Here's the webcam LINK, which also has time lapse of the past 24 hours. |
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pardon the gap...here's what went on this week, day by day....
Saturday, May 16
The Governor says that the reactivation of tourism requires the application of rapid testing for Covid-19 in an ongoing, permanent manner. He urges the federal government to facilitate this. Sanitary protocols will be essential for travel and the arrival of tourists to our destinations. VIDEO
Saturday, May 16-Isla Mujeres municipality reports no changes since yesterday with 13 positives, 1 death, and 4 recovered for a total of 8 active cases of Covid-19. Quintana Roo reports 1284 positives, 186 under study, 241 deaths, 722 recuperated, 149 hospitalized and 172 in social isolation. Benito Juarez (Cancun) reports 950 positives, 188 deaths and 567 recuperated.
The Director of the Isla Mujeres Community Hospital, Dra Leily Osorio Mares wrote--Dear Isleños, Without a doubt, the actions that have been implemented to reduce the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the cause of Covid-19) have been working, which is reflected in the number of confirmed cases, so I ask that you don't let your guard down in your prevention measures.
However, I have been noticing that some people only cover their mouth with their face mask, so it is essential to rename it and call it the "Nose and Mouth Cover" (In Spanish, it's call a cubreboca=mouth-cover, so she's renaming it a cubrenariz y boca). The entrance pathways for this virus are via the eyes, nose and moth, so I ask you not to touch your eyes and to cover your nose and mouth with the mask for maximum effectiveness. The virus is among our population so we must continue with prevention measures. A hug to everyone and a Happy Social Isolation Saturday!
Sunday, May 17
Statistics are unchanged today for the municipality of Isla Mueres, which reports 13 total cases with one death and four recovered for a total of 8 active cases of Covid-19. Quintana Roo reports 1315 cases with 245 deaths, 729 recuperated, 173 under study, 148 hospitalized and 193 in social isolation. Benito Juarez (Cancun) reports 973 posties, 192 deaths, and 572 recuperated.
Personnel for the Search and Rescue Unit at the Isla Mujeres Naval Base responded to a call for an emergency medical evacuation from the cruise ship "Rhapsody of the Seas" in the pre-dawn hours yesterday. A "Defender" Naval boat was immediately dispatched to the ship, which was located 114 nautical miles (211 kilometers) from the island.
A 43-year-old male, originally from Costa Rica, with a diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis in his right leg; was transported to the Naval pier in Puerto Juarez, where an ambulance took him to a Cancun Hospital for specialized medical care.
Governor Carlos Joaquin explains that reactivation will occur in accordance with the Federal plan to return to a New Normality, which is based on a color system associated with the number of cases. There is a red status, which the state is currently in, and orange, yellow & green. Each category has a federal authorization to initiate certain activities. When we begin construction activities, it will be with all of the measures for prevention, in the early days of June. Fishing and farming will be the other initial activities to be resumed. Of course, this will be dependent on the color system, and upon everyone taking responsibility and staying at home. VIDEO
Weekly review of Covid-19 in Cancun & Isla Mujeres
Week 1-Friday March 13~Cancun reported the state's first case of Covid-19.
Week 4--First case reported on Isla (on 4/4) .
Week 5--First deaths in Cancun (15).
Week 7- Cancun's worst with 42 new deaths & 254 new cases
Week 9-Isla's worst with 1 death & 6 new cases
Week 9-Mexico establishes Red-Orange-Yellow-Green System, with Q Roo under RED protocols (essential businesses only), which will begin June 1st, with a new map, that will be updated weekly.
Our Saturday saw us serve up 300 mac and cheese on ham in a fresh baked bun pure comfort food. Angie took these wonderful photos it is a teachers greatest success when the student becomes better then the teacher. Thank you to everyone who has helped us to do this every Saturday. Steve and Lindell Lehrer thank you for your great help this week.
~~The Little Yellow School House teaches Isla kids with special needs. Last year the kids learned to prepare & serve lunches on Wednesdays to the general public as part of a popular project. Now, schools are temporarily closed & LYSH volunteers are providing meals on Saturdays to Isla's seniors, single moms, & other vulnerable members of the community.~~Ed.
Monday, May 18
May 18--The report for the municipality of Isla Mujere is unchanged with a total of 13 cases of Covid-19, with one death and four recuperated. Quintana Roo reports 1345 positives, 150 under study, 253 deaths, 744 recuperated, 148 hospitalized, and 200 in social isolation. Benito Juarez (Cancun) reports 1001 cases, 200 deaths and 586 recuperated.
> Isla Mujeres is in an intensive phase so all are encouraged to intensify containment measures
>The next few weeks are crucial for the municipality
With the understanding that Isla Mujeres is in an intensive phase of Covid-19, the government presided over by Juan Carrillo Soberanis calls on the general population to redouble efforts to contain the spread of the virus among island families.
Dr. Xhanat Tze González Mora, municipal liaison for preventive actions against coronavirus, explained that the next two weeks are crucial for the municipality, so you must not let your guard down, let alone relax the work that has been implemented, such as the reduction of circulation in the colonias where increased mobility has been detected.
She said, "We are in a phase where you should avoid leaving home, you need to continue with personal hygiene measures, hand washing, use of face masks and avoiding any gathering or meeting; everyone must understand that we are in an intensive phase, where efforts must be redoubled, with government and society, and try for eradication in the next two weeks", the official declared.
She explained that if the population relaxes preventive measures and starts leaving their homes to do their regular activities, we could have another peak and an increase in the number of infections, these are two very crucial weeks, in which more than ever we must keep ourselves in social isolation."
"If we want Phase Three to last as little time as as possible, we need to be very disciplined so that it really is a couple more weeks and doesn't extend again, otherwise we will continue in isolation and we will have to continue with this situation that is affecting us so much," she concluded. (From the City)
Today, Mexico enters "Stage 2" of the reopening process when businesses start preparing for the New Normality (or New Reality). "Stage 3" will begin on June 1st with the implementation of a "Traffic Light" National Color Alert system. (Stage 1 occurred in the couple hundred municipalities with no cases who were allowed to reopen today.)
May 18-31--Businesses Begin Preparations:
1. Establish sanitary protocols for the safe reopening of work activities
2. Training of personnel for safety in the work environment
3. Readjustment of spaces and production processes
4. Filters in the workplace for entrances, sanitation, and hygiene.
June 1st--National color-code system goes into effect for reopening regionally, with weekly updates (Stage 3). In addition to the state-by-state color designations, an arrow indicates if cases are increasing, stable, or decreasing in each state.
![]() |
Note: These are three "stages" for reopening, not to be confused with the epidemic "phases" of Covid-19 |
Stage One of the "New Normality" begins today for the 269 municipalities designated as "La Esperanza" (with no reported cases of coronavirus). Their schools, public spaces and workplaces are authorized to reopen now, which was preceded by the implementation of "sanitary fences". However, Jalisco's Governor said the 11 municipalities in his state with this designation will remain under quarantine.
For the rest of Mexico, Stage Two begins today, "The Preparation Stage", which continues throughout May with the establishment of protocols so that businesses, workers and families understand what to do in all times in the pandemic. Note that the list of essential businesses has been expanded to include construction, mining, and more industrial businesses, beginning June 1st.
The graphic says: Stage 2--Preparation for general reopening
Actions of General Application
1. Each company should prepare sanitary protocols for the safe reopening of activities
2. Training of personnel for safety in the work environment
3. Readjustment of spaces and production processes
4. Filters in the workplace for entrances, sanitation, and hygiene.
Stage Three begins on June 1st with implementation a state-by-state color code system of red, orange, yellow, and green designating allowable levels of activities, which will be updated weekly. In addition to the color designations, an arrow indicates if the cases are increasing, stable or decreasing in each state. (translation is below these graphics)
Status of the states on the "Traffic Light" system in mid-May. This will be updated May 30-31 to go into effect June 1st.
This graphic explains which activities are allowed within each color designation
Quintana Roo is currently in the RED status ("Maximum Alert") when only essential businesses may operate, with public spaces and schools closed, and vulnerable people should stay home. No school. Construction, mining, and auto manufacturing have been added to the essential businesses list with preventative measures required.
~~Only essential economic activities are allowed as defined by the Ministry of the Economy, with strict protection for persons of high vulnerability, and with the full criteria of the Healthy Distance Campaign in effect.~~
ORANGE--(High Alert) Some non-essential businesses and work are allowed with limitations, including construction and agriculture. Some public spaces are opened in a reduced manner, vulnerable people can resume activities with utmost care, but schools remain closed.
~~Essential work activities are permitted and non-essential activities at reduced levels of intensity, with strict protection for persons of high vulnerability. There is a 70% reduction of social activities in public spaces, open air and enclosed. No school.~~
YELLOW--(Medium Alert) Non-essential work activities may resume with limitations. Enclosed public activities such as churches, museums, cinemas, theaters and restaurants have restrictions. Minor restrictions on open spaces. Schools remain closed.
~~ Work activities are permitted with strict protection for persons of high vulnerability. There is a 40% reduction is social activities in public spaces, open air and enclosed. No school.~~
GREEN--(Low Alert-Usual) Restrictions on work activities and public spaces are lifted, school resumes, and only vulnerable people are monitored. In public and at work, measures for healthy distancing & hygiene should continue.
~~Normal economic and work activities. School resumes, as well as social and recreational activities.~~
Tuesday, May 19
The municipality of Isla Mujeres continues to report a total of 13 cases, with 1 death, and another recovered for a total of 5 recovered, leaving 7 active cases.
Quintana Roo reports 1365 positives, 260 deaths, 191 under study, 753 recovered, 148 hospitalized, and 204 in social isolation. Benito Juarez (Cancun) reports 1011 positives, 204 deaths, and 594 recovered.
The state Secretary of Tourism, Marisol Vanegas, said hotels in Quintana Roo will not be opening on June 1st. Regarding their plans to reopen their doors in a couple of weeks, as the hoteliers had announced, she explained, "This will not be possible ... that won't be determined by the companies nor by the market; it will be determined by the Federal government and the State government."
She said hotels can participate in the preparatory phase by obtaining a voluntary health certification from the state government, noting, "The main objective is for companies to be ready to return to business on a date yet to be defined in June." She added that areas dedicated to tourism, including swimming pools, gyms, and spas must remain closed until conditions allow, otherwise "disastrous situations in terms of health are foreseeable".
She said "Currently all hotels must still remain closed" and the only ones remaining open "are providing service to those who perform essential functions during the pandemic".
Spraying/Fogging to prevent mosquitoes on Wednesday & Thursday on the island.
At yesterday's press conference, Mexico's coronavirus czar, Dr. Lopez-Gatell addressed expectations about June 1st. He said, "Citizens, do not think that on June 1 we will return to normal, to all the activities we used to do, it will not be like that. The way it will happen is that for each state, for each federal entity, on the weekend before June 1st, we will present the status of the COVID epidemic in each of the 32 states, which will be represented by a traffic light (4-color system) of epidemiological risk that considers various variables."
"In this manner, you can be informed of the status of the Covid
epidemic in the state where you reside, which will determine the
indications on whether public activities and work activities are opened
in your state or not. So don't think that the National Healthy Distance
Campaign is over, don't think about returning to complete normality," he
He pointed out Quintana Roo's improved ACTIVE-case statistics over the past two weeks, in association with reducing mobility by 85%, attributing this to compliance with strict measures. He noted we'd moved from a peak of 500+ active cases down to less than 200 (Map-#1) & moved down to 21st among the states (Graphic-#2).
However, Q Roo remains in the top ten for ACCUMULATED (total) cases, (Map-#3). We're in fourth place nationally for incidence rate of accumulated cases with 78 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The national rate is 40. (Graphic-#4).
Click on graphic #5 for a translation of the Traffic Light system of permitted activities in each of the four colors. On May 14, Q Roo was placed in the "RED-Maximum Alert" category, which will be updated the weekend of May 30-31st.
He also emphasized the need for strict compliance with the restrictions of the Healthy Distance Campaign during the rest of May.
The maps & graphics are interactive here: https://covid19.sinave.gob.mx/graficastasas.aspx
He pointed out Quintana Roo's improved ACTIVE-case statistics over the past two weeks, in association with reducing mobility by 85%, attributing this to compliance with strict measures. He noted we'd moved from a peak of 500+ active cases down to less than 200 (Map-#1) & moved down to 21st among the states (Graphic-#2).
However, Q Roo remains in the top ten for ACCUMULATED (total) cases, (Map-#3). We're in fourth place nationally for incidence rate of accumulated cases with 78 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The national rate is 40. (Graphic-#4).
Click on graphic #5 for a translation of the Traffic Light system of permitted activities in each of the four colors. On May 14, Q Roo was placed in the "RED-Maximum Alert" category, which will be updated the weekend of May 30-31st.
He also emphasized the need for strict compliance with the restrictions of the Healthy Distance Campaign during the rest of May.
The maps & graphics are interactive here: https://covid19.sinave.gob.mx/graficastasas.aspx
Wednesday, May 20
The municipality of Isla Mujeres continues to report a total of 13 cases with 1 death and 5 recovered, leaving 7 active cases.
Quintana Roo reports a total of 1383 positives, 272 deaths, 225 under study, 762 recovered, 138 hospitalized and 211 in social isolation. Benito Juarez (Cancun) reports 1022 positives, 211 deaths and 600 recuperated.
Tourists could begin arriving June 8-10, depending on what color Q Roo is assigned on the first of June, according to Governor Carlos Joaquin. He explained the federal "Traffic Light" four-color system, noting that reduced non-essential business is allowed in the orange category. Therefore, tourism activities could begin in a reduced and gradual manner, with measures in place for the protection of visitors and employees. He emphasized that it why it is so important not to relax our discipline in the upcoming days. The red category only allows essential businesses, (which will include construction after June 1st).
He said, depending on what color we're assigned on June 1st, employees could begin working internally to make the necessary revisions, and then we could begin receiving tourists June 8-10.
He discussed the pie-chart from the US asking how soon tourists would travel to Cabo or the Caribbean, focusing on the 14% in the "Right Away" category. His next graphic is "The top ten most searched for international destinations for flights, according to Expedia", with the top three being Playa del Carmen, Cancun & Isla Mujeres.
He also said the school year will conclude on July 17 without the schools reopening, and the remainder of the semester will continue with distance-learning.
Delivery of the second round (la segunda ronda) of governmental food assistance began today, house to house, with coordination between the state teams and municipal employees. The Mayor said there is a great demand for this assistance and emphasized that residents should stay in their homes while the teams will make their way through all of the colonias over the next few days.
He said that this is a crucial time when it is very important to stay at home for as long as it takes, so that in the next few weeks the economy of the municipality can gradually be reactivated. The teams are delivering the boxes to the entrance of households without contact, taking a photo as evidence, and then the beneficiary comes out with Healthy Distancing to collect the "pantry".
Thursday, May 21
The municipality of Isla Mujeres remains at a total of 13 reported cases with 1 death, and now there are 7 recovered. leaving 5 active cases.
Quintana Roo reports 1441 positives with 280 deaths, 777 recuperated, 215 under study, 144 hospitalized and 240 is social isolation. Benito Juarez (Cancun) reports 1067 positives with 217 deaths and 609 recuperated.
With the June 8th target for tourists to return, Cancun Airport is stepping up its anti-Covid measures
Tuesday, the Governor announced that the state could reopen for
tourism June 8-10, in a reduced manner, if Q Roo's color status is
upgraded when the federal "Traffic Light" system goes into effect June
At the Cancun airport, protocols are being implemented which include
increased sanitation of transport units and the airport facilities, with
specific personnel doing this work nightly in an in-depth manner.
Specific personnel will be assigned for increased cleaning in public
areas of greater passenger contact.
Staff will have personal protective equipment, including face
masks and shields, gloves, and personal antibacterial gel. Protective
barriers will be installed at the documentation verification modules.
There will be temperature review points in the areas where
passengers are arriving and departing, with identification of risk
factors in travelers both electronically and on paper. Gel dispensing
stations will be available in public areas, in the offices and for the
operational personal.
Users of the facilities will find the buildings, terminals, and
operating areas "100% sanitized" according to ASUR (Aeropuertos del
Sureste), who operate Cancun's International Airport. Their website
says total passenger traffic in Mexico decreased 95.7% in April. They
said they're working in coordination with the Federal Civil Aviation
Agency and the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, as well as
International Health and state and municipal authorities, to ensure
protection of passengers and airport personnel.
Source-Sipse & Governor's FB page. Stock photo from ASUR.
From TUI, one of the world's largest travel businesses.... This is general information from an international company & not specific to Mexico or Isla Mujeres
"These will be the new travel rules after Covid-19"
>>In the Airport--Personal distancing, Paperless tickets,Temperature checks, Additional personnel
>>Clean air on board--Implementation of air filtration systems with vertical flow to ensure good air quality.
>>Boarding--Signs; Use of face masks, Scaled-down boarding in small groups to avoid lines in the boarding areas and aisles of the plane
>>Service on Board--Flights with less occupancy, Seat assignments in a scaled-down manner, Orders in advance and Non-cash payments
>>Arrival--Scaled down disembarking, more transfer vehicles, distancing at the luggage carousels and passport areas
>>Hygiene Rules-- Increased cleaning, disinfection areas, healthy distancing of 1.5 to 2 meters, increased employee training
>>Entertainment--Shows in the open air, adaptation of open spaces for food consumption, self-service (formerly) buffets will have waiter-service
>>Activities--The priority will be sports that don't require teams, less participants but more frequently, limited spa offerings, saunas will be closed.
>>Welcome-Pre-registration online
>>Transport-Private transportation, increased measures of hygiene for each trip
>>Activities-More availability of open-air activities, small groups, and private tours
>>Services-Digital services to reduce unnecessary contacts, social distancing, and hygiene measures with personal interactions.
Friday, May 22
The municipality of Isla Mujeres reports another case for a total of 14 with one death and 7 recovered, leaving 6 active cases. Quintana Roo reports 1530 positives with 284 deaths, 180 under study, 791 recuperated, 149 hospitalized and 306 in social isolation. Benito Juarez (Cancun) reports 1139 positives, 219 deaths and 622 recovered.
Today Q Roo begins week 11, since the first confirmed case in the state on Friday, March 13. The first case in Isla Mujeres was reported on April 4th. The graphics show NEW cases & deaths in Cancun by week and Isla's TOTAL cases by week.
Isla Mujeres tourism-related businesses are encouraged to apply for the state Certification in Health Protection and Prevention in Tourist Facilities. LINK
The second round of house-by-house distribution of governmental food assistance is taking place on the island, provided by the state, (who purchased it a discount from the federal government). The private groups are planning a large coordinated distribution on Sunday of similar "pantries" aka "dispensas" of groceries & hygiene items.
Various restaurants & families have EACH been preparing and delivering 100's meals or offering them for takeaway. Ruben & FeedIsla used donations to pay 100's of electric bills to prevent disconnections, in addition to distributing dispensas, meals & Chedraui cards. Various individuals have been delivering pantries, diapers & formula to neighbors in need, with donated help from friends & strangers. The City DIF social service agency has a donate or take-away table at their office & a collection table at Chedraui, and has been delivering food to vulnerable members of the community.
You can find more information & photos at Isla Mujeres Together-Granito de Arena, including donation information. We encourage you to remember these generous businesses when you return to the island & repay them with your patronage! Thanks to IslaMujeres.info for the VIDEO.
Reliable groups helping the community--
📌 Diana Martinez - PayPal - moongrl722@gmail.com
Isla Mujeres Scholarship Program’s student Diana feeds approximately 150 families daily and
delivers necessities to the most vulnerable
📌 Feed Isla- https://www.facebook.com/feedisla/
PayPal- feedisla@gmail.com
(Food & Pantry items, Chedraui and Juan’s pantry table)
📌 Ruben Chavez Martinez - PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/RubenChavezM
(Feeding families, giving pantries, makings meals for 30 Isla police and firemen that live in
Cancún that are quartered on Isla)(Assisting seniors and the most vulnerable to pay electric
📌 Brenda’s Isla Angels
Brenda L Nash Lamonica - PayPal mammothtrucking@aol.com
(Food and other necessities)
📌 Rescuing the Islanders - Sergio Ventura and team
PayPal serchtec20@gmail.com
(Feeding families and other necessities)
📌 Little Yellow Schoolhouse
Donate http://littleyellowschoolhouse.org/i-want-to-help/
(Feeding families)
📌Keys 4 Life
(Food and other necessities)
Donate https://www.keys4life.org/
📌Isla Diabetes Clinic raising funds to purchase direly needed Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) for Isla’s frontline medical workers.
PayPal isladiabetesclinic@gmail.com
📌 Helping Animals Living Overseas - Clinica Veterinaria and Dr. Delfino.
📌 Josefina Rodriguez Martinez - PayPal islacats.food.help@gmail.com
📌 Isla Animals - http://www.islaanimals.org
📌 Pet Food Project - https://www.facebook.com/groups/petfoodproject/?hc_location=group
At the house-by-house distribution of governmental food assistance, Guy on Left wins in the "Favorite Mask" category. The Naval guys win "Best Mask Fashion" with their fully coordinated ensembles. There's a tie between the two women in the "No Mask-No Prize" category & one runner-up for the "Pull it Up or it Doesn't Count" boobie prize. 😉😎😁
Photo credit to Gail Marie Stewart for #4, #2 shared by mask-wearer Abiran Fuentes, the others are from the City.
Susanna Distancia says in these times YOU are a hero..Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, Cover your mouth & nose with your inner elbow if you cough or sneeze, Disinfect areas and objects that are used commonly, No physical greetings, and Maintain Healthy Distance.
Discounts on municipal fees
Psychological attention is available for free 24 hours a day at these three phone numbers during the given times.
VIDEO--Governor Carlos Joaquin explains that reactivation will occur in accordance with the Federal plan to return to a New Normality, which is based on a color system associated with the number of cases. There is a red status, which the state is currently in, and orange, yellow & green. Each category has a federal authorization to initiate certain activities. When we begin construction activities, it will be with all of the measures for prevention, in the early days of June. Fishing and farming will be the other initial activities to be resumed. Of course, this will be dependent on the color system, and upon everyone taking responsibility and staying at home. (Information on the "Traffic Light" system is below)
Sunday--Equality begins when we recognize that we all have the right to be happy.
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.
Protect your whole family at home
1. Wash your hands with soap and water whenever come home and before doing anything.
2. Cover your nose and mouth with your inner elbow or use a tissue when you sneeze or cough
3. Eat well with plenty of vegetables, fruits and at least 2 liters of plain water
4. Don't share food, beverages, dishware or utensils
5. Don't spit on the ground; use a tissue and wash your hands
6. Don't smoke
7. Obtain personal hygiene articles such as hand soap, preferably in liquid form, or in individual-size bars and disposable tissues.
Stay at home~Together we'll move forward
VIDEO from the state government that professional psychological help is always available at 911. Caption- These are hard times, but you're not alone!
All people are exposed to the virus, news, social media and comments, and being afraid is normal.
Via 911 we are available to listen to you and give you professional help.
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Four rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
sand beach and
the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & fast WIFI. In the upscale
neighborhood of Bachilleres,
convenient to downtown
the colonias, yet
separate. Quiet & Private.
![]() |
A large slider
opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table
& chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole,
and the outdoor shower is out of the pic at left. "Reverse Sunset" (looking east from MVC) |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. We provide a list of links & direction to over 20 eateries within ten minutes walk, including Mango Cafe, Mike's Pizza, Brisas, Rosa Sirena, Coco Jaguar, Manolitos, La Chatita, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui & the local craft brewery. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores.
Full moon rising over the Caribbean
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Just after Sunset--May 7 7:46 (sun sets 7:15p)
May 8 8:51
May 9 9:55
May 10 10:55
May 11 11:50
Sunset 7:12-7:25pm (beginning vs end of month) Sunrise 6:16--6:05am Painting by Pamela Haase at MVC |

The season for swimming with the whale sharks normally begins on May 15th, which ends annually in mid-September. They congregate and feed on a 'buffet' of plankton and fish eggs from a type of tuna. Rays are also attracted to the feeding areas. Photos by Tony Garcia
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks before dawn on May 5th, but can be seen during the early hours (starting ~3a nightly) from mid-April thru mid-May. The longest "windows" to see them as they near peaking are the wee hours Friday & Saturday nights, May 1st & 2nd (which are the mornings of Sat & Sun). They peak as the moon is approaching fullness. On May 5th it sets at 4:55a, so will be low on the western horizon, while the radiant point is in the east. You don't need to focus on the radiant, because you may miss the meteors that create the longest bright streaks flying across the sky. This shower is caused by debris from Halley's comet.
During May, the climate changes
Although May is the hottest month in the neighboring state of Yucatan, here on the coast, the hottest months begin in June. In May the "Perceived Temperature" (thin line above the others) begins to rise, as the humidity increases and the rainy season begins as the month progresses. We've been in dry season since November-December, and late April & early May are when firefighters are busy across the Peninsula fighting brush fires. There are ~13+ hours of daylight in May & humidity increases from 92% to 99% as the month progresses. Water temperatures are 81-82 degrees.
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Source: Weather Spark |
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Source: Weather Spark |
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Source: Climates to Travel |
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Source: Weather Spark |
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Source: Weather Spark |
May 3 Dia de la Cruz, a holiday celebrated by construction workers in Mexico, and is associated with St Helena (Elena in Spanish). Normally, crosses are placed atop construction projects, and crews take a break to pray and eat together, with food & drink supplied by the owner.
May 5 "Cinco de Mayo" Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla against the French in 1862.
May 10 Mother's Day
Sources for Weather Information:
LINK to Civil Protection Q Roo weather bulletin (Spanish)
LINK to Mexico National Weather Service (Spanish)
LINK to satellite images for the Mexico National Weather Service
LINK to GOES East Band 16 GIF (animation)
LINK to a private weather station on Isla Mujeres
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