The second issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to
benefit Isla charities will be published in August!, featuring a
variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in August...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. 100% is contributed. Donations will be totaled, published & turned over to the charities in August...some have already been donated.
Update...The content & layout are finished, and awaiting publication, while I am now creating & posting the new ads. It is going slowly because I am busy with other things, your patience is appreciated. Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
Fast boats out of service due to propeller problems
Fuera de servicio las embarcaciones rápidas
Por fallas en propelas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de agosto.-
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de agosto.-
One of the workers for the Magan Maritime Company explained that the faster boats are out of service due to a breakdown caused by a propeller problem yesterday, and are expected to be back in service Tuesday. Meanwhile the slower "Caribean Princes" (sic) is making the crossing to Puerto Juarez in about 35 minutes instead of 15 or 20 minutes. The Magana fast boats cross hourly from 5:15am to 8:15pm. The larger boat will cross every two hours with the last departure at the same time. Monday at 10:30am there were less that a dozen passengers, but on the return there were about 30, both tourists and local residents.
Mission accomplished
Backpacks & school supplies distributed
Misión cumplida
En entrega de mochilas y útiles escolares, subraya Agapito
Distribution was done in the Continental zone of 1,280 backpacks, in addition to the 2525 delivered to island students, putting a total of 3806 backpacks into the hands of students of the municipality. The Mayor, Agapito Magana Sanchez, and his wife, Marthy Vargas de Magaña, head of the DIF, assisted in the delivery and gave credit to the President Peña Nieto and to the Governor of Quintana Roo. The distribution began on August 21st. Soon they will be distributing the uniforms and school shoes that were promised.
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de agosto.-
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de agosto.-
Inspectors close stand
Due to lack of documentation and operation outside their permit
Fiscales clausuran módulo
Por falta de documentación y operar fuera de su giro
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de agosto.-
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de agosto.-
"Old News" from recent headlines
Another campaign promise completed: Training courses for fishermen finished
Otro compromiso cumplido
Agapito clausura cursos de capacitación para pescadores
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de agosto.-
Leer más...
Fishermen from three cooperatives (Caribe, Patria y Progreso, and Por la Justicia Social) completed classes in subjects including good management practices, work safety and health, development and maintenance of equipement, and administration and marketing. Each fisherman receives financial support of eight thousand pesos upon completion. Of the 421 fishermen approved for the program, 359 completed the courses and will receive this assistance.
The courses will be offered to the fishermen of the other two cooperatives, Laguna Makax and Isla Blanca. The Mayor was present for the closing of the classes and expressed his support for the fishermen and spoke about their importance to the economy of the island.
Fishermen from three cooperatives (Caribe, Patria y Progreso, and Por la Justicia Social) completed classes in subjects including good management practices, work safety and health, development and maintenance of equipement, and administration and marketing. Each fisherman receives financial support of eight thousand pesos upon completion. Of the 421 fishermen approved for the program, 359 completed the courses and will receive this assistance.
The courses will be offered to the fishermen of the other two cooperatives, Laguna Makax and Isla Blanca. The Mayor was present for the closing of the classes and expressed his support for the fishermen and spoke about their importance to the economy of the island.
Display of altruism: Exhibition of paintings to benefit Red Cross
Muestra de altruismo
La que se dio en exposición pictórica a favor de la Cruz Roja Mexicana
Yesterday there was an auction of 32 watercolor paintings by artist Eduardo Sánchez Cetina for the benefit of the Red Cross. He sold over half of the paintings during the previous week and during the event, and there was a silent auction. The paintings were priced between 1200 pesos and 3000 pesos, with 40 to 50 percent of the proceeds being donated to the Red Cross. The artwork includes scenes from the history of Isla Mujeres, including the wooden boats that served as transport for the islanders, and representations of sunsets and sunrises. The artist thanked the owner of the restaurant "Due Torri", Polo Siciliano, for lending his facilities for the exhibition and auction.
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de agosto.-
Recycling: An excellent option to benefit families in need
Reciclaje, una excelente opción
Para beneficiar a familias que lo necesitan
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de agosto.-
This exchange of recyclable trash for food and household items was held on the mainland area of Isla Mujeres, and is part of an ongoing state program which also takes place on the island. It includes education about recycling and separation of trash, for both adults and children, as well as public services like health consults and hair cuts.
Antenna needed for hyperbaric chamber
Radio equipment is obsolete
Urge antena en la hiperbárica
Equipo de radiocomunicación, obsoleto
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 22 de agosto.-
Leer más...The radio system for the hyperbaric chamber has been out of service for about two months, which is said to be caused by age, lack of maintenance, and poor condition of the antenna. There is a lack of resources for maintenance. In the past this antenna has served as a liaison for the Harbor Master, as in the last case of a fisherman who was lost at sea, and who appeared after some hours during which time his partner in the boat had called for assistance. (He swam to the island while they were trying to locate him, and he did not suffer any serious harm.)
ISLA MUJERES, 22 de agosto.-
Leer más...The radio system for the hyperbaric chamber has been out of service for about two months, which is said to be caused by age, lack of maintenance, and poor condition of the antenna. There is a lack of resources for maintenance. In the past this antenna has served as a liaison for the Harbor Master, as in the last case of a fisherman who was lost at sea, and who appeared after some hours during which time his partner in the boat had called for assistance. (He swam to the island while they were trying to locate him, and he did not suffer any serious harm.)
Seeking to eradicate complaints
Buscan erradicar quejas
In order to reduce complaints about the workers at the General Hospital, the staff of the state Human Rights Commission in Isla Mujeres taught them a course about Patient Rights, which lasted six days, for two hours daily. Twenty workers attended the first course and the training will be given all of the more than 100 workers. This training is part of an agreement between the Ministry of Health and CDHeQROO, and is intended to be offered at all state hospitals.
Tvisla Mujeres
Noticias de Quequi......
Community veterinary clinic
Contarán los animales con una clínica
0 26 de agosto de 2014Professor Cristina Figueroa Medina, Director of Ecology, announced that with the support of private enterprise and the municipality of Isla Mujeres, on Tuesday the first Community Veterinary Clinic will be launched, which aims to help the animals that are abandoned and require attention. Following several sterilization and vaccination campaigns, concern grew to find a location to give care to stray animals found in the streets who apparently do not have owners.According to the Animal Welfare act that the municipality enacted, now it is necessary to have a location like this. They will seek to strengthen the rules concerning control of cats and dogs, seeking to make owners take more responsibility for their pets.Regarding operation of the community clinic, the official said on Wednesdays they will offer free services, especially to people of limited resources, and during the rest of the week nominal fees will be charged. They will offer sterilization, grooming, and other services. She said the Ministry of Health donated 300 sterilization packets which are available for use on the local animals. The location of the clinic is not given.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- -
Tour selling stand closed
Clausuran local de turistero
0 26 de agosto de 2014
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.-
"Old News" from recent headlines
Young man who was electrocuted remains in serious condition
Continúa delicado joven que se electrocutó
0 25 de agosto de 2014
On Thursday, a Daniel Carrillo Gómez, 19, was working for hire painting the front of a house on Francisco I Madero avenue when he received a strong electrical shock, causing second degree burns to his hand and foot. Paramedics arrived on the scene and decided he needed transport to a hospital in Cancun, based on the severity of his injuries. He is still recovering and remains in delicate condition. According to witnesses, the young man from Veracruz was conscious, but having cardiac arrhythmias as a result of his injuries.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.-
Accelerating the construction of the public bathrooms
Aceleran la construcción de baños públicos
0 24 de agosto de 2014
The municipal administration said construction will be accelerated so the public bathrooms being built by the eastern seaside walkway malecon should be completed by Sept. 15th, for the celebration of Mexican Independence. The government wanted to provide bathroom services to the beach area, but no space was available in the beach area of the Federal Zone. The municipality is working to achieve certification of the beaches, which requires that bathroom services must be provided. Therefore they are rehabilitating this eastern seawall area, and providing these public services, with an investment of about 5 million pesos. The first part of the public bathrooms project includes the building and the lights, curbs, and paving which begin near the Casa de Cultura building, downtown. The second stage may include outdoor showers and lockers.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.-
Pescadores recibirán apoyo por veda de langosta
0 23 de agosto de 2014
Por Carlos Gasca.-
Seeking the rescue of the ferry "Sultana del Mar"Social
Buscan rescatar a la ‘Sultana del Mar’
0 23 de agosto de 2014 Por Carlos Gasca.-
A group of islanders, who are not currently seeking to be openly identified, are organizing to seek the rescue of former Magana ferries such as the "Sultana del Mar". Other ferries include the Blanca Beatriz and la Novia del Mar, and these boats are considered historical and iconic to islanders. The ferries worked over the past 50 years providing passenger and cargo service. It appears there is some dispute within the Magana family over the boats, which remains unresolved. There are islanders who think the boats could be restored to be used for recreational trips or they could removed from the water and placed in a museum.
Vehicle ferry resumes normal schedule -
Regresa el ferry a su horario normal
0 22 de agosto de 2014
The vehicle ferry company discontinued the extra crossings they provided during the vacation period, and the schedule has returned to normal. Except Sundays the schedule is: From Isla Mujeres to Punta Sam the boat leaves at 06:00, 09:30, 12:45, 16:15 & 19:15, and from Punta Sam to the island it departs at 07:15, 11:00, 14:45, 17:30 & 20:15 horas. On Sundays the schedule is: From Isla Mujeres to Punta Sam the ferry departs at 08:00, 12:00, 16; 15 & 19:15, and from Punta Sam to the island it leaves at: 9:15, 13:30, 17:30 & 20:15.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- -
Number of jobs decreases by 30%Economía
Disminuye 30% la oferta de empleos
0 22 de agosto de 2014
CROC labor union representative Román Maldonado Euán said the number of jobs at hotels and other accommodation centers has been reduced by 30% with the end of vacation period. Recruitment of personnel has been suspended by most hotels, with the reduction in the number of visitors, which especially affects temporary employees such as waiters and bartenders. Many of those who are on staff as maids and maintenance workers are less affected. The situation could be normalized by the end of October or November, depending on weather conditions. In mid November, tourism arrivals improve again, and hotel occupancy rebounds, he explained.
Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.-
Noticias de Diario Respuesta...
"Old News" from recent headlines
Foreigner on bicycle fractures collarbone
Se lesiona clavícula al derrapar de “bici”
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres Jesus Molina

Read more: Se lesiona clavícula al derrapar de “bici”
Crecen las quejas contra Cablemás
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres
Read more: Crecen las quejas contra Cablemás
Destruction of mangroves with construction of home
Destruyen un manglar por la construcción de una vivienda
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres Jesus Molina
Read more: Destruyen un manglar por la construcción de una vivienda
Destacan logros de programa estatal
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres

This is in the Continental Zone of the municipality of Isla Mujeres, about recycling trash for food.
Impulsa Agapito el autoempleo
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres

Read more: Impulsa Agapito el autoempleo
Pone Sedesol en operación dos programas
- Written by Diario Respuesta
- Category: Isla Mujeres Jesus Molina
Read more: Pone Sedesol en operación dos programas
Preocupa a padres pago de becas
- Written by Diario Respuesta Jesus Molina
- Category: Isla Mujeres

por esto
Finishing CRIM: By year's end
El CRIM Isla Mujeres, hasta fin de año[+] Ver mas
The Municipal Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center (CRIM) is being built to consist of an area of 380 square meters, where they will have office areas for medical consultations as well as consults in psychology, social work, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and a therapeutic tank, and an area for neuro stimulation. The facility is expected to benefit 1620 disabled residents of the municipality, with an investment of 8 million pesos.
Construction is about 65 percent complete, and is expected to be finished in December, at which time facility should be up and running "almost immediately" according to the state DIF Director, Mariana Zorrilla de Borge. She said the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 15 percent of the people of Mexico have a physical, mental, or sensory disability. She explained that the state DIF works continually with coordinate between the three levels of government to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in various social programs.
Resuming public works
Se reactivará la obra pública[+] Ver mas
There will be 50 million pesos invested in various public works projects, said Ariel Caballero Garcia, who is responsible for municipal public works. This includes 10 million pesos being invested in repaving and sidewalks for Juarez Avenue, as well as the construction of a dome at the high school Colegio Bachilleres, and maintenance at the grade school Andrés Quintana Roo and the preschool Enriqueta Camarillo.
He did not specify the other projects expected before the end of the year, but it is assumed that a new walkway (andador) will be built along the coastal road by the runway to the Colegio Bachilleres high school, an area where hundreds of tourists pass in golf carts daily. There is also a need to finish the curbs, sidewalks, and ramps in several areas downtown.
Maintaining scholarship program
Mantendrán programa de becas escolares[+] Ver mas
The project to distribute 70 or more educational scholarships in Isla Mujeres has had an extension of the registration deadline from September 1st to September 8th, according to the Ministry of Education of Quintana Roo (SEyC). There are three types of scholarships, paying 150, 200, or 400 pesos per quarter, for students in primary, middle school, and higher levels of education. A minimum grade point of 8 is required for the 150 peso scholarship, and 9 for the 200 peso grant. Registration is available between 9am and 2pm. As of Monday there had been 20 people coming to apply, however less than a dozen had the documentation required for application. This information was supplied by the Isla Mujeres representative for the SEyC, Dayana Avalo Solís.
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Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
Karen Rosenberg's
NEED DIABETES SUPPLIES FOR OCTOBER DIABETES CLINIC: We have been doing Diabetes Clinics on Isla Mujeres for five years, with more local residents participating annually. This is a joint project of bilingual social workers, nurses, and other health care professionals originally from the USA, working with Isleno community partners. Diabetes is now the primary cause of death in Mexico.
Aug. 26 Kapanga at Poc Na
Link to video
Sept 5 Los Cafres at Poc Na
Linkto video above
John Cain's schedule
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Thurs, Marina Paraiso 7-9 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 630 to 830 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pmdiscontinued for now
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun
Sat ~2p Frequencia
Sun ~2p Salsa
Weekday's ~2p.. Various artists including
Chucho (Jesus Campezino) Tues & Thurs, Cuban & Caribbean & Latin music Wed, Fri, (Sat & Sun)
Sometimes they cancel Sat's but not Sun's.
Schedule may change now that summer vaca season just ended
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.
Saturday afternoon ~3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
August Events
Turtle hatchling releases at Media Luna & Guadalupana (eastern) beaches TBA (Usually 1-2 days before event.)
(Gets 10 min later across month)
Aug 1 ~6:20am
Aug 31 ~6:30am
(Gets 20 mins earlier across month)
Aug 1 ~7:25p
Aug 31 ~7:05p
Aug 9 5:05 am ~Full moon sets before sunrise
Aug 10 6:11am Full moon sets ~sunrise
Aug 10 Full Moon Rises at 7:18p Sunset ~7:20p
Aug 11 Sunset ~7:20p Moonrise 8:07p
Aug 12 Moonrise 8:54p
Aug 13 Moonrise 9:40p
Aug 14 Moonrise 10:25p
Aug 15 Moonrise 11:10p
Aug 7, Thursday Artist Fair on the Square 5:30-9:30 Summer Hours
Aug 15 Friday
11a City Council room: Presentation of the book "Isla Mujeres a traves del tiempo, tomo II. Fidel Villanueva Madrid, Historian of the City
7pm Documentary Exposition Town Hall Pasillo
7:30pm Inauguration of Photographic Exposition Hidalgo Avenue
Aug. 16 Saturday 8pm Town Square
Presentation of the show: "Monsters & Mayan Legends" (Monstruos y Leyendas Mayas)
Presentation of a dance: Traditions of Isla Mujeres"
Regional Night with an orchestra from the township of Felipe Carrillo Puerto
Aug. 17 Sunday
9am Port Authority Pier (#6) Floral offering for the 20th anniversary of the sinking of the Cruz de la Bahia/Cross in the Bay
Following Mass: Procession from the Church on the Town Square celebrating the Virgin of Assumption going down Guerrero, to Lopez Mateos, then down Rueda Medina, main street. The walkers will return to the square via Morelos, while the decorated carts go farther down Medina to loop back from the south to the north. There is a contest for the top five decorated carts.
8pm Town Square
Official Session of the City Council commemorating the 164th Anniversary of the founding of Isla Mujeres
Homage to the founding families
Giving of the Award for Citizenship
Giving of the Award for Tourism
On August 31, about 500 athletes, both Mexican and international, are expected to participate in an open water swimming competition, Competencia de Nado de Aguas Abiertas, at Playa Norte/North Beach. The swimmers will travel distances between 250 meters and five kilometers, with the course being defined by a rectangle of buoys off Playa Norte. Dozens of foreigners are expected to participate, especially from the United States.
Whale Shark Season ...ends Sept 15
It is Sea Turtle Mating & Nesting season
Red & Blue crabs are migrating to the sea for spawning during full moons
Turtle releases August-Sept dates TBA, usually only a day or two in advance Caribbean-Mayan Cultural Festival TBA Nov?
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