Here's the webcam LINK, which also has time lapse of the past 24 hours. |
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~June 2-Tuesday's report for the municipality of Isla Mujeres remains unchanged.
Monday, June 1 The report for the municipality of Isla Mujeres remains unchanged.
Sunday, May 31The report for the municipality of Isla Mujeres is unchanged with 19 positives, 2 deaths and 10 recovered, leaving 7 active cases.
Tropical Storm Cristobol is causing flooding on the Gulf side of the Peninsula, and is expected to move northward across the Gulf on Friday. We've had some wind & rain here, but nothing exceptional-- we're outside the main area.
From the Isla Diabetes Clinic--Last week, we delivered the latest kits of personal protection equipment to the medical personnel of the Isla Mujeres emergency service. We thank you for all your support! A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Karen Rosenberg & Geovanny Avalos and everyone who donated!
June 1 -- Today the National Campaign of Social Distance officially ends, with Federal & State authorities cautioning citizens that the reopening will be careful & gradual, with restrictions. The Federal government has placed decisions into the hands of the states and municipalities, with weekly updates of the Federal Traffic Light system for guidance.
Our Governor said tourists can resume arriving June 8th, with businesses spending this week preparing preventative measures. (See post about State reopening)
The Municipal authorities said the beaches will remain closed until the Federal government approves reopening.
Here is what Mexico's coronavirus czar, Dr. Lopez-Gatell, said at last evening's National Press Conference (May 31)--
Today is the 70th day of the National Campaign of Healthy Distance and I want to give a very, very clear message to the citizens.
The epidemic does not end today, not today, no. To continue mitigating the Covid epidemic, the necessary restriction of mobility in public space is not ending today. It is not over today, the epidemic continues, and it is very important to continue with the mitigation measures, which are based on restricting mobility in public spaces.
Tomorrow, June 1, is not the return to normality, it is not for freely opening of all social, economic and, of course, educational activities. It is not, it is not. I emphasize this because it is essential for society to know that the danger persists and that the entire country is at red light status, with the exception of the state of Zacatecas, which is at orange light status...(He talks about Zacatecas)
The only difference with the conclusion of the National Campaign of Distance is that starting tomorrow, June 1, the provisions that help reduce infections will be in the hands the state governments, with their state health authorities, of course with the support and technical advice of the federal health authorities, and thus, the federal traffic light will accompany the risk identification efforts in the states. I wanted to make that very clear. Susana Distancia is here, she will continue to accompany us for several weeks. (She is the icon for Healthy (Sana) Distancing.)
He narrated the presentation of maps & graphics. noting Mexico has had 90,664 registered cases since the first case on February 28, of which 16,962 occurred in the past two weeks. There have been 275,000 tests of suspected cases and unfortunately, 9930 people have lost their lives. Nearly 71 people of every 100,000 inhabitants of Mexico have had Covid since Feb. 28th.
May 30-VIDEO The Governor is planning to release more information about the gradual reopening, particularly his plan to create a "Traffic Light" system for the state, in conjunction with the federal system, with the state divided into northern and southern regions. He explains that only 30% of staff will be allowed, restaurants will need to space their tables more, and the rest of us should continue to stay home.
NOTE--As of June 1st, the Federal government placed the decision making process for reopening in the hands of the Governors & Mayors, and our Governor says Tourism is essential to the economy of the state, and it will resume on June 8, in a restricted manner with preventative measures in place. Businesses should be making protocols and preparations this week, with up to 30% of staff allowed for internal work. The Federal definition of essential businesses that can remain open in their Red phase are those that meet basic needs of the general public, such as groceries, pharmacies, phone companies, etc. They have added construction, auto manufacturing, and mining as of June 1st.
According to the STATE system, tourism businesses like golf courses, theme parks & restaurants are allowed to open in the Red phase, at reduced percentages (but not this week).
The Federal government will issue weekly updates, so probably next Friday, & the state government should update their map before next Monday, June 8th.
June 1-The State of Quintana Roo's Plan for Reactivation
All the municipalities are in RED phase for June 1-7
The top graphic says--The return to touristic activities will be done in a gradual, orderly and secure manner.
Regionalization-Locate the region of your municipality (Northern)
Traffic Light-Locate the phase of your region:
RED-Maximum Risk-Only economic activities which are essential are permitted.
ORANGE-High Risk-Essential activities are permitted and some non essential activities with restrictions
YELLOW-Medium Risk-Reactivation of all work activities with restrictions
GREEN-Low Risk-Resumption of all economic, work, school, social, and leisure/recreational activities.
Traffic Light Criteria:
>New Cases of Covid
>Hospital Occupancy
Reactivation of Principal Activities
Sub-sectors & Phases- Red Orange Yellow Green
Lodging Businesses-30%, 40%, 60%, 100%
Food & Drink- 50, 60, 70, 100
Theme Parks- 30, 40, 60, 100
Tourism Transportation- 30, 40, 60, 100
Discotheques & Nightclubs- 0, 0, 0, 100
Tourism Marinas & Nautical Activities- 30, 40, 60, 100
Golf Courses- 30, 40, 60, 100
Conventions & DMC's* (# of persons)- 0, 30, 50, 100
Travel Agencies- 60, 70, 80, 100
Tourist Guides- 60, 70, 80, 100
Adventure/Nature Activity Operators- 30, 40, 60, 100
Diving & Aquatic Activity Operators- 30, 40, 60, 100
Continue Preventative Health Measures:
Frequent hand washing
Use of face masks
Sanitary distance of 1.5 meters
Sanitary isolation at home if presenting symptoms
Strict application of protocols
May 30-From Rosa Sirena's Restaurant--
The month of May we finished #islastrong. We were able to distribute 750+ hot meals and tortillas to Isla families. Rosa Sirena’s Chefs Willy Chacon, Victor Montañez Chan & Salomon Gurubel have knocked it out of the park week after week. Today was 350 orders of Pork & Garbanzo Bean Soup with fresh tortillas. As we all know getting anything done during lockdown is complicated & takes a lot of effort start to finish.
The Joint Reggae Bar Isla Mujeres came on board mid-month when we realized the need exceeded our capacity. It was too heartbreaking to have to tell anyone there was no food left. Penny Demming came to the rescue with The Joints kitchen to back us up. Chef Sofia Pool Chan’s food is fabulous. Today she made 200+ orders of spaghetti & meat sauce. Khris Días Aguilar & Victor Ambrocio ensured the food arrived perfect every time😊
Today we were joined by Annelise & Peter Krinisky’s Asia Caribe which increased our output by another 200+ meals. Their Chef Asunción Perez de la Cruz a/k/a Sushi made a hearty Lentil Soup with bacon, chorizo, smoked sausage & hotdogs. Mil gracias Annelise for the hard work and ensuring everything ran smoothly today.
We couldn’t manage to accomplish something on this scale without the support of the volunteer delivery teams. A big thank you to Fabian Rebolledo & Clara Yam {Guadalupana }; Annie Contreras {Isla Lashes} & Roberto Smith {Isla Driver Robby}; Tommy & Allison Merandi {BIO GREEN BLUE}; Jeff & Rhett McGahee {Isla Brewing Company - Cerveza Isla};and Chris Lane {Mundaca Real Estate} {IslaMujeres.info}, Mati Ross and Crystal Steele.
In addition, we would like to thank our partner Feed Isla for their ongoing support. We couldn’t bring a project of this size to fruition without them. This project was made possible by all of the restaurants donating their time and talent while working in tandem with Feed Isla. It only materialized due to the generosity of the donors. So thank you to each and every one of you. 💙
May 31 from the Little Yellow School House--
This is our last meal service for the island folks.Some of the students from the school made paintings to cheer up the folks it worked. Since the end of March the school has provided over 2000 meals to vulnerable people on the island. These were some of the most blessed moments we have ever experienced. Thank You everyone who helped we hope and pray that things will recover quickly on our little island in these times it is especially important not let vulnerable children fall through the cracks this is what the Little Yellow School House is all about.
May 31, Sunday morning at MaraVilla Caribe B&B
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Two turtle nests — at Maravilla Caribe. |
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Wandering mama turtle tracks on the neighbors upper beach |
Today, June 3, is the third anniversary of World Bicycle Day (declared by the UN April 2018) which celebrates & promotes bicycles as a environmentally sustainable, affordable reliable mean of transport meant for everyone.
Here's an article (in Spanish) recommending biking for tourists in Isla Mujeres (and Holbox & Cozumel).
Island beaches remain closed until Federal Government approves opening them
Although some sectors classified at basic necessities are gradually returning to activities starting on June 1st, such as construction, fishing and tourism, the beaches of Isla Mujeres will remain closed until the federal government determines they may reopen.
The Director of ZOFEMAT (Federal Zone agency), Kerem Pinto Aguilar, explained that although the beaches play a very important role in reviving tourism and the local economy, they are still closed to the general public, to avoid people congregating and causing the possible spread of Covid-19.
She said, "Work has been carried out with the minimum number of personnel and with the appropriate preventive measures to keep our beaches in optimal condition. Without a doubt they will play a very important role in the economic revival of our island, but it is important to return gradually and responsibly, because Covid-19 is still out there."
She added that Isla Mujeres is ready to enter the "New Normality", however the opening of the beaches will be in accordance with the determinations of the federal government and the Ministry of Health, to avoid exposure of both the families of the municipality and the visitors. In the meantime, surveillance work is being carried out in a coordinated manner by ZOFEMAT, Civil Protection, and the municipal police, inviting those who go to the beaches to return to their homes.
"We continue to be committed to preserving the health of our island families, and also those who visit us. Everything will occur gradually, so we urge you to be patient, responsible and to follow personal hygiene measures; to continue maintaining healthy distance and to always wear a face mask, because this is the only way we will soon move on to the 'New Normality'," she concluded.
The Isla Mujeres Mayor, Juan Carrillo Soberanis, participated in the virtual meeting of the installation of the state Hurricane & Tropical Storms Committee ( Comité Estatal para la Atención de Fenómenos Hidrometeorológicos 2020)
Construction sites must get reopening permit from the municipality, as well as an authorization from IMSS. Details are given.
VIDEO from Civil Protection about the start of hurricane season and the general forecast for storms & hurricanes of various categories. He gives the number of shelters on the island and mainland, and explains their capacity will be reduced due to Covid. He gives advice about avoiding trash in the streets which can cause flooding by obstructing drainage. He gives assurances that they are prepared for the storm season.
There are information-graphics with one encouraging use of the contraceptive patch and one encouraging use of condoms. There are Covid-19 prevention information graphics.
When President Obrador visited the Naval Base on the island on Monday for Dia de Marino, he was given a memento in the form of the Whale Shark monument, and the event included placing a wreath in the Bay in memory of fallen sailors. He expressed his appreciation to Naval personnel. (After the event he inaugurated the Cancun-Merida section of the Tren Maya/Mayan Train project.)
Reduction of fees for these documents as a fiscal stimulus during the Covid contingency.
May 31-There is a reminder from the Mayor not to let our guard down as we enter the Nueva Normalidad
May 30-VIDEO of Governor talking about the reactivation of Quintana Roo. Together "Together,We will Move Forward, gradually, orderly and safely, if we follow the protocols and health measures that the new normal demands of us."
State fiscal stimulus program is extended for the month of June. LINK
VIDEO (of suspects being place in back of a police truck)whose caption says six people were arrested following a chase (pursuit) that concluded with a review of a residence in Salina Chica by personnel with the National Guard and municipal Police. Unofficial initial reports say weapons and security vests were confiscated. (Noti Isla Mujeres & Por Esto report that five suspects were arrested)
The brush fire season concluded in Quintana Roo with a total of 31,100 hectares affected. (which is 120 square miles). LINK
VIDEO (of car being taken away on the bed of a truck) with caption: After five subjects were arrested in colonia Salinas by the National Guard and municipal Police, for carrying firearms exclusively used by the army, a compact car was also seized, on June 1st, when the President was visiting.
There are two videos of roadblock/checkpoints keeping traffic out of downtown due to the presidential visit.
Photos of Paco Romo distributing 27 "dispensas" (bags of basic staples) to vendors including the tricycle vendors of sweet corn and other products and the tinguistas in colonia La Gloria.
Videos of roadblocks during presidential visit and demonstrators with signs.
From Por Esto :
Por Esto reports that some customers of HSBC bank planned a protest for 9am on Monday morning because their money has not been returned from the hacking event affecting about 70 people, including Roman Maldonado and Nrma Diaz who provided this information to the newspaper. They said they might go to the Naval base later, where the President is scheduled to visit.
Por Esto reports about the possible reopening of the office that renews vehicle registrations & license plates (among other services): Both June 1st and June 3rd ere considered for the reopening of the offices of Income Collection in Isla Mujeres so that taxpayers could carry out or conclude the procedures for vehicle registration and license plate renewal. These dates were not finally confirmed, and so far there is no definite date to resume work in that agency, although it transpired that it may not be until July 1st, tentatively. LINK
The Isla Mujeres Community Hospital has resumed the following services, with all measures of precaution: pediatrics, vaccinations, routine prenatal consults, family planning, laboratory, and external consultations, according to the Hospital Director, Leily Guadalupe Osorio Mares. She said precautionary measures that have been in place since the beginning of the pandemic will continue.
There is a checkpoint/filter outside the entrance, whose staff person said that there were about eight patients treated at the hospital on Tuesday, after it opened to the public for these general services on Monday.
Dr. Osoriao said they are trying to provide services by appointment to prevent saturation at the hospital, and they will continue to have external filters so that anyone who arrives with respiratory symptoms and could be a suspected case of Covid-19, will enter through the door at the right, to the CARR respiratory isolation room. Those who come for other types of consultations enter through the other door. Everyone who enters must wear a mask and only seniors, minors, and those with disabilities may be accompanied, by one companion, and other adults must enter alone.
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Four rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
sand beach and
the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & fast WIFI. In the upscale
neighborhood of Bachilleres,
convenient to downtown
the colonias, yet
separate. Quiet & Private.
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A large slider
opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table
& chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole,
and the outdoor shower is out of the pic at left. "Reverse Sunset" (looking east from MVC) |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. We provide a list of links & direction to over 20 eateries within ten minutes walk, including Mango Cafe, Mike's Pizza, Brisas, Rosa Sirena, Coco Jaguar, Manolitos, La Chatita, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui & the local craft brewery. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores.
Full moon rising over the Caribbean
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Just after Sunset--June 5 7:36 (sun sets 7:27p)
June 6 8:38
June 7 9:37
June 8 10:30
June 9 11:17
Sunset 7:25-7:33pm (beginning vs end of month) Sunrise 6:05--6:09am Painting by Pamela Haase at MVC |

The season for swimming with the whale sharks normally takes place during June, which ends annually in mid-September. They congregate and feed on a 'buffet' of plankton and fish eggs from a type of tuna. Rays are also attracted to the feeding areas. Photo by Tony Garcia

In June, there are fishing bans on Lobster (fishing resumes July 1st), Octopus (resumes Aug.1), Shrimp (resumes Oct. 15), conch (reusmes Nov.1) and shark.
Monday, June 1 Dia de Marina / Naval Day
Friday, June 5 World Environmental Day
Monday, June 8 World Oceans Day
Saturday, June 20 Summer Solstice
Sunday, June 21 is Father's Day
Sources for Weather Information:
LINK to Civil Protection Q Roo weather bulletin (Spanish)
LINK to Mexico National Weather Service (Spanish)
LINK to satellite images for the Mexico National Weather Service
LINK to GOES East Band 16 GIF (animation)
LINK to a private weather station on Isla Mujeres
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