This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte. HERE is a timelapse version, that you can set to slow or fast (fps-frames per second). It takes a few seconds to load. |
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Both issues of The Isla Mujeres Magazine are here,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles & photos
Increased monitoring of docks
Navy is taking control of the ports
Reforzará vigilancia en muelles
Semar, al tomar control de puertos
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de abril.-
The Harbor Master, Ismael Gonzalez Gil, said that at the end of the day, the functions of the Harbor Master are exactly the same, but with SEMAR (Secretary of the Navy) administrating the ports, there will be other benefits, which should translate into better work and better services. The changes were officially announced on March 1st and will begin on June 17.
Previously the General Directors of the Harbor Masters were under the authority of the SCT (Secretary of Communications and Transport), which has been transferred to SEMAR, beginning June 17. He noted that the SEMAR is already a part of the authorities on the island and of all the Harbor Masters in the country. He explained that the Harbor Master's office will continue to provide surveillance of the seas, coasts, and boats, with support from SEMAR.
Mayor is committed to islanders having decent housing
Vivienda digna
Compromiso de Juan Carrillo con isleños
Cecilia SOLIS
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 25 de abril.-
Decent housing for islanders is one of the commitments of the 2016-2018 Municipal Development Plan under the section "Quality of Life in Isla Mujeres" and authorities are working in a coordinated manner with state officials toward this goal. The Mayor, Juan Carrillo Soberanis, recognized the owrk of SEDUVI (Dept. of Urban Housing and Development) and their program Emerging Actions for Decent Housing. He spoke about the importance of decent housing for the benefit of families and communities, and the importance of the municipal and state governments working together toward this goal.
Isla Mujeres municipality: Clean and Safe
Positive results from holiday operations: Mayor Juan Carrillo
Municipio limpio y seguro
Rinde frutos operativo vacacional: Juan Carrillo
Cecilia Solis
ISLA MUJERES, 24 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 24 de abril.-
See City section below
Problems persist at the Inter-municipal Landfill on the mainland
Trabas para recibir la basura
En Centro Intermunicipal de Residuos Sólidos
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de abril.-
Emptying the Trash Transfer facility on the island has been delayed due to problems with the company SIRESOL blocking trucks at the Inter-municipal landfill on the mainland part of the municipality of Isla Mujeres.
Isla Mujeres Mayor Juan Carrillo has spoken with the Mayor of the Benito Juarez municipality, and says he prefers dialogue and coming to an agreement, which they have been working on, before taking legal action. The Isla Mujeres Mayor has also talked with representatives from SIRESOL, and at times the problem seemed resolved, but it has persisted that the company is placing obstacles concerning depositing the trash that is generated on the island. The Isla Mujeres Mayor has also been talking to the Mayor of Benito Juarez (Cancun) regarding making payments on their debt for use of the landfill facilities.
Meeting regarding transport of cargo by truck
Regular transporte de carga
Piden en reunión de concesionarios
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de abril.-
State officials met with truck union representatives from the municipalities of Puerto Morelos, Cancun, and Isla Mujeres and municipal officials regarding their concessions and the laws.
Direct contact
Mayor Juan Carrillo visited colonia La Guadalupana
Contacto directo
Juan Carrillo visitó colonia La Guadalupana
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de abril.-
ISLA MUJERES, 23 de abril.-
Mayor Juan Carrillo visited colonia La Guadalupana as part of his commitment to remain close to the residents of the island, where he listened and responded to the requests and complaints of the inhabitants. The residents explained their needs and thanked him for carrying out this type of work, with direct contact with the citizenry. He said he will continue working to provide improved and increased security and public services throughout the island, so the families will have a higher quality of life. He said that from the first day of his administration , he has been committed to listening to the needs of the people and to support them in the improvement of their neighborhoods. He said it is vital for all who live on the island to have quality public services and security, and he pledged to continue to work on these issues.
From the Municipal Facebook site..... ( FB page link)
Mayor is committed to islanders having decent housing See DQR article above.
See article in Por Esto about Orange Day against Violence toward women or girls (News Briefs)
World Day of the Fight Against Malaria
Clean and safe Isla Mujeres during the Easter holidays
There was an increase in the number of visitors this holiday season, thanks to promotion done by the City, led my Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis and the City's designation as a Pueblo Magico. The island remained safe and clean thanks to the coordinated work of various agencies including Public Safety and Traffic (municipal police), ZOFEMAT (Federal Zone), and Public Services.
Successful Special Edition of Noches Magicas/ Magic Nights
This cultural program was enjoyed by visitor and islander and celebrates the 500 years since the first sighting of Isla Mujeres by Europeans, by the City, led by Mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis, via the Institute of Culture and Art under the Direction of Ruben Perez Martin. This last night of these special four night presentation (one was cancelled by rain) featured singer Ernesto Rodriguez and the dance academy "Adrenalina". The artists received enthusiastic applause from the audience and recognition from municipal authorities. These events are part of the efforts by the Mayor to promote culture and arts and to provide family entertainment for islanders and visitors.
From Tvisla Mujeres ( link to photos & articles)
Said a final goodbye to "Charly"
Dan el último adiós al `Charly´ -…/
Inspection campaign for workshops continues: Civil Protection…/
From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles & photos
Complaints about Ultramar
Ultramar discrimina a viajantes+] Ver masFull article at this link
City Councilman for the MORENA party, Roberto Martinez Aragon, says that another ferry company is needed to compete with Ultramar. He said that the fares they charge tourists is excessive at 300 pesos per round trip and that they are discriminating against the passengers who pay lower fares, including residents and adult students. He said it is difficult for workers who come from other states for job opportunities and must pay the 300 pesos fee and cannot get the state resident discount, but must live in Cancun for personal reasons. He said these people pay the same as tourists but are not given the preferences that are given to foreigners.
He said there are times that residents are told the line is closed, but if the back ramp has not yet been removed, foreigner tourists are allowed to enter, and the islanders are left with no choice but to wait for the next boat. He said he has witnessed this two or three times and received complaints about this from islanders. He said he knows an hard working adult who is trying to receive his high school credential by attending school in Cancun, but is denied the student discount because he is not a young man. The Councilman said he thought Ultramar had changed this policy about student credentials and explained that nine years ago when he was studying for his degree in Cancun, he applied for student rate and was told he didn't qualify because he was an adult. He filed a complaint with CONAPRED at that time, when PAN was in control of the Federal government, and he felt it was logical that they ruled against him in that political climate. He said times have changed since then and he inviteed anyone who felt that Ultramar has discriminated against them to file an complaint and said he will gladly process it.
Excellent weather for nautical activities
Excelente clima para actividades náuticas [+] Ver masFull article at this link
April 25 On Tuesday, the port remained open for nautical activities by all boats, but there is a chance that small boats could be restricted on Wednesday, if the winds reach more than 40 kilometers per hour. The commercial fishermen are taking advantage of the good weather to supply the local market with a good variety of seafood, and less demand than during the Lent and Easter seasons, when customers were waiting on the beach. The president of the cooperative Social Justicia said their members brought in 300 kilos of mixed fish in two days, as well as 100 kilos of fillets. He said this is not as much as you might think, since on a good day in older times, a single boat would come in with 300 kilos. He noted that shark season will close for the state on May 1st through June 30th.
Overnight visitors continue to arrive
Todavía llegan los pernoctadores+] Ver masFull article at this link
Hotel occupancy is at 72.9% overall, but the statistic is not broken down between the island and the continental area and include all the hotels of the municipality. This is how the statistic will be given in the future, which is apparently in compliance with orders from the State Secretary of Tourism
News Briefs
Canine operation at docks
Operativo en muelles .. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
April 25 Officers with the Navy and the Federal Police have conducted reviews with a pair of trained dogs, for the passengers arriving at the docks of the Maritime Terminals of APIQRoo, with no prohibited items or substances found, apparently.
The Orange Day against Violence toward women or girls was commemorated with the viewing of a film called Hidden Talents (Talentos Occultos) at the audiovisual room of the Navy base. It won the American Film of the Year award in 2016 and tells the story of three African American women scientists who participated in the NASA space program and suffered discrimination because of their gender and their race.
On Sunday at 12:30pm at the El Pescador's baseball field, the Pescadores of Isla Mujeres will play against the Ganaderos of Lazaro Cardenas as part of the State Baseball League competition. This game will be free and is expected to be exciting.
Lot delivery begins Wednesday on mainland Isla Mujeres
Inicia la entrega de lotes. [+] Ver mas Full article at this link
April 24 Lot delivery begins Wednesday on mainland Isla Mujeres, in stages, for the benefit of more than 1700 people who were given letters of assignment in 2005 for residential or commercial lots. Details are given about the meeting place and time on the mainland for the first 101 people who filed suit in 2014 and received a favorable opinion from a judge in December, 2016. Those who received letters of assignment will receive lots within the housing program SEDUVI, Department of Urban and Housing Development because the municipality of Isla Mujeres had donated 2007 acres in 2007 (to INFOVIR, the agency that was replaced by SEDUVI) to address this need. The attorney Alfonso Garcia, who represents the beneficiaries will attend the meeting, where information will be provided and a symbolic deed delivery.
Two children rescued from the sea
Dos menores rescatados en el mar. [+] Ver mas Full article at this link
April 24 In two separate incidents, the Naval lifeguards assisted children who were having difficulty leaving the sea, helping them from the water, and Naval medics gave them a medical evaluation. Each was found to be in good health and turned over to their parents. One child was from the state of Tabasco and the other was from the state of Quintana Roo. One event occurred at Playa Norte on Isla Mujeres and the other was at Playa del Niño at Puerto Juarez. The assistance was part of the Operation Salvavidas (Lifesaver), Semana Santa 2017 (Easter vacation), by the Fifth Naval Region, which is based in Isla Mujeres. This is part of the legal responsibilities of the Mexican Navy to safeguard human lives at sea.
Children's soccer tournament
Torneo “A la Medida del Niño”. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
April 24 A children's soccer tournament will begin Sunday, April 30, and is part of the celebrations for Children's Day, at the Toro Valenzuela of ACD.
First day of classes after vacation: 25% absenteeism
Regreso a clases con 25% de ausentismo. [+] Ver masFull article at this link
April 24 About 5000 schoolchildren were scheduled to return to classes on Monday, but not all of them were able to arrive on time, which should be normalized in upcoming days. There were no delays in the arrival of the teaching staff.
This week there are only four day of classes for the children in the preschool-kinders and in the primary school because of the celebration of the Children's Day, and the teacher will have a meeting of the technical council (because it is the last Friday of the month). There are no classes on Monday because of Labor Day.
Gaining sand at the Posada Beach (Playa Centro)
Gana arena playa Centro [+] Ver mas Full article at this link
April 23 Now that we are entering the final phase of the season of southern winds, this can contributed to the expansion of the beach and sand at Playa Centro. This has caused the swimmers to go beyond the buoy boundaries, which is dangerous because that puts them in the area of navigation by boats. There is a need to move the buoy line about 10 meters farther out, before an accident occurs, according to the Naval lifeguards who monitor the area. The municipal Civil Protection department has been asked to do this work.
Visitors and concession holders are pleased about the increased beach in this area, which offers more space for recreation by families. It has grown about 10 percent, according to some estimates, and cold front 41 was perhaps the last of the season.
There are estimates that during the two weeks of the holiday season around 100,000 visitors enjoyed the sands and waters of the island. It is noted that COFEPRIS (Federal Commission against Sanitary Risks) has ongoing monitoring of the quality of the water to insure optimal conditions are maintained.
Commemoration of Earth Day continues
Continúa conmemoración del Día de la Madre Tierra Ver masFull article at this link
April 23 Families participated in the Plant a Tree program at the Las Iguanas Park, with the reforestation of plants and trees led by DIF president Paola Orrico de Carrillo, in coordination with various associations and governmental agencies. More than 25 trees were planted at the park. Ms Orrico de Carrillo said that the event provided an opportunity to raise awareness about how our lives depend on care and respect for nature, and that education is an important tool in caring for the environment and our climate, for everyone's future and for future generations.
Holiday season with "Saldo Blanco" (no serious incidents)
Saldo blanco en Semana Santa Ver masFull article at this link
April 23 This article says that preliminary reports indicate there was a Saldo Blanco for the holiday period, and that the port could be closed on Monday due to winds from cold front #41, with potential for some rain and clouds. It notes that there are six lifeguard towers, and two are in need of attention.
The Isla Mujeres basketball team, Cahuameros lost both games to the Dorados of Playa del Carmen Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday night they lost by 24 points and on Sunday they lost with a score of 79 to 63. The Dorados will play Isla Mujeres again Saturday, and if Isla Mujeres wins, that will mean they must play a fourth and final game.
View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed. |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Within ten minutes walk are the restaurants Mango Cafe, Bahama Mama, Brisas, Manolitos, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery Chedraui. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants. It takes 20-30 minutes to walk downtown.
April Events
Provided by MaraVilla Caribe & Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events
Saturday, April 1 at the Casa de la Cultura 5pm: Festokin with musical guests: Elefangs, Los Afectados, Ultra P, @Kiritz, Isla Sounds Mexico, Mindblowing Sound Corp, and spirulahelix. Creative talent includes muralists, graffiti artists, body painters & more.
Sunday, April 2 Noches Magicas 8p Town Square
Tuesday, April 4 Jazz Dance Classes 6p Casa de la Cultura
Thursday, April 6 Artist Fair 3:30-8:30 Casa de la Cultura Art, Food, Music, Beer
Isla Brewing Company says: Where can all your dreams come true? The Artist Fair at the Casa de Cultura has it all. Awesome Art, Delicious Food, Cold Beer, and Great Music. This week’s musical guest is Kiritz Reggae, 6 – 8, everything is IRIE
Thursday, April 6 6pm
You are invited to an event about the workshops available at the Casa de la Cultura on Thursday at 6pm. Learn pinata making, hammock making, Yoga, dance & more!
Friday, April 7 Easter Vacation begins
On Good Friday, April 14, about 75 actors are expected to participate in the reenactment of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ, which is part of the celebrations of the 500 years since Catholicism came to these lands. This will be the 25th anniversary of this celebration of the Passion of Christ in Isla Mujeres, and will include all the actors who have played Christ over those 25 years.
Holy Week begins April 9th with Palm Sunday, with the blessing of the palms and more emphasis will be given to the entrance of Christ (played for the sixth time by Wenceslao Trejo Martinez) into Jerusalem, riding on a small burro, as it says in the Scriptures.
A press conference was held about the event by parish priest Raul Sanchez, who explained that more than 30,000 pesos are being invested in the event, since it celebrates the 25 years of this event as well as 500 years since Isla Mujeres was encountered by Europeans, bringing Catholicism. They are getting new armor from Guadalajara for the Roman soldiers, and a renovation to the wardrobes of the main characters, so they will look more professional and realistic, as well as the costs of the burro.
Friday April 7 6:30-8:30p Cocktail reception for Batik Artist Sergio
Amar Cocina Peruana Restaurant is on the back street Guerrero, just north of Abasolo & the Cultural Center, on the west side of the street. Sergio's impressive batik art can be seen, and purchased, at the Thursday Artist Fairs. He also does murals & sign painting. We love the mural he painted for us! His are will be featured and for sale at the restaurant all month.
Sunday, April 9 Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday at 9:30am, a procession will reenact the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, by walking from Playa Centro to the Town Square, where a mass will be celebrated in front of an audience which is expected to be ~1000 Catholics. Fifty people will participate as actors and 20 will be in charge of logistics.
Another reenactment of the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem is scheduled for 7:30pm from the tourist center at Mundaca Hacienda to the Sacred Heart Church in La Gloria, where Mass will take place.
Noches Magicas on the Town Square 8p
Sunset ~7:05p
Moon rise over the Caribbean
April 11 7:39 Full Moon April 12 8:30 April 13 9:20 April 14 10:10 April 15 10:59 April 16 11:48 |
Painting by Pam Haase Link to website
Thursday, April 13 Artist Fair 3:30-8:30 Casa de la Cultura Art, Food, Music, Beer
Holy Thursday, April 13 Foot Washing Ceremony and reenactment of the Last Supper Town Square Immaculate Concepcion Church
There will be two Last Suppers and Washing of the Feet reenactments, with the first at the downtown church Immaculate Conception at 8:30pm and the second is an hour later at the Sacred Heart Church
Good Friday, April 14 10:30am Sacred Heart Church (in la Gloria), Passion of Christ reenactment with the Stations of the Cross . On Friday, reenactment of the ViaCrusis (passion play/stations of the cross) will start at 10:30 (at Sacred Heart) and join the other group at the Guadalupe Chapel (overlooking the Caribbean in Salina Chica) and they all will go together for traditional walk to downtown, which is four kilometers finishing on the Town Square at 3p with recreation of the crucifixion of Christ.
Easter Sunday, April 16
Saturday, April 22, Earth Day
Action for Isla
To everyone who loves Isla Mujeres,
Action for Isla would like to cordially invite you to participate in the 2nd Annual Earth Day Isla Mujeres Dive Against Debris Event on April 22, 2017. The main objective of the event is to perform a cleanup of the docks and beaches of Isla Mujeres in order to give back to the community and the island that we all love and enjoy.
Last year’s event was a raging success, over 60 volunteers on land and sea collected more than 650kgs of trash in the space of an hour and a half, including 425 glass bottles, 87 snorkel tubes, 6 car and tractor tires and a supermarket shopping cart. We hope to make this year even bigger!
The main reason for this letter is to invite you to participate and support the cause. This event consists of teams of certified divers, support snorkelers and spotters on land that will remove trash from the areas under the docks from the Adolfo López Mateos dock to the dock of the restaurant Velazquez. Volunteers on the beach will assist in the separation and classification of waste. Additional volunteers and the schools of Isla Mujeres will facilitate a simultaneous cleaning of the beaches and boardwalk (Malecón) area and beaches of downtown (Centro) that same day.
In addition to cleaning, we will hold a raffle to raise funds for improvements in the area of the National Park and actively contribute to the organization Project AWARE, which aids in organizing such events worldwide and is currently supporting the logistics of this event. Furthermore, we will document and report the classification and total weight of all debris collected from these two areas to assist Project Aware in their ongoing research regarding marine conservation.
We will provide gloves and lunch for participants as well as large water dispensers, please bring your own refillable water container as it is Earth Day and we would like to promote reducing, reusing, and recycling.
Volunteer Positions Available
*Divers – Advanced Open Water Divers and higher (Dependent upon available gear)
*Snorkelers (Unlimited with own Gear)
Beach Cleaners (Unlimited)
Malecón Cleaners (Unlimited)
Trash Sorters and Weighers (Unlimited)
**Sign-In Volunteers (4 People)
**T-Shirts and Raffle Ticket Sales (2-3 People)
**Water Stand Volunteers (6 People)
**Beer and Sandwich Stand (2 People)
Boat Spotters on each Dock (10 People)
Transporting trash from divers and snorkelers to the collection pile (Unlimited)
*If you wish to dive to collect debris please ensure you are Advance Open Water certified and contact us as soon as posible, there is a limit on the number of divers we can have based upon the available gear. Please bring your own snorkel gear if you have it. ALL DIVERS AND SNORKELERS MUST ATTEND AN ADDITIONAL SAFETY BRIEFING THE EVENING BEFORE THE EVENT.
**The in water clean-up will begin at 8:00am (divers and organizers meet at 7:30am) the event will continue until 2pm to factor in the time for sorting the trash, and then the raffle will take place. Cleaners and volunteers may come at any time but we ask if you would like to volunteer at the stands please contact us and ensure you can show up at 8am to help with set-up. Thank you!
There are many volunteer positions available for this project and if you can help in any way, big or small, please contact us! We are excited to not only clean up trash from our beaches and public areas, but also to involve community members in our ongoing efforts to contribute to the health and wellbeing of our beautiful Isla Mujeres.
To participate please contact us via our Facebook page "Action for Isla" or by email at We can also be reached by telephone +52 (998) 134-0712 or +52 (998) 244-4009. We firmly believe that there is strength in unity, and we look forward to your participation.
Special editions of Noches Magicas on the Town Square nightly at 8pm
Friday, April 21 Choreography workshop DAE "Dance, Art & Expression. Pavlova Street Jazz
Saturday, April 22 Roy Gonzalez Academy of Dance Brandon Paredes and Aldahir Davila
Sunday, April 23 Mar & Arena Group (Sea & Sand) Academy of Dance and Adrenalina.
Thursday, April 27 Artist Fair Casa de la Cultura 3:30-8:30
Isla Brewery says....
If you are lucky enough to be on the island, you need to come see why this event has been so successful. This year’s Artist Fair Finale is Thursday April 27th at the Casa de Cultura 3:30 – 8:30. Come down and check out the local talent. Local Salsa band “Tokeson” will be playing starting at 6:00. The weather is going to amazing, take advantage and come on down. This Thursday, party like a pirate.
Sunday, April 30 Children's Day
Sunday, April 30 on the Town Square stage at 8p. A Celebration of the International Day of Dance
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