For December 6th thru 12th, state and federal semáforos remain in Green, without capacity limits. Face masks remain mandatory. The Governor says, "The December holidays are coming, the responsibility and commitment of all is greater; get vaccinated, wear face masks, ventilate closed spaces and increase health habits."
On Tuesday, Mayor Atenea Gomez Ricalde hosted the "First State Meeting of the Community Consultation & Participation Committee of the Community in Public Security of the State of Quintana Roo", which took place in Ciudad Mujeres, on the mainland part of the municipality. The Committee's intent is to improve public security by greater inclusion and representation of members of the community. She said that citizen participation will undoubtedly always contribute to improving the policies and management of public affairs, and in terms of security, public policies that don't address existing problems are condemned to have limited effects and lack societal results.
The Mayor explained, “Let us recognize that security is one of the fundamental pillars in the development of any community; we cannot be a growing and dynamic society, without conditions of peace. That is why it is crucial that each person, group or organization perfectly recognize their rights, but also exercise their obligations with responsibility and commitment for the good of all. ”
She said, “For governments to be able to take care of our people and provide the best services to the populace, we must be open and receptive governments, willing to listen to what the citizens want to convey. With spaces like this committee, we are taking a step towards strengthening democracy, we are moving towards greater inclusion and towards the representation of all of us who make up society."
She concluded, “We invite you to show us what should be the guide on these issues, because today, authorities at all levels are obliged to rethink public security policies and design new models of joint responsibility between society and government, so that together we promote acceptable standards of security.”
The deadline is Sunday, Dec 5th for islanders to vote on the municipal Facebook page (and at the park) for which plan they prefer for the renovation of the Children's Park at the Plaza Bicentenario in colonia La Gloria. One option has a playground and children's skate area, while the other use the entire space for skating, with areas for both teens and children. This work was inaugurated on Wednesday, when work also began on the children's soccer field and the futbol rápido soccer field, as well as the Bicentennial Plaza's open air theater, public bathrooms, children's area and the dome's metal structure. Over 3.8 million pesos are being invested in the Bicentennial Park renovation. `
Tuesday night it was Mia Reef Hotel who donated dinners for the truck drivers who stay overnight on the island, before transporting trash from the Transfer Facility to the mainland landfill early each morning. Thanks!
On Friday, Dec. 3, a Career Fair will be held on the Colegio Bachilleres campus at 11am.
The municipal government expressed its gratitude to Rhonda Castañeda for her donation of materials for personnel of the Civil Protection Department, and to Chloe Castañeda, who donated children's books to CAVI on behalf of Little Chloe's Library.
The City is offering a 15% discount on Driver's license fees for both new licenses and renewals, as well as 50% for INAPAM card holders (seniors) and 25% for student permits thru Sunday, Dec, 5th.
On Monday, the Committee for the Procurement of Justice in Isla Mujeres was established to encourage reporting of cases of domestic violence against women. The state Attorney General, Óscar Montes de Oca Rosales, said, “Access to justice is a human right and it is up to all authorities to comply with it, guarantee it, promote it and apply it, in this case the Prosecutor's Office is very interested in this human right being realized because we have a high percentage of complaints related to gender violence.” He explained that these committees are made up of citizens and their intent is to identify the various types of violence against women, the ways to report it and the help that is available for victims.
Mayor Atenea Gomez Ricalde said, “If the government as a whole does not do its part to prevent crime, containing it will be much more expensive, more difficult and to the detriment of citizens, and in that sense, while always trying to do things in a coordinated manner, we are forming these committees in the most amicable manner." She added that in the municipal government, the best way to face the situation that is currently being experienced throughout the country is by preventing crime, taking actions to rebuild the fabric of society, which is why they have begun with the program of Rescuing Public Spaces. This has involved City Council members working together with the community conducting cleanups and putting things in order, since the first day of this administration.
Thru the 31st of December, the municipal government is offering a waiver of fines for businesses who have not paid their trash collection fees. (Trash collection is free for residents. Tourism rentals, including "B&B's", are required to have municipal licenses and pay these fees, although many are unlicensed and not contributing. Municipal licenses also require compliance with safety regulations, so if your rental doesn't have fire extinguishers, evacuation signs & a first aid kit, it's probably unlicensed & illegal.)
The opening events for the Patron Saint Festivities took place Sunday evening, which will continue thru December 8th. This event, called a Vaqueria, featured performances of regional Jarana folk dances, with the women dressed in traditional ternos. It is called a vaqueria because of its historical association with landowners hosting a celebration to thank their workers after the cattle (vacas) were branded. Popular jarana dances include El Torito & El Toro Grande (The little bull and the big bull), the 'Maypole' dance-Tukunluchuu, La Angaripola, Las Mujeres Que Se Pintan (the women who paint themselves), "El Chinito Koy-Koy", "Meridana" and "El Ferrocarril" (railway). The FB video is here.
Seeking Christmas gift donations for Isla kids. On Wednesdays, 4p-6p, these local businesses will give you a free signature cocktail in return for a new toy, shoes, school supplies, etc. It was at Chile & maíz. last week & will be: Dec. 1-Selina & El mucho muy bueno & Les Trois Singes Isla Mujeres***Dec. 8-Isla Burger***Dec. 15- Cafe Mogagua***Dec. 22- Javi's Cantina Restaurant Bar. Questions? Ask Yurguen David Araya on FB. Distribution will be Dec. 23rd.
Residents of Isla Mujeres are invited to participate in a dialogue between the government and the community in order to promote actions aimed at the Social Prevention of Crime, Culture of Peace and Reconstruction of the Social Fabric. It will take place today, Monday, Nov. 29, at the Center for Community Development / Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario of Isla Mujeres 10a-12p, and there is an email address on the graphic for questions.
This weekend, Isla Mujeres hosted the beauty contest Mexicana Universal Quintana Roo. Paloma Peña, who represented Isla Mujeres, became the alternate for the winner for Mexicana Universal Quintana Roo.
In order to strengthen ties between the population and the municipal government, where citizens have a voice, Mayor Atenea Gomez Ricalde presided over the establishment of 47 neighborhood committees in the municipality. There will be 12 on the island and 35 in the Continental Zone on the mainland, with the participation of residents from the colonias, and a commitment to assist in governmental decisions for the benefit of the general populace, solving the main problems in each area.
The Director of Citizen Participation said that the municipal president is committed to having a government that is close to the people and listens to them, and these neighborhood committees have been established to promote constant communication between the populace and authorities. He added that in this way, the committees will be able to exercise ongoing surveillance of the operation of basic municipal services such as trash collection, public lighting and the maintenance of public spaces, among other issues.
The annual drawing/lottery for National Military Service (SMN) was held on Sunday for those born in 2003, and those who have been remiss. The municipal Secretary General, Hugo Sánchez Montalvo explained that this is a civic duty for young people which provides them with knowledge and values to defend and be proud of their homeland, in addition to this civic act providing them with identity as a Mexican citizen. Of the 79 young men who participated, 29 drew black balls and 50 were blue. Black means they will be available at the Military Zone headquarters, located in various states. Blue means they will be assigned to military Training Centers, in this case Naval, where they'll perform various activities ranging from physical activities to support for the residents on Saturdays, from February thru December. At the end, they'll receive their military ID, which is a very important document for carrying out various procedures, as well as functioning as official identification in many situations.
On Sunday, there was a sign-up table at the Community Center in La Gloria staffed by personnel with the Secretaría del Bienestar / Secretary of Benefits to assist eligible islanders in enrollment in the Pension Program for Seniors and the Pension Program for Persons with Disabilities. In 2022, this benefit will increase by 20% to 6000 pesos every two months, which is about $160usd monthly or ~$5 daily.
On Saturday, the Governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquin, led the 37th session of "Platícale al Gobernador" / Talk with the Governor, in Isla Mujeres. He was accompanied by Mayor Atenea Gomez Ricalde, who wrote, "Listening, understanding and working to address the problems and needs of our people is a priority. Today I accompanied the governor of the state, Carlos Joaquín, at his public forum on Isla Mujeres. Working hand in hand, let's solve it together."
The Mayor posted these photos and said "The moments with my daughters are unique; for now they may not be as many as I would like, but I enjoy them with all my heart, they are my biggest motivation to work for all the children. Happy Sunday! PS-Christmas is coming and we are getting ready."
Tbe DIF social service agency volunteers were sworn in, who will be headed by the Mayor's aunt Gaby Rejón de Joaquín. The Mayor wrote that she appointed Ms Rejon for this honorable work of watching over those who have less. She said, "Volunteer work generates positive change in communities. I am sure that together we will add hearts to benefit those who need it the most."
The Mayor met with the State Secretary for Public Security, to obtain more security cameras for Isla Mujeres, and the certification of the municipal police officers. She said she was grateful to be accompanied by Senator Mayuli Martínez Simón and for her willingness to work to protect and take care of island families.
As part of the activities for Orange Month, to raise awareness about domestic violence, the Zumba event "Zumbatón Isla Mujeres en Movimiento" took place in colonia La Gloria and included a bake sale, with crafts and clothing also available. These photos are from a video she posted. When she pointed to the women dancing/exercising she commented, "Getting ready for Carnaval 2022". The 25th of each month is "Orange Day" to focus attention on this issue.
In a post about commemorating this day on the mainland part of the municipality, the Mayor wrote,
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach
Four rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white
sand beach and
the beautiful Caribbean sea, with
kitchenettes & fast WIFI. In the upscale
neighborhood of Bachilleres,
convenient to downtown
the colonias, yet
separate. Quiet & Private.
amenities include hammocks,
portable beach
chairs, beach towels,
washer & dryer, loungers, shared bikes, BBQ grill, and safes. Panoramic
views from the
rooftop terrace. Large sliding doors open to a patio &
the white sand backyard-beach, overlooking the Caribbean sea. Downtown
is ~ a mile away; we're on
all four bus routes or flag a $3 taxi. Off street parking. In the quiet
neighborhood of Bachilleres, sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt
Monthly Discounts
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. We provide a list of links & direction to over 20 eateries within ten minutes walk, including Mango Cafe, Mike's Pizza, Brisas, Rosa Sirena, Coco Jaguar, Manolitos, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui & the local craft brewery. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores.
Sources for Weather Information:
LINK to Civil Protection Q Roo weather bulletin (Spanish)
LINK to Mexico National Weather Service (Spanish)
LINK to satellite images for the Mexico National Weather Service
LINK to GOES East Band 16 GIF (animation)
LINK to a private weather station on Isla Mujeres
LINK to US National Hurricane Center
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