This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
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Both issues of The Isla Mujeres Magazine are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Dredging out the storm absorption wells
Mayor Juan Carrillo attending to needs of the public
Desazolvan los pozos pluviales
Juan Carrillo atiende demanda ciudadana en el municipio
Lanrry parra
ISLA MUJERES, 31 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 31 de octubre.-
The program of cleaning and desilting the absorption wells has been completed, to prevent flooding of rainwater during the rainy season and ensure public safety. This maintenance had not been done in six years. and was carried out under orders from the Mayor, Juan Carrillo Soberanis. The work began last week on 14 absorption wells, of which 7 are on the island, downtown and in the colonias of la Gloria, Salina Chica, Salina Grande and Meteorológica. The other 7 are at Rancho Viejo, on the mainland part of the municipality.
The Director of Public Works, Cesar Poot Perez, said they will do maintenance on these storm drain wells every six months throughout this administration, to prevent them from becoming clogged with trash, mud, and dead branches. On behalf of the Mayor, he invited the community to assist by not littering and keeping the areas in front of their houses clean, because this is the most effective way to keep trash from clogging the storm drains when it begins to rain. He said everyone needs to do their part; that public servants have an obligation to work to ensure the public have functional services with the citizens need to help to keep the streets clean.
By doing maintenance to keep the streets clean, the City reaffirms its commitment to having a clean and healthy municipality, and this also reduces the risks for the spread of mosquito borne diseases like dengue, zika, and chikungunya.
Alicia Ricalde Magana reports a 12% increase in passengers at the Maritime Terminal
Repunte en terminal marítima
Confirma Ricalde Magaña aumento del 12 por ciento en movimiento de pasajeros
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, 30 de octubre.-
The general director of the Port Authority of Quintana Roo (Apiqroo), Alicia Ricalde Magaña, presided over the installation of the Operations Committee of the Port of Isla Mujeres, and reported a 12.29 increase in the number of passengers between January and September of this year, compared to last year. During this period last year there were 1,441,134 passengers, while this year there were 1,618,198 passengers.
During this time period from January to September, the number of passengers transported in the tourist boats rose by 14 percent this year, with 147,698 in 2016 and 129,470 in 2015, during that time period.
Erosion destroys pier
Fuerte erosión destruye muelle
Concesionarios de Zofemat anuncian inversión
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, a 30 de octubre.-
ISLA MUJERES, a 30 de octubre.-
This is another article about beach erosion at the "Playa Sol" area of North Beach, which has advanced over the past three years with the disappearance of seven 'geotubes', which were installed in 2007. Business owners with concessions in the area want to invest money in installing new 'whales', in a private-public joint venture, after the Federal Government gives approval. They estimate 10,000 square meters of beach have been lost, and they want the City government to contribute, and to make a commitment about maintenance.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
Having respect for your neighbors is the key to a good life.
Dirigirnos con respeto hacia nuestros vecinos es la pieza clave para una buena convivencia.
The public is invited to take advantage of the discounts offered in November and to catch up on their payments of property tax and (commercial) trash collection, by the City, via the Treasury Department.
A través de la tesorería, el Ayuntamiento de #IslaMujeres hace una atenta invitación a la población en general para aprovechar los descuentos que se ofrecen durante noviembre y ponerse al día en el pago del impuesto predial y servicio de recolección de la basura.
Today we remember all the dearly departed with love.
Hoy recordamos con mucho cariño a todos los fieles difuntos.
Thanks to the work by the Trotugranja, with the help of volunteers, this year 23,060 baby turtles were released, of the species loggerhead, green, and hawksbill.
Gracias a los trabajos que lleva a cabo Tortugranja con el apoyo del voluntariado, a lo largo de este año se liberaron 23 mil 60 ejemplares de quelonios de las especies caguama, blanca y carey.
Work has begun on the repairing of the palapa at Las Iguana Park, which is expected to be ready in mid-December.
Inicia los trabajos de reparación de la palapa del parque "Las iguanas", la cual estará lista para mediados de diciembre.
The Health Department advises parents of children between 1 and 4 years old to participate in the national vaccination and boosters campaign against measles and rubella which will take place at the Community Hospital on Nov. 10, or go to their nearest health facility.
La Dirección de Salud convoca a los padres con niños entre 1 y 4 años a la Campaña Nacional de Vacunación y Revacunación contra el Sarampión y la Rubeola que se estará llevando a cabo hasta el 10 de noviembre en el Hospital Comunitario o en sus Instituciones de Salud más cercanas.
As promised, the fence around the downtown cemetery has been completed and is ready for the celebrations of Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead.
Palabra cumplida, ha quedado restaurada en un 100% la barda perimetral del cementerio del centro y está lista para las festividades de #DíaDeMuertos.
"Noches Magicas de las Animas"/ Magic Night of the Souls was a successful, colorful event that was enjoyed on Sunday evening, presenting cultural dances from different regions of Mexico.
Con mucho éxito se llevó a cabo las #NochesMágicas de las Ánimas en donde se disfrutó una colorida velada con bailes culturales en representación de distintas regiones de México.
On the Town Square there was a colorful contest for "Hanal Pixan" to celebrate the Dia de los Muertos. Congratulations to the winners.
La Explanada Municipal se lució colorida por el concurso de "Hanal Pixán" con el fin de celebrar el Día de Muertos.
Muchas felicidades a los ganadores del primer lugar de la categoría libre y la categoría de interdependencias.
The City of Isla Mujeres advises that work will be suspended for November 1st and 2nd for the celebration of Dia de los Muertos / Day of the Dead.
En el marco de la celebración de #DíaDeMuertos, el Ayuntamiento de #IslaMujeres informa la suspensión de labores los días 1 y 2 de noviembre. #HagamosFuturo
Put litter in trash cans, not in the street. Trash thrown in the street ends up clogging the storm drains when it rains.
La basura que tiramos en las calles termina afectándonos cuando llegan las lluvias.
The rehabilitation of the downtown cemetery wall has been concluded 100%.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
Celebration continues for Day of the Dead in Isla Mujeres LINK
Continúa la celebración por el Día de Muertos en Isla Mujeres -…/
The 8th Diabetes Clinic in Isla Mujeres will be held Thursday (at 9am at the Community Hospital) LINK
El próximo jueves realizarán en Isla Mujeres la VIII Clínica de la Diabetes -…/
Port Authority, APIQRoo, reports a 12 percent increase in passenger traffic in Isla Mujeres. LINK
APIQROO reporta incremento de un 12 por ciento en el tráfico de pasajeros en Isla Mujeres -…/
The City of Isla Mujeres is attending to maintenance of the absorption wells for storm water in an effective and timely manner. LINK
Atiende Ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres de manera eficaz y puntual a la ciudanía con el mantenimiento de los pozos pluviales -…/
The DIF invites the island community to the closing ceremony for the month of 'pink' October and lighting a light for women who are victims of breast cancer on Monday Oct. 31 at 8pm at the Town Square. Donation for a candle is 15 pesos.
Her three month old child died 24 years ago, but remains close to her heart LINK
Murió a los tres meses de edad hace 24 años, pero él sigue presente en mi corazón -…/
A dialogue is needed regarding anchoting in the port area, according to the boaters LINK
Se debe privilegiar el dialogo sobre la ocupación del recinto portuario: Náuticos -…/
Successful beginning of the breathalyzer operation. LINK
Electrical subsidies are not ending, they are just being reduced. The CFE encourages conservation of energy at home.
Subsidio no desaparece solo se reduce; Exhorta CFE al ahorro de energía eléctrica en el hogar -…/
The summer has ended and with are ending the Federal Governmental subsidies, but the costs will remain the same in November for domestic users with low consumption. The governmental subsidy is not removed, just reduced from October 1 to March 31, annually, in a cyclicla manner, in the states with climates that are extrememly cold or hot (Isla Mujeres is 1B). During this time, energy consumption decreases, and people think that the cost has increased, but really the cost per kilowatt hour has not changed nor increased. A CFE representative expalined, "An example is a home that used 700kWh bimonthly who paid 1039 pesos in April, will pay $1370 in December for the same consumption, but if they make an effort to save energy, they will pay the same amount as in the summer."
The CFE admitted there have been increases, but these affected the commercial users or the domestic users of high consumption, and not the general domestic use. In Mexico, 99 percent of the homes are using the domestic rate, which is equal to 35.5 million clients. It is recalled that this rate went up 4 percent yearly from 2006 to 2014, and with the energy reform the dropped 2 percent in 2015. In October 2016, the rates for the industrial sector rose 5.6 and 7.2 percent, while the commerical sector saw increases of 3.3 to 5.0 percent, during this time. Users at the high usage rate (alto Consumo/tarifa DAC) have a 3.3 percentage increase from October to November in 2016. The CFE will adjust the rates in the month of November, in relation to the fuel costs for generating electricty, in comparison for October 2016 with October 2015.
Sewer water at Aguakan drains Link
Pestilencia por rebosamiento de aguas negras en registros del drenaje de Aguakán -…/

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Document about inherited municipal debt
Documentan deuda municipal heredada na.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
The municipal government has asked for an extension for the deadline of ten business days to publicize the debt owed to providers and supplies of the previous administration and to banks, bills with FOVISTE, and the ISR, among others, after the public request on October 11th. On October 25, the head of the Transparency Department, Erick Leon Chan, requested an extension to finish compling the information and to respond to the request made to municipal leaders in the PRD party, who allege that a 25 million peso debt has been inherited.
Therefore, the information should be released during the first half of November, amid rumors that the debt could be higher, with some saying it could be over 33 million pesos. The request was made by the Director of othe Municipal Committee of the PRD, Juio Cesar Osorio Magana. It asks for an accounting of the debts owed to suppliers, public debt, banks and services, with-holdings not paid to the SAT (Federal Tax agency), CFE (Federal Electrical Commission), SAR (Retirement Saving System) ISSSTE Housing Fund (FOVISSSTE), National Fund for Workers Consumption (FONACOT), Income Tax (ISR), Social Security Institute, and the ISSSTE (Social Services for State Workers).
Departed who are forgotten in the cemeteries
Difuntos olvidados en el cementerioti.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
. Many tombs in the cemeteries have not been maintained for years and appear abandoned, while others are painted by prominent local painters, who are hired by the families, such as Inocente Velázquez Delgado. aka“Tilico”. Many families can be seen maintaining the graves, but some tombs have not been given this attention, and there are at least three examples of this for graves of children, in the western section of the cemetery. There are few people who are in the habit of visiting the cemeteries during the year, and clearly there are some who do not visit for Day of the Dead. (November 1 is dedicated to departed children and November 2 to departed adults).
"Tilico" said he has a full day's work, painting 15 tombs, and the list could increase at any time. He said this demand to supply maintenance occurs every October 31, and even on November 1st. Some tourists could be seen taking pictures at the downtown cemetery and at the other in colonia La Gloria, collecting images of the tombs of wealthy people, as well as those of the poor.
According to people who were consulted, it is not the custom here for massive numbers of people to visit the graves during these first two days of November, as it is in many parts of Mexico, and it is even rarer here for them to bring food. Those people who are from other states where this is a strong family tradition may repeat it on the island, but it is otherwise rarely practiced, they said.
Free diabetes clinic
Jornada de detección de diabetes+] Ver masFull article at this link
.On Thursday, Nov. 3 at 9am, the organization Club ProPaciente Diabetico will provide free diabetes screening at the Community Hospital in the auditorium on the second level, and will provide the patients with equipment (a glucometer) for testing their blood sugar themselves. If they already have a glucometer that isn't working, they can exchange it.
Health professionals come from Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and the United States, and generous donations from many foreign tourists make this service possible, particularly those who visit often or reside year round on the island. This effort is done with support from the Community Hospital facilities. and medical services, if required, are completely free. The assisting volunteers include emergency medical technicians, nurses, social workers, others involved in medical services.
According to the World Health Organization, (WHO), in 2012 diabetes was the direct cause of death for about 1.5 million people, of whom more than 80 percent are in low to middle income groups. WHO predicts that diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death by 2030. Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot use it efficiently. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar, and if it does not reach the cells to become energy, it builds up in the blood and can reach harmful levels.
"Son del Caribe" dance troupe: Preserving our traditions
“Son del Caribe” preserva nuestras tradicionesrehis.. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
Breathalyzer catches 20 drivers
El alcoholímetro atrapó a 20 conductores. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
Oct. 30. The Transit Authority (Traffic Police) reported that during the first two nights of the implementation of the breathalyzer operation, there were 20 positive tests of the 35 drivers who were tested, among more than 400 drivers who were interviewed.
This effort was overseen by Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis, who reiterated that the goal of this operation is to reduce the number of accidents and to make Isla Mujeres a municipality that is safe for everyone.
He emphasized that the purpose is to reduce accidents and to make drivers more aware of the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol, and therefore they began the breathalyzer operation named "Zero Alcohol" with a positive effect.
The Mayor personally joined the checkpoint on Rueda Medina, near the Naval Base, to supervise the work of the traffic police who were in charge of the operation, and to talk to the drivers and encourage them to be more aware about the importance of not driving under the influence of alcohol.
There were 16 Traffic officers participating in this operation and on Friday night they interviewed 160 drivers and administered the breathalyzer to 11, of whom six were positive. On Saturday, 300 drivers were interviewed, and 24 tests were administered, with 14 positive results.
The Mayor explained that the breathalyzer will be used in an ongoing manner during this administration, and it implementation is expected to result in a significant reduction to the accident rate in Isla Mujeres, for the benefit of residents and also for the tourists who visit this vacation destination throughout the year.
The Mayor concluded by saying that Traffic Police will apply the sanctions that are specified in by law, and drivers are fined must also listen to a talk to raise awareness about the negative effects of alcohol when driving, since it increases the risks of accidents which can cause irreparable harm to those involved, including third parties.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes southward down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes southwest to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or other options. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
October events
Sunset ~6:20p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
Oct. 15 6:20p Full Moon
Oct. 16 7:09p
Oct. 17 8:01p
Oct. 18 8:55p
Oct. 19 9:51p
Oct. 20 10:49p
Oct. 21 11:46p
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 10am: Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials.
Thursday, Oct. 6 Artist Fair 4p Casa de la Cultura Participants include Isla Brewing, AMar Cocina Peruana, and Javi's Cantina
Oct. 8: 42nd Anniversary of the Free & Sovereign State of Quintana Roo
Oct. 9: Day of Fishermen
Sunday, October 9: You're invited to the start of the program "Isla Mujeres Magic Nights" at 8pm on the Town Square. A Sunday evening program of cultural and artistic events. Commemorating the XLII Anniversary of the creation of the Free & Sovereign State of Quintana Roo.
Wednesday, Oct. 12 Dia de la Raza
Sunday, Oct. 16 Magic Nights 8pm Town Square
Wed, Oct 19 at 5pm. Pink March The general public is invited to join the Pink March to raise awareness about the fight against breast cancer from the Monument to the Fishermen (north end of Medina) to the La Triguena statue (by Town Square banos). Enjoy the music of Jose Aguilar and performances by the dance troupe Anoranzas, as well as food vendors.
Thurs, Oct 20 Art Fair Casa de Cultura 4-9p Art, Craft Beer, Food Vendors
Fri, Oct 21 Pink Breakfast Benefit Casa de Cultura 9am Participants are asked to wear pink or white to this benefit of "Por Siempre Viva" foundation and the prosthesis program. Ticket donations are 200 pesos and T shirts are 120 pesos, both available at the DIF offices 9a-4p.
Fri, Oct 21 Memorial to Ramon Bravo at his monument (entrance to Sac Bajo) 8am. Anniversary of his birth
Sat. Oct. 22 International Beach Cleaning Day at 8am until noon, starting at the Whale Shark monument, cleaning up near Mundaca, Sac Bajo, Salina Grande, and the Eastern Malecon. General Public is invited.

The general public is invited to a skateboard-longboard competition on Saturday at 2pm on Isla Contoy street, at the intersection with Pargo, in front of the Julio Sauri school.
Sat. Oct. 22 "CIRCUS SHOW" Dance Festival Town Square 7:30p 4th anniversary of the Renatta Dance Studio with special guest dancers
Sun, Oct 23 NOCHES MAGICAS Celebration Town Square 8p
At this time of year, Mexican families remember & celebrate their departed relatives. Hanal Pixan is the Mayan celebration. Altars are made with photos of the deceased and some of their favorite items & food, water is offered, copal incense is burned, marigold flower petals are often used. The schools are having altar contests & displays, there's usually one in the Town Hall, and there will examples at the Casa de la Cultura.
All Saints Day & All Souls Day are the Dias de los for children, one for adults. Nov. 1 & 2, when families visit graves & clean & decorate them. On the island, these are private moments in the cemeteries, not public celebrations like in many parts of Mexico.
On Oct. 30 the usual Sunday "Noches Magicas" on the Town Square (8p) will be themed for the holiday w "Noche Magica de las Almas/Magic Night of the Souls", featuring folklorico dancers.
On Nov. 2, Hundreds of residents have been invited to participate the silent parade, who will dress in traditional clothing or white, with Catrina makeup (Catrinas's the "Festival of the Living for the Dead") from the Cemetery to the Casa Cultura where there will be a display of altars in the style of different regions of Mx. There's a really cool video of last year's, but I haven't found a shareable version.
Lots of attention is given to keeping these Mexican traditions alive, & each year Halloween is celebrated more enthusiastically...publicly on HIdalgo, especially. Bring lotsa lil items & be prepared to be mobbed by cute littles & watch for some pretty impressive & clever homemade costumes. I wouldn't be surprised to see T & T'ing on Sat, Sun, & Mon nights, but quien sabe?
The Casa Cultura also has dance performances on Oct. 29-Flamenco and on Nov 5-Poynesian. The Artist Fair at the Casa Cultura will be Thursday, Nov. 4.
Sat. Oct. 29 Casa de la Cultura 7p Flamenco dancers
Sunday, Oct. 30 Noche Magica de las Almas 8p Town Square Folklorico dancers
Monday, Oct. 31 Halloween Trick or Treating on Hidalgo
Tuesday, Nov. 1 All Saint's Day Dia de los Muertos
Wednesday, Nov. 2 All Soul's Day Dia de los Muertos
On Nov. 2, hundreds of residents have been invited to participate the silent parade, who will dress in traditional clothing or white, with Catrina makeup as Catrinas Catrinas for the "Festival of the Living for the Dead". It starts at 6p from the Cemetery (Hidalgo and Lopez Mateos) to the Casa Cultura where there will be a display of altars in the style of different regions of Mexico. There's a nice video of last year's here on FB.
Thursday, Nov 3 Artist Fair at Casa de la Cultura 4p-9p
Batik artist Sergio is a usual participant, along with Isla Brewery. Amar Peruvian restaurant set up tables at the last two fairs.
The 9th annual Diabetes Clinic will be November 3rd in La Gloria. We are a team of nurses, social workers, EMT's and paramedics with a doctor for consultation of patients who need to be seen immediately. Please consider donating $50 which would buy 200 test strips, enough for one patient for a year. We also need donations of reading glasses, particularly the higher numbers. Many diabetics have vision problems too. We have a drop off location at Marina Paraiso Hotel or will pick up wherever you are! Muchisimas gracias for your generosity ~ Contact Karen Rosenberg Here or email me at
To all Islenos: We invite you to the Diabetes Clinic sponsored by the Club Pro-Paciente Diabetico A.C. at the Community Hospital in La Gloria on Thursday, November 3, at 9:00 AM. Health care professionals will test your blood, offer diabetes education and distribute meters and strips and other supplies for people with Diabetes. We will teach you how to use the equipment so that you can manage your illness of diabetes better. This clinic is completely free and is funded by the generosity of gringos that live and visit your beautiful island. Please tell your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers! PM Karen Rosenberg or Geovanny Avalos on FB for more information about this new non-profit organization created to serve the people of Isla Mujeres! (or email me at Please share this information. Thank you.
Sat. Nov. 5 Town Square 8pm Polynesian dancers
Sources for Storm Information:
Tropical Tidbits
The Artist's Fairs are scheduled twice a month, on the First and Third Thursdays, at the Casa de Cultura, 4-9.
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