The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published in August!, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in August...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in August...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Agapito responds to long standing citizen demand for veterinary clinic
Conviviencia justa
Agapito responde a añeja demanda ciudadana sobre clínica veterinaria
With the inauguration of a Community veterinary clinic today, by the mayor, Agapito Magana Sanchez, crucial progress has been made toward solving the problem of the proliferation of stray animals in the streets. At the ribbon cutting, the mayor explained that the facility will offer sterilization, vaccinations, and general consults in an ongoing manner, for low cost, and in some cases for free, thanks to sponsors and supporters.There was enthusiastic participation by volunteers, entrepreneurs, professionals, residents, and animal advocates. The opening of this unique clinic involved a significant number of people with a sense of social commitment, whose only payment is the satisfaction of helping animals.
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 27 de agosto.-
Agapito delivers chalkboards
Meets committment
Agapito entrega pizarrones
Sin oportunismos políticos ni estridencias mediáticas cumple compromiso
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 27 de agosto.-
As a result of a resent request by parents at teachers at the middle school "Benito Juarez", the mayor gave instructions for the immediate acquisition of blackboards. They were delivered as soon as possible, which occurred this morning. They will benefit the ~580 students of the school, which is one of the most historic in Quintana Roo.
The mayor was joined by directors and City Council members of his administration, and he said, "I come here without political opportunism or media strategies; I come to keep my word as an islander, and to keep my commitments as mayor with you, their parents and teachers." The Mayor spoke in a direct and personal manner to the students, saying, "Our word has value, and today we are keeping a promise with you, who are the present and the future of the township."
City Council gives green light for Mayor's report
Cabildo da luz verde
A sede para informe de Edil
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 27 de agosto.-
The City Council gave approval for the Mayor to present his official informational report on September 17th. It is noted that yesterday the Planning Committee for Municipal Development (COMPLADEMUN) approved use of resources which were presented in this Council session. During 2014 the City will have resources of 2,364,887 pesos from FISM, whose distribution and implementation will be published officially, as required by law, before it used for various projects and actions for the benefit of citizens of the municipality, including public lighting on the mainland area of Isla Mujeres at Rancho Viejo. Agreements were signed authorizing the Mayor and the treasurer to sign an agreement for funding from FISM, FY 2014, and Ramo 33.
Tvisla Mujeres
Armada de México rescata a tripulante herido de buque mercante
Mexico Navy rescues injured crewman from a cargo ship
A 39 year old Ukrainian national was given a medical evacuation from the ship "San Rafael" by the Navy after a request was received at the Puerto Juarez port. The merchant vessel was flyng the flag of Antigua & Barbuda, and was sailing approximately 116 kilometers northeast of Isla Mujeres. The crew member has suffered a wound to his left leg.
Personnel from the search and rescue unit of the Navy at Isla Mujeres responded with a boat and medical staff, locating the cargo vessel approximately 20 kilometers east of Isla Mujeres. A medical evacuation was carried out and he was taken from the ship to the Naval pier and to the Naval hospital, where he was stabilized. At the request of the National Institute for Migration, this afternoon he was transferred, under guard, to Puerto Juarez for the legal procedures that are applicable. (Photo at link)
Noticias de Quequi......
Work stopped on Rueda Medina
Detienen la obra en la Rueda Medina
0 28 de agosto de 2014It is unknown why the last stage of work on Rueda Medina with the removal of the overhead lines and streetlights has not been continued, and it is unknown when it will be completed.There is concern among residents and business owners because many of the poles have suffered damage from rust and deterioration of the concrete.In June the company "Citelum" confirmed they had won the bid for the job, which included moving the electrical services underground. Despite the work beginning at a good pace, it has been discontinued, and no one knows when it will be completed. There are more than 30 street lights on this main street of town.
Por Redacción > Quequi.- -
Awaiting for rebound of tourism in November
Esperan repunte de turismo en noviembre
0 28 de agosto de 2014Gustavo Rodríguez Orozco, director of Tourism of Isla Mujeres, said that although hotel occupancy remains at 44 percent, a gradual recovery is expected, starting in November. He acknowledged that this off-season occurs annually at the end of summer vacation season. He said during this annual 'lean' period, many people use up their savings to pay the bills and expenses, while some close and reopen in December when the economy starts to reactivate. He said there are many owners who take advantage of this time to do maintenance and improvements, to prepare for the best months of the year, which are December, January, and February.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.-
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...

por esto
Increasing numbers with decompression
Se eleva cifra de descompresionados. [+] Ver mas
In less than two months into the lobster catching season, there have already been 29 cases of decompression treated at the hyperbaric chamber. This is attributed to the precarious economic situation of the fishermen during low season, which forces them to move into deeper water, causing an increase in the cases of decompression.
(This may also be related to the phenomenon that the lobsters come out and 'march', or migrate, following the 'norte' northern cold fronts, when more of them can be found on the 'shelves' or plateaus of seabed that are less deep, near Isla Mujeres and Isla Contoy. In the summer, they are generally more difficult to locate.)
This figure is high compared to past seasons when there were around 20 cases. If the problem continues at this rate, it could exceed over 100 accidents by the end of the season, which is six months away. Managers of the cooperatives are concerned about the risks of disability and death.
The fishermen dive for lobster using compressed air from hoses, with the compressor machine in the boat. This accentuates the problem because it cuts the time they have to dive, because when the seabed is 20 to 30 meters deep, they must take breaks during ascent, and many times they do not respect these standards. In the past, there have been accidents where the hose was cut by a propeller, or the air compressor machine stopped working. There have also been accidents with divers using tanks, when they lost track of the diver.
The diver-fishermen who were treated so far this season were as follows: 10 with the cooperative Makax, 7 from Isla Blanca, 5 from Justicia Social, 3 from Puerto Juárez; 3 with Caribe and one from la Patria y Progreso.
Complaint about eviction from sports area
Denuncian desalojo de áreas deportiva[+] Ver mas
Parents were not satisfied following a meeting with representatives of the municipality, and plan to meet with the Mayor. They brought documents with 28 signatures concerning complaints that their children have been evicted from three sports facilities in the past month, because they are being used by the municipal DIF, and they are concerned about being evicted during the upcoming season.
Jacinto Ríos Nájera, director del DIF; and Sports director, Enrique Barros Peña, said the misunderstandings arose from a lack of communication. One of the coaches responded, "At no time has there been a lack of communication." He said the staff of the DIF told them to leave the sports facility that was occupied by the children because it was going to be used for an institutional activity.
He requested a meeting with the Mayor to discuss and analyze the situation, and to find a permanent place for the children to train, and to avoid any further evictions. The courts are in constant use during 'prime time' by adults, with a lack of official concern for the children, whose parents did not think this meeting concluded satisfactorily.
Microentrepreneurs complain
Persecución a microempresarios[+] Ver mas
Small business owners, such as those at the "Flea Market" are saying they are having difficulties with officials. Two tenants of "La Pulga" said the office has not accepted more than one of their payments since May, and are deliberately allowing time to pass. There have been warnings that the rates may change and that there will be charges per square meter.
One seller said, "They promised to improve these premises, which are in poor condition, but now there is threatening talk about charges for energy and costs per square meter, and we are concerned about alleged abuses and increases at this time."
A Manuel Puerto, a vendor of tourism services, said his shop was closed on avenue Adolfo Lopez Mateos, but they have not returned his documents, which leaves him defenseless. He said he was closed for not paying his small business tax, and could not present the appropriate documents and permits, because the documents were at City Hall. He said there was a delay in documents, which has gone on for weeks, and now the Enforcement agency is unwilling to grant an extension.
The entrepreneurs believe these actions by the agency are motivated to gain money. The small business owners are preparing to discuss their complaints with the Human Rights Commission, before these problems cause them bankruptcy.
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Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
Karen Rosenberg's
NEED DIABETES SUPPLIES FOR OCTOBER DIABETES CLINIC: We have been doing Diabetes Clinics on Isla Mujeres for five years, with more local residents participating annually. This is a joint project of bilingual social workers, nurses, and other health care professionals originally from the USA, working with Isleno community partners. Diabetes is now the primary cause of death in Mexico.
Aug. 26 Kapanga at Poc Na Link to video
Sept 5 Los Cafres at Poc Na
Linkto video above
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pmdiscontinued for now
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun
Sat ~2p Frequencia
Sun ~2p Salsa (maybe)
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
Saturday afternoon ~3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
August Events
Turtle hatchling releases at Media Luna & Guadalupana (eastern) beaches TBA (Usually 1-2 days before event.)
(Gets 10 min later across month)
Aug 1 ~6:20am
Aug 31 ~6:30am
(Gets 20 mins earlier across month)
Aug 1 ~7:25p
Aug 31 ~7:05p
Aug 9 5:05 am ~Full moon sets before sunrise
Aug 10 6:11am Full moon sets ~sunrise
Aug 10 Full Moon Rises at 7:18p Sunset ~7:20p
Aug 11 Sunset ~7:20p Moonrise 8:07p
Aug 12 Moonrise 8:54p
Aug 13 Moonrise 9:40p
Aug 14 Moonrise 10:25p
Aug 15 Moonrise 11:10p
Aug 7, Thursday Artist Fair on the Square 5:30-9:30 Summer Hours
Aug 15 Friday
11a City Council room: Presentation of the book "Isla Mujeres a traves del tiempo, tomo II. Fidel Villanueva Madrid, Historian of the City
7pm Documentary Exposition Town Hall Pasillo
7:30pm Inauguration of Photographic Exposition Hidalgo Avenue
Aug. 16 Saturday 8pm Town Square
Presentation of the show: "Monsters & Mayan Legends" (Monstruos y Leyendas Mayas)
Presentation of a dance: Traditions of Isla Mujeres"
Regional Night with an orchestra from the township of Felipe Carrillo Puerto

9am Port Authority Pier (#6) Floral offering for the 20th anniversary of the sinking of the Cruz de la Bahia/Cross in the Bay
Following Mass: Procession from the Church on the Town Square celebrating the Virgin of Assumption going down Guerrero, to Lopez Mateos, then down Rueda Medina, main street. The walkers will return to the square via Morelos, while the decorated carts go farther down Medina to loop back from the south to the north. There is a contest for the top five decorated carts.
8pm Town Square
Official Session of the City Council commemorating the 164th Anniversary of the founding of Isla Mujeres
Homage to the founding families
Giving of the Award for Citizenship
Giving of the Award for Tourism
On August 31, about 500 athletes, both Mexican and international, are expected to participate in an open water swimming competition, Competencia de Nado de Aguas Abiertas, at Playa Norte/North Beach. The swimmers will travel distances between 250 meters and five kilometers, with the course being defined by a rectangle of buoys off Playa Norte. Dozens of foreigners are expected to participate, especially from the United States.
Whale Shark Season ...ends Sept 15
It is Sea Turtle Mating & Nesting season
Red & Blue crabs are migrating to the sea for spawning during full moons
Turtle releases August-Sept dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
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