Sunday, May 16, 2021

Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events Sunday, May 16

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 Hi again! 

On April 27, municipal and state authorities conducted an inspection tour of the downtown businesses that were damaged in the fire, to talk with the owners and begin assessing the damage. (Restaurants reopened within days, despite the damage.)

 On April 30th, the Governor announced that epidemiological light color for our Northern Zone would change to Orange for May 3-9 (where it has remained since). This decreased the capacities for hotels and restaurants from 60% to 50% and the beach capacity to 30%. The increase in cases was attributed to the Easter holiday celebrations and crowds, which also occurred after the Christmas holidays, when we were in Orange for a month.

Vaccines were administered to residents 50-59 on May 5, 6, and 7 at the Bicentennial Dome in colonia La Gloria. 

On Sunday afternoon, May 2, a group of seven EZLN Zapatistas from Chiapas set sail from Isla Mujeres in a "reverse journey" to Spain

        In early March, 1517, the first expedition of Spanish Conquistadors came to Mexico, landing on Isla Mujeres. They continued up the coast engaging in various battles with the Maya until all but one of the Europeans were injured, or dead. (The injured fellow disappeared when they stopped off in Florida on their way back to Cuba, where the captain died several weeks later.)
On Sunday afternoon, May 2, a group of seven EZLN Zapatistas from Chiapas set sail from Isla Mujeres in a "reverse journey" to Spain, planning to tour more than 20 countries. They expect to arrive in the port of Vigo, along the coast of Galicia, in mid-June to meet with other political, anti-capitalist groups to raise awareness about the plight of indigenous people. Their sailboat is "La Montaña" (the mountain).

 As of the 5th of May, there have been 284 officially reported cases of C-19 in Isla Mujeres with 30 deaths and 250 recovered. The growth rate of cases in our Northern Zone has risen to 0.32, with the state in Orange status since Monday. The state geoportal shows no active cases as of May 6. The senior residents were given doses of AZ vaccine in February & April, and currently residents 50-59 are receiving their first doses.

May 7-Both regions will remain in the Orange status on the state epidemiological light, with capacities at hotels, theme parks and tourism services limited to 50% and beaches to 30%, for May 10-16. The Governor advises against having gatherings on May 10 (Mother's Day).

As of May 11th, there have been 286 officially reported cases of C-19 in Isla Mujeres with 30 deaths and 251 recovered. The Growth Rate of cases in our Northern Zone has risen from 0.32 to 0.41. (A month ago it was 0.20, then dropped to 0.18.) Our Northern Zone returned to Orange status on May 3rd, which reduced capacities from 60% to 50% at hotels, restaurants, and tourism services, and to 30% at the beaches.
Both doses of AstraZeneca C-19 vaccine have been administered to the senior residents of Isla Mujeres, and 50-59 year olds received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine last week.

 The Tortugranja is seeking adult, Mexican volunteers to join their team monitoring turtle-nesting beaches at night and relocating eggs to the facility's incubation pen. Applicants should have associated studies, be willing to commit for at least one month & be able to adapt to basic living conditions. Volunteers will receive a certificate of participation and the opportunity to attend workshops and receive training in environmental conservation. Those who are interested should email: 𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗺𝘂𝗷𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀@𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸.𝗰𝗼𝗺

During the pandemic, cases of diabetes have "skyrocketed" on the island, according to Geovanny de la O Avalos, president of the nonprofit organization "Club Pro Paciente Diabético de Isla Mujeres". The organization suspended its large annual clinics, which served about 500 diabetics in previous years, and established a small facility where education, testing and nutritional counseling are provided individually, as well as free glucometers and testing supplies.
There are currently 380 residents (of the island and the Continental Zone) registered with the organization, which also provides diabetic supplies to the Community Hospital, Red Cross, public health clinic and health care practitioners on the island.
Mr De la O said that during the pandemic, many diabetics suffered from a lack of medical attention because they could not keep their regular appointments and only sought medical assistance in an emergency. In some cases, financial problems prevented residents from obtaining their medications.
He said that many people stopped watching their diet and the number of people selling desserts to help themselves financially proliferated, which are usually cheap and very high in sugar. (Pastries have also been donated by Chedraui and distributed by the DIF, social service agency.) A lack of exercise contributed to increased health problems. He noted that diabetics are advised to stay home and only go out when strictly necessary, whether the epidemiological light is yellow or orange.
There's more information at the link, as well as an application form for resident diabetics to join the Registry. Donations are always appreciated! Thank-you! (That's Geovanny at lower left.)
Source--Cambio 22, "La Pandemia Provocó un Mayor Número de Casos de Diabetes en Isla Mujeres" by Yolanda Gutierrez  
Karen Rosenberg
We did not do a fundraiser this year due to the impact of Covid on businesses and more recently the devastating fire. Donations are greatly needed: PayPal.Me/isladiabetesclinic

May 13--Our Northern Zone remains in Orange status on the state epidemiological light thru May 23, as does the Southern Zone. The neighboring municipality of Benito Juarez (Cancun) currently has more cases than it has had at anytime during the pandemic.

Q. What happens if we move to Red on the state "epidemiological light"?
The first graphic shows that capacities at hotels & tourism parks would drop to 15% and public beaches would close. The second graphic says that restaurants would reduce tables to 15% and only offer To Go or Delivery service. Businesses that would close include jewelry stores, gyms, salons, handicraft stores, boutiques & clothing stores.
Q. Why do the official graphics say Bars are Closed but tourists say Bars are Open?
A. It's a question of semantics. The "Bars" that are open are serving food & licensed as "Restaurants". The types of bars that are closed until the Green phase are listed in the last two graphics.
Q. What's the current status?
A. Our Northern Zone moved from Yellow to Orange on May 3, after the Easter holidays. We spent a month in Orange following the Christmas holidays. Otherwise, we've been in Yellow since Sept. 7th, with capacities at 60%. Orange means hotels, restaurants & tourism services dropped to 50% and beach capacity is reduced to 30%.
This past week, Cancun had more new cases than at any time throughout the pandemic and the Governor said cases have been on the rise for the past five weeks. The next update is Thursday night, for May 24-30.
Q. And in Isla Mujeres?
As of yesterday's update, our municipality has reported 30 deaths from C-19, with a total of 292 official cases and 252 recuperated. A total of 5915 vaccines have been administered to residents. Throughout the state, over a quarter million doses have been given.

Today, May 16...Yesterday, the Governor congratulated teachers on their Day and said they will soon be vaccinated and ready for the next school year. He gave them recognition for their resilience in meeting the challenges of continuing to educate students from home. La Tertulia reports that vaccines will be administered to Isla Mujeres teachers on May 18-20 at the Naval base, noting that a significant number were vaccinated who are seniors or 50 and older. They should register at and bring their CURP.

 From the City (Ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres)

 May 12--The City government announces that there will be momentary interruptions in traffic on Rueda Medina near the (cargo) ferry tonight, tomorrow and Friday between 8p & 5a, due to maneuvers by the large trucks transporting trash to the Continental Zone landfill from the Trash Transfer Facility on the island.

  Noti Isla Mujeres

 May 11--Noti Isla Mujeres reports that no one was injured & officials are investigating an armed robbery at "Pizza Mike's", located in colonia Chica Salina near the Guadalupe Chapel. It says a safe and the day's cash were taken.


  This blog is brought to you by....

MaraVilla Caribe   Bed & Beach    Four rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with  kitchenettes & fast WIFI. In the upscale neighborhood of  Bachilleres, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate.  Quiet & Private.   
Free amenities include hammocks, portable beach chairs, beach towels, washer & dryer, loungers, shared bikes, BBQ grill, and safes.  Panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Large sliding doors open to a patio & the white sand backyard-beach, overlooking the Caribbean sea.  Downtown is  ~ a mile away; we're on all four bus routes or  flag a $3 taxi. Off street parking. In the quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres sleep to the sounds of the sea.$275/$325/$425 wk   $40/50/$65nt  Monthly Discounts
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. We provide a list of links & direction to over 20 eateries within ten minutes walk, including Mango Cafe,  Mike's Pizza, Brisas, Rosa Sirena, Coco Jaguar, Manolitos, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui & the local craft brewery.  Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores.



Full moon rising over the Caribbean  


Full moon Wednesday, May 26 rises at 7:57p over the Caribbean & the sun sets at 7:14

Thurs, May 27 at 9:05p

Fri, May 28 at 10:10p

Sat. May 29 at 11:08p

Sun, May 30 at 11:59p

 Sunrise in May~6:00 (first of month)-5:47a (end of month)


Public events have been suspended due to C-19, mostly. Some holidays have featured online competitions and events. 

May 1  Labor Day  Official Holiday

May 3 Dia de la Cruz is celebrated by construction workers in Mexico, and is associated with St Helena (Elena in Spanish). Crosses are placed atop construction projects, and crews take a break to pray and eat together, with food & drink supplied by the owner.

May 5  "Cinco de Mayo" Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla against the French. (Not celebrated on the isle, except at a few Happy Hours.) 

May 10 Mother's Day

Photo by Tony Garcia
Whale Shark Season officially begins May 15, if the permits are issued on time. Rays can also be seen enjoying the 'buffet' that attracts the whale sharks to this area. There are abundant fish eggs and plankton in the areas where they congregate and feed. It ends in mid Sept.

May 15 is also Teacher's Day

Sources for Weather Information:
LINK to Civil Protection Q Roo weather bulletin  (Spanish)
LINK to Mexico National Weather Service (Spanish)
 LINK to satellite images for the Mexico National Weather Service
 LINK to GOES East Band 16 GIF (animation)
LINK to a private weather station on Isla Mujeres


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