The second issue of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
Here's a link to the Magazine
share the charity document, patronize the supportive businesses, &
enjoy the articles, photos, & videos! If you'd like to donate $15 to
your favorite charity to have an ad in this 2015 issue, contact me at
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles
Ultramar suspends program of longer hours for ferry crossings
Ultramar suspende programa
v De ampliación de horario de travesías
Lanrry Parra
ISLA MUJERES 22, de mayo.-
ISLA MUJERES 22, de mayo.-
Ultramar is changing its program of extended hours on weekends (Friday & Saturday nights) between Isla Mujeres and Gran Puerto which began on February 20th. Company representative, Arturo Baez, said now on the weekends they will offer an extra crossing departing Gran Puerto at 12:30am and leaving Isla Mujeres at 1am. He said the extra crossings were decreased because demand did not meet expectations, and the extra expenses were not justified.
Controversy over cases of dengue in colonia Caribeña
Controversia por casos de dengue
v En la colonia Caribeña
Lanrry Parra
ISLA MUJERES, 22 de mayo.-
ISLA MUJERES, 22 de mayo.-
Although there was a report on social networks from a resident of colonia Caribeña claiming there were at least six cases of dengue in that neighborhood, the local Health Department official says there have only been one or two cases at the General Hospital, so the disease is described as "controlled". Another resident of that neighborhood complained that spraying against mosquitoes (nebulización) has not been carried out in their area for several months. It is noted that in other areas of the island the spraying is being done, and residents of several neighborhoods say there have not been mosquitoes present, as is usual at this time of year.
The Director of the General Hospital, Pedro Zapata Loya, said they remain on constant alert to combat the presence of dengue mosquitoes, and therefore are conducting ongoing fogging, sweeping through all the neighborhoods of the island. He said this work is carried out by employees of the Health agencies and with the help of a half dozen City employees and of course assistance from the state Department of Health.
Explanation of death of fish
Explican muerte de peces
Se debe a envejecimiento de cuerpos de agua, señala director municipal de Ecología
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 22 de mayo.-
ISLA MUJERES, 22 de mayo.-
From the Municipal Facebook site..... (you can join this FB page at this link)
The death of fish in the Salina Grande is due to an aging process of bodies of water in which they tend to become swamps, whose scientific name is Eutrophication, said the Director of the Municipal Department of Ecology, Carlos Barranco.
The appearance of a considerable number of dead fish in Salina Grande lake caused surprise and concern, making it necessary to advise that this situation has gone on for years and is the result of a lack of drainage system. Waste is discharged into the lake and the accumulation of organic material is accelerating, and the consequence is the process of eutrophication is increasing, as well.
The dry season has been severe this year and together with the process of eutorphication, has caused drying of the lake, concentrating of the fish. The decomposition of organic matter in the lake is a process that requires oxygen and generates gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. This affects the concentration of oxygen in the lake, affecting the more fragile populations, such as the fish.
Staff from the Ecology department are working to collect the dead fish to avoid decomposition and bad odors, said the agency Director. They are also touring through colonias around Salina Grande handing out flyers asking residents to avoid pouring soapy water in the streets which could drain into the lake and complicate the situation further.
This morning Agapito Magana Sanchez, Mayor, came to express respect and support for seniors who took a baking course in order to become self-employed; certificates were delivered.
Agapito Magaña Sánchez, acudió esta mañana a reafirmar el respeto y apoyo a los adultos mayores que tomaron un curso de repostería con el objetivo de autoemplearse; se entregaron constancias.
Today May 22. International Day for Biological Diversity.
Hoy 22 de mayo. Día Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica.
We invite you to participate in collecting bottle caps and creating a colorful Ecomural together.
Les invitamos a participar en la recolección de taparroscas y elaborar juntos un colorido Ecomural.
Participate in the International Fishing Tournament!You still have time to register.
¡Participa en el Torneo Internacional de Pesca!
Todavía estas a tiempo de inscribirte.
Program of Riviera Maya Film Festival 2015.Free event you can not miss.
Conoce el programa del Riviera Maya Film Festival 2015.
Evento gratuito que no te puedes perder.

From Tvisla Mujeres (You can join this fb page at this link)
Noti Isla Mujeres (you can join this page on FB at this link & view the photos)

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles
Release of permits to whale shark licensees
Liberación de permisos a lancheros[+] Ver mas
The Wildlife Department (DGVS La Dirección General de Vida Silvestre) will begin to release their 320 permits on Monday, and the Harbor Master said there will be inter-agency coordination to provide facilities so the licensees could begin taking tourists to the Aguas Azules (Blue Waters)area on Tuesday.
The director of the Whale Shark Biosphere, Maria del Carmen Garcia Rivas confirmed that on Wednesday May 27th, their agency will present 83 permits, of a total of 160, that correspond to the reserve (Green Waters-Aguas Verdes) area, at an event scheduled at the Universidad del Caribe.
The season for swimming with the whale sharks had been scheduled to begin in the Blue Water area on May 15, but was delayed when the DGVS did not release the permits. Meanwhile, operations in the Biosphere under the jurisdiction of CONANP (National Commission of Protected Natural Areas) are beginning in a timely manner, since they were scheduled to begin June 1st.
The Harbor Master, Ismael Gonzalez Gil, said it is tentative whether that expectation will be met, they will have to wait and see, but there is full coordination with SEMARNAT (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources), to provide facilities to allow the licensees to take tourists out on Tuesday, if they get the permits on Monday, rather than the usual 10 days for these procedures.
Garcia Rivas said her agency will be delivering their first permits on Wednesday, and allowing boats to begin entering the biosphere on the following Monday (June 1) .
She said they finished the training courses on Friday for 450 crew members, guides, and licensees, in the waters off the Naval base. On Tuesday there will be a workshop on the theoretical portion in Cancun, and some stragglers will cover the practical portion. Then the focus is on the beginning of the season.
María del Carmen García Rivas said that international standards are being met for these activities involving watching and swimming with whale sharks, conforming to the Mexican Federation of Underwater Activities (Federación Mexicana de Actividades Subacuática), member of the World Underwater Federation (CMAS- Confederación Mundial de Actividades Subacuáticas ), after finishing the course for more than one week.
She said there are four modules given and they include security and safety in the boat, maintenance, everything that represents the preparation on land. Later there are exercises about basic snorkeling, the swimming, use of life vests, ways to approach the whale sharks, as well as if something breaks, saving, and how to get people back on the boat. There were demonstrations of these skills on Friday, and more training will be given during the season, which concludes in mid-September.
She was asked if they have statistics on the number of whale sharks injured by boat propellers in recent years, and she said they monitor injured animals, counting on the help of the captains for this accounting and to identify the source of the threat. Only one case of damage by a private boat was reported in 2014.
Regarding the plan to place chips in all the authorized boats to have control of who enters and leaves the whale shark tour area, she said that option is under the responsibility of the Wildlife Department (DGVS) and that she will touch on the topic during a meeting on Monday with PROFEPA.
"Only two cases of dengue"
“Sólo dos casos de dengue” [+] Ver mas
This has the same information as the article above, adding that the two cases that occurred have been studied and analyzed, and can be considered to "imported" cases. They are not local patients, but rather people who have come here from other states in Mexico, such as Chiapas. In other years, when it was highest, the incidence of dengue was in the dozens. Officials report that in recent times it has come under greater control and consequently the number of cases have decreased.
General Hospital director, Pedro Zapata Loya addressed the rumors of a dengue outbreak, responding to an unofficial version in social networks claiming there were at least half a dozen cases in colonia Caribeña. He said there were only two cases in the last two months, therefore the disease is under control. He gave reassurances that ongoing fogging campaigns are being conducted in all the colonias.
Massive death of fish
Muerte masiva de peces[+] Ver mas
This massive death of fish also occurred at Salina Grande in 2014, due to a lack of oxygen caused by the intense heat of the season. The Director of Ecology, Carlos Barranco, was leading the clean up of the site, and explained that this phenomenon is due to the aging process where bodies of water tend to become swamps, or "Eutrophication"
The Wildlife Department (DGVS La Dirección General de Vida Silvestre) will begin to release their 320 permits on Monday, and the Harbor Master said there will be inter-agency coordination to provide facilities so the licensees could begin taking tourists to the Aguas Azules (Blue Waters)area on Tuesday.
The director of the Whale Shark Biosphere, Maria del Carmen Garcia Rivas confirmed that on Wednesday May 27th, their agency will present 83 permits, of a total of 160, that correspond to the reserve (Green Waters-Aguas Verdes) area, at an event scheduled at the Universidad del Caribe.
The season for swimming with the whale sharks had been scheduled to begin in the Blue Water area on May 15, but was delayed when the DGVS did not release the permits. Meanwhile, operations in the Biosphere under the jurisdiction of CONANP (National Commission of Protected Natural Areas) are beginning in a timely manner, since they were scheduled to begin June 1st.
The Harbor Master, Ismael Gonzalez Gil, said it is tentative whether that expectation will be met, they will have to wait and see, but there is full coordination with SEMARNAT (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources), to provide facilities to allow the licensees to take tourists out on Tuesday, if they get the permits on Monday, rather than the usual 10 days for these procedures.
Garcia Rivas said her agency will be delivering their first permits on Wednesday, and allowing boats to begin entering the biosphere on the following Monday (June 1) .
She said they finished the training courses on Friday for 450 crew members, guides, and licensees, in the waters off the Naval base. On Tuesday there will be a workshop on the theoretical portion in Cancun, and some stragglers will cover the practical portion. Then the focus is on the beginning of the season.
María del Carmen García Rivas said that international standards are being met for these activities involving watching and swimming with whale sharks, conforming to the Mexican Federation of Underwater Activities (Federación Mexicana de Actividades Subacuática), member of the World Underwater Federation (CMAS- Confederación Mundial de Actividades Subacuáticas ), after finishing the course for more than one week.
She said there are four modules given and they include security and safety in the boat, maintenance, everything that represents the preparation on land. Later there are exercises about basic snorkeling, the swimming, use of life vests, ways to approach the whale sharks, as well as if something breaks, saving, and how to get people back on the boat. There were demonstrations of these skills on Friday, and more training will be given during the season, which concludes in mid-September.
She was asked if they have statistics on the number of whale sharks injured by boat propellers in recent years, and she said they monitor injured animals, counting on the help of the captains for this accounting and to identify the source of the threat. Only one case of damage by a private boat was reported in 2014.
Regarding the plan to place chips in all the authorized boats to have control of who enters and leaves the whale shark tour area, she said that option is under the responsibility of the Wildlife Department (DGVS) and that she will touch on the topic during a meeting on Monday with PROFEPA.
"Only two cases of dengue"
“Sólo dos casos de dengue” [+] Ver mas
This has the same information as the article above, adding that the two cases that occurred have been studied and analyzed, and can be considered to "imported" cases. They are not local patients, but rather people who have come here from other states in Mexico, such as Chiapas. In other years, when it was highest, the incidence of dengue was in the dozens. Officials report that in recent times it has come under greater control and consequently the number of cases have decreased.
General Hospital director, Pedro Zapata Loya addressed the rumors of a dengue outbreak, responding to an unofficial version in social networks claiming there were at least half a dozen cases in colonia Caribeña. He said there were only two cases in the last two months, therefore the disease is under control. He gave reassurances that ongoing fogging campaigns are being conducted in all the colonias.
Massive death of fish
Muerte masiva de peces[+] Ver mas
This massive death of fish also occurred at Salina Grande in 2014, due to a lack of oxygen caused by the intense heat of the season. The Director of Ecology, Carlos Barranco, was leading the clean up of the site, and explained that this phenomenon is due to the aging process where bodies of water tend to become swamps, or "Eutrophication"
He said the appearance of a considerable amount of dead fish caused concern from the residents, so it is necessary to inform them about the cause of this unfortunate situation. He said the lake lacks a drainage system and for years the residents of the area have discharged wastes into the lake, and with increasing organic waste, the process of eutrophication is accelerated as well.
He said decomposition of organic matter is a process that requires oxygen and generates gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, affecting the concentration of oxygen in the lake, and therefore affecting the most vulnerable populations, such as the fish.
Last year, more than a ton of fish were removed over the course of a few days, and this is expected to be the case again this year.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bufalo, Bahama Mama, Compadres Barbacoa or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or Seso Loco. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
May Events
Sunrise ~6:15a
Sunset ~7:10p
Moonrise over the Caribbean
May 2 6:10
May 3 7:01
May 4 7:54
May 5 8:48
May 6 9:43
May 7 10:36
Thursday, April 30 Regata del Sol al Sol Cocktail Party at Ballyho's (1:30), Poker Run (3:30p), Mayor's Reception (7p)
Thursday, April 30 Dia del Nino / Children's Day
May 1, Friday: Dia del Trabajo - Labor Day. A national public holiday with political and labor union marches and official speeches. Schools, banks and government offices are closed.
May 1. Friday: Regata del Sol al Sol Amigo's Regatta: Children board (10:30a), Departure (~11:30a) Awards ceremony at Buhos (7p)
May 3, Sunday: Dia de la Santa Cruz - Day of the Holy Cross
This celebration dates back to colonial times. Construction workers decorate crosses with flowers and mount them on buildings under construction, and have picnics at the site.
May 5. Tuesday: Cinco de Mayo (Battle of Puebla). No school. This date is commemorated more enthusiastically in the US, as general celebration of Mexican culture (and opportunity for abundant consumption of salsa, chips, and Mexican beer.).
Here it is an 'optional' holiday (office & bank closings vary state to state) commemorating the victory of Mexican troops against a large number of French troops in 1862.
(Then, more French troops arrived, sending Benito Juarez's government into exile, and Maximilian was crowned emperor of Mexico in 1864. At the time, the US was involved with its Civil War, 1861-65. {Link:How Battle of Puebla affected US Civil War.} Then the US supported Mexico and invoked the Monroe Doctrine against European involvement in the Western Hemisphere. Napoleon III withdrew French troops in 1866.)
Soggy Peso is having a Cinco de Mayo party w Jeff Current playing music 5-7:30
May 6, Wednesday...Inauguration of a painting exhibit at the Magana Maritime Terminal-continues for 2 weeks: “Mujeres del Caribe, Arte en Todas Partes”
Thursdays at 8:30p at Poc Na
May 8, Friday: Artes en Todas Partes event, maybe. TBA
7th Annual Water Rally (Teens compete in teams & learn about water conservation and processing)
May 10, Sunday: Mothers Day (Restaurants will be busy, and florists & mariachis.)
May 14, Thursday...see PocNa poster
May 15, Friday: Teacher's Day. No School.
Artes en Todas Partes Event, maybe,TBA.
Start of Turtle Nesting Protection Program along the eastern coast and the eggs are incubated at the Tortugranja, with public releases of hatchlings in the fall. (Hawksbills begin laying in earlier, so tours are made to watch for their nests starting ~May 1)
Start of the Whale Shark tour season may vary and continues until ~Sept. 15th
May 16, Saturday

May 21, Thursday...see Poc Na poster

Fishing Tournament May 22, 23, & 24 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
(May 22 & 23: From Xcaret to Cozumel: Travesia Sagrada Maya - Sacred Mayan Journey. Recreating the pilgrimage of the ancient Maya to worship the Goddess lxChel, canoeists in pre-hispanic-style vessels race approximately 17 miles.)
May 28-30 Posada Beach: Maya Riviera Film Festival
May 29, Friday No School (Last Friday of Month...Technical Meetings)
Discontinued for low season
No Artists Fair in May, scheduled to resume in November
The Women's Fishing Tournament, "La Dorada", organized by the DIF is planed for June 26 & 27.
Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Items for Little Yellow School House, Moto Helmets for kids...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
For donations to Zapatos Para Los Ninos.. please contact Greg at, or find them on Facebook at "Shoes For The Children."
Miguel's high season schedule:
Sunday: The Sol Rockers @ El Patio 9p - 11p
Monday: Miguel solo @ El Patio 6:30p - 8:30p
Tuesday: La Banda Sin Nombre @ El Patio 9:15p - 11:15p
Wednesday: The Sol Rockers@ El Patio 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Thursday: Miguel Solo @ el Patio 6p - 8p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Friday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
Saturday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
John Cain's schedule (Updated mid May)
Sunday & Wednesday 7:30pm - 9:30pm El Patio Sol Rockers
Thursday Bahia Tortuga 6:45-8:45
Saturday. El Patio solo 630-830
Sunday The Sol Rockers 730-930 , Isla-Cali 930-1130
Monday Isla-Cali 930-1130
Tuesday Ryan Rickman 7-9:30
Wednesday The Sol Rockers 7:30-9:30
Thursday Miguel 7:30-9:30
Friday Rayan Rickman 7-9:30
Saturday Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
For June
Sunday Jazz from Toronto 5-7
Monday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Miguel 7:30-9:30
Tuesday Banda sin Nombre 9:30-11:30
Wednesday Radio Band 9:30-11:30
Thursday Miguel 7:30-9:30, Jazz from Toronto 9:30-11:30
Friday Radio Band 9:30-11:30
Saturday John Cain 7:30-9:30
Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Fenix ~2p~5p Live music at the beach in the afternoons on Sundays (Updated 5/21)
Bahia Tortuga John Cain on Thursdays and Lara on Mondays...~7p (Updated mid May)
You may find live music at night on Hidalgo
Fayne's: 10:30-12 (see above)
La Terraza: 9 or 10-12
Morgan's: 7 or 8 - 9 or 11 (see above)
El Patio (see above)
Poc Na Hostel: 9:30 or later
Saturday afternoon ~3-5 Cuban music at Veradara's Cuban restaurant
Artist Fairs on the Town Square, usually first Thursday, 4p-9p ~Nov-April.
Now the City is having Arte en Todas Partes events on Fridays.
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