Thursday, October 13, 2016

Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events Thursday, October 13

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  Both issues of The Isla Mujeres Magazine are here
featuring  a variety of talented writers and photographers! 

  From  Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....

link to their Isla articles & photos

Mayor Juan Carrillo: A clean municipality to prevent illnesses  

Juan Carrillo, por municipio limpio

Promueve estrategia para cerrar paso a enfermedades

Lanrry PARRA

ISLA MUJERES, 12 de octubre.-
Leer más..Full article at this link.
   This article has the same information as is translated below, noting in addition that officials attending the clean up included City Council members Elsy Georgina Rivero Arjona, Verónica Aguilar Jiménez, Sebastián Escobedo Jiménez and Raquel Castellanos Alvarez, as well as the Director of Public Services José Guadalupe Ríos Chale, the Director of Parks and Gardens, Alí Alexander Fuentes Cruz, and the Sindico Municipal Suemi González Sánchez.


From the Municipal Facebook site.....  (  FB page link)

 For the benefit of Islander,s the City of Isla Mujeres, via the Municipal Women's Institute, in coordination with PAIMEF, with offer a program of assistance every Friday of each two week period, (ie every other Friday) starting tomorrow October 14. Specialists will include Social Workers, Legal Aid, and Psychological Aid.
El ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres con la finalidad de beneficiar a los isleños, estará ofreciendo a través de la Instancia Municipal de la Mujer y en coordinación con la PAIMEF, programas de apoyo los días viernes de cada quincena, dando inicio a partir de mañana 14 de octubre ¡Te esperamos!

The City of Isla Mujeres, with the Institute of Culture & Arts, invites you to enjoy an evening of entertainment on the Town Square, Sunday, at 8pm  Noches Magicas 
El ayuntamiento de #IslaMujeres en coordinación con el Instituto de la Cultura y las Artes, te invitan a disfrutar este domingo 16 de octubre de una velada llena entretenimiento en las #NochesMágicas.

Keeping a commitment to the residents with clean ups, brush trimming, and junk removal efforts on the whole island. With the help of the residents to keep them clean, we can avoid the propagation of diseases.
Hice el compromiso con los vecinos de realizar jornadas de limpieza, chapeo y descacharrización en toda la isla, ahora es momento de que como ciudadanos mantengamos los espacios recuperados limpios, esto nos beneficia a todos evitando la propagación de enfermedades.

In order to provide a better future for the islanders, Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis, signed and swore to the constitution of the Planning and Development Committee (COPLADEMUN) of Isla Mujeres, reiterating his commitment to promote comprehensive planning and a sustainable future, as well as works and actions to meet the demands of the residents
Con el fin de ofrecer un mejor futuro para los isleños, el presidente municipal, Juan Carrillo Soberanis, hizo toma de protesta y firma del acta de constitución del Comité de Planeación para el Desarrollo Municipal (Coplademun) de Isla Mujeres, reiterando su compromiso por impulsar la planeación integral y sustentable del destino, así como de las obras y acciones a realizar para atender las demandas de los habitantes.

The City of Isla Mujeres, via the Institute of Culture and the Arts (ICA), inaugurated the Workshops of Arts and Crafts with the implementation of various free activities for the community in general
El Ayuntamiento de Isla Mujeres, a través del Instituto de la Cultura y las Artes (ICA), llevó a cabo la inauguración de los Talleres de Artes y Oficios con la puesta en marcha de diversas actividades gratuitas para la comunidad en general.


From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)

Navy assists & transports a sailor from the boat "Sea Muse" Full article at this link 
TVIsla Mujeres - Semar asiste y traslada a marinero del buque "Sea Muse"
      In the predawn hours, crew member with the Naval Ocean Patrol ship "OAXACA" which is attached to the Fifth Naval Region base in Isla Mujeres, provided first aid and transportation to land for a crew member of the tanker "SEA MUSE", which was located 157 nautical miles north of Isla Mujeres. Personnel with the Ninth Naval Region, based in Yukalpeten, Yucatan received a call and advised the Fifth Naval Region regarding a request for help from the merchant vessel for a 58 year old male Bulgarian crew member with a deep wound in his right forearm.
     After the wound was attended, the man was transported to the terminal Remota de Progreso, Yucatan, and turned over to the shipping agency as requested by the tanker. With these actions, the Navy reiterates its commitment to safeguarding human lives at sea.

Jessica Contreras is the coordinator of CRIM in Isla Mujeres who has the job of working efficiently for island families, in order to strengthen and enable the development of the most vulnerable groups. (CRIM is the rehab facility that offers Physical and Occupational Therapy.)
Jessica Contreras como coordinadora del #CRIM #IslaMujeres tienes la encomienda de que las familias isleñas sean atendidas eficientemente, además de reforzar a los grupos más vulnerables con acciones que permitan su desarrollo.

Security camera project planned for the streets of Isla Mujeres Full article at this link 
TVIsla Mujeres - Retomarán proyecto de cámaras de seguridad en calles y avenidas de Isla Mujeres

Tvisla women - begin again project of security cameras in the streets and avenues of Isla mujeres

      On Monday  a meeting was held with parents of students attending the school "Cesar Mendoza Santana" where the municipal Secretary General, Joel Saury Galue" said the proposal for security cameras will be taken up by this government, headed by Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis, to improve security in the community. He said an investment in video-surveillance would include not only the cameras, but also the all the technological equipment to equip a control center for real time monitoring, which would improve response capabilities.
     He said installation of cameras at strategic points would help deter, and that the issue of security cameras will be a reality. He said, "At this time, we have problems with the number of police officers, and this type of technological tool will help us have more efficient surveillance."  He said it is necessary to invest in this technology, but the amount of that investment is unknown. He said this is different from the work performed by patrols on foot or in vehicles and that the camera will transmit a real time image of the streets. He insisted this will become a reality during the administration of Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis.  

Civil Protection will review and update the Hurricane Shelters Full article at this link  
TVIsla Mujeres - Protección Civil actualizará su padrón de albergues y habilitará el refugio anticiclónico
      - The director of Civil Protection in Isla Mujeres, Helman Ulises Berman Graniel, said next week they will review each of the temporary Hurricane shelters of Isla Mujeres, both on the island and in the Continental Zone. A number of schools are included as shelters. It is noted that the Anti Hurricane Refuge lacks furniture, but even when it is clean, he said it requires equipment to be prepared for an emergency. He noted that a number of schools are receiving work as part of the Escuelas Al Cien program. He said it is important to be aware that these shelters are working, since we are an island and it is a busy hurricane season, which fortunately has not affected the coasts of the Mexican Caribbean.    

Fishermen of Isla Mujeres say fishing stopped being profitable years ago Full article at this link   
TVIsla Mujeres - La pesca dejó de ser redituable desde hace muchos años: Pescadores de Isla Mujeres
    Sr Ramirez, an islander who has fished for more than 30 years with his brothers, said ten years ago they brought in 30 or 40 kilos of lobster, but now it is only about 12 kilos. He said the cost of gas has risen, and therefore they have had to raise the price of fish.
      Jose Ricalde, who has been a fisherman for 43 years, said the problem is related to the extraction of thousands of cubic meters of sand which was used to rescue the beaches of Cancun, and which the sea ultimately took back. He said, "Five or six years ago they took away tons of sand to use in the Hotel Zone, in which there were embryos and eggs of all species." 
        His associate, Richard Salazar, who has been fishing for 24 years, said he has noticed a decrease in the catches of fish, while acknowledging that the price has improved.  He said previously production was better, but the prices were lower, depending on the season, while now the production is low, but they are earning the same because the prices are better.
    Other fishermen said fishing is no longer profitable because the costs of boats and gasoline are much higher, and there is much more competition now.  Some say the problem with fishing isn't from the removal of sand, but due to the constant climate changes, since most of the fish are running (corrientes), so the weather determines whether they come near or go elsewhere.
    On October 9th, Fishermen's Day, the authorities of Isla Mujeres held an event honoring and commemorating the men who have lost their lives at sea or gone missing.

Isla Mujeres will attend the Pueblos Magicos Fair in Queretaro on Oct. 13-16 Full article at this link  
TVIsla Mujeres - Isla Mujeres presente en la Feria de Pueblos Mágicos a realizarse en Querétaro del 13 al 16 de Octubre

Mayor Juan Carrillo is committed to an integrated and sustainable plan for Isla Mujeres Full article at this link  
TVIsla Mujeres - Comprometido Juan Carrillo con la planeación integral y sustentable de Isla Mujeres


From  por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos

Stopping Zika   
A frenar el avance del zika. [+] Ver mas Full article at this link
    A clean up was done along Rueda Medina, from the area of the business known as El Varadero (aka Oscar's) to Maria, near the CFE substations of colonia La Gloria, including the colonias of Canotal, and Miraflores and round the Las Frigatas Park. In total, 17 tons of junk was taken to the Trash Transfer Facility.
   The Mayor lead this clean up, whose slogan is "Jornadas Ciudadanas", saying this program is here to stay, to unite citizens and public servants in the fight against the mosquitoes that cause zika, dengue, and chikungunya. He appealed to the general public to clean their private properties and to remove containers where rainwater can collect.
        He spoke about the official figures recently released by the Ministry of Health reporting an nearly 25% increase of the number of cases of Zika in the state of Quintana Roo, from 156 to 196 in the past week. This places the state in seventh place, nationally, for prevalence of this disease. He said it is important for the health of island families to intensify these efforts, because, "Everyone has a friend, relative, or acquaintance who has had on of these illnesses."
        He said citizens and public servants will work together to promote and raise awareness about proper waste management and cleanliness, to put our trash where it belongs. He said it is time to renew and clean up Isla Mujeres, to improve the quality of life for our families. "A clean city is everyone's responsibility."

Councilman with many concerns 
Regidor con numerosas peticionesVer mas Full article at this link
    Councilman with the MORENA party, Roberto Martinez Aragon has complaints and wants information released about alleged debts left by the former administration, and he opposes certain appointments, although he voted in favor of them. Appointments he opposes are of the holders of offices of Treasurer, Comptroller, and the Directors of Offices of Income and of Payments. The officials he objects to include Adriana Martínez Galué, Karla Cruz Díaz, Wilfredo Ávalos Cortez and Margarita Briceño Magaña, He says there is a lack of transparency, that they have conflicts of interest, and are not qualified.
    His petition also requests a follow up on the issue of commercial and residential lots involving the former Mayor Paulino Adame Torres in 2005, and it requests that a Commission be established in association with a legal ruling in that case. He want contracts of sale signed for each of the citizens who have letters of assignment or who are on the respective list. 

No rocks have been drilled or excavated from coastal property 
No perforan rocas en predio frente a la playa.. [+] Ver mas Full article at this link
  Armoando Andrande explained that the rocks that were observed on this site were part of the structure of the former Perlas del Caribe Hotel, which was demolished so that another investment project could be build on the property. He said no rocks were drilled or excavated from the land by the eastern malecon, and according to the soil-survey of the lot, at 15 meters underground, there is just sand. This was determined, and authorization was given, prior to cleaning of the property, which is part of the process toward building condominiums.
      He showed the reporter the lot of 1600 meters of surface area, where a new project will be built by new investors, and explained there is pure sand where they have been unearthing ancient piles and beams from the old foundation. They are doing cleaning and preparation work, and he showed the permit for this from the municipal Department for Urban Development, "Verifying that the lot doesn't have solid rock, it has pure sand, as is stated in the soil-survey." He said the comments from the neighbors are regrettable, and false, which alleged that stone materials were being extracted and sold. He said there has been no such thing happening.
     Regarding the next stage of constructing the buildings, the management and new company executives will obtain the authorizations from authorities as required and will announce the details at that time. Following the article in the newspaper, officials with the Department of Urban Development made an inspection and a suspension, according to the inspection log, but executives with the company came and resolved the issue. It appears soon we will know what the new investment will bring.
        Also, there is a larger lot to the south, which divides Madero street, which has been acquired by a different company. where another condominium project is expected in a while. (un periodo de mediano plazo).

  This blog is brought to you by....
View from the rooms.

MaraVilla Caribe   Bed & Beach    Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with  kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of  Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate.  Quiet & Private.   
 Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical)
Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed.
A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left.
Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed.

Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available.   Downtown is  ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll  sleep to the sounds of the sea.$275/$325/$425 wk   $40/50/$65nt  Monthly Discounts

Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me.

Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes southward down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes southwest to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or other options. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.

October events

Sunset ~6:20p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
Oct. 15      6:20p  Full Moon
Oct. 16      7:09p
Oct. 17      8:01p
Oct. 18      8:55p
Oct. 19      9:51p
Oct. 20     10:49p
Oct. 21     11:46p

Every Tuesday & Thursday at 10am: Sergio's Batik class. ~3 hours long. 400p includes materials. Casa de Cultura  This has moved to his home...directions on his FB page HERE

Thursday, Oct. 6  Artist Fair   4p  Casa de la Cultura  Participants include Isla Brewing, AMar Cocina Peruana, and Javi's Cantina

Oct. 8: 42nd Anniversary of the Free & Sovereign State of Quintana Roo

Oct. 9:  Day of Fishermen

Sunday, October 9: You're invited to the start of the program "Isla Mujeres Magic Nights" at 8pm on the Town Square.  A Sunday evening program of cultural and artistic events. Commemorating the XLII Anniversary of the creation of the Free & Sovereign State of Quintana Roo.

Wednesday, Oct. 12  Dia de la Raza

Sunday, Oct. 16 Magic Nights 8pm Town Square

Thursday, Oct. 20  Artist Fair  4p

Monday, Oct. 31   Halloween

Tuesday, Nov. 1 All Saint's Day   Dia de los Muertos

Wednesday, Nov. 2  All Soul's Day   Dia de los Muertos


The 9th annual Diabetes Clinic will be November 3rd in La Gloria. We are a team of nurses, social workers, EMT's and paramedics with a doctor for consultation of patients who need to be seen immediately. Please consider donating $50 which would buy 200 test strips, enough for one patient for a year. We also need donations of reading glasses, particularly the higher numbers. Many diabetics have vision problems too. We have a drop off location at Marina Paraiso Hotel or will pick up wherever you are! Muchisimas gracias for your generosity ~ Contact  Karen Rosenberg Here or email me at

 To all Islenos: We invite you to the Diabetes Clinic sponsored by the Club Pro-Paciente Diabetico A.C. at the Community Hospital in La Gloria on Thursday, November 3, at 9:00 AM. Health care professionals will test your blood, offer diabetes education and distribute meters and strips and other supplies for people with Diabetes. We will teach you how to use the equipment so that you can manage your illness of diabetes better. This clinic is completely free and is funded by the generosity of gringos that live and visit your beautiful island. Please tell your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers! PM Karen Rosenberg or Geovanny Avalos on FB for more information about this new non-profit organization created to serve the people of Isla Mujeres! (or email me at Please share this information. Thank you.

Sources for Storm Information:
Tropical Tidbits

The Artist's Fairs are scheduled twice a month, on the First and Third Thursdays, at the Casa de Cultura, 4-9. 

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