The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published early August!, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in August...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in August...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Traditional festival begins in honor of the Virgin of Asunción: Concludes on 15th
Inicia tradicional festejo
Jueves, 07 de Agosto de 2014 23:50
En honor a la Virgen de la Asunción: Concluirá el 15
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 7 de agosto.-
Leer más...The festivities in honor of the Virgin of Assumption began yesterday and will continue until August 15th. It began with taking the icon down from her niche, for a procession through the streets, with hundreds of Catholics accompanying her. The priest, Raul Sanchez Alonzo said that a pilgrimage is planned in her honor, and they have invited hoteliers, restauranteurs, and other entrepreneurs to participate with decorated golf carts. The suggested theme is: Maria, Reina de la Paz / Mary, Queen of Peace, or whatever they want, with rewards for creativity. It is planned that the decorated carts will have their procession following Mass on August 15th, going through various streets and terminating at the Town Square.
Prevention of illnesses like chikungunya
No se bajará la guardia
Jueves, 07 de Agosto de 2014 20:18
En prevención de enfermedades como el chikungunya
The conclusion of the workshop is that the prevention of mosquito borne diseases is a shared responsibility, which begins with homes being kept clean of breeding areas; and for the authorities to completely clean public spaces, to distribute informational materials, and to facilitate the work of cleanliness by individuals, families, and the city.
The municipal Director of Health, Tharin Sadat Vital Casique, said the prevention strategy includes, among other things, ongoing pickups throughout the island to remove junk; the revival of the "Clean Patio" program in the schools, businesses, parks, cemeteries, and especially in homes; the Certification program for public buildings as being free of mosquito breeding areas; and monitoring, tracking, and fogging & control of larvae.
The entomologist and epidemiologist for this area, Salomon Grajales, representative for SESA, the Ministry of Health, provided a comprehensive and detailed overview of the current situation with chikungunya. He said that fortunately there has only been one case found in Mexico, which was contracted in one of the French isles of the Caribbean.
He explained, "In our environment, globalization is the main concern, due to the thousands of tourists that arrive to our destinations. Constant travel and travelers are an inherent part of tourism, and require focused attention and vigilance by authorities who are responsible for public health.
The city Secretary General, César Poot Pérez, whowas representing the Mayor, said they are implementing the state Recycling Trash for Food program which encourages families to remove junk from homes and schools, while they gain food. He said we must work together to take steps to prevent chikungunya, and he thanked all the participants.
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 6 de agosto.-
Leer más...
Tvisla Mujeres
Marcelino Velazquez Garrido gives an interview about the conflict with his neighbor
Isla Mujeres priest proposes pilgrimage for August 15th in honor of the Virgin of Assumption....
The poster below says...
Chikungunya is a viral illness transmitted by the mosquitoes Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus, and like Dengue it causes:
Severe headache
Joint and muscular pain
Back pain
Cutaneous eruption (rash)
Nausea & vomiting
For Prevention: Keep your house, patio, and roof clean
Remove all unnecessary items where water can gather, including bottles, cans, pails, tires, and plastics to give to the Collection trucks.
Ex-official denies accusations by neighbor
Rechaza ex funcionario acusaciones de su vecina
0 08 de agosto de 2014
Marcelino Velázquez Garrido refuted the allegations made by his neighbor, Wendy Aceves, and he said it is purely a case of jealousy. He said he has spent many years recycling conch shells, turning them into beautiful crafts, which he has entered in many competitions, representing and promoting the name of Isla Mujeres. He said the problem with his neighbor began some years ago when he refused to teach her how he does this work with the shells.
He said, "I refused because nobody taught me. I've been learning over the years, and now I am teaching my children, which annoyed this woman." He said she violates their privacy, taking advantage of a part of the property that is not fenced to use an as excuse to cause trouble.
He said, "She was taking pictures of me while I worked at a small machine, but it is also a lie that it creates dust, because I work with water in a tank, and the shells are always submerged. I did not throw a shell, as she says." He said the shell is from the area that divides their properties, and she waved it in his face. He said what his neighbor said are lies and he does not have a clandestine workshop and does not have 'cerros de caracol', and he is committed to working and living peacefully with his family. He said there has been conflicts between them for some time, and he said the fault lies with his neighbor.
"Yesterday we went to the Ministerio Público (Prosecutor's office) for a discussion between the two parties, and although I could file a criminal complaint, I decided to agree to the proposal of the Prosecutor to build a wall, that will be paid for by both parties. But I will leave my money with that agency, because I do not want to talk to that woman.", said Mr Velazquez. A second agreement was signed in which he agreed not to bother her, and she agreed not to bother him.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.-
Planning celebration of the Assumption
Promueven la celebración de la Asunción
0 08 de agosto de 2014
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- Se prepara una Romería para concluir el novenario de la virgen el día 15 de este mes.
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
Seeking repair of curbside 'trap'
Piden reparar 'trampa' en banqueta
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Piden reparar 'trampa' en banqueta
Enrollment date announced
Anuncian fecha de inscripciones
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres

Registration for students entering middle school will take place August 11-15, at the school Presidente Juarez, located on prologacion Rueda Medina. The required documents are listed in the article, with assurances that there is a guarantee of adequate room for all students.
Read more: Anuncian fecha de inscripciones
Alistan casillas para la votación interna del PRD
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Alistan casillas para la votación interna del PRD

por esto
New service of the Red Cross
Nuevo servicio de Cruz Roja.. [+] Ver mas
There are plans to have a laboratory at the Red Cross facility, and testing will be done on site, and the samples will not need to be transported to Cancun. The income will benefit the Red Cross, and these revenues are needed to improve the ambulance service and to guarantee service. The Directors are finalizing details with the ‘Intelab Grupo Atecsa’, and expect service to be available in September.
Chairman of the Red Cross Advisory Council, Jorge Cardenas, said the Directors are showing their commitment by making a contribution of a certain amount of money each month. They have also held bazaars to raise funds and help the community at the same time, who can purchase household items or clothing at very low prices.
Disagreement between neighbors resolved before the Public Prosecutor
Pleito entre vecinos se resuelve ante el Ministerio Público.. [+] Ver mas
Kitchen gardens for self sufficiency
Huertos familiares para la autosuficiencia alimentaria[+] Ver mas
A workshop will be presented on Sunday to teach organic farming, the preparation of compost, and how to regenerate and enrich soil with different natural ingredients found in the area. Composting techniques include home composting, cold composting, composting with fish waste, and vermicompost (? lombricomposta).
The local soil is very sandy and contains very few nutrients, which makes organic farming and composting a useable technique for growing gardens and orchards to help achieve food self sufficiency in these difficult times, said Lorena Lopez, director of a woman's cooperative who are promoting family gardening.
The workshop will take place from 10am until 3pm at the facility for the project to grow young lobster la Estación de Investigación Pesquera, in Sac Bajo. The Cooperativa Visión-Mujer SC de RL organized this Sustainable Organic Agriculture workshop with the goal of creating small eco gardens for families, and to promote reforestation of the green areas in Isla Mujeres and surrounding municipalities.
They are promoting food self sufficiency through the consumption of organic healthy foods that are locally produced by cultivation in home gardens. The workshop costs 280 pesos, and children under six are free, and children over age six cost 80 pesos. For more information, contact 9982474392 or and money can be deposited in HSBC account 6410322600.
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Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
Karen Rosenberg's
NEED DIABETES SUPPLIES FOR OCTOBER DIABETES CLINIC: We have been doing Diabetes Clinics on Isla Mujeres for five years, with more local residents participating annually. This is a joint project of bilingual social workers, nurses, and other health care professionals originally from the USA, working with Isleno community partners. Diabetes is now the primary cause of death in Mexico.
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pmdiscontinued for now
Ken Wanovich
Mon 8/04 - Villavento Beach Hotel - Noon
Tue 8/05 - Mamacita's, 7:00pm.
( Keys 4 Life is also bringing school supplies and 3 new LCD projectors for the elementary schools, and doing some minor construction projects to repair/improve several homes in Guadalupana.)
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & SunKen Wanovich
Mon 8/04 - Villavento Beach Hotel - Noon
Tue 8/05 - Mamacita's, 7:00pm.
( Keys 4 Life is also bringing school supplies and 3 new LCD projectors for the elementary schools, and doing some minor construction projects to repair/improve several homes in Guadalupana.)

Sat ~2p Frequencia
Sun ~2p Salsa
Weekday's ~2p.. Various artists including
Chucho (Jesus Campezino) & SeBlues..tho he's off isle right now.
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
Saturday afternoon ~3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
August Events
Turtle hatchling releases at Media Luna & Guadalupana (eastern) beaches TBA (Usually 1-2 days before event.)
(Gets 10 min later across month)
Aug 1 ~6:20am
Aug 31 ~6:30am
(Gets 20 mins earlier across month)
Aug 1 ~7:25p
Aug 31 ~7:05p
Aug 9 5:05 am ~Full moon sets before sunrise
Aug 10 6:11am Full moon sets ~sunrise
Aug 10 Full Moon Rises at 7:18p Sunset ~7:20p
Aug 11 Sunset ~7:20p Moonrise 8:07p
Aug 12 Moonrise 8:54p
Aug 13 Moonrise 9:40p
Aug 14 Moonrise 10:25p
Aug 15 Moonrise 11:10p
Aug 7, Thursday Artist Fair on the Square 5:30-9:30 Summer Hours
Aug 15 Friday
11a City Council room: Presentation of the book "Isla Mujeres a traves del tiempo, tomo II. Fidel Villanueva Madrid, Historian of the City
7pm Documentary Exposition Town Hall Pasillo
7:30pm Inauguration of Photographic Exposition Hidalgo Avenue
Aug. 16 Saturday 8pm Town Square
Presentation of the show: "Monsters & Mayan Legends" (Monstruos y Leyendas Mayas)
Presentation of a dance: Traditions of Isla Mujeres"
Regional Night with an orchestra from the township of Felipe Carrillo Puerto
Aug. 17 Sunday
9am Port Authority Pier (#6) Floral offering for the 20th anniversary of the sinking of the Cruz de la Bahia/Cross in the Bay
8pm Town Square
Official Session of the City Council commemorating the 164th Anniversary of the founding of Isla Mujeres
Homage to the founding families
Giving of the Award for Citizenship
Giving of the Award for Tourism
On August 31, about 500 athletes, both Mexican and international, are expected to participate in an open water swimming competition, Competencia de Nado de Aguas Abiertas, at Playa Norte/North Beach. The swimmers will travel distances between 250 meters and five kilometers, with the course being defined by a rectangle of buoys off Playa Norte. Dozens of foreigners are expected to participate, especially from the United States.
Whale Shark Season ...ends Sept 15
It is Sea Turtle Mating & Nesting season
Red & Blue crabs are migrating to the sea for spawning during full moons
Turtle releases August-Sept dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
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