The second issue of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
Follow Isla Mujeres News & Events on Facebook for highlights of news & events, and more photos & videos HERE.
Today's events:
12:00 Casa de Cultura Signing of Sister Cities agreement between Mission Tx & Isla Mujeres
5:30pm Procession from Sangrado Corazon (Sacred Heart) Church in La Gloria to the Immaculate Conception Church on the Town Square 12:00 Casa de Cultura Signing of Sister Cities agreement between Mission Tx & Isla Mujeres
~7 or7:30 Mass on Town Square for consecration, with candles officiated by Mons. Fabio Martinez Castilla
8pm Religious Procession through the downtown streets, returning to the Town Square where there will be
10pm Regional Dance
Tomorrow's events:
7pm Performance of "Añoranza for Isla Mujeres" (Yearning for Isla Mujeres)
by the Quintana Roo Folklorico Ballet Group
State Musical Group
by the Quintana Roo Folklorico Ballet Group
State Musical Group
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles
Festivities begin celebrating the 165th anniversary of the foundation of the town of Isla Mujeres
Coronan a embajadoras
Inicia festival por el 165 aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad de Isla Mujeres
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de agosto.-
Mass on Monday at 10am on the Bay
Misa a media bahía
El lunes, a las 10 horas
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 14 de agosto.-
Leer más...
On Monday, August 17, a Mass with be held in the Isla Mujeres Bay to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the immersion of the Cross of the Bay, which will be officiated by Monseñor Fabio Martínez Castilla, archbishop of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, but originally from Isla Mujeres. This event will include the (vehicular) ferry "Sergio Aguilar Gracia". Hundreds of islander parishioners are expected to be on board, and dozens of other boats are expected to participate, full of relatives of the owners. In addition, a wreath will be placed by the Mayor, Agapito Magana Sanchez, accompanied by his wife, Marthy Vargas De Magana.
The event is scheduled to begin at 9am with a procession that departs from the Church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, downtown, to the vehicle ferry area. The ferry is scheduled to depart at 9:30am and at approximately 10am the Mass will be held to commemorate 21 years of immersion of the "Cruz de la Bahía” in the Manchones area.
On Monday, August 17, a Mass with be held in the Isla Mujeres Bay to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the immersion of the Cross of the Bay, which will be officiated by Monseñor Fabio Martínez Castilla, archbishop of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, but originally from Isla Mujeres. This event will include the (vehicular) ferry "Sergio Aguilar Gracia". Hundreds of islander parishioners are expected to be on board, and dozens of other boats are expected to participate, full of relatives of the owners. In addition, a wreath will be placed by the Mayor, Agapito Magana Sanchez, accompanied by his wife, Marthy Vargas De Magana.
The event is scheduled to begin at 9am with a procession that departs from the Church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, downtown, to the vehicle ferry area. The ferry is scheduled to depart at 9:30am and at approximately 10am the Mass will be held to commemorate 21 years of immersion of the "Cruz de la Bahía” in the Manchones area.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... (you can join this FB page at this link)
The festivities celebrating the 165th Anniversary of the Founding of the Town of Dolores began on Friday night with the crowning of the Senior Citizen Ambassador Gloria del Carmen García Bautista and of the Ambassador of the festival, Alessandra Citati Parra Rosado. Welcoming remarks were made by City Councilwoman Miriam Trejo Leon, representing the Mayor, Agapito Magana Sanchez.
On the first night of the celebrations, there were performances by talented local artists including singers of the urban genre and dance troupes including the Ballet of the Senior Citizens Club and the dance troupe " Wéetlaak ’il. There was an outstanding performance by the special guests from the Cancun dance academy "Ensamble", which included merengue, modern dance, and contemporary jazz.
During the evening of fun and entertainment, islanders and visitors enjoyed delicious regional dishes, and there was a culinary event featuring samples of Tixin xik fish.
In addition, on Friday morning, as part of the festival and for the commemoration of International Youth day, a Youth Oratory Competition was held, with first place going to Roger Ivan Ku Puc, from Carrillo Puerto. This event was organized by the municipal Youth Institute, with students from different municipalities around the state participating.
The Speech competition took place in the newly renovated Casa de Cultura, and was attended by students from the Colegio Bachilleres. It was also attended by officials including: municipal secretario general, Cesar Poot Pérez; Fidel Villanueva Madrid, síndico; Juan Carrillo Soberanis, legislative repressentative, and City Council members and other city officials.
Roger Ivan Ku Puc of the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto won first place in the state Oratory Competition of the 165th anniversary of the founding of the city of Isla Mujeres. Congratulations!
Felicitamos al joven Roger Ivan Ku Puc del Municipio de Felipe Carrillo Puerto, ganador del primer lugar en el Concurso Estatal de Oratoria en el Aniversario 165 de la Fundación de la Ciudad de Isla Mujeres. ENHORABUENA.
Important notice for participants of the SEMARNAT Temporary Employment Program 2015. It says there is a meeting Monday, Aug. 17 at 1p at the Community Center in La Gloria at the Bicentennial Park. Attn: Federal Zone departmentFelicitamos al joven Roger Ivan Ku Puc del Municipio de Felipe Carrillo Puerto, ganador del primer lugar en el Concurso Estatal de Oratoria en el Aniversario 165 de la Fundación de la Ciudad de Isla Mujeres. ENHORABUENA.
The 2015th edition of the recreational vacation program Baaxloob Palaloob concluded on Friday morning Aug. 14, after beginning on July 22nd. During this time 122 children between the ages of 6 and 14 participated in activities of sports, recreation, and culture, as well as visits to park and other sites of interest. Until next year!
La edición 2015 del programa vacacional recreativo Baaxloob Palaloob se llevó a cabo del 22 de julio y concluyó este viernes 14 por la mañana.
Durante eso días los 122 pequeños participaron en actividades deportivas, recreativas, culturales así como visitas a parques y otros sitios de interés.
Del 22 de julio al 14 de agosto se
llevó a cabo el programa vacacional Baaxloob Palaloob con la
participación de 122 niños de entre 6 y 14 años de edad. HASTA EL
It is a great honor and source of satisfaction for the government and community of Isla Mujeres to award the Merit Badge for Citizenship and for Tourism on Monday, August 17 at an official governmental ceremony. The Tourism award "Lic. Jose de Jesus Lima Gutierrez" is awarded to the Associacion HIM Hoteles of Isla Mujeres for their invaluable efforts at promotion of tourism for this destination and their work to make our municipality a better place.
Con profunda satisfacción y un
gran honor, este lunes 17 de agosto el pueblo y el gobierno de Isla
Mujeres entregarán la Medalla al Mérito ciudadano y al Mérito turístico.
It is a great honor and source of satisfaction for the government and community of Isla Mujeres to award the Merit Badge for Citizenship and for Tourism on Monday, August 17 at an official governmental ceremony. The Citizenship award "Alfonzo Rios Azueta" is awarded to the teacher Nelly Fernandez Granados for her invaluable efforts at education and her tireless work to make our municipality a better place.
The Recycling Trash for Food continues to assist families and provide respect and care for the environment today at the Green Dome in colonia Salina Chica.
El programa Reciclando Basura por
Alimentos sigue apoyando a las familias y propiciando el respeto y
cuidado al Medio Ambiente. Hoy estuvimos en el domo verde de la colonia
Salina Chica.
Personnel with the municipal Civil Protection department participated in ongoing training to ensure the protection and integrity of the community.
Elementos de la Dirección
Municipal de Proteccion Civil en capacitación permanente para garantizar
la salvaguarda de la integridad de las personas.
link to Quequi's Isla Mujeres articles
Ratification of Federal Zone
This competition was part of the celebrations for the 165th Anniversary of the Foundation of Isla Mujeres, and this was the first event in the new Casa de Cultura, which was remodeled after being closed for four years.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link)

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles
Mercado merchants unhappy
Locatarios rechazan a funcionario local”. .. [+] Ver mas
There are tenants of the downtown municipal mercado market "Javier Rojo Gomez' who are unhappy with the new rental rates and they did not like the discussion they had about this issue with the City Secretary General, Cesar Poot Perez.
Lawyer Erika Hau Ken says they want to deal directly with the Mayor to resolve this issue which includes rental rates as high as 600 pesos per month (~$40usd), although their incomes are very low and sales are slow. Their group has proposed a charge of 150 pesos per month, (~$10) considering their sales have been very low and the work of improvements is still not finished after three months. They say rent of 600 pesos monthly could cause the closure of businesses.
There are about 20 tenants whose concession agreement, dating back to 2002, specifies a charge of 3 pesos daily, and there are four who do not have this privilege. (20 locatarios cuentan con concesión de espacios con pago de uso de suelo a 3 pesos de manera diaria, el cual data desde 2002. That's ~90 pesos/mo or ~six dollars) They are uniting and forming a partnership between the three municipal mercado markets. The lawyer said no one wants to sign any new documents under these circumstances.
While the mercado presents a new image from the front, there is a need to finish the parking lot, a matter of two days. However there is one store full of trash that presents a bad image, near the loncherias, whose proprietor sells downtown, say the other tenants who object to this. There was an obvious scarcity of tourists or locals in the mercado at midday on Friday.
Large procession for the Virgin
Masiva congregacion por la Virgen [+] Ver mas
Hundreds of parishioners, led by priest Raul Sanchez Alonzo, accompanied the image of the Virgin of Immaculate Conception thru the streets of colonia La Gloria. This week of celebration and processions will conclude on Saturday, with the largest procession and a consecration by the Archbishop of Chiapas, at the Town Square. The procession will depart from the Sacred Heart Chapel (Sangrado Corazon) at 5:30pm, going thru the main streets until they reach the Immaculate Conception Church, where a Mass will be held in the Town Square at 7:30pm.
Each person will be given a candle to participate in the moment of consecration, and afterward the Virgin will make the traditional tour of the downtown streets, then returning to the Church, where there will be fireworks to enjoy. More than 1000 people are expected to participate.
Validation of the resolution in favor of the Cooperative
Validan resolución a favor de cooperativa.. [+] Ver mas
The decision by a judge to recognize the legal occupancy of 652 square meters of Federal Zone by the Cooperative Isla Blanca was validated by the agency SEMARNAT (Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources).
You may recall in 2011, the fishermen were evicted from this area by federal and state agencies, upon orders from the SCT (Secretariat of Communications and Transport). This resulted from a decision favoring a claim of overlapping concessions by businessmen José Luis Ballestero and Pablo Aguirre, who requested the cancellation of the concession of the cooperative.
The cooperative had held a 15 year concession since 1999, so this seemed to be an unusual procedure and brought to light alleged collusion between local officials during the years 2005-2008. It is alleged that at that time there were officials at the Municipal Cadastre who were in alliance with officials at the Port Authority (ApiQRoo) to try and take this area from the fishermen, where they arrive and depart, claiming an overlap with these two entrepreneurs.
The litigation cost the cooperative thousands of pesos, and now they can renew their 15 year concession with SEMARNAT, and have already begun that process. Next, they will begin the suit to recover their damages.The president of the Cooperative, David Dzib, thanked the officials for their meticulous work of investigation prior to the issuing of the decision several months ago, which SEMARNAT relied upon to determine its decision.
Locatarios rechazan a funcionario local”. .. [+] Ver mas
There are tenants of the downtown municipal mercado market "Javier Rojo Gomez' who are unhappy with the new rental rates and they did not like the discussion they had about this issue with the City Secretary General, Cesar Poot Perez.
Lawyer Erika Hau Ken says they want to deal directly with the Mayor to resolve this issue which includes rental rates as high as 600 pesos per month (~$40usd), although their incomes are very low and sales are slow. Their group has proposed a charge of 150 pesos per month, (~$10) considering their sales have been very low and the work of improvements is still not finished after three months. They say rent of 600 pesos monthly could cause the closure of businesses.
There are about 20 tenants whose concession agreement, dating back to 2002, specifies a charge of 3 pesos daily, and there are four who do not have this privilege. (20 locatarios cuentan con concesión de espacios con pago de uso de suelo a 3 pesos de manera diaria, el cual data desde 2002. That's ~90 pesos/mo or ~six dollars) They are uniting and forming a partnership between the three municipal mercado markets. The lawyer said no one wants to sign any new documents under these circumstances.
While the mercado presents a new image from the front, there is a need to finish the parking lot, a matter of two days. However there is one store full of trash that presents a bad image, near the loncherias, whose proprietor sells downtown, say the other tenants who object to this. There was an obvious scarcity of tourists or locals in the mercado at midday on Friday.
Large procession for the Virgin
Masiva congregacion por la Virgen [+] Ver mas
Hundreds of parishioners, led by priest Raul Sanchez Alonzo, accompanied the image of the Virgin of Immaculate Conception thru the streets of colonia La Gloria. This week of celebration and processions will conclude on Saturday, with the largest procession and a consecration by the Archbishop of Chiapas, at the Town Square. The procession will depart from the Sacred Heart Chapel (Sangrado Corazon) at 5:30pm, going thru the main streets until they reach the Immaculate Conception Church, where a Mass will be held in the Town Square at 7:30pm.
Each person will be given a candle to participate in the moment of consecration, and afterward the Virgin will make the traditional tour of the downtown streets, then returning to the Church, where there will be fireworks to enjoy. More than 1000 people are expected to participate.
Validation of the resolution in favor of the Cooperative
Validan resolución a favor de cooperativa.. [+] Ver mas
The decision by a judge to recognize the legal occupancy of 652 square meters of Federal Zone by the Cooperative Isla Blanca was validated by the agency SEMARNAT (Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources).
You may recall in 2011, the fishermen were evicted from this area by federal and state agencies, upon orders from the SCT (Secretariat of Communications and Transport). This resulted from a decision favoring a claim of overlapping concessions by businessmen José Luis Ballestero and Pablo Aguirre, who requested the cancellation of the concession of the cooperative.
The cooperative had held a 15 year concession since 1999, so this seemed to be an unusual procedure and brought to light alleged collusion between local officials during the years 2005-2008. It is alleged that at that time there were officials at the Municipal Cadastre who were in alliance with officials at the Port Authority (ApiQRoo) to try and take this area from the fishermen, where they arrive and depart, claiming an overlap with these two entrepreneurs.
The litigation cost the cooperative thousands of pesos, and now they can renew their 15 year concession with SEMARNAT, and have already begun that process. Next, they will begin the suit to recover their damages.The president of the Cooperative, David Dzib, thanked the officials for their meticulous work of investigation prior to the issuing of the decision several months ago, which SEMARNAT relied upon to determine its decision.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or Seso Loco. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
August events
Sunset ~7:30
Moonrise over the Caribbean
July 31 7:42
Aug 1 8:31
Aug 2 9:19
Aug 3 10:05
Aug 4 10:51
Aug 5 11:38
The Carnival was heading out on Tuesday, not sure if the circus is still here or not...

Friday, August 7, Junk collections in Salina Chica, Electricistas, and at Colegio de Bachilleres.
The Perseid meteor shower will peak on August 11 and be most visible on August 14 when the moon is new

Thursday August 13 at 1pm at the Futbol Rapido soccer field: 2nd "Gotcha" Paintball Tournament
August 14-17 Isla Fest Anniversary of the Founding of the town in 1850
7p Town Square Inauguration
Gastronomic event with Tik in Xic fish
Local Talent Night
Coronation of the Queen of the Festival
Friday August 14
10am Casa de Cultura Oratory Competition
7pm Casa de Cultura Photography and documentary exposition "Art of Fishing"
Historical conference by historian Fidel Villanueva Madrid
8pm Immaculate Conception Auditorium Performance by The Symphonic Orchestra of Quintana Roo
Saturday, August 15
12:00 Casa de Cultura Signing of Sister Cities agreement between Mission Tx & Isla Mujeres
5:30pm Procession from Sangrado Corazon (Sacred Heart) Church in La Gloria to the Immaculate Conception Church on the Town Square
~7 or7:30 Mass on Town Square for consecration, with candles officiated by Mons. Fabio Martinez Castilla
8pm Religious Procession through the downtown streets, returning to the Town Square where there will be
10pm Regional Dance
Sunday, August 16 Town Square
7pm Performance of "Añoranza for Isla Mujeres" (Yearning for Isla Mujeres)
by the Quintana Roo Folklorico Ballet Group
State Musical Group
Monday, August 17
9:30am Departing from the API pier: Wreath placement event at the Cross in the Bay
6:30pm Town Square Special Session of the Town Council with Citizenship and Tourism Merit awards
9 pm Performance by the musical group "Marconi"
August 24, Monday: School resumes (Teachers return the week before)
August 28th 8pm In front of the Town Hall Video spectacular 'mapping' "Isla Mujeres Vive/Live" (Isla Fest event)
Every Tuesday and Thursday: Free spay/neuter clinic
Consults 100p, Vaccines: parvo & distemper 50p, flea & tick meds 20p, wormer 10p. Helpers always welcome! Isla Animals, Mundaca Hacienda, 10am-4pm (No food morning of surgery/water ok)
Wednesdays in September 5p-8p Nico's Restaurant, $30usd Painting Class with profits donated to Isla Animals & Little Yellow Schoolhouse HH drinks & appetizers available
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