Saturday, September 14, 2019

Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events Saturday, September 14

  Here's the webcam LINK, which also has time lapse of the past 24 hours.
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Hurricane Gilberto struck thirty-one years ago on Sept. 14, 1988, temporarily dividing the isle in two by the old hangar building (#4). The first three are Rueda Medina (main street), Matamoros, and Madero.
Photo credit #4-8 to Jose Montalvo, #3 posted by Gladys Galdamez, all from Recuerdos de Isla Mujeres. Freddy Medina is among the volunteers in the last photo, helping with the clean-up.

 This is the underwater pipe that brings our tap water from the mainland, by Punta Sam. There is also a submarine cable that supplies our electricity. Wastewater is treated on the island. Trash is transported to the regional landfill in the Continental Zone of the municipality.

 VIDEO promo from the Mayor's Informe report, about the first year of his second administration.

MegaBoom will perform for the Independence celebrations tomorrow on the Town Square. Festivities start at 10p & include DJ Dani, and the Mayor reading the Grito & ringing the bell. Tables will be on sale tomorrow at the Town Hall from 12p-8p.

The First municipal school of boxing has opened. VIDEO from the Mayor's Informe report.

VIDEO with caption: We are working every day so that our programs reach the families most in need.

VIDEO with caption: Let's keep creating our future, getting good results for our work, Let's continue transforming our island, so that more tourists visit and get to know this paradise of the Mexican Caribbean.

The Mayor gave his first Informe report about the first year of his second term as Mayor. Highlights included: working to achieve a better future by keeping the island green while preserving and respecting its natural attraction. Therefore this year they have worked hard against sargasso and achieved three beaches with Blue Flag designations: North Beach and Playa Albatros, as well as the fourth consecutive year for Playa Centro.
   He spoke about meeting citizen demands for clean streets and parks, and cleaning out the Trash Transfer Facility. Successful, efficient programs include the new trash collection schedule at 8p-10p, with the addition of four new trucks. This reduces the time that trash is sitting in the streets.
   Tourism increased by 12% in July, compared to the year before. In a month and a half, the successful "Isla Verde" program has cleaned 25 colonias. For improved security, 68 new lights have been installed along the malecons. The police officers are given ongoing training, new equipment is provided, including the delivery of more vehicles so they can reach all parts of the municipality quickly.
    The number of scholarships has increased to 1158, and table tennis and a school of boxing have been introduced to the island. The boxing school is taught by former World Featherweight Champion “Rodolfo -Rudy- López”.

VIDEO promoting the Mayor's Informe report says the number of visitors have increased by 12%.

Business and the City are working together for a Isla Verde-Green Isla LINK  

   Noti Isla Mujeres     

Romualdo Velázquez Delgado, aka "Siete Mares"(Seven Seas) passed away. Condolences to his family and friends.

VIDEO about a training course for seamen of Isla Mujeres and Cancun

Notice from Friday about that everything was ready the procession to Isla Contoy with the Virgin of Caridad del Cobre, Patron Saint of Fishermen, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 14 at 8am. The procession would leave the church at 7am, and about 120 boats were expected to transport about 1200 participants, including small boats of fishermen and tour providers, medium sized whale shark tour boats, and a larger boat from the Ultramar company. They were expected to begin returning around 3pm, ater attending a Mass at the chapel on Contoy, and spending time on the island.

Yesterday was the day of Commemoration of the Cadets of the Heroico Colegio Militar who lost their lives defending Chapultepec on Sept. 13 1847. (from US troops).

VIDEO about preventing mosquito-borne diseases now that the rains have begun, by removing places where they breed, like old tires. From the state Secretary of Health. 

   La Tertulia  

VIDEO promoting the Mayor's Informe report on Thursday at noon on the Town Square.

A tourist couple were traveling from north to south down Medina, when he tried to make a U-Turn by the Naval base, and hit one of the palm trees that are in the median. There were no injuries, just damage to the cart, rented by Ciro's. (photos)

A visitor from Moscow, Anton L, 37, went swimming off Punta Sur and his friends called 911 when he didn't return to shore. He was assisted by fishermen and personnel with emergency services.  (Photos)
(This area below the highest cliffs in the region features waves crashing violently against the rocks, strong currents & isn't safe for swimming.)

Yesterday morning, about 80 students from the preschool-kinder "Maria Enriqueta Carmarillo y Roa" marched thru colonia Salina Chica dressed in white & carrying Mexican flags, celebrating the 209th anniversary of the Grito of Dolores, in advance of the Civic Parade.
They began their march at Comex and it terminated at their school on the northern edge of the colonia, where they enjoyed games & festivities.(photos)

Last week, a considerable chunk of cliff broke off the eastern Caribbean cliffs, which is the second major rockfall in the past ten months between the Isla 33 condos & the FOVISSSTE housing development. Residents are worried about that the effects of construction & heavy truck traffic could cause the increasing cliff-erosion to invade the perimeter road. The area was cordoned off with hazard tape. (photos)

From  Por Esto :

Russian tourist nearly drowns at Punta Sur  

Turista ruso casi muere ahogado en Punta Sur

   Shortly before sunset, Russian tourist, Anton L. walked down the path by the Ixchel Temple at Punta Sur, which connects with Garrafon go swimming, ignoring the warning signs and lack of lifeguards. Due to the waves and strong currents, he was unable to return to shore, so his friends Taña G. and Alexander S. called 911 for assistance.
     He was in a difficult situation and some fishermen who were returning from fishing helped him. By this time he had taken in water and was at a high risk of drowning, but their timely help saved him. Personnel with Civil Protection and the Police arrived and he was given first aid by the Red Cross paramedics.
   It is noted that this occurred shortly before 7pm, when the park is closed, and the visitors entered clandestinely. Tourism service providers have expressed opinions that the Park needs better access control, more police surveillance, and security cameras. 
  It is recalled that during the summer holidays, a French septuagenarian fell from a 10 meter cliff at Punta Sur, after losing his balance while taking photos. Fortunately, he landed in the sand (with only a dislocated shoulder, scrapes, and bruises).

Lending a hand   

Ponen su granito de arena

 A small group on entrepreneurs from Hidalgo Avenue and their employees worked together cleaning and painting downtown, which they also did about a year ago. This work included painting curbs around the Casa de la Cultura.  They also seek to have businesses work together to conform to regulations and adhere to the trash collection schedule.

Isla Mujeres news briefs

Breves de Isla Mujeres   

The second game of the final series will take place at the El Pescador field on Sunday at 10am, when the Cockteleros will face off against the Cancun Rockies, who they beat in the first game of the series last Sunday.
There are three weather systems in the Atlantic being monitored by the NHC.
Suicide prevention talks given to junior high students

Acciones de prevención del suicidio

Low season affects the income of the cabbies   

Temporada baja afecta los bolsillos de los taxistas

 Currently, taxis charge residents the 15 peso 'collective' rate between downtown and the colonias, which will soon increase to the authorized rate of 18 pesos. There will also be changes in the fares to tourist attractions such as Garrafon Park and Punta Sur, which are currently 100 pesos from downtown, while the fare to the Tortugranja is 65 pesos.
   The Mobility Institute approved the 20% increase a month ago, but is on hold because it is necessary to review some routes. Drivers working the morning shifts say they are doing better than those working in the evening, because there are many students needing transportation. Currently, the cabbies are picking up local people, unlike high season when they give preference to the tourists who pay higher fares.

Official increase surveillance for "pirate" boats in the Reserve  

Retrasan entrega de embarcación clonada

  Personnel with the CONANP agency, the Harbor Master's office, and the Navy have increased surveillance against 'pirate' boats taking tourists into the National Park, following complaints that there are "dozens of irregular boats", some of which are 'cloned'. Boats who are caught operating in the National Park without permits could be severely sanctioned.
   Now that the corals are at serious risk of extinction from a bleaching disease, it is more important to prioritize regulating the use of the Reserve.

Isla Mujeres news briefs


  As part of the Isla Verde campaign, a cleanup was conducted around the Salina Grande lake, in coordination with the companies Dolphin Discovery and Garrafon, removing about 200 kilograms of trash. There were about 30 participants.

Many cases of decompression   

Muchos pescadores descompensados

The number of fishermen treated in the Hyperbaric Chamber has risen to 59, plus two divers who died while enroute to the island, in two separate events. In 15 days there were a 16 cases, raising the total this lobster season from 43 to 59. The season began July 1st and ends February 29th.
  The two most recent fishermen who were treated were both diagnosed with mild decompression and belong to the Cabo Catoche cooperative. They were diving near each other on the same day. The first one is Rene Abraham T.H., 25, who dove to 80 feet, spending an hour at the bottom and then ten minutes surfacing. He didn't feel symptoms until Monday at 10pm, when he traveled to Isla Mujeres, arriving in the morning. He was experiencing pain in one arm, and will probably only need one session to recover.
   The second fisherman is Jose M.D., 53 who also dove to 80 feet and remained submerged for an hour, and ascended in 20 minutes, and later experienced leg pain. The doctor in charge of the Hyperbaric Chamber explained that although they paused every 10 meters while surfacing, their ascent was a bit quick, because it is recommended that after spending an hour at that depth, surfacing should take about 25 minutes.
   Theoretically, the Chamber has two more years of useful life, but to know this definitively would require three tests at a cost of about 150,000 pesos. The most important of the tree is the Hydrostatic test, which measures how many feet that chamber has resistance. The last test, four years ago, achieved 188 feet, but of course they would never go that far with a patient inside. The other tests are for thickness, which measures the state of the material and paint of the chamber, at a cost of 35,000 pesos, and the corrosivity test which measures the levels of salt in the delicate devices of the chamber, and the chamber itself.


There were a LOT of dolphins hunting offshore just now (Sat. ~2p), circling & splashing in two groups. It's interesting how it seems to be a one-way 'street' out there...they're always traveling north to south...except when they stop & circle or when they head out to sea. The only time I thought I saw a couple moving south to north, it turned out to be rays, not dolphins!
We spot them most often during the summer-fall when the ocean is calmer.

The Legend of Xtabay-La Mataborrachos (drunk-killer)
     Xtabentun is an anise-honey-rum liqueur that was originally made from honey of the stingless "meliponine" bees of this region, after they'd fed on Xtabentun morning glory flowers. Its name comes from a Mayan legend about two beautiful women from the same village named Xtabay, and Utz-Colel.
      Xtabay lived a loose, lusty life, giving generously to the poor, compassionately helping anyone and offering herself freely to men. She was humble in the face of humiliations from the villagers, who despised here and called her Xkeban (sinner/prostitute). She cared for abandoned animals and nursed the sick. Utz-Colel was prideful, cold, correct, virtuous and haughty, acting superior and helping no one.
     When Xtabay died alone, her true nature was revealed by the sweet-smelling flowers that grew on her grave. This enraged Utz-Colel, who said it was a demonic trick to lure men to harm. The sweet nectar gathered from the white blooms on her grave by stingless bees was said to produce honey with special qualities. Some claimed it was an aphrodisiac. The blossoms were named for her, as was the succulent, seductive honey their abundant nectar produced.
     When Utz-Colel died, the entire village attended her funeral. They were surprised by the foul odor escaping from her grave, coming from a spiny cactus called tzacam, whose nauseating aroma repulsed anyone who came near.
       Utz-Colel was beside herself with anger and asked the gods to send her back. She returned to the land of the living disguised as Xtabay, living her life freely, as she never had before.
      The legend says she sits in the jungle by a ceiba, the Mayan sacred tree, wearing a revealing white dress and combing her long hair with a cactus. Her prey are mainly drunk, lustful men, who she seduces & leads to Xibalbá, the underground world where death and disease reign, and they're never seen again.

Photo of the Monument to Xtabay in Merida from elaprendizdelecto blog.


Q. "I want to own a tourism rental on Isla....what's involved?" 
A. From someone who's had one for years...
>>LEGAL ASPECTS: Two licenses, monthly taxes, annual fees & renewals
1. Paperwork must be filed with the SAT (Federal Tax Agency) to establish the business (see graphic). Tax statements are filed monthly paying the 16% IVA tax, and year-end. (Our accountant does that online & requires we have a commercial bank account.)
2. Paperwork must be filed with the state to receive your license. The 3% hospedaje (lodging) tax is paid monthly, and your license is renewed (100p) at the start of each year. (That one is easy.)
3. A City license must be obtained and renewed at the start of each year. (This one is complex & costs thousands of pesos.) The initial approval requires your zoning (uso de suelo) document, visits from City officials, measurements and photos, etc--the City has a list. There are annual fees for trash collection, signage, your license, and others, which vary depending on the size and type of your business. (Our accountant handles those.) Meeting the Civil Protection Department's requirements means renewing your fire extinguishers annually & ensuring your First Aid kit is fully stocked, as well as having annual certifications from attendance of a Fire Safety class & a First Aid class. You hire authorized independent electrical inspectors annually, then have any work done that they require.
4. Required documents for filing the 16% federal and 3% state taxes include an RFC and a CURP, which function similarly to a Tax ID number and a SS number. (We formed a corporation & became residents, and I'm not informed about other possible options.I had to get annual approval from INM for a work visa (lucrativo) until receiving a permanente resident visa.)
1. Occupancy rates are high Christmas-Easter, but are 30-50% the other ~8 months of the year.
2. Property management is a challenging job in this salty tropical environment where appliances are short-lived & electrical surges & shorts aren't uncommon. High-mineral water plays havoc with plumbing fixtures, while mustiness, mold & insects appear in a moment. The torrential rains flood under doors & windows & the nortes blow your patio furniture to the neighbors. Pruning jungly plants is the Isla-equivalent of mowing, while keeping flowers alive requires watering. Hurricane curtains or boarding up is an occasional worry (and guest evacuation). Guests need greeting & assistance, as do the techs who repair, replace & maintain everything. Housekeeping must be scheduled & keeping track that linens are pristine, & replacing them, is ongoing. (They're mostly bought off-isle.)
3. Marketing can include using brokers, using Airbnb sites, and other options, and their fees, as well as maintaining a FB site, website, commercial email, and payment system.
This official graphic lists the SAT, federal tax agency, requirements for starting any new business (including tourism rentals), which your lawyer & accountant should facilitate. "En su caso" means 'in some cases'.


  This blog is brought to you by....
View from the rooms.

MaraVilla Caribe   Bed & Beach    Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with  kitchenettes & fast WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of  Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate.  Quiet & Private.   
 Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical)
Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed.
A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left.
Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen. A queen & single bed.

Free amenities such as hammocks,bikes, BBQ grills, safes, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer & dryer, loungers. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Large sliding doors open to a patio & our backyard-beach, overlooking the Caribbean sea. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is  ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking,  flag a $2 taxi. Parking. You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll  sleep to the sounds of the sea.$275/$325/$425 wk   $40/50/$65nt  Monthly Discounts

Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me.

Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Within ten minutes walk are a variety of restaurants including Mango Cafe, Brisas, Manolitos, La Chatita, Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, and the large department store-grocery , Chedraui. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Attend Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants. It takes 20-30  minutes to walk downtown.
Full moon rising over the Caribbean 

September 13   6:56
September 14   7:30
September 15  8:04
September 16  8:38
September 17   9:14
September 18   9:51
September 19  10:33
September 20  11:18
Painting by Pamela Haase
Sunset  ~7:00-7:05p (start-end/mo)
Sunrise ~6:30-6:36a (start-end/mo)
September Events 
Provided by MaraVilla Caribe & Isla Mujeres Daily News & Events

Wednesday nights at 8:45p, the group "Isla en Bici" bike around the isle, meeting at Juarez &  Abasolo. Lights required, helmet recommended. LINK   

In September,  fishermen in this region are banned from catching  Shrimp & Conch  LINK 

The new date for the Women's Fishing Tournament "El Dorado del Caribe" still hasn't been announced.

By Diane Daniel
Protection of nesting sea turtles continues on the east coasts of the island thru mid-October and the eggs are collected and taken to the incubation pen at the Tortugranja. Releases of the hatchlings are done by personnel with the facility at sunrise or sunset when there is less heat and fewer predators. Three species nest on the island, with the most nests being from Green turtles, second are the Loggerhead, and third are the Hawksbill.

Incubation pen

Nests & tracks at MVC B&B
By Tony Garcia

Whale shark tour season ends in mid-September. September tends to be one of the busier months for storms & hurricanes.

Sunday, Sept. 8-Soccer at 5p at the field in Salina Chica--Club Isla Mujeres vs Noh Bec

Saturday, Sept 14-8a Boat procession taking the Virgin of Caridad del Cobre to Isla Contoy from the Marine Terminal pier, after the 7a mass and a procession to the dock. About 1200 participants are expected, and about 120 small and medium sized boats.

Independence Day Celebrations:

Sunday, Sept. 15-Town Square in the evening-celebrations & "Grito" read by the Mayor and ringing of the bell

Monday, Sept 16-Parade on the main street usually scheduled to start around 8. It usually goes from South to North from the Naval base, with a reviewing stand in the vicinity of the 7-11.

Monday, Sept. 23-Equinox-Autumn begins 
Sources for Weather Information:
LINK to Civil Protection Q Roo weather bulletin  (Spanish)
LINK to Mexico National Weather Service (Spanish)
 LINK to satellite images for the Mexico National Weather Service
 LINK to GOES East Band 16 GIF (animation)
LINK to a private weather station on Isla Mujeres

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