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Both issues of The Isla Mujeres Magazine are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Opposition to the arrival of cruise ships
Hoteliers fear economic and ecological impact
Resistencia a la llegada de cruceros
Hoteleros temen impacto económico y ecológico
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de abril.-
Leaders of hotel industry say that opening the port to the arrival of cruise ships could cause a mortal blow to the small hotels of the island, in response to investors recently visiting the isle and expressing interest in this proposal. Hoteliers say that although investments in the island are welcome because they translate into development and employment possibilities, things have to be done with a long-term vision, otherwise the effect can be devastating for the whole tourism industry, starting with the environment if we consider the already fragile ecology of Isla Mujeres.
Local merchants are already concerned about the competition they face from franchises and chains and are concerned that the situation could be aggravated with the arrival of transatlantic cruise ships. They said, "Isla Mujeres is much smaller than Cozumel, the main cruise destination in Mexico. We are concerned that the massive arrival of cruise passengers may lead to problems with services and over-saturation of day-visitors. We can notice that in the high seasons we receive thousands of daytrippers daily, imagine if we add all the people from the the cruise ships."
Guadalupe Martínez Márquez, president of the Association of Hotels of Isla Mujeres (AHIM) said, "There is concern for Isla Mujeres, since it is a very small island that is about eight kilometers long by 1.2 km wide. Therefore it is prone to be damaged by saturation, since some services would be harmed. This is one of the issues that merits close attention."
She said, "With every project, there are some things that are good and some things that are not. For the hotel industry, cruises are not of great benefit."
However, it would be the marine ecosystem who would suffer the worst. According to the 2004 study by the NGO "Oceana" the construction of new ports, or extending older ones causes extensive changes in the coastal environment, including muddying the water and threatening the survival of the reefs. (LINK to report, in English.)
Magic, clowns & gifts to celebrate Children's Day
Magia, payasos y regalos
Celebra Juan Carrillo Día del Niño
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de abril.-
See City section below....
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
The Noches Magicas performances on Sunday evening commemorated the International Day of Dance and featured folkloric dances by the Children of Isla Mujeres Infantil de Isla Mujeres and ''Costumbres y Tradiciones de México'' / Customs & Traditions of Mexico, as well as the senior citizen dance troupes, ''Entorno'', ''Mustafina Raisman'', ''Añoranzas de Isla Mujeres'' and ''Star Dancers'' and the folkloric group ''Tequila y Son''.
The director of the Isla Mujeres Institute of Culture and Arts thanked the participants.
The Pescadores de Isla Mujeres beat the Ganaderos de Lázaro Cárdenas with a score of 4-2 on Sunday (Fishermen vs Cattlemen) in the State Baseball league game, which was well attended, here at the Isla Mujeres baseball staduim "El Pescador". Last week, the Ganaderos beat the Pescadores at their field.This closes the first round of the state Baseball League.
Day of the Child was commemorated by the City of Isla Mujeres, headed by the municipal president, Juan Carrillo Soberanis, in coordination with the System for Development Integral of the Family (DIF) of Quintana Roo and Isla Mujeres, with an event to celebrate the children of the island.
The event took place at the "Green Dome" in colonia Salina Chica, and included a magic show, interaction with clowns, and a raffle of gifts, among many other activities specially designed for the children.
Names of officials who attended are given, and comments are given of those who expressed their appreciation. The Mayor specifically congratulated Maleika Maisha Garrido Dietrich and Gabriel Antonio Rosado Collí, who served as child legislators representing District 1 at the Children's Parliament, and Jesús Emanuel Nolasco Jiménez, who served a Mayor of a day.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
Electrical work should be completed this summer…/
I'll translate this one manana
The leader of the CROC union said the job market is still alive despite the end of the Easter holiday season and that they will continue to have difficulty filling jobs for the big hotels and companies. They have agreements with about 20 companies and continue to have lists of jobs available at the Union office.…/
The leader of the CROC union said there were no plans for a parade for Labor Day, Día del Trabajo, on May 1st. It is expected to be celebrated with raffles, tacos, sports activites, and celebrations for Children's Day. The Union group will have their own activities, and it is expected that the City will also sponsor celebrations.…/
Work is progressing rapidly at the basketball court renovation…/
The rehabilitation of the "José del Carmen Pastrana" basketball court which began on April 18, has made significant progress and although the promise is to deliver it in 45 days, it could be completed much earlier. The work is being done by the Moyuc Company, under the management of its owner, Ramiro Coral, with an investment of 1.3 million pesos.
It is scheduled to be inaugurated on June 1, but the workers say it could be ready before that. The Mayor spoke about the needs of the athletes and said there is an obligation to improve this court. It had received 'improvements' previously, which had caused more problems. Therefore, it was determined that it was best to remove the surface, down to the earthen foundations and install all new concrete. There will also be 'gradas' of concrete (I think this means grandstands), although nothing is known about bathrooms.
Currently, significant progress has been made and they hope to have the ground ready to start pouring concrete next week.
From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Roof of blue dome need replacement
Se destroza techo del domo azul.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The canvas of the dome at Plaza Habitat in La Gloria has begun to tear from the southern winds, and nearly a quarter of it has been affected. This has caused the cancellation of some events and is causing noise when it flaps in the wind. The material had been previously weakened by the north winds during the winter months. It was installed eight years ago. It is estimated that the material costs about 250 pesos per squar meter so to cover an area of about 600 square meters would cost about 150,000 pesos in materials.
"Tattoo" remains in the lead
Se mantiene “Tattoo” a la cabeza[+] Ver masFull article at this link
This article is from yesterday afternoon.
Today... Four of the boats have arrived with 50/50 in first place in Class A, and It's Only Money in second and Tattoo in third, and I can't see the results for My Time. In Class B, After You is in first and Equinox is in second and they both haven't arrived, according to the tracking site at 1pm.
Ministerio Publico closed on Sundays
MP no funciona los domingos.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The Prosecutor's office was closed on Sunday and neighbors report is was also closed during the Easter Holiday on Sunday, and even on Saturday. Residents want this service provided 365 days a year to respond promptly when there are thefts or other crimes, and there are thousands of tourists who visit daily and require prompt assistance when they are the victim of poor service or theft.
"Saldo Blanco" for Isla Mujeres restaurants
Saldo blanco sanitario en Isla Mujeres [+] Ver masFull article at this link
For the period before, during, and after Easter vacations, there have been zero cases of salmonella or ciguata, during this season of high consumption of fish and chicken. The Head of the Office of Heath Risks, Leonel Garcia Povedano said it is recommended that all providers of food maintain high standards of cleanliness and adhere to the regulations, including the street vendors who offer fruit and snacks.
His agency keeps about 50 establishments under constant surveillance, especially the grills of the areas of the tours where there are large amounts of tourists eating, to prevent the introduction of Barracuda meat.
Advice is given about taking care with consumption of street foods, fruits and vegetables.
Here's some Regatta history from an article I wrote a couple years ago about tourism in Isla Mujeres, with a link to a 1967 Sports Illustrated article about a first hand experience in that Regatta.
Nearly Half a Century of Regattas
In 1965, Jose Lima went to New Orleans in 1965 with a delegation of Mexican officials to organize regattas between Mexico and the United States. (At that time, Sr. Lima was head of the National Sports agency.) The Mexican Ambassador-at-large brought posters advertising a "Regata al Sol" race from New Orleans to Isla Mujeres. The ads said the race was sponsored by the Southern Yacht Club of New Orleans, who had never heard of the event.The club reluctantly agreed to be involved, providing they did not have to put up any money.
One member of the club was so impressed with the Mexicans that he volunteered to oversee the race. Three months later, he found himself flying to Mexico City, taking one of the three flights to Merida, enduring a four hour cab ride to Puerto Juarez, and waiting for the small ferry boat to Isla Mujeres. After arriving on the isle, he borrowed a tiny rowboat, in order to place two homemade buoys in the bay, as a finish line.
As the date for the race approached, it became a major media event in Mexico, with Chrysler & GM of Mexico sponsoring trophies. In Isla Mujeres plans were underway for the festivities to welcome the fleet of American yachts to Isla Mujeres.
Meanwhile, back in the US, there were zero entrants. Americans stopped visiting Cuba after the Revolution, and boat owners were hesitant about going to Isla Mujeres, because of its proximity to the Communist country. Therefore, the first race consisted of only two sailboats, provided by the US Navy. One was manned by members of the US Navy from Pensacola. The other boat, which carried Mexican officials, had been re-christened the "Isla Mujeres" . It won the race. The following year the regatta was very successful, with 16 participants.
Original plans for the regattas included various starting points (Houston, New Orleans, Pensacola, St. Petersburg and Naples) and destinations (Veracruz, Isla Mujeres, Cozumel and Progreso.) Only two regattas remain, and both conclude in Isla Mujeres.. The Regata al Sol del Sol, which first ran in 1969, is held annually from St. Petersburg. The Southern Yacht Club still participates in the Regatta al Sol, with the New Orleans Yacht Club, coming to Isla Mujeres every other year
Meteor shower later this week
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, which is caused by debris from Halley's Comet, is peaking this week during the predawn hours of Friday & Saturday. The most meteors can be seen during the hours before 5a, when dawn starts (after moonset at 3a on Fri and 3:49 on Sat). It should also be decent on Wed & Thurs, before dawn. (moonset is 1:33a Wed & 2:18 Thur.)
Experts say: Give yourself at least an hour of viewing time for watching any meteor shower. Meteors tend to come in spurts that are interspersed by lulls, and it can take as long as 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark. You don’t need to know where they are to watch a meteor shower, because the meteors fly every which way across the sky, in front of numerous constellations.
However, the higher a shower’s radiant appears in your sky, the more meteors you’re likely to see. For the Eta Aquarids, the radiant soars highest in the nighttime sky just before dawn. That’s why you can expect to see the most meteors in the wee morning hours.
You can see some Eta Aquarid meteors in late evening, before the radiant rises into your sky. In fact, late evening is the best time to see earthgrazers, meteors that make exceptionally long streaks across your sky. As the radiant rises higher – that is as the hours of the night tick away to dawn – you’ll see shorter meteors, but more meteors.
In a dark sky, especially at more southerly latitudes, the Eta Aquarids can produce up to 20 to 40 meteors per hour.
The comet dust smashes into Earth’s upper atmosphere at nearly 150,000 mph. Roughly half of these swift-moving meteors leave persistent trains – ionized gas trails that glow for a few seconds after the meteor has passed.
The paths of the Eta Aquarid meteors appear to radiate from a certain point in front of the constellation "Aquarius the Water Bearer". This point is called the 'radiant' of the meteor shower, and since it nearly aligns with the star "Eta Aquarii", it's named for that star.
The alignment of the radiant and the star is of course coincidental. Eta Aquarii is some 170 light-years away – trillons upon trillions of miles away – while the Eta Aquarid meteors burn up about 60 miles (100 km) above Earth’s surface.
From EarthSkyOrg.
Se destroza techo del domo azul.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The canvas of the dome at Plaza Habitat in La Gloria has begun to tear from the southern winds, and nearly a quarter of it has been affected. This has caused the cancellation of some events and is causing noise when it flaps in the wind. The material had been previously weakened by the north winds during the winter months. It was installed eight years ago. It is estimated that the material costs about 250 pesos per squar meter so to cover an area of about 600 square meters would cost about 150,000 pesos in materials.
"Tattoo" remains in the lead
Se mantiene “Tattoo” a la cabeza[+] Ver masFull article at this link
This article is from yesterday afternoon.
Today... Four of the boats have arrived with 50/50 in first place in Class A, and It's Only Money in second and Tattoo in third, and I can't see the results for My Time. In Class B, After You is in first and Equinox is in second and they both haven't arrived, according to the tracking site at 1pm.
Ministerio Publico closed on Sundays
MP no funciona los domingos.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The Prosecutor's office was closed on Sunday and neighbors report is was also closed during the Easter Holiday on Sunday, and even on Saturday. Residents want this service provided 365 days a year to respond promptly when there are thefts or other crimes, and there are thousands of tourists who visit daily and require prompt assistance when they are the victim of poor service or theft.
"Saldo Blanco" for Isla Mujeres restaurants
Saldo blanco sanitario en Isla Mujeres [+] Ver masFull article at this link
For the period before, during, and after Easter vacations, there have been zero cases of salmonella or ciguata, during this season of high consumption of fish and chicken. The Head of the Office of Heath Risks, Leonel Garcia Povedano said it is recommended that all providers of food maintain high standards of cleanliness and adhere to the regulations, including the street vendors who offer fruit and snacks.
His agency keeps about 50 establishments under constant surveillance, especially the grills of the areas of the tours where there are large amounts of tourists eating, to prevent the introduction of Barracuda meat.
Advice is given about taking care with consumption of street foods, fruits and vegetables.
Here's some Regatta history from an article I wrote a couple years ago about tourism in Isla Mujeres, with a link to a 1967 Sports Illustrated article about a first hand experience in that Regatta.
Nearly Half a Century of Regattas
In 1965, Jose Lima went to New Orleans in 1965 with a delegation of Mexican officials to organize regattas between Mexico and the United States. (At that time, Sr. Lima was head of the National Sports agency.) The Mexican Ambassador-at-large brought posters advertising a "Regata al Sol" race from New Orleans to Isla Mujeres. The ads said the race was sponsored by the Southern Yacht Club of New Orleans, who had never heard of the event.The club reluctantly agreed to be involved, providing they did not have to put up any money.
One member of the club was so impressed with the Mexicans that he volunteered to oversee the race. Three months later, he found himself flying to Mexico City, taking one of the three flights to Merida, enduring a four hour cab ride to Puerto Juarez, and waiting for the small ferry boat to Isla Mujeres. After arriving on the isle, he borrowed a tiny rowboat, in order to place two homemade buoys in the bay, as a finish line.
As the date for the race approached, it became a major media event in Mexico, with Chrysler & GM of Mexico sponsoring trophies. In Isla Mujeres plans were underway for the festivities to welcome the fleet of American yachts to Isla Mujeres.
Meanwhile, back in the US, there were zero entrants. Americans stopped visiting Cuba after the Revolution, and boat owners were hesitant about going to Isla Mujeres, because of its proximity to the Communist country. Therefore, the first race consisted of only two sailboats, provided by the US Navy. One was manned by members of the US Navy from Pensacola. The other boat, which carried Mexican officials, had been re-christened the "Isla Mujeres" . It won the race. The following year the regatta was very successful, with 16 participants.
Original plans for the regattas included various starting points (Houston, New Orleans, Pensacola, St. Petersburg and Naples) and destinations (Veracruz, Isla Mujeres, Cozumel and Progreso.) Only two regattas remain, and both conclude in Isla Mujeres.. The Regata al Sol del Sol, which first ran in 1969, is held annually from St. Petersburg. The Southern Yacht Club still participates in the Regatta al Sol, with the New Orleans Yacht Club, coming to Isla Mujeres every other year
Meteor shower later this week
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, which is caused by debris from Halley's Comet, is peaking this week during the predawn hours of Friday & Saturday. The most meteors can be seen during the hours before 5a, when dawn starts (after moonset at 3a on Fri and 3:49 on Sat). It should also be decent on Wed & Thurs, before dawn. (moonset is 1:33a Wed & 2:18 Thur.)
Experts say: Give yourself at least an hour of viewing time for watching any meteor shower. Meteors tend to come in spurts that are interspersed by lulls, and it can take as long as 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark. You don’t need to know where they are to watch a meteor shower, because the meteors fly every which way across the sky, in front of numerous constellations.
However, the higher a shower’s radiant appears in your sky, the more meteors you’re likely to see. For the Eta Aquarids, the radiant soars highest in the nighttime sky just before dawn. That’s why you can expect to see the most meteors in the wee morning hours.
You can see some Eta Aquarid meteors in late evening, before the radiant rises into your sky. In fact, late evening is the best time to see earthgrazers, meteors that make exceptionally long streaks across your sky. As the radiant rises higher – that is as the hours of the night tick away to dawn – you’ll see shorter meteors, but more meteors.
In a dark sky, especially at more southerly latitudes, the Eta Aquarids can produce up to 20 to 40 meteors per hour.
The comet dust smashes into Earth’s upper atmosphere at nearly 150,000 mph. Roughly half of these swift-moving meteors leave persistent trains – ionized gas trails that glow for a few seconds after the meteor has passed.
The paths of the Eta Aquarid meteors appear to radiate from a certain point in front of the constellation "Aquarius the Water Bearer". This point is called the 'radiant' of the meteor shower, and since it nearly aligns with the star "Eta Aquarii", it's named for that star.
The alignment of the radiant and the star is of course coincidental. Eta Aquarii is some 170 light-years away – trillons upon trillions of miles away – while the Eta Aquarid meteors burn up about 60 miles (100 km) above Earth’s surface.
From EarthSkyOrg.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Within ten minutes walk are the restaurants Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, Manolitos, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants. It takes 20-30 minutes to walk downtown.
Provided by MaraVilla Caribe & Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events
Wednesday, May 3 Dia de la Cruz (celebrated by construction workers)
Wednesday, May 3 Basketball game Islanders vs Regatta sailors 7p Probably at the Convention Center since the downtown court is being renovated.
Friday, May 5 Regatta Amigos. Isleno children (exceptional students aged 8-12) gather at Buhos at 10am, leave for the boats a half hour later and depart at noon for their Regatta around the island
Friday, May 5 Anniversary of victory against French at Battle of Puebla "Cinco de Mayo"
Sunday, May 7 Noches Magicas on the Town Square 8p
Wednesday, May 10 Mother's Day
Sunset ~7:05p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
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May 10 7:15 May 11 8:05 May 12 8:55 May 13 9:44 May 14 10:32 May 15 11:19 |
Painting by Pam Haase Link to website
Sunday, May 14 Noches Magicas on the Town Square 8p (Mother's Day in the US)
Monday, May 15 Teacher's Day Día del Maestro
The starting date for Whale Shark Tour season hasn't been announced yet, so it is unknown if it will be May 17 (possibly thru Sept. 17). Will update when announced.
May 19, 20, 21 Cosme Magana Fishing Tournament
Friday is final registration & the Captain's dinner
The tournament is Saturday & Sunday
Sunday, May 21 Noches Magicas on the Town Square 8p
Sunday, May 28 Noches Magicas on the Town Square 8p
Monday, May 29 Memorial Day in the US
Thursday, June 1 Día de la Marina
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