This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
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Both issues of The Isla Mujeres Magazine are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Ongoing supervision of work at Las Iguanas Park and Las Homiguitas Obreras Park
Supervisión permanente a obras
En Las Hormiguitas Obreras y Las Iguanas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 24 de noviembre.-
The director general of Public Works, César Poot Pérez, said the construction of the palapa at "Las Iguanas" park and the improvements to "Las Hormiguitas Obreras" will be completed by the middle of next month, for the enjoyment and recreation of the island families. He said the work is being supervised constantly to assure that it is meeting the highest quality standards, under instructions from the Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis.
The rehabilitation work at Las Hormiguitas Obreras (the Worker Ants) park includes construction of public bathrooms.
Mayor signs agreement for benefit of families awaiting deeds
Comprometido con el bienestar
Juan Carrillo firma convenio para que familias obtengan cartas de asignación de viviendas
Cecilia Solis
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de noviembre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de noviembre.-
See Por Esto section below...
Program in schools to prevent bullying
Arranca programa “Mi Escuela Segura”
Para prevenir el bullying mediante teatro guiñol
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de noviembre.- .
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de noviembre.- .
- In order to avoid bullying among students, on Wednesday the “Prevención de Delitos” program was launched among island students of the island, using "guiñol" theater, by staff of the Public Security Department (municipal police). Six officers participated in this bullying prevention project, titled “Mi Escuela Segura”, which took place at the primary school "Cesar Mendoza Santana" It is aimed at first and second grade students, and is expected to be presented at all the island schools.
At the event, the children participated actively in resolving a (mock) case of bullying in school, so that they receive the correct message about avoiding this, and with this method, the information is shared in a very dynamic manner.
Next week the Crime Prevention group will be at the high school, Colegio Bachilleres, as well as at a private middle school and at the other campuses as scheduled in upcoming days.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
Islanders continue to participate in the program "Discussing the Future"
Continúa la participación isleña en el programa #PlatiquemosDelFuturo.
Today we celebrate the 114th anniversary of the creation of the Federal Territory of Quintana Roo. There is a video.
Hoy celebramos el 114 aniversario de la creación del Territorio Federal de #QuintanaRoo.
Shared from the Isla Mujeres Institute of Culture:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 6pm Exercise Dance Class
Tuesday and Thursday 10am Batik Workshop
Painting Workshop Monday & Thursday at 3:30p at the Casa de la Cultura
Workshop in Mexican Folkloric Dance 6p Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at the Open Air Theater of the Bicentenario Park
Polynesian Dance Workshop 4p on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at the Casa de la Cultura
Pinata making workshop Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm at the Casa de la Cultura
Candle Making Workshop 6pm Monday thru Friday 6p at the Casa de la Cultura
Yoga workshop with Rita 6p Tuesday & Thursday at the Casa de la Cultura
Hammock making workshop on Monday and Thursday at 6pm at the Casa de la Cultura
Guitar Workshop at 4p on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Casa de la Cultura
Workshop for Making Art from Coconut Fiber and Materials from the Sea 5p Monday, Wednesday & Friday
There is an announcement for the Saturdays Magicas in Ciudad Mujeres on the mainland.
Successful participation of the island community in the citizen's forum #platiquemosdelfuturo where they expressed their views for the "Municipal Development Plan 2016-2018".
Exitosa participación de la comunidad isleña en el foro ciudadano #PlatiquemosDelFuturo en donde expresaron sus opiniones para este "Plan de Desarrollo Municipal 2016-2018".
Do you have suggestions to improve #islamujeres? Participate in the citizen s' forum #platiquemosdelfuturo and tell us what you'd like to change by entering at this link:
¿Tienes sugerencias para mejorar #IslaMujeres? Participa en el foro ciudadano #PlatiquemosDelFuturo y cuéntanos lo que te gustaría cambiar entrando a este link:
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & FB page)
Olivares Jimenez: It is recommended that you shouldn't spend too many hours in the sun
Es recomendable no exponerse por muchas horas a los rayos del sol: Olivares Jiménez -…/
The City will continue the project for the children of Isla Mujeres to learn English. (See yesterday's translations)
Ayuntamiento dará continuidad al proyecto de aprendizaje del inglés en niños de Isla Mujeres -…/
Los masajes terapéuticos, un servicio con mucha demanda entre el turismo extranjero a consecuencia del stress -…/
Government of Isla mujeres is committed to the heritage of the Islanders
Gobierno de Isla Mujeres comprometido con el patrimonio de los isleños -…/

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
"Hot potato" for City
“¨Papa caliente” para el ayuntamiento.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The Alderman for the MORENA party, Roberto Martinez, wants clarification on the fate of 563 hectares of municipal land, following the signing of an agreement between the City of Isla Mujeres and SEDUVI of Quintana Roo (Dept. of Urban Housing and Development) concerning the sale and purchase of 1715 residential and commercial lots, by orders from a Federal judge (on the mainland part of the municipality.)
The Alderman worked for two years on this legal case, and says he has documents in his possession that indicate that 563 hectares in the Continental Zone were obtained for the promotion of tourism development of Punta Sam in 1998, of which 25 hectares were given to Nueva Tierra (New Land); 85 hectares were sold by former Mayor Paulino Adame Torres to SADASI without justification, and 200 hectares were allocated to the former agency INFOVIR to meet the needs for housing, which it never did, but it did sell half of that area. He said now there are 243 hectares whose destiny is unknown, and that the government should report about this patrimony and "begin to rescue it for the benefit of our children and grandchildren".
According to file 1170/2014 of the Fourth District Court, the issue of the 1,715 allocation letters granted by the City Council in April 2005 by controversial mayor Paulino Adame Torres has now been addressed, and the judge ordered that their petition must be responded to by this week. Failure to comply could result in fines, and there is also a risk that the Council members could be prosecuted and even removed from office if they do not act in a timely manner and comply, because the former City Council has delayed this as far as allowed.
The Third Regular Session of the City Council is scheduled for Friday at 4:30, and the fifth item on the agenda is to create a Special Commission in charge of following up that these works being carried out by the City Council and SEDUVI, to execute the judgements handed down by the Fourth and Second District Courts under their respective judgements of 1170/2014 and 346/2016.
Reactivating Ciudad Mujeres project
Reavivan el proyecto Ciudad Mujeres. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
This is another article about the Letters of Assignment given in 2005, and notes the module to submit their documents will be in the downstairs area of the City Hall, Thursday, Nov. 24 to Jan. 17, 2017, Monday thru Friday from 9a to 2p. It lists the other documents that are required.
There were 1715 Letters of Assignments given by controversial former Mayor Paulino Adame Torres eleven years ago, and the assignee's sought legal relief in the courts. The documents will be sent to SEDUVI for review and analysis (Department of Urban Development and Housing).
CFE replacing electrical posts in bad condition
Sustituye la CFE postes en mal estado.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
Although the replacing of bad electrical posts is an ongoing job of the CFE (Federal Electrical Commission), they have intensified their work of replacing poles in the colonias and downtown, in order to guarantee uninterrupted service during times of greater usage, such as December. There have been complaints from residents along Juarez Avenue, Guerrero, and Rueda Medina downtown, as well as in the colonias of the central and southern part of the isle.
There are plans to replace about a dozen poles before Christmas. Most colonias have one or two poles that need removal due to corrosion of the steel structures. In recent days, CFE staff have been observed removing poles near colonial La Gloria, along the coastal road, and at colonia Meteorologico.
Isla Mujeres is ready for patron saint festivities
Isla Mujeres, lista para las fiestas patronales. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The schedule of events will be presented on Friday at 11:30, by parish priest Raul Sanchez Alonso who will officiate at the daily Masses and processions in the streets, during these two weeks of activities by some twenty guilds. The groups include the cooperatives of the fishermen and nautical tours, women's groups, youth groups, and neighborhood groups.
The celebrations for the Virgin of Immaculate Conception will begin on Monday when the icon will be taken down from her niche for the first procession through the streets, with hundreds of parishioners participating, and they will end on December 8 with the traditional maritime procession in the Bay. Dozens of children will be confirmed at the Church of Immaculate Conception downtown.
During the two weeks of festivities, each guild will organize recreational and cultural activities. These will include fireworks, dances with live music, fairs, singing of Las Mananitas, processions, gatherings, and the sea procession. The celebrations will bring many families together in an opportunity to strengthen their faith, said Gibran Mex, who is one of the 'right hands' of father Raul.
Day of Mexican Navy commemorated
Conmemoran “Día de la Armada de México”.. [+] Ver mas
Personnel of the Fifth Naval Region commemorated the 191st anniversary of the consolidation of Mexico's Independence and Mexico's Navy Day, in the company of Mayor of Isla Mujeres, Juan Carrillo, and Mayor of Benito Juárez, Remberto Estrada, among other guests.There was a brief official ceremony at the Naval esplanade in the morning and then the special guests attended a breakfast at the Naval Club, hosted by Admiral Carlos Ortega Muñiz, commander of the Fifth Naval Region.
The Master of Ceremonies recounted the historical events at San Juan de Ulua in the Port of Veracruz on November 23, 1825 when the Mexican Navy defeated the last stronghold of Spanish troops who did not recognize the independence of Mexico.
Decorations and awards for length of service were given to commemorate this event. In 1991, by Presidential Decree, November 23 was declared as Naval Day of Mexico and is considered a public holiday throughout the Mexican Republic.
Taxi drivers request secret vote in next election
Solicitan voto secreto para la próxima asamblea electiva[+] Ver mas
-Julio Osorio, Jesus Cruz and Miguel Chan, who aspire to succeed Eduardo Peniche "El Wato" as leader of the Isla Mujeres taxi driver union, have made a written request that the union's next election in mid December be done via secret ballot. The request is dated Nov. 22 and was presented to the Union office and to the Delegación de Comunicaciones y Transportes of SINTRA.
Portions of the document are quoted in the article, citing Article 38 and alleging that the current union leader, who has held office for 15 years, has violated the statutes.
City signs agreement with SEDUVI
Signan convenio el ayuntamiento y la Seduvi.. [+] Ver mas
The City of Isla Mujeres and the Department of Urban Development and Housing (SEDUVI) of Quintana Roo, signed a collaboration agreement for the benefit of the 1,715 people who obtained letters of assignment in 2005 to occupy residential and commercial lots located in the continental urban area (on the mainland part of the municipality).
Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis requested the intervention of SEDUVI to take responsibility to address this 'pendiente' (obligation) for the "lotificacion" (deeding of lots) and urbanization of about 40 hectares of the 200 hectares of municipal land that was ceded to the state government in 2007.
This is presumed to be associated with the legal appeal brought by the hundreds of applicants and a judge having set a deadline to address their petition. Two years ago, Roberto Martinez, who is now an alderman, endorsed this effort which is now bearing fruit, apparently.
Mayor Juan Carrillo said this agreement will allow these people who have had a long wait "to now
have legal certainty that there are conditions and commitment so that they will finally have properties." This is possible, he added, thanks to the efforts of the current administration and the willingness of the state government, to assist in solving this age-old problem, which has affected dozens of families who tried to obtain a lot 11 years ago ".
He announced that in the coming days (with the municipality as a facilitator) a table will be set up to receive the documents of everyone who has a letter of assignment, which will then be verified and analyzed by SEDUVI. The Mayor said he is committed to having the official papers in the hands of the families as quickly as possible, for their peace of mind; with timely follow-ups to the efforts made on this issue. "Housing is basic to guarantee human dignity. It not only provides for the development of people's private lives, but is also a space for meeting, coexistence, protection, and care of families and communities. In a word, it is a basic need of the human condition, " he said.
Alderman with the MORENA party, Roberto Martinez, said he will participate in helping with the purchasing process of the lots, but he is now prevented by law from litigating the case, which he did for two years, and it is in the hands of other lawyers. He has independently requested a window be opened by the Urban Development Department to receive the Letters of Assignment.
He said the agreement signed between the City and SEGUVI doesn't meet the judge's orders which set a deadline for the sale of these lots that expires on Friday, Nov. 25. This could result in a fine of 100 Standardized Units (One Unit is equal to the Daily minimum wage of ~72pesos) or about 7000 pesos against the City, and another against the state government, if the order is not complied with fully.
In addition there is a risk that all the members of the City Council could be 'destituidos' (lit. displaced) if the judge sends the case to the Tribunal Colegiado and places the responsibilities against the SEDUVI officials
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes southward down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes southwest to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or other options. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
November events
Sunset ~6:05p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
Nov. 13 5:44p
Nov. 14 6:37p Full Moon
Nov. 15 7:34p
Nov. 16 8:33p
Nov. 17 9:34p
Nov. 18 10:33p
Nov. 19 11:31p
Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials.
Sunday evenings on the Town Square 8p Noches Magicas Music & Dance Performances
Tuesday, Nov. 1 All Saint's Day Dia de los Muertos
Wednesday, Nov. 2 All Soul's Day Dia de los Muertos No School & Offices Closed
On Nov. 2, hundreds of residents have been invited to participate the silent parade, who will dress in traditional clothing or white, with Catrina makeup as Catrinas Catrinas for the "Festival of the Living for the Dead". It starts at 6p from the Cemetery (Hidalgo and Lopez Mateos) to the Casa Cultura where there will be a display of altars in the style of different regions of Mexico. There's a nice video of last year's here on FB.
Thursday, Nov 3 Artist Fair at Casa de la Cultura 4p-9p
Batik artist Sergio is a usual participant, along with Isla Brewery. Amar Peruvian restaurant set up tables at the last two fairs.
To all Islenos: We invite you to the the Diabetes Clinic sponsored by the Club Pro-Paciente Diabetico A.C. at the Community Hospital in La Gloria on Thursday, November 3, at 9:00 AM. Health care professionals will test your blood, offer diabetes education and distribute meters and strips and other supplies, as well as free reading glasses We will teach you how to use the equipment so that you can manage your illness of diabetes better. This clinic is completely free and is funded by the generosity of Americans who live and visit your beautiful island.
Sat. Nov. 5 Town Square 8pm performance by the graduates of the Polynesian dancing classes of the Casa de la Cultura.
Sunday, Nov. 5 Magic Nights of the Souls at 8pm on the Town Square. Festival of the Living for the Dead.
Friday, Nov. 11 You are invited to enjoy a performance by the Federal Police Mariachi band at 8pm in the Town Square. They are 14 professional officers who are also professional musicians.
Thursday, Nov. 17 Artist's Fair 4-9 Casa de la Cultura
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Art by Liwlig Larsen |
Friday, Nov. 18 8:30 Parade commemorating the 106th anniversary of the Revolutionary War
Sunday, Nov. 20 Revolutionary Day Memorial (National Holiday)
Monday, Nov. 21 Day off for Revolutionary Day Memorial (National Holiday)
At the end of November are the celebrations for the town's Patron saint, and residents from the US celebrate Thanksgiving.
Sources for Storm Information:
Tropical Tidbits
The Artist's Fairs are scheduled twice a month, on the First and Third Thursdays, at the Casa de Cultura, 4-9.
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