
Continúa colecta de Cruz Roja
Lunes, 19 de Mayo de 2014 00:01
Esperan aportaciones de empresas y dependencias
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 18 de mayo.-
Leer más...The annual collection campaign continues, and has had excellent participation from the local people, and they have raised 106,968 pesos this far, This amount is expected to increase with contribuitions expected from various agencies, including federal agencies, and from companies. The president of the board of the Red Cross of Isla Mujeres, Jorge Cardenas Bazan, expressed his appreciation to the following companies, agencies, and individuals: El Ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres (The City government), Ixchel Beach, David Albert Santos Rivera, Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), Hotel Secreto S.A. de C.V., Terrenos Isla Mujeres S.A. de C.V., Gregal S.A. de C.V. (Hotel Aluxes), Playa la Media Luna, Tiendas de Curiosidades S.A. de C.V., Sociedad Cooperativa Isla Mujeres, sindicato de taxistas “Gustavo Díaz Ordaz”(the taxi union), Sociedad Cooperativa Isla Bonita, among others. He noted that in the next few days they will receive their annual donations from Séptima Zona Naval Militar (the Navy), as well as the hotels: Bahía, Posada del Mar, Mía and el Kinich.
Removing golf carts from circulation that do not have insurance
“Blindan” a turistas
Lunes, 19 de Mayo de 2014 00:01
Sacarán de circulación carritos de golf sin póliza de seguros: Agapito
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 18 de mayo.-
Leer más...The Mayor gave instructions to the Municipal Preventative Police (PMP, Policía Municipal Preventiva) to monitor the golf carts to ensure none are circulating without insurance, following a mishap where a tourist was blamed for damages of more than 10,000 pesos.
The staff of the Delegación de Transportes said the insurance contract of the rental golf cart agencies only covers accidental damage in excess of 30,000 pesos, with a fixed amount of deductible. Incidents below this figure are subject to agreements reached between the rental agency and the tourists who rented the unit and were involved in the mishap. The policies cover liability and damages to others, medical costs of the occupants of the vehicle, and legal costs that are incurred, which of course can exceed the 30,000 aforementioned. The personnel of Transportes gave assurances that at this time, all the golf cart rental agencies have insurance on their units, in general, but only to cover accidents where the costs exceed 30,000 pesos.
In this regard, one of the users said in the end, this insurance policy is usually like not having an insurance policy, because a vast majority of the accidents do not exceed 10,000 pesos.
Tvisla Mujeres
Rain paralyzes commercial and touristic activities in Isla Mujeres. Photo shows flooded intersection at Abasolo and Hidalgo.
Noticias de Quequi......
Fishermen affected by poor weather
Sufren pescadores por mal clima
0 18 de mayo de 2014
Cold front #55 has had a negative effect on the economic situation of the fishermen. Due to the gusting winds, more than 200 boats remain in port, and this is expected to continue for two more days. Normally they must go out more than 15 nautical miles to fish and dive.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- El frente frío número 55 complica las actividades marinas.
Hurricane shelters ready for operation
Refugio anticiclónico listo para operar.
0 18 de mayo de 2014
Hurricane season officially begins June 1st, and an inspection of the hurricane shelters has been completed. The registry will soon be released with some facilities in low lying areas having been removed from the list, such as the primary school Andres Quintana Roo, which is located downtown. The shelter that is located on the highest point of the island is 'conditioned' (?ese inmueble fue acondicionado..I think that means it is 'set up' ) and equipped to provide hot food.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- La dirección de Protección Civil informó que se definirá la lista definitiva de albergues para casos de huracán.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Strong rains "freeze" tourism activities
'Congelan' fuertes lluvias las actividades turísticas
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: 'Congelan' fuertes lluvias las actividades turísticas
Emite voto arriba del 50% de panistas
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Emite voto arriba del 50% de panistas
There was an election for the national leader of the Partido Acción Nacional en Isla Mujeres, which went calmly and quietly at the offices in La Gloria, with no long lines observed. The voting took place between nine in the morning and five in the afternoon. About 45 of the eligible 75 members participated in the voting.

por esto
Whale sharks: Unprotected
Tiburón ballena, desprotegido [+] Ver mas
It has been nearly five years since the presidential decree creating the Whale Shark Biosphere Reserve of 145,988 hectares in the Yucatan Channel took place on June 5, 2009. It has been proposed that this area be increased to the eastern side, because a good amount of the whale sharks feed in that area between May and September. However, there has been opposition or conflict from and between the following agencies: Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Semarnat), officials of the Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (Conanp) and the Dirección General de Vía Silvestre. (These are: Agency for the Environment & Natural Resources, Commision for Protected Natural Areas, and the Wildlife Agency).
The area of the Whale Shark Biosphere is north of Isla Contoy, in a straight line at the Yucatan Canal, for about 30 miles. Then there is a horizontal line to the west about 60 miles in a straight line that can be imagined from the boundary between Quintana Roo and Yucatan. The boundary to the south is at the Area of Protection of Flora & Fauna of "Yum Balam", and at the land of Cape Catoche at Boca Iglesa. (I was having trouble visualizing this, so I found a coupla maps and added them below.)
There are not enough federal personnel to monitor it inside and the outside (the east side) of this reserve. The public servants are overwhelmed by the vast area, and there are not enough staff of PROFEPA or the Port Authority do deal with this, unless the President of Mexico seeks assistance from the Navy.
On the internet, there have been sightings reported at coordinate 2429, northeast of Isla Mujeres, at 48 minutes of navigation, of 35-40 kilometers and at 15 kilometers east of the National Park at Isla Contoy.
The polygon (area of the Biosphere) would need to grow at least another third in size, extending it to the east, to reach the biosphere nearby (to the side east-southeast) to Isla Mujere, but federal authorities have resisted that proposal. In the chaos of seeking food, some whale sharks suffer cuts to different parts of their body, deaths from being hit by cargo ships, and minor bruises from whale shark tour boats, according to witnesses of different cases.
The Wildlife Agency has been attempting to change the patterns of the holders of the permits, which formerly allowed about 80 permits to be held between 15 entrepreneurs, of which about 50 permits will be passed to other people.
Theoretically, the law Norma Oficial Mexicana 059 (NOM-059-Semarnat-2001) offers protected status to the whale sharks, and on the website of SEMARNAT it states that the species is considered threatened. Therefore it is important to apply this law for the environmental protection of native species of wild flora and fauna, with its risk categories and specifications for inclusion, exclusion, or change.
Activities associated with non extractive use (ie not capturing them) are also regulated by articles 99, 100, and 101 of the General Laws of Wildlife.
The whale shark is has protected status on several international lists, including Apéndice II de la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES), apéndice 2 of the Convención de Bonn de Conservación de Especies Silvestres Migratorias ( for the Conservation of wild migrating species, Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN), Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre Derechos del Mar (Unclos).
Mexico is committed to promoting biodiversity and sustainablity, as a contracted member of the Convention on Biological Diversity, established at the Conference on Environment and Development United Nations in 1992. In 1995 member countries created the Jakarta Mandate on marine and coastal biodiversity, where a global consensus was established about protecting these important environments.
Swimming with the whale sharks (Rhincodon typus), and sighting tours, was authorized within a list of conditions so as not to disturb their habitat. This occurs in several coastal areas of the world where they surface in warm seas to feed, including Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia , Utila in Honduras , Donsol and Batangas in the Philippines, here near Holbox and Isla Mujeres , Pemba islands and Zanzibar Tanzania.
There will be a Whale Shark Festival
Sí habrá festival del tiburón ballena[+] Ver mas
The Municipal Director of Culture, Ruben Perez, gave assurances that the seventh whale shark festival will take place next month. In the past this event has been well received by the community and serves an educational purpose for the youth. As usual, speakers will be brought to discuss scientific research, protection measures, and protocols for viewing and swimming with the whale sharks. The Director did not give details, but promised that it would include entertainment for families, tourists, and youngsters.
Endangered beaches
Arenales en peligro] Ver mas
People who hold concessions on North Beach say it is at risk of deterioration if necessary precautions are not taken before severe weather occurs. This beach was recently recognized as ranking at number 10 worldwide. There is a section of wall for 30 meters in front of the beach that needs rebuilding, in connection with the walkway that becomes an extension of the malecon of Rueda Medina, as well as the maintenance of the 'whales' that have been installed for six years for the recuperation of sand. (The 'whales' are banks of huge sandbags at ~90 degree angles to the beach.) Carlos Cervera, one of the concession holders, said authorities need to budget for construction at this wall which previously crumbled with hurricane Wilma, when this beach area suffered the most damage, when the water reached the foundations of several buildings that are used by tourists.
With this cold front #55, minor effects are seen to this area, and are evidence of the destruction that could occur with another hurricane, because of the vulnerability of this area. According to the reporter's sources, there is no money budgeted to renew this wall, nor for the maintenance of the giant sand bags to hold onto the sand, and they have suffered damage from tearing apart after cuts were made into their materials by beach umbrellas being poked into them. Jose Sanchez, who cleans the beach for a concession holder, said he does not think the authorities will address this problem, noting they have not built the lifeguard towers that were promised. There are some who are willing to contribute before a hurricane hits, because the investment needed is estimated to be less than 500,000 pesos, according to a construction company that does this sort of work.
Lack of institutional support for sports
Falta respaldo institucional al deporte[+] Ver mas
On Sunday the Isla Mujeres soccer team of the Fifth Division played at the Salina Chica stadium, against Atlante of Cancun, with a score of two to zero. The goals were scored by Anotaron Gustavo Miranda and Kevin Maya. There were not many fans in attendance. More public support is needed, as there are many children under 10 years of age in Isla Mujeres who hope to become members of these teams in upcoming years. There are two franchises, in the Fourth and Fifth Division, on the island.
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It's a rainy morn in Isla & here's some extra's........
Here are maps of the Whale Shark Biosphere On the lower one, the circles represent tagged whale sharks, and that article about migrations in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean is HERE
"The Oldest Most Complete Human Skeleton Found In The Western Hemisphere"
This skeleton was found in a cave in the southern part of our state, Quintana Roo, in the municipality of Tulum in 2007, and an international consortium investigated in 2011. A report was published Thursday in Science magazine. There have been other remains over 10,000 years old found in Quintana Roo.
HERE are more photos
...sample below.. Photo credit..Paul Nicklen/National Geographic / Via
“This expedition produced some of the most compelling evidence to date of a link between Paleoamericans, the first people to inhabit the Americas after the most recent ice age, and modern Native Americans,” writes James Chatters of Applied Paleoscience.
“What this suggests is that the differences between the two are the result of in situ evolution rather than separate migrations from distinct Old World homelands.”
The remains are carbon dated to between 12,000 and 13,000-years-old, and scientists determined that the remains belonged to a 15 or 16-year-old, 4’10” girl whom has been named Naia. Her remains were found among those of more than 26 other mammals, including saber-toothed cats, which further helped to date Naia’s remains.Video footage was taken of the discovery and will be featured in a PBS documentary next year and in National Geographic Magazine.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The other day I published this professional video that I liked, and I forgot to include the link for those of you who view on mobile devices...LINK Mexico In Your Senses
Here are some photos from last year's Whale Shark Festival...published by the city government at that time.
by last year's Ayuntamiento De Isla Mujeres
by last year's Ayuntamiento De Isla Mujeres

Amigos of Isla Contoy have educational exhibits at the Whale Shark Festivals.They have done many conservation, recycling, and educational activities on Isla Mujeres over the years. |
Puppet show by Amigos de Isla Contoy at Whale Shark Festival last year |
Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pm
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun
Fenix Sat ~2p Reggae/Cuban
Sun ~2p Salsa
(Start times posted on menu board by entrance. Live music most afternoons ~2p)
Fenix Lounge Domingo
Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! :: Sunday Live Salsa
with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la
Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No
You may find live
music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and
at Poc Na Hostel.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Texas Holdem Every Monday and Thursday
at 6:00pm El Patio Caribbean Grill
May 1 Thursday 4p-9p Artists Fair on Town Square
May 1 Formal welcome to Regatta Sol al Sol XLVI
May 1 Labor Day in Mexico
May 1 May Day
May 2 Regatta Amigos XLV 12:30 Isla Children sail around isle
May 2 Regatta Sol al Sol Awards dinner
May 3 Regatta Sol al Sol departure
May 3 Day of the Holy Cross (festival for mason/constrct wkrs /Dia de Santa Cruz, also called El Día del Albañil. (Essay..maybe May 4th 2012)
May 5 Battle of Puebla 2012 "Cinco de Mayo"
May 8 Thursday Town Square: "First Municipal Artist's Fair"
May 8 Thursday Regata Al Sol XXVIII Departs for Isla Mujeres
May 9-11 Cosme Magana Fishing Tournament
May 10 Saturday Mother's Day in Mexico
~May 13-20 Festival of Lady of Fatima at Rancho Vieho ~30+ yr tradition Continental IM
May 13 7p Official welcome of Regatta as Distinguished Guests
May 14 7:25pm Full Moon Rise of Caribbean Sea
Rises an hour later each night
(Sunset ~7p)
May 15 Regatta Awards Event
May 15 Thursday Teachers Day
May 29 Thursday Ascension Day
May 31 9:30am Pink Wig Breakfast at D'Lily's to benefit Breast Cancer organization Por Siempre Viva
Early May - Nov. Sea Turtle Mating & Nesting
Whale Shark Festival TBA ~ late June-early July?
6th Annual Alicia Ricalde Magana Women's Fishing Tournament TBA August?
Turtle releases August-Sept dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance
Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
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