This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
Follow Isla Mujeres News & Events on Facebook for highlights of news & events, and more photos & videos
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
(Posted this morning with picture, of a fire on the ground of a road divider, between two electric poles)"Now! A CFE (Federal Electrical Commission) cable fell and is causing alarm among the residents of the area. Be careful!
(Posted this morning with picture) "CFE attended to an emergency with a high tension line in colonia La Gloria."
(Posted this morning with picture) "Students were stranded in Isla Mujeres Terminal as a result of Ultramar Ferry, because their boat didn't arrive."
Aguakan announces service interruption for maintenance on Tuesday, May 8 (tomorrow)
Tomorrow, Tuesday May 8, there will be an interruption in tap water service to the island (and parts of Cancun & the mainland IM municipality) due to maintenance work on the mainland, according to this announcement by Aguakan, shared by TVIM. The work will be completed tomorrow, but you're reminded that low pressure may be experienced in some colonias farther from the pumping stations (and on the island, those at higher elevations) after service resumes.
You're advised to store water in advance and use it sparingly during the interruption. They're doing maintenance on the pumping stations by the Cancun airport & replacing lightning rods.
NOTE: When service resumes, you will usually have water at your outside tap on ground level, but it can take (hours) longer for the pressure to become adequate to fill the rooftop tinacas.
Other FB News Sites about Isla Mujeres
Isla Mujeres Al Dia
Shared a photo from the taxi union for Dia del Taxista, May 7th & said Congratulations to toda la familia taxista!
There's a photo of a basketball team that says Tecnica 1 present the Magisteriales 2018!!
There are also sunset photos and photos from Sunday, as well as videos from the ferry & downtown from May 5. .
Noti Isla Mujeres
There is a video of CFE on the scene of the fallen cable. VIDEO
There are photos & a caption: Players for the women's soccer team "Pachuca Club" express their gratitude for sponsorship of their uniforms by the leaders of the group "Jóvenes x México de Isla Mujeres"
There are sunset photos from May 4.
IM Noticias
There is an article about the breaking of the pipeline which supplies tap water to Sac Bajo, by a boat which has an American flag. This occurred on April 15 to the line which located at the entrance to the Makax lagoon. Personnel with the Harbor Master's office said there is not any signage indicating the presence of the pipeline, and it is not marked on the navigational charts. Therefore, they say, responsibility cannot be placed upon the owner of the boat, and Aguakan is responsible. They added that the pipeline isn't buried under the seabed and is exposed, like the one from Punta Sam, with the difference that the latter is marked and appears on the navigation charts.
Acquaintances of the boat owner said he is prepared to undertake a legal battle to avoid paying damages.

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Islander's boat sunk in the Pacific
Se hunde yate isleño en el Pacífico. [+] Ver mas
This weekend a boat caught fire in the Pacific ocean, which was registered in Isla Mujeres, and the crew was rescued. The boat, "El Navegante" was participating in an International Sailfish Fishing Tournament in Ixtapa Zihuatenejo, Guerrero, which began on Friday.
The fire occurred on Friday, presumably caused by a short circuit, when the boat was about 14 miles from port. The four person crew were rescued by another boat that was also in the competition, and they were able to save their fishing gear and some belongings. The rescuers took a video as evidence to verify the events. There was a great deal of smoke, and once the hull was consumed by fire, the boat sunk to the seabed.
Expecting good participation in the Cosme Magana Fishing Tournament May 19 & 20
Esperan nutrida participación [+] Ver mas
The Captains Dinner will be held Friday, May 18, for this catch and release tournament, and the organizing committee hopes that the number of registrants could reach 150. The Marilin and Sailfish species, which provide the most points are released, and those that are brought into port to be weighed include wahoo, dorado, tuna, bonito, and barracuda. Last year 39 sailfish were released, as well as two blue marlin and seven white marlin.
Last years tournament only had 70 boats competing because it was postponed due to poor weather. Currently there are over 120 boats registered for this tournament. Many foreigner residents participate in the competition, and foreigners arrive for this opportunity from the southern United States. There are also women competing, many of whom prefer to represent Isla Mujeres, according to past tournaments.
Winners from the previous tournament have already confirmed their attendances including the boats: "La Gozadera" (Chetumal), "Nautilus" (Cancun), "Mavie" (Cancun) and "Manolo" (Isla Mujeres), whose points last year totaled 9171, 6200, 5618 and 5600 points, respectively.
Isla women's youth soccer team "Club Pachuca" to compete in regional league "Mi Liga"
Jugadoras isleñas del Club Pachuca se foguean. [+] Ver mas
Thirteen boats are registered for the Regatta "Al Sol"
Alístanse 13 veleros enlistados+] Ver masFull article at this link
The 30th edition of the Regatta Al Sol, has 13 boats registered at this time, and it will begin on May 9th from Pensacola Florida, traveling nearly 600 nautical miles to Isla Mujeres. It is held every two years, and is the oldest regatta to the island, having begun in 1965.
The 13 entries are reported as: "Acadia", "Cloud 9.1", "Free Spirit", "Hawke", "Hot Pursuit", "Ker Medic", "Lady Gray", "Madam J.", "Miss Jody" , "Navigator", "Parlay", "Rhumbline" and "Skylark".Three sailboats are from Louisiana; two from Mississippi; others are from Alabama, and the rest are from Pensacola.
This regatta is not as popular as the "Sol al Sol" regatta which just concluded, which had 30 registrants and 29 boats completed the race. The last "Al Sol" regatta had 15 boats, in 2014 there were 17, and in 2012 there were 19 competitors. The winner, runner up, and third place holder from 2016 are not competing this year ("Decision", "Anemone Tickler", and "Akoya").
Navy rescued and beautified 300 meters of beach across from the base
Recuperan 300 metros de playa [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The work began last month with beautification of a section of 150 meters of beach and several cubic meters of sand were added.
Pleasant return of the sailors
Feliz retorno de veleristas [+] Ver masFull article at this link
May 5 Early on Saturday morning, the boats who participated in the 50th edition of the Sol al Sol regatta were departing to return to the southern United States, and the organizing committee said that all of them are planning to participate again next year.
The winner of the competition, "After You" left early and was already in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico by noon, with its sail out and its engine on to accelerate the pace. Many competitors are not sailors by trade, and are dedicated to other professions. After they travel more than 500 nautical miles back to St. Petersburg, Florida, they will resume their different careers.The winners hold the trophies at their respective yacht clubs for a year and then they return them to be presented to the next winners.
The names of the boats that departed are given ("Lunaly", "My Dream", "Playmobil", "Climate Change", "Nereid", "Mesmeriah", After You, "Equinox", "Severence", "Doll", "Tattoo "," Sky "," Revenge ", and" Split Decision).
"Blue Heron" didn't stay for the presentations and was already in St. Petersburg. "Wasabi" was expected to arrive that night (May 5th) and "50/50" was at a shipyard in Merida.
Remaining in Isla Mujeres at 1:30p on May 5 were: "Lunaly", "My Dream", "Playmobil", "Climate Change", "Nereid", "Mesmeriah", After You, "Equinox", "Severence", "Doll", "Tattoo "," Sky "," Revenge "," Split Decisio.
"Wato" is responsible for the demonstration
“Wato” responsable de la manifestación [+] Ver masFull article at this link
Investigating damage to the underwater line
Investigan daño a la línea submarina . [+] Ver masFull article at this link
May 4 The state Attorney General's office is investigating the damage to the six inch pipeline that supplies tap water to Sac Bajo, which occurred on April 15th, when a sailboat caused the line to rupture. Several tourist establishments were momentarily affected, but Aguakan remedied the problem by pumping water thru the other line that leads to Sac Bajo, on the Mundaca hacienda.
Aguakan filed a criminal complaint against the boat whose anchor damaged the line which crosses the navigation channel to the Makax lagoon, and which is docked at Puerto Isla Mujeres marina. (See article in IM noticias above for update).
Concluding the expansion of the wastewater network
Por concluir la ampliación de la red sanitaria+] Ver masFull article at this link
During the months of July and August, work will be done to expand the wastewater system to the southern part of the island, to attain 100% capacity with completion. The installation includes more than 8000 meters of PVC pipe, of various diameter including 8", 10", 12", and 14 inches.
Upon completion, they will immediately begin connecting the houses and businesses to the networks, for the benefit of more than 4900 people. The investment in this project exceeds 22 million pesos. Currently the network provides service to about 90 percent of the island.
The capacity of the treatment plant has been doubled from 30 to 60 liters per second, since that expansion was completed, which began three years ago. The wastewater plant injects all of the treated water 100 meters into the subsoil.
Progress can be observed with the opening of the ditches along manzanas ('blocks') 53 and 54, and at colonia Guadalupania.
The manager of Aguakan, Jose Pinzon Sarabia, advised all establishments such as hotels and restaurants to install solid waste traps (grease traps) to prevent fats and chemicals from reaching the network. It is also recommended that people with residences do not deposit solids into the network, and begin using environmentally friendly cleaning products.
Successful 49th "Amigos Regatta"
Disfrutan la 49ª “Regata Amigos” [+] Ver masFull article at this link
Most of this information has already been translated. It is noted the regatta was scheduled to being at noon, but there was a delay in the arrival of the children, who are grade school students between 8 and 12 years of age. Most of the 29 boats participated, including the Impossible Dream, which transported five guests in wheelchairs, with companions, or in the case of children, their mothers. This specially adapted boat won in its category (multihull) and most of its crew are in wheelchairs. The guests were also attended to by Deborah Mellen (captain), Bradley Johnson, Brandon Imhoff, David McCmley, Ashley Sullivan, Kevin Rodriguez and Willian Rey. They have not ruled out returning for the 51st edition of the regatta next year.
The guests expressed their gratitude, because some of them don't often leave their homes, and enjoyed the contact with the sun, sea, and breezes, and especially the spectacular sailing competition on the Bay, which took place without incident.
Hyperbaric chamber is open to the public
Cámara hiperbárica abierta al público. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The patronage system that operates the hyperbaric chamber to serve the lobster fishermen who suffer from decompression is available for diabetics with wounds that are difficult to heal, according to manager Heli Garcia. Some times have been allotted to provide this service at an affordable price for low income families. So far this year, 23 fishermen have been treated for decompression and six patients with diabetic related foot problems have been treated. The regular hours of service are 8am to 4pm, but it is available 24 hours for emergencies. It is noted that in this area of intense tourist activity, it is available to treat other divers suffering decompression as well.
The chamber has been operating for 19 years, with municipal funding and contributions from the lobster fishermen.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
In accordance with the electoral laws, the municipal Facebook site has suspended the release of information as of March 29, until after the election on July 1st.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Within ten minutes walk are the restaurants Mango Cafe, Brisas, Manolitos, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants. It takes 20-30 minutes to walk downtown.
May Events Provided by MaraVilla Caribe & Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events |
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May 1 8:52 May 2 9:44 May 3 10:35 May 4 11:25 May 29 7:37 May 30 8:29 May 31 9:19 Painting by Pamela Haase Sunset ~7:15 Sunrise ~6:05 |
Turtles begin mating and nesting in May. They can be observed mating offshore from Punta Sur during this month, and they nest along the eastern beaches. Tortugranja staff and volunteers gather the eggs and incubate them in the sand in a pen outside the facility. This is the dry season when farmers burn brush from their milpa-fields on the mainland, and salt was gathered at Salina Grande lake for hundreds of years, until the mid 1900's.
Wednesday May 2 Private Sol al Sol Regatta Events: Golf Cart Poker Run at 10a and Captain's party at the Casa del las Rocas & Crew party at Buhos both at 1p. (Happy hour schedules will be posted each day by 11am at the Race Headquarters. This is the 50th edition, they come annually from St Petersburg, Florida.)
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photo by Bruce Roberts |
Thursday, May 3 Dia de la Cruz (celebrated by construction workers)
Thursday, May 3 Artist Fair 3-8 Casa de la Cultura on the back street Guerrero at Abasolo
Thursday, May 3 Private Sol al Sol Rega6ta Events: Cocktail parties at 12:30 and 3;30-5 at Ballyhoo's and Cabanas poolside
Thursday, May 3 at 7 Mayor's reception for the Sol al Sol Regatta
Friday, May 4 Amigo's Regatta for Islanders age 8-12. Skipper's meeting at 10a. Children board 10:30-11a at the Lima dock. Boats depart at 11:30, and the race starts at noon.
Friday, May 4 at 8p: Private Sol al Sol Regatta Events: Cocktail Party at 6p & Awards Ceremony at 8p at Buho's/Maria del Mar
Saturday, May 5 "Cinco de Mayo" Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla against the French.
Saturday, May 5 Peak of the Eta Aquarid meteor showers (which began in late April and continue thru May 20). In the pre dawn hours, rates could reach 15-20 per hour.
Sunday, May 6 Noches Magicas performances at 8p on the Town Square
Wednesday, May 9 Regatta Al Sol "Cruising" category yachts depart from Pensacola Florida. (This is the 30th edition. They come every other year.)
Thursday, May 10 Mother's Day
Thursday, May 10 Regatta Al Sol "Racing" category yachts depart
Thursday, May 10 Artist Fair 3-8 Casa de la Cultura on the back street Guerrero at Abasolo
Sunday, May 13 Noches Magicas performances at 8p on the Town Square
Sunday, May 13 5p Regatta Al Sol Arrival party at Buhos (private event)
Tuesday, May 15 Regatta Al Sol Private Beach party at noon and City Council reception at Town Hall at 7p
Tuesday, May 15 Dia del Maestro / Teacher's Day
Tuesday May 15 Whale Shark Season officially begins (if the permits are issued on time this year). Rays can also be seen enjoying the 'buffet' that attracts the whale sharks to this area. (There are abundant fish eggs and plankton in the areas where they congregate and feed).
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photo by Tony Garcia |
Wednesday, May 16 Regatta Al Sol Captain's party at the Rock House (private event). 5p Mardi Gras Parade from Ciros Restaurant. 7p Basketball game against Islander team on downtown court by the Town Square
Thursday, May 17 Artist Fair 3-8 Casa de la Cultura on the back street Guerrero at Abasolo
Thursday, May 17 Regatta Al Sol Awards presentation at 7p at Maria del Mar (private event)
Friday, May 18 Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana International Fishing Tournament Captain's Dinner 5000p registration. Catch & Release. Prizes for top ten.
Saturday, May 19 Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana International Fishing Tournament Day 1 from the Coopertive Caribe dock (#9)
Sunday, May 20 Cosme Alberto Martinez Magana International Fishing Tournament Day2 & Awards
Sunday, May 20 Noches Magicas performances at 8p on the Town Square
Thursday, May 24 Artist Fair 3-8 Casa de la Cultura on the back street Guerrero at Abasolo
Sunday, May 27 Noches Magicas performances at 8p on the Town Square
Thursday, May 31 Artist Fair 3-8 Casa de la Cultura on the back street Guerrero at Abasolo
Sources for Weather Information:
LINK to Civil Protection Q Roo weather bulletin (Spanish)
LINK to Mexico National Weather Service (Spanish)
LINK to satellite images for the Mexico National Weather Service (Yucatan peninsula is under Satellite GOES Este, I recommend "Animacion" (it used to be in my blog margin, until Blogger became incompatible with it).
LINK to a private weather station on Isla Mujeres
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