Here's the webcam LINK, which also has time lapse of the past 24 hours. |
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1. Today, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will unveil plans for the next stage, with a "new normal" in Mexico.
2. Yesterday, Mexico had the most deaths & most infections in one day.
3. Q Roo had a spike in deaths yesterday (22) with 14 of those in Cancun. The previous peak was 23 last Tuesday.
4. The intensity of transmission in Cancun has begun to drop according to Mexico's coronavirus czar, Dr. Lopez Gatell.
1. President Obrador said this will not be a return to normality, but rather to a new normal, because reality has changed and is "another". He said, "We have to start a new stage, with other procedures, other methods, other attitudes and other behaviors, but we are going to return to the new normal." He had previously announced that some areas of Mexico with low rates of coronavirus transmission would be able to begin reopening on May 17th, while the rest of the country would wait until June 1st.
Today, officials will explain which municipalities are without infections and which are most affected, which determines the protocols for reopening economic, social and academic activities, within a 'new normalcy'. He said of the more than 2400 municipalities in the country, about 1000 have cases of Covid-19, about 1000 have none but have neighboring municipalities with infections, and about 300-400 are completely clean. He said that fortunately, many indigenous communities have not been affected as much, particularly in Oaxaca.
2. Yesterday Mexico's death toll from coronavirus reached a new high at 353 reported in one day, topping last Tuesday's record of 237. There are now a total of 3926 deaths. There were 1997 new infections reported yesterday, which is the highest since May 7th, when there were 1982. Originally the Ministry of Health predicted Mexico's peak of infections for May 6, then May 7, then May 8-20. Some academics are predicting the peak on June 20th.
3. Q Roo had a spike in deaths yesterday (22) with 14 of those in Cancun. The previous peak was 23 last Tuesday. There were 26 new infections in the state yesterday, with 18 of those in Cancun. The state has had a total of 211 deaths, of whom 160 were in Cancun.
4. Yesterday, Dr. Lopez Gatell, Mexico's coronavirus czar said that the intensity of transmission of cases in Cancun is beginning to drop. He also said the 'coming to an end' of the National Campaign of Healthy Distance won't be a complete release at once, but rather, it will be done carefully, with specific conditions and prevention measures, which include a 'traffic light' system for reopening activities, so that a large number of people do not suddenly return to public spaces. He said that the risk of a regrowth is in proportion to the number of people who return and the percentage of mobility in public spaces, therefore, the return “has to be done in an organized and very careful manner". He said that at this stage everyone must collaborate and participate because the undesirable consequences could be a return to restriction of mobility.
It has now been 52 days since the confinement began in March.
Written by Ronda Winn Roberts of Isla Mujeres News & Events sponsored by MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach.
Red Light-Green Light & Mexico's "New Normality"
President López Obrador concluded by saying that the application of the plan by each state is voluntary. States may decide whether to heed the color assigned by the federal government and act accordingly, or they may also consider their own rules, or simply ignore the plan to reactivate activities.
Source-This morning's National Press Conference. This afternoon, Dr. Lopez-Gatell, Mexico's coronavirus czar, will give another press conference. Written by Ronda Winn-Roberts for Isla Mujeres News & Events, Sponsored by MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
2. Yesterday, Mexico had the most deaths & most infections in one day.
3. Q Roo had a spike in deaths yesterday (22) with 14 of those in Cancun. The previous peak was 23 last Tuesday.
4. The intensity of transmission in Cancun has begun to drop according to Mexico's coronavirus czar, Dr. Lopez Gatell.
1. President Obrador said this will not be a return to normality, but rather to a new normal, because reality has changed and is "another". He said, "We have to start a new stage, with other procedures, other methods, other attitudes and other behaviors, but we are going to return to the new normal." He had previously announced that some areas of Mexico with low rates of coronavirus transmission would be able to begin reopening on May 17th, while the rest of the country would wait until June 1st.
Today, officials will explain which municipalities are without infections and which are most affected, which determines the protocols for reopening economic, social and academic activities, within a 'new normalcy'. He said of the more than 2400 municipalities in the country, about 1000 have cases of Covid-19, about 1000 have none but have neighboring municipalities with infections, and about 300-400 are completely clean. He said that fortunately, many indigenous communities have not been affected as much, particularly in Oaxaca.
2. Yesterday Mexico's death toll from coronavirus reached a new high at 353 reported in one day, topping last Tuesday's record of 237. There are now a total of 3926 deaths. There were 1997 new infections reported yesterday, which is the highest since May 7th, when there were 1982. Originally the Ministry of Health predicted Mexico's peak of infections for May 6, then May 7, then May 8-20. Some academics are predicting the peak on June 20th.
3. Q Roo had a spike in deaths yesterday (22) with 14 of those in Cancun. The previous peak was 23 last Tuesday. There were 26 new infections in the state yesterday, with 18 of those in Cancun. The state has had a total of 211 deaths, of whom 160 were in Cancun.
4. Yesterday, Dr. Lopez Gatell, Mexico's coronavirus czar said that the intensity of transmission of cases in Cancun is beginning to drop. He also said the 'coming to an end' of the National Campaign of Healthy Distance won't be a complete release at once, but rather, it will be done carefully, with specific conditions and prevention measures, which include a 'traffic light' system for reopening activities, so that a large number of people do not suddenly return to public spaces. He said that the risk of a regrowth is in proportion to the number of people who return and the percentage of mobility in public spaces, therefore, the return “has to be done in an organized and very careful manner". He said that at this stage everyone must collaborate and participate because the undesirable consequences could be a return to restriction of mobility.
It has now been 52 days since the confinement began in March.
Written by Ronda Winn Roberts of Isla Mujeres News & Events sponsored by MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach.
Red Light-Green Light & Mexico's "New Normality"
plan to reactivate activities in Mexico was presented this morning as
"La Nueva Normalidad", the New Normal, with an orderly, staggered
return, taking into account the individual situation of each state.
There are five categories of activities which will reactivate
according to the color of alert each state is under--red, orange, yellow
or green. There will be weekly updates that include which way the state
is trending--decreasing, stable or increasing.
#1 WEEKLY RATINGS--Map shows Quintana Roo in RED at the highest level
of alert and trending DOWNWARD (decreasing contagion).
The five categories are:
1) Public Health & Work Measures,
2) Essential/Nonessential Work,
3) Public Spaces-Open/Closed,
4) Vulnerable People,
5) Schools.
RED=Essential work only. Public spaces, nonessential businesses & schools are closed. Vulnerable people should stay home.
& Reduced Nonessential Work, Reduced Activities in Public Spaces,
Maximum care with vulnerable people, No School. When a state turns
orange, mining, construction, and auto manufacturing activities can take
place. Public spaces are opened in a reduced way, and vulnerable people
can start doing activities, but with the utmost care.
Work allowed, Less restriction of Public Space Activities, Medium care
with vulnerable, No School When a state is under the yellow protocol,
mining, construction and the automotive industry will return with
increasingly open normality, in accordance with standardized protocols,
which will be announced. Public spaces such as museums and churches can
open. Vulnerable people can return to activities with moderate care.
is allowed, including opening the schools, limited care by the
vulnerable. Hygiene measures & healthy distancing continue at work
and in public.
Note--(1) In Public & at Work, Measures of Healthy Distancing & Hygiene are in effect under ALL COLORS of alert.
ONE begins May 18--Reopening the "Municipalities of Hope"--There are
269 municipalities distributed in 15 states who are without infection
and without neighboring municipalities with infection, according to the
current data. (Graphic #4-Congratulations to the indigenous communities
of Oaxaca.)
TWO is May 18-31--Preparation for reopening. Construction, mining, and
manufacturing of transportation equipment are considered essential
Stage THREE begins June 1--Use of the "Traffic Light" system to reopen social, educational and economic activities
President López Obrador concluded by saying that the application of the plan by each state is voluntary. States may decide whether to heed the color assigned by the federal government and act accordingly, or they may also consider their own rules, or simply ignore the plan to reactivate activities.
Source-This morning's National Press Conference. This afternoon, Dr. Lopez-Gatell, Mexico's coronavirus czar, will give another press conference. Written by Ronda Winn-Roberts for Isla Mujeres News & Events, Sponsored by MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
At yesterday morning's press conference, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said he will unveil a plan today for the "new normal" in Mexico. He said this will not be a return to normality, but rather to a new normal, because reality has changed and is different. He said, "We have to start a new stage, with other procedures, other methods, other attitudes and other behaviors, but we are going to return to the new normal." They will explain which municipalities are without infections and which are most affected, and thus determine a proposal about reopening economic, social and academic activities which were suspended by the coronavirus pandemic, with a 'new normality'. He said of the more than 2400 municipalities in the country, about 1000 have cases of Covid-19, about 1000 have none, but have neighboring municipalities with infections, and about 300-400 are completely clean. He said that fortunately, many indigenous communities have not been affected as much, noting that many of these are in Oaxaca.
The release from confinement must be done carefully: Dr Lopez-Gatell
May 12-- The 'coming to an end' of the National Campaign of Healthy Distance won't be a complete release at once, but rather, it will be done carefully, with specific conditions and prevention measures, which include a 'traffic light' system for reopening activities, said the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez.
He said, "For the record, it's not a complete release to return to normal. It will be done carefully; it will be a return to a certain normality to social and economic life, especially local economies." He said, "The lifting of confinement beginning on June 1, and in some cases starting the following week, "must be done carefully, so that a large number of people do not suddenly return to public spaces,"
Dr. Lopez-Gatell said that given the heterogeneity of the spread of the virus in different areas of the country, those who will return to “the new normal” will be determined in the metropolises, since some will not be able to relax local confinement.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will make the announcement tomorrow. Undersecretary López-Gatell said that the risk of a regrowth is in proportion to the number of people who return and the percentage of mobility in public spaces, therefore, the return “has to be done in an organized and very careful manner". He said a meeting was held in the morning with the state government to provide the prospects for resuming activities.
Given the president's statements that the measure could be reconsidered based on the Covid-19 cases being reported, Dr. Lopez-Gatell said the decisions could be recapitulated. "The principle of maximum concern always applies, if an area of the country or an economic sector is released, we will monitor it with parameters and with a report on the mobility of public spaces, which will allow us to respond early if we are seeing growth, with the power to respond with containment measures."
He said that at this stage everyone has to collaborate and participate because the undesirable consequences could be a return to restriction of mobility.
It has now been 51 days since the confinement began in March.
Sources--Tuesday's national press conference and https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/mexico/sociedad/regreso-a-la-normalidad-no-es-una-liberacion-completa-sino-cuidadosa-cuarentena-covid-19-coronavirus-hugo-lopez-gatell-5222343.html
Infographics with recommendations for the prevention of Covid-19: Frequent hand washing, maintaining social isolation, using face masks, maintaining healthy distancing, caring for the more vulnerable inhabitants, cleaning & disinfecting common areas.
Infographic-Frequent hand washing is an effective way to combat the virus
Video-How to make disinfectant--mix a liter of water and a tablespoon of bleach in a spray bottle.
It says...Five things you may not know about green turtles
1. They can measure up to 125 cm in length (just over four feet) and weigh up to 85 kilos (187 lbs)
2. When they nest, they lay 75 to 150 eggs.
3. They eat sea grass
4. They can be found by the states of Campeche, Yucatan, Sinaloa, Veracruz, Jalisco, and Quintana Roo
5. This species makes the most nests on Isla Mujeres beaches
Sea Turtle week in the state of Quintana Roo, May 1-8, (the graphic says it is May 6-10) is being commemorated via social networks this year due to the health situation with coronavirus and in compliance with Healthy Distance recommendations. Last week information was provided about hawksbill turtles, which included their size, diet, nesting period, and other data. The calendar of informational activities this month includes: May 15-Learn more about sea turtles!, May 18-Nesting Areas in Isla Mujeres, May 22-Playing & Learning about Sea Turtles-Coloring, Constructing & sharing with your family, and "Isla Mujeres and Turtle Nesting season" also during May.
It says....Our objective is to conserve and preserve the species
Keep out beaches clean
Don't consume or sell turtle eggs or products derived from them
Did you know? Three species nest in our country--Greens, Loggerheads, and Hawksbills.
Thanks to the efforts of Don Gonzalo Chale in the conservation of sea turtles since 1965, Isla Mujeres is a pioneer in this work.
Schedule of Activities for Sea Turtle Month. Sea Turtle Week May 6-10
May 12--International Nurses Day--A great recognition for our nurses who do their best to help those who need them most. Let's thank them by following the recommendations to prevent the contagion and spread of coronavirus, stay at home
From Por Esto :
The head of the local Chamber of Commerce (CANACO), Juan Carrillo Figueroa, estimated that 20 percent of businesses in Isla Mujeres won't reopen on June 1st because they have gone bankrupt, and he noted that things do not look easy for the other 80 percent. Tourism arrivals are expected to be decreased since the main market of the United States has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic.
He said they have received information from the state government about preferential rate financing, and he noted that federal support for small and medium sized businesses is limited. He also estimated a loss of 30 to 40 percent of the workforce.
There are also local business owners who have a positive attitude in the midst of these adverse circumstances saying this is not the first time they have faced difficult times, such as the passage of Hurricane Gilberto in 1988 and Wilma in 2005. It is noted that Dolphin Discovery plans to open during the first half of June, without giving a specific date. LINK
There are complaints about the lack of medication for hypertension at the ISSSTE family clinic LINK
It is also noted that Z Gas has a 20% discount and that the DIF social service agency distributed food to 60 people which included pastries and yogurt from the Chedraui store, to families with economic problems.
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Four rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
sand beach and
the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & fast WIFI. In the upscale
neighborhood of Bachilleres,
convenient to downtown
the colonias, yet
separate. Quiet & Private.
![]() |
A large slider
opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table
& chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole,
and the outdoor shower is out of the pic at left. "Reverse Sunset" (looking east from MVC) |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. We provide a list of links & direction to over 20 eateries within ten minutes walk, including Mango Cafe, Mike's Pizza, Brisas, Rosa Sirena, Coco Jaguar, Manolitos, La Chatita, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui & the local craft brewery. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores.
Full moon rising over the Caribbean
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Just after Sunset--May 7 7:46 (sun sets 7:15p)
May 8 8:51
May 9 9:55
May 10 10:55
May 11 11:50
Sunset 7:12-7:25pm (beginning vs end of month) Sunrise 6:16--6:05am Painting by Pamela Haase at MVC |

The season for swimming with the whale sharks normally begins on May 15th, which ends annually in mid-September. They congregate and feed on a 'buffet' of plankton and fish eggs from a type of tuna. Rays are also attracted to the feeding areas. Photos by Tony Garcia
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks before dawn on May 5th, but can be seen during the early hours (starting ~3a nightly) from mid-April thru mid-May. The longest "windows" to see them as they near peaking are the wee hours Friday & Saturday nights, May 1st & 2nd (which are the mornings of Sat & Sun). They peak as the moon is approaching fullness. On May 5th it sets at 4:55a, so will be low on the western horizon, while the radiant point is in the east. You don't need to focus on the radiant, because you may miss the meteors that create the longest bright streaks flying across the sky. This shower is caused by debris from Halley's comet.
During May, the climate changes
Although May is the hottest month in the neighboring state of Yucatan, here on the coast, the hottest months begin in June. In May the "Perceived Temperature" (thin line above the others) begins to rise, as the humidity increases and the rainy season begins as the month progresses. We've been in dry season since November-December, and late April & early May are when firefighters are busy across the Peninsula fighting brush fires. There are ~13+ hours of daylight in May & humidity increases from 92% to 99% as the month progresses. Water temperatures are 81-82 degrees.
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Source: Weather Spark |
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Source: Weather Spark |
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Source: Climates to Travel |
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Source: Weather Spark |
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Source: Weather Spark |
May 3 Dia de la Cruz, a holiday celebrated by construction workers in Mexico, and is associated with St Helena (Elena in Spanish). Normally, crosses are placed atop construction projects, and crews take a break to pray and eat together, with food & drink supplied by the owner.
May 5 "Cinco de Mayo" Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla against the French in 1862.
May 10 Mother's Day
Sources for Weather Information:
LINK to Civil Protection Q Roo weather bulletin (Spanish)
LINK to Mexico National Weather Service (Spanish)
LINK to satellite images for the Mexico National Weather Service
LINK to GOES East Band 16 GIF (animation)
LINK to a private weather station on Isla Mujeres
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