Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In Isla Mujeres Daily News Tuesday, March 11 The Afternoon & "Catch Up" Edition

  The first issue of The Isla Mujeres Magazine to benefit Isla charities has been published, featuring  a variety of talented writers and photographers! Thank-you to everyone who has visited & shared it! 
Check out the Charity document, patronize the supportive businesses & visit the blogs of the talented contributors! Contact me at westofcuba@gmail.com if you'd like to donate $15 to your fav charity, for an ad. Good causes, good exposure. Ad for a year is a $45 donation. 100% is contributed.

Feel free to copy & share the Charity document! Telling your friends about the Magazine & sharing links helps Isla Charities, too. Your support is appreciated & small efforts add up to big differences. Thanks! 

This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte

   Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....

Combating malnutrition

Identifying children with problems

Inicia combate a la desnutrición

Lunes, 10 de Marzo de 2014 22:57

Identifican a menores con problemas

Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de marzo.-
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Delegates with the National Crusade Against Hunger are planning to register more that 120 children between the ages of five and nine in Isla Mujeres for the program "Identifying Malnourished Children". This is the first time this program has come to the island, and registration is available today and Tuesday from 8am to 4pm at the Department of Social Development.
       The program provides food, medicines, and ongoing health checks. Seguro Popular participates in the medical monitoring, while the Oportunidades agency maintains information and registration.  SEDESOL is the federal agency that promotes the campaign nationally (Ministry of Social Development). Children whose mothers are enrolled in the Oportunidades program are included.

Remodeling the church

Ongoing investment of 400,000 pesos Church of Immaculate Conception 

Remodelan iglesia

Lunes, 10 de Marzo de 2014 22:46

Presbítero de la Inmaculada Concepción continúa inversión de $400 mil en obras

Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de marzo.- 
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The improvements to the downtown Catholic church began about two weeks ago and include remodeling the altar, a space suitable for crypts, the building of a new balcony for the choir, and saving the spaces in the church used for catechism classes. They also opened up and improved the altar that is by the side of the church This work involves and investment of about 400,000 pesos, which was obtained from parishioners and entrepreneurs of Isla Mujeres and Cancun. Other work that is planned would require about a million pesos, and the priest noted that his depends on resources. The priest said that this is the most visited church on the island, and that they are using highest quality materials to add new elements to the existing structure.

Sterilizing pets at Mundaca Hacienda

Until March 14th

Esterilizan mascotas en hacienda Mundaca

Lunes, 10 de Marzo de 2014 22:33

Hasta el próximo día 14

Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de marzo.- 
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The second Pet Sterilization Brigade is being held by the City of Isla Mujeres, with the Isla Animals association, and the Comité de Cuidado y Defensa Animal (CCDA) from March 10th to 14th, with excellent participation. This sterilization campaign represents a joining of efforts between citizen associations and governmental organizations to control and protect pets and strays in Isla Mujeres. It includes education about pet care, bathing animals to fight ticks and fleas, cosmetic services, and vaccines against parvo and distemper. All services are free, except the vaccines which are given at a reduced cost of 50 pesos. Pet owners who want animals who will live longer and are quieter, more obedient, better behaved, and healthier are encouraged to register at the following cell numbers: 9981290896 (español), 9982290408 (English) and 2742579 (Department of Ecology). The director of the Ecology agency explained they have been doing pre registration for the past three weeks, and all citizens who have not yet registered are encouraged to call because pets are being accepted.
   It was also announced that a rabies vaccination campaign will take place on March 22 at the Iguanas Park, at 9am, in coordination with the Ministry of Health. This campaign for protection and control includes placement of a collar with a code on the pet, to provide general information about the pet and owner in the future.

Anti-bullying campaign begun by Marthy

Duro contra bullying

Lunes, 10 de Marzo de 2014 22:32

Inauguran pláticas de prevención impulsadas por Marthy

Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 10 de marzo.-
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This program to prevent bullying and school violence  began yesterday at the elementary school "Andres Quintana Roo", and will take place in all the primary schools of the municipality. It is sponsored by the DIF social service agency and the Program for Attention to Children and Adolescents At Risk (PANNAR), and is titled  “Todos Contra el Bullying”. It includes a letter that is a contract of nonviolence that challenges the students to take responsibility against violent behavior toward their peers, family, and society and to respect other people and other ideas. The talks are being given by psychologist Guadalupe Concepción Canul Arceo.


 Massive Zumba class to commemorate International Day of Women

Para conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujer

Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de marzo.-
The event took place on the Town Square, with female city officials participating, as well as women of all ages, in this activity that promotes health by improving physical conditioning. The instructors of "Dale Play" led the large class. 

Human Rights office in Palacio Municipal

En bajos del Palacio municipal

Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 9 de marzo.The module will be  open Monday through Friday at the Palacio Municipal, following an agreement between municipal officials and a representative of the Human Rights Commission of Quintana Roo. (CDHeQRoo)

 Tvisla Mujeres

No child should suffer malnutrition: Delegate of "Oportunidades" program

Successful animal sterilization campaign continues in Isla Mujeres

City seeking to reduce trash at Transfer facility

Tv Isla Mujeres | Buscará Ayuntamiento de #IslaMujeres reducir basura de la estación de...
www.tvislamujeres.com.mx LINK  

Noticias de  Quequi......

SEDESOL fights hunger & malnutrition

  • Levantan censo de desnutrición


    Levantan censo de desnutrición

    0 10 de marzo de 2014

    Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- Fortifica la Sedesol lucha contra el hambre
  • Extienden campaña de esterilización
    Sterilization campaign continues 


    Extienden campaña de esterilización

    0 10 de marzo de 2014

    Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- Buscan erradicar el problema en el que se ha convertido con la fauna callejera en el municipio.
  • Restablecen presencia de la Cdheqroo


    Re establishing the presence of CKHEQRoo

    Restablecen presencia de la Cdheqroo

    0 09 de marzo de 2014

    Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- Atenderá módulo lunes y viernes, de 10:00 a 15:00 horas.
  • Temen se dispare aún más el limón
    Concern that price of limes could rise to 60p/kg during Lent


    Temen se dispare aún más el limón

    0 09 de marzo de 2014

    Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi.- En Cuaresma, el precio del cítrico podría rebasar los $60 por Kg.


274,000 tourists arrived on the island


    Arriban 274 mil turistas a la ínsula Arriban 274 mil turistas a la ínsula

    0 07 de marzo de 2014

    Por Redacción < Quequi .- La Apiqroo mantiene las expectativas de hace un año.
  • Continuará la buena temporada turística


    Good tourist season continues

    Continuará la buena temporada turística

    0 07 de marzo de 2014

    Por Carlos Gasca > Quequi .- Prestadores náuticos esperan un repunte para mayo, con el avistamiento del tiburón ballena.

Providers of nautical services in Isla Mujeres expect increased business when the whale shark season begins in mid-May, and they have begun the process of renewing their certificates and permits. There are a total of 135 licensees engaged in this activity. They are expressing concerns regarding promotion of the tours, since the Tourism Promotional agency for Isla Mujeres was discontinued and incorporated into the tourism promotional agency in Cancun. 

Noticias de Diario Respuesta...

Women celebrate with Zumba class

Festejan a las mujeres con clase de zumba

Festejan a las mujeres con clase de zumba

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Storm grates needing replacement & repairs

Solicitan cambio de alcantarillado

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Contaminated water into Makax Lagoon

Llegan aguas negras a laguna de Makax

The reporter was notified by Sra. Gloria Martinez of  colonia Miraflores that a sewer drain overflowed and some of the contaminated water went into Makaz Lagoon, and was causing a foul odor on their street.
   The reporter went to the area and found workers of Aguacan with tanker truck and pumps vacuuming up the water and doing everything possible to contain and address the problem. The situation was under control within minutes and then the workers flushed the area with clean water. 
      The reporter notified the resident of the solution and thanked her for her notification about  this problem, which was solved almost immediately.
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Exciting preseason game

Emocionante juego de pretemporada

Emocionante juego de pretemporada

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Rehabilitating the downtown basketball court 
Rehabilitan la cancha de basquetbol del centro
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Cleaning up the environment

Ponen ciudadanos el ejemplo en ecología

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Courses for seamen

Validarán a los hombres de la mar en náutica

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Enjoying the free services

Gozan de los servicios gratuitos

Gozan de los servicios gratuitos
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 por esto

~200 Illegal boats

Cerca de 200 embarcaciones irregulares[+] Ver mas
Officials and inspectors are working to increase awareness about requirements among boaters to keep their documents in order and to meet all safety requirements. There are at least 3000 boats in use between Holbox and Xcalak, including about 500 tourists and fishing boats of Isla Mujeres, of which about 200 are 'irregular'. Training is taking place in classes with a maximum of 30 participants, teaching maritime safety, and these classes are required for crew members. Between the yachts, tourism boats, and fishermen there are at least 10,000 crew members. It is complicated to train them all in the need to comply with the regulations on maritime safety. 

Controversy over Salina Grande sports dome
Polémica por domo deportivo en la Salina Grande [+] Ver mas
The construction of this multiputpose sports facility in Salina Grande should be completed later this month, at the park known as La Juala, with resources from the state government, through the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (SINTRA). The area under a domed roof will also be used for workshops and lectures, as well as sports.
       Large steel structures are being erected to hold the sheets of zinc. Some observers have concerns about the suitability of steel structures outdoors in Isla Mujeres, and point to the deteriorating Sculpture Park at Punta Sur. It is noted that the CFE Federal Electrical Commission is considering using wooden poles to replace the concrete ones that were placed en masse in 2005 after Hurricane Wilma, because of problems with deterioration.  It is noted that salt eats through steel very quickly, requiring frequent and otherwise unnecessary maintenance every year.
          It is suggested that kindergartens use plastics and wood to avoid these expenses.

Pet sterilization campaign
Campaña de esterilización de mascotas[+] Ver mas

Anti bullying campaign in schools
Programa contra el “bullyin” en escuelas [+] Ver mas


 Cahuameros: In grand final
Cahuameros, en la gran final[+] Ver mas
 They will next play their rivals Rebotera of Cancun, leaving behind the Islenos of Cozumel, who they beat 75-64 at the Convention Center, at the end of a four game series, where the honors had been split between the two teams.  Due to a previous loss of 68-61, the islanders needed to win by at least ten points, which was achieved at the last minute by Miguel Garcia with a final basket giving a difference of 13 points.

Zumba event celebrates women of Isla Mujeres

Jornada de Zumba para festejar a las féminas de Isla Mujeres[+] Ver mas

Human Rights office returns
Regresa Derechos Humanos .. [+] Ver mas


Shortage at fishing cooperatives
Desabasto en cooperativas pesqueras[+] Ver mas
According to restauranteurs, the five fishing cooperatives do not have enough inventory during Lent to supply local businesses, so they must turn to companies with higher prices. The causes of the problem are varied, and include the weather, the current bans on grouper and snapper bans which end on March 16th,  and the general scarcities due to overfishing,
      The lobster fishing ban began March 1st, and fishermen are complaining that they are concerned that the City will not be offering them financial support, as had been done by the previous PAN government.
      The fishing boats were parked for several days due to effects from cold front #40, but some seamen were able to fish near the isle and supply the needs of some families with seafood that is fresher and less expensive than that offered by the franchise Super markets. It is expected that conditions on Sunday and Monday should allow them to go out to sea.

Increasing lime prices
Imparable el precio del limón.. [+] Ver mas
On Saturday, the two branches of one franchise grocery were offering limes on sale for 38.45 pesos/kg, but the price was about to rise to 48.8, while the competition offered them for 36.65, but the price was not marked. It is predicted that the price will continue to rise, and could go up to 60 pesos/kilo during Lent.
     Although help exists from the citrus production region of Oxhutzcab Yucatan, serious supply problems are being experienced in the areas of Michoacan and Columa. This is pushing up the costs of seafood dishes, which usually include limes. Limes will cost 5-6 pesos each, depending on their size.
     Other prices  are increasing and given as follows (per kilo) from the franchise supermarkets: potatoes increased from 20 to 23.90 pesos;  Hass avacados, from 29.90 to 34.95; and red onions are at 49.90 pesos, on sale.  Except avocados, these prices usually don't exceed 10 pesos/kg, and it is the same with Tabasco bananas that are sold for 15 pesos on sale. Nothing is cheap, and this includes tomatoes, said housewives.  A worker commented on the difficulties caused by Tax Reform, making it hard to stretch their salary when it gets to be the end of the (second) week. (People are paid every 15 days).




Isla Contoy: Endangered
Isla Contoy, en peligro [+] Ver mas

There are regulations limiting the number of visitors to Isla Contoy to a maximum of 200 daily, but in recent years there have been 250 tourists or more allowed to enter the national refuge and park, which is under the protection of National Commission of Natural Protected Areas ( Conanp ) , and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources ( SEMARNAT).
       It became a protected area in 1961, but it has experienced problems, such as those in the early 90's that led to a temporary closure by Presidential order, when it was confirmed that fishermen were having 'orgies' with prostitutes, and there was also a problem with the proliferation of dogs, which was threatening the avian population.
   There will be a meeting next Friday at the Community Center to discuss the agreement betwen CONANP and the Friends of Isla Contoy, but it is unclear whether measures will be taken to stop the violation of the regulations and to enforce the limits on capacity.
    The regulations also prohibit visitors from removing or touching the plants and animals, and they are allowed to watch birds from afar to avoid disturbing them. Visitors are required to restrict their activities to the beaches. trails, and public facilities.
     When the limit of 200 people a day is exceeded, the park becomes chaotic, and tourists do not have enough space for recreation. In recent years large vessels have been allowed to enter, such as those of Cubano-Mexicano Aldo Chaviano, whose boats carry over 100 people. The agencies and boats that arrive share an income per tourist of 180 dollars (This amount should probably say 'pesos'), so each additional person means a lot of money. This natural attraction is promoted in the Riviera Maya, and groups travel for 6 hours to Punta Sam to board a boat to the "Bird Island".
   This overload could affect the bird population which includes 152 species of birds with a winter population of over 10,000 birds including frigates, brown pelicans, geese, terns, swallows, herons,  comorants,  and "pájaro bobo" (literally: stupid bird). There are 98 species of plants, and mangroves cover 70 percent of the surface of the island. There are reptiles, crustaceans, and fish in the area, as well as endangered marine turtles (hawksbill, loggerhead, and green turtles).

Three bilingual police officers
Tres elementos bilingues [+] Ver mas
Three officers who speak English will begin patrolling downtown on Monday, and there are plans to increase the number of officers with basic English available to assist tourists and respond to their concerns and complaints. It is noted that a complaint was filed last week by credit card holder Roger Gaspar Quijano Suaste, and an investigation is ongoing, concerning his card which was misplaced two weeks ago, and when he reported this to his bank, a charge had been made for 11,500 pesos by a business on Hidalgo. The business records show its name as El Rincon, but that is not written on the exterior facade.
      There is conjecture that there could be a possible association with reports of thefts from tourists in golf carts at the southern part of the island and this business. It is noted that in the past three months there have been nearly a dozen theft complaints thefts made by visitors. An investigation is being coordinated between agents of the municipal departments of Tourism, Urban Development, and Enforcement (Fiscalization).

No one exchanging arms
No se animan a entregar las armas [+] Ver mas
No one came to the opening of the module to turn in any firearms, which is part of a national campaign. This program will continue for a total of 15 days, and the module is located at the Palacio Municipal.
     There will be no questions asked and the swap takes place at the table, where  the maximum payment would be 4000 pesos for an automatic or semi-automatic weapon, and the minimum amount  is 500 pesos of delivery of 15 rounds of ammunition.
     The module will be there through the 20th of this month, including Saturdays and Sundays, during office hours. The community is invited to turn in their guns, which can represent a serious danger to children in their homes.

Race: "Reto Rooster on the Go"

Carrera “Reto Roosteronthego” [+] Ver mas

This 15 km race will take place March 30th with the goal to promote this destination among foreign athletes who enjoy training in natural landscapes and to encourage physical activity among local residents. The proceeds will be donated to a public charity and the intent of the event is to promote the sport and the location.
      The Reto Rooster (or Rooster Challenge...reto=challenge) a trip around the island from the eastern malecon at 'kilometer zero', down the perimeter coastal Caribbean road, around Garrafon, up Rueda Medina and its boardwalk back to the starting point. But it is noted that the competitors must eat a cinnamon roll and go 200 meters more on the beach to reach the finish line.
        There is also a mini-challenge with a 5 kilometer route. The registration fee of 250 pesos can be given at the premises of Rooster (Restaurant. Their main restaurant is toward the north end of Hidalgo, and their new bakery is near Poc Na hostel, in the new retail spaces by the artisans 'flea' market.)
      There are about 200 runners expected to participate in this first edition and it is noted that this invitation is for a recreational challenge rather than serious competition, to encourage people to visit the island and enjoy this location. Awards will be given to the top five men and women.
      There will be a practice, training run held on March 15th at 6:30 am and everyone is invited to join in, including both foreigners and islanders.
  This blog is brought to you by....
MaraVilla Caribe   Bed & Beach
   Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with  kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of  Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate.  Quiet & Private.   
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available.   Downtown is  ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll  sleep to the sounds of the sea.$275/$325/$425 wk   $40/50/$65nt  Monthly Discounts

View from rooms
Small room
Large room
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe or Monchi's,shop at Chedraui or visit restaurants, bars, & beach clubs; minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a pharmacy and variety of other stores and small local restaurants

 Charity Info
See tab at top of page!

Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross:  Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)

 Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Shoes for the Kids, Items for Little Yellow School House...Barlitos:  is closed & relocating. email me at westofcuba@gmail for help arranging pick ups. Kathy Ennis has volunteered to fill in. They plan to reopen at Marina Paraiso in March.



Miguel's high season schedule:

Thursday & Friday at 6pm Marina Paraiso Isla Mujeres with Seblues Hernandez Miranda - blues variety
Wednesday - Saturday at 10:30 Fayne's BarandGrill with La Banda Sin Nombre - Rock, blues & pop
Friday - Saturday at 12:00 mn Tequileria La Adelita with La Banda Sin Nombre - Salsa & Mexican
Sunday at 7:00 Bahia Tortuga with The Sol Rockers - Rock & blues 

 John Cain's schedule   
Tuesday, Cafe Del Mar, solo, 8 to 10 pm
Saturday, The Sunset Grill, solo, 530 to 730 pm
Sunday, Bahia Tortuga, The Sol Rockers, 630 to 900 pm 
Banda Sin Nombre at Chuuk Kay 3:30p Sat & Sun

Domingo Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! ::  Sunday Live Salsa with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No Falten!! 
Fenix Sat ~1 or 2p Reggae/Cuban  

       Sun ~1 or 2p Salsa 
(Start times have been variable. Posted on menu board by entrance)
Fenix Lounge   Domingo Salsa en Vivo con ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! :: Sunday Live Salsa with ¡¡Puro Sabor - Salsa Cubana !! + Gratis/FREE Chilpachole Pa' la Cruda! + Tragos/Drinks + SUP & Kayak :: See You There!! / No Falten!!
You may find live music after 9 or 10 on Hidalgo at Fayne's, La Terraza, or  Comono, and at Poc Na Hostel.

Texas Holdem Every Monday and Thursday
 at 6:00pm   El Patio Caribbean Grill


Events for the week of International Women's Day...


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