The second issue of
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
The Isla Mujeres Magazine
to benefit Isla charities
is online,
featuring a variety of talented writers and photographers!
Here's a link to the Magazine
If you'd like to donate $15 to your favorite charity to have an ad in this 2015 issue, contact me at
If you'd like to donate $15 to your favorite charity to have an ad in this 2015 issue, contact me at
This is the live webcam at North Beach / Playa Norte
From Noticias de Diario de Quintana Roo ....
link to their Isla articles
Preparing massive Catholic event to raise funds for seminary
Preparan evento católico masivo
Para recaudar fondos para el Seminario Mayor
Lanrry PARRA
On July 10th, a large event will be held on the town square to raise funds for the construction of the seminary, "Seminario Mayor de Quintana Roo", to be built in the ejido Alfredo B. Bonfil. This Catholic event will be a night of prayer, healing, and praise, led by Father Alvaro Carrillo Lugo, with his ministry from Merida, Yucatan, Divino Niño Jesús, including a team of technicians and servidores of about 35 people. This is the fourth time Father Alvaro Carrillo Lugo has visited Isla Mujeres, and the event is coordinated by the island priest Raul Sanchez Alonso.
On July 10th, a large event will be held on the town square to raise funds for the construction of the seminary, "Seminario Mayor de Quintana Roo", to be built in the ejido Alfredo B. Bonfil. This Catholic event will be a night of prayer, healing, and praise, led by Father Alvaro Carrillo Lugo, with his ministry from Merida, Yucatan, Divino Niño Jesús, including a team of technicians and servidores of about 35 people. This is the fourth time Father Alvaro Carrillo Lugo has visited Isla Mujeres, and the event is coordinated by the island priest Raul Sanchez Alonso.
The cost will be 50 pesos for the faithful Catholic islanders, with praying for the sick, laying on of hands, and praises in general. Parishioners from Cancun are expected to attend, and they will be offered a special package. They can ride the ferry for the island resident rate and attend the event for 30 pesos upon presentation of their ferry ticket stub.
ISLA MUJERES, 21 de junio.-
ISLA MUJERES, 21 de junio.-
Benevolent south winds
Have caused the recovery of the eroded areas of North Beach
Benévolos vientos del Sur
Han propiciado recuperación de playas erosionadas en Playa Norte
Lanrry PARRA
ISLA MUJERES, 21 de junio.-
ISLA MUJERES, 21 de junio.-
From the Municipal Facebook site..... (you can join this FB page at this link)
Father's Day, June 21st
Hoy 21 de Junio. Día del Padre.
link to Quequi;s Isla Mujeres articles
Licensees report enormous losses
Confirman náuticos enormes pérdidas
0 22 de junio de 2015 By Carlos Gasca
A month after the beginning of the whale shark season, licensees say they have suffered only losses, first with the late delivery of licenses, then the new Management Plan, and now with the absence of whale sharks. Currently they are waiting for an answer regarding their objections to the Management Plan, and hoping for a resolution, but they are worried about the lack of whale sharks. Last year at this time there were groups of up to seventy, but now they are finding three or four, and no more.
The licensees explained that currently there are no whale sharks in the Blue Water area, and they are only being found in the Green Water area, which favors the licensees from the municipality of Lazaro Cardenas (Holbox & Chiquila). One of the licensees said, "We don't know why that it, but it is worrying. When we go out and don't find any whale sharks, tourists want refunds. Now that the whale sharks are far away, we have to travel between 30 and 40 miles, while it is closer for the licensees of Holbox" He said that after spending much money to get set up and taking the risks to go out, they must return half of the fees.
One of the licensees commented that in the end, this activity just creates business for the operators and recruiters, while the boat owner or captain gets the smallest part. He said that travel agents offer the tours for about $200 dollars, but the licensees only receive $80-$100 dollars. "When we take a tour out, we have considered that there will be an income of about 10,000 pesos, but this money needs to cover the cost of gas, permits, paying the captain and crew, and in the end, we get the crumbs," he said. He added that as a result of this problem (lack of whale sharks), they have had 50% cancellations this month, but they expect improvement in the month of July. -
Enrolling twice as many students for English classes
Duplicarán inscripciones para cursos de inglés
22 de junio de 2015 By Carlos GascaThis year the "Volunquest 'Association will seek to double the number of children enrolled for their English summer camp, which begins July 17. Project manager Kristen Tywan explained that this is the third edition, and will include volunteer teachers from the US, Britain and Canada. She explained that the project started three years ago, and has grown significantly. The first year 67 children were enrolled, while last year there were 170 students. For this third edition, they are expecting to enroll 300 children. She said there is no cost to parents and the only requirement is that the children were registered in a public primary school during 2014-2015. The camp is for children attending grade school and for this reason enrollment is programmed by grades.

From Tvisla Mujeres (You can join this fb page at this link)

From por esto Link to their Isla Mujeres articles
Recognition of seafarers
Reconocimiento a navegantes [+] Ver mas
In this month, men of the sea (marinos) are given special recognition for their contribution to the development of this community and this essay about their historical contribution was provided by the family of Lima Zuno. Throughout the past century and a half, the local people have worked to create and develop their community, together with the seamen whose boats brought supplies and took the products of the residents to markets. Where at first they had fished with nets, gradually there was diversification to commercial and touristic activities in recent decades.
As is known, on August 17, 1850 the government of Yucatan decreed this community as the town of Dolores, later Isla Mujeres. The first person to construct solid buildings was a Spanish sailor (navegante) Fermín Mundaca de Marecheaga. A few years later he built the historic garden that bears his name today, in an attempt to impress a young island woman know as La Trigueña.
(Mundaca purchased ~40% of the island in 1858. "La Trigueña", Martiniana (Prisca) Gomez Pantoja, was born in 1862. Mundaca left the isle & died ~1880, when she was 18 & he was 55.)
The small community of less than fifty families increased in population during the Caste War as a result of people fleeing the battles in the Zona Maya. There is no historical indications that the rebel Maya came to the island, but according to historians, they came to Puerto Juarez.
With World War II, maritime trade began to intensify in Isla Mujeres, as a port supplying US vessels patrolling the Caribbean Sea. For this purpose, a large cistern was installed on the islet La Carbonera, next to El Farito lighthouse, offshore from Sac Bajo.
Arrival of the Lima Family
The arrival early in the second half of the last century of José de Jesús Lima Gutiérrez, influential politician and tourism visionary, who passed away some years ago (2009, at age 97), to live on the island, represents the moment that economic activity began to diversify. He worked and organized to promote the regattas, to build the federal road between Valladolid and Puerto Juarez, and to introduce infrastructure for health, education, electricity, and roads to the island. (LINK to article about development of tourism on the isle, including history of Sr. Lima & the first airlines, hotels, & ferries. LINK to photo-essay of Isla boats.)
In this historical essay about the local sailors and institutions, provided by Don Enrique Lima Zuno, the family recognized the fishermen, lanchero boatmen, navigators of the high seas, and the Naval commanders and admirals. "It is very satisfying to honor the seafarers of Isla Mujeres, who for more than 100 years have served the community, lacking connection to land, who lived on products extracted from the sea. Before there was general navigation along the coast of Quintana Roo, the seamen brought supplies to the coastal population and took away agricultural products like peppers and copra, and products from the sea like fish, lobsters, and turtles to markets in Yucatan, Cuba, Belize, Key West, Tampa, and Grand Cayman. The company of Sr Hilario Scompurdis operated cargo ships including "Gran Day" and "Adams" which transported seafood products abroad, including large numbers of turtles to the United States on a regular basis."
In this month, men of the sea (marinos) are given special recognition for their contribution to the development of this community and this essay about their historical contribution was provided by the family of Lima Zuno. Throughout the past century and a half, the local people have worked to create and develop their community, together with the seamen whose boats brought supplies and took the products of the residents to markets. Where at first they had fished with nets, gradually there was diversification to commercial and touristic activities in recent decades.
As is known, on August 17, 1850 the government of Yucatan decreed this community as the town of Dolores, later Isla Mujeres. The first person to construct solid buildings was a Spanish sailor (navegante) Fermín Mundaca de Marecheaga. A few years later he built the historic garden that bears his name today, in an attempt to impress a young island woman know as La Trigueña.
(Mundaca purchased ~40% of the island in 1858. "La Trigueña", Martiniana (Prisca) Gomez Pantoja, was born in 1862. Mundaca left the isle & died ~1880, when she was 18 & he was 55.)
The small community of less than fifty families increased in population during the Caste War as a result of people fleeing the battles in the Zona Maya. There is no historical indications that the rebel Maya came to the island, but according to historians, they came to Puerto Juarez.
With World War II, maritime trade began to intensify in Isla Mujeres, as a port supplying US vessels patrolling the Caribbean Sea. For this purpose, a large cistern was installed on the islet La Carbonera, next to El Farito lighthouse, offshore from Sac Bajo.
Arrival of the Lima Family
The arrival early in the second half of the last century of José de Jesús Lima Gutiérrez, influential politician and tourism visionary, who passed away some years ago (2009, at age 97), to live on the island, represents the moment that economic activity began to diversify. He worked and organized to promote the regattas, to build the federal road between Valladolid and Puerto Juarez, and to introduce infrastructure for health, education, electricity, and roads to the island. (LINK to article about development of tourism on the isle, including history of Sr. Lima & the first airlines, hotels, & ferries. LINK to photo-essay of Isla boats.)
In this historical essay about the local sailors and institutions, provided by Don Enrique Lima Zuno, the family recognized the fishermen, lanchero boatmen, navigators of the high seas, and the Naval commanders and admirals. "It is very satisfying to honor the seafarers of Isla Mujeres, who for more than 100 years have served the community, lacking connection to land, who lived on products extracted from the sea. Before there was general navigation along the coast of Quintana Roo, the seamen brought supplies to the coastal population and took away agricultural products like peppers and copra, and products from the sea like fish, lobsters, and turtles to markets in Yucatan, Cuba, Belize, Key West, Tampa, and Grand Cayman. The company of Sr Hilario Scompurdis operated cargo ships including "Gran Day" and "Adams" which transported seafood products abroad, including large numbers of turtles to the United States on a regular basis."
Here are some photos of "Adams" transporting turtles. (Photos from Recuerdos de Isla Mujeres on Facebook):
In historical documents found in the National Archives, credit is also given to the contributions of President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río and to General Juan Andrés Almazán, Secretary of Public Works, who created the project: Circuito del Golfo y del Caribe between México, Cuba and the United States. To promote this project, Sr. Lima Gutierrez brought his family to Isla Mujeres and made his home here.
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines (1952-1958) (his term in office) was behind the program "La Marcha al Mar" to construct the road between Valladolid and Puerto Juarez, a proposal of Sr Lima, with Carlos Lazo, Secretary of Labor/Works (Obras). The following buildings were also constructed: the kindergarten "Gabriela Mistral", the Center for Social Welfare, the hospital, the weather station, and the middle school "Benito Juarez".
"In those days, no one wanted to come to Isla Mujeres to work," confessed Sr. Lima. For that reason he sought to have the Navy operate the Centro de Salud (hospital) for many years, and he also persuaded the commander and officers of the VII Naval Zone (sic) to teach at the Middle School, and he himself taught, as did his children, Jose Salvador and Esteban.
During the administration of Adolfo Lopez Mateos (1958-1964), the road to Puerto Juarez was completed and the island gained infrastructure of electricity, for tourism, education, and a hospital to improve the lives of the seafarers (marinos) of the island.
During these time the hotel Zazil-ha opened (1964), affiliated with the chain "Balsa-Sheraton" and authorized by the Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR). To promote the location, with the National Council of Tourism, the international regatta "Al Sol" was created in 1964 from New Orleans to Isla Mujeres, putting Isla Mujeres on the international scene as a destination for yachting and beaches. In the essay, Sr. Lima Gutierrez said the fishing village was very friendly, respectable, and pleasant, when snorkeling and diving began at the parks of Garrafon, Los Manchones, and Isla Contoy, which has been designated as a bird refuge since 1961. He recalled that the first international regatta was won by the sailboat "Isla Mujeres", captained by architect Felix Mier y Teran, with naval officer Francisco Javier Gómez Estrada as navigator.
For more than 20 years, the Seventh Naval Zone (sic..Isla's current Naval base is Quinta Zona Naval which is Fifth LINK) provided electric power for the public until 1961 when the CFE, Federal Electrical Commission came to the isle, when construction was begun on Zizil Ha, Hotel Martinez, and the Posada del Mar. Sr Lima donated land for the electrical plants (plantas de luz) on the isle.
The article ends in the middle of a sentence about the governor of the territory of Quintana Roo, Javier Rojo Gomez. He was Governor in 1969, when Isla Mujeres & Puerto Juarez got their water systems, and concrete piers replaced wooden ones in Puerto Juarez and Puerto Morales. That year the road was built between Puerto Juarez and Puerto Sam.
First place in number of teen pregnancies
Primer lugar en embarazos en adolescentes[+] Ver mas
Brazos Abiertos International (BAI-Open Arms) is conducting a campaign about teen pregnancy prevention in Isla Mujeres. They report that Quintana Roo has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. This is their seventh annual campaign in Isla Mujere and is titled "Annual Campaign for Education and Prevention of HIV and Teen Pregnancy in Isla Mujeres 2015". They are carrying out this work in all the municipalities of the state.
The campaign began here on Wednesday with educational and informational activities about prevention of teen pregnancy and of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. The BAI manager said, "It is important to reinforce and support activities such as those carried out by BAI Foundation to promote healthy relationships and awareness in young people". Municipal officials expressed appreciation and recognition for this effort and worked in cooperation with the foundation.
The three day campaign included a Sex Education workshop at the middle school to reduce teen pregnancies and promote healthy relationships. There was a conference at the Naval auditorium titled "Strategies and Empowerment to Reduce Teen Pregnancy" In the town square there was a campaign held titled "Counseling and Rapid HIV Screening" directed at the workers in bars and restaurants. Saturday there was a Health Fair in the La Gloria park that included medical consultations, glucose and cholesterol testing, and testing for HIV.
Carlos Antonio Cabrera May is recognized as a leader in preventative actions including various activities taking place as an ongoing plan.
Resident does work himself
Residente pone manos a la obra.. [+] Ver mas
An unidentified resident has been cleaning the weeds from the edge of the roadside of the coastal road at the southern part of the isle. This paper published an article about the need for the municipal government to prune this area. Young people who walk thru the area, Dolores Cruz, Juan Tuz and Eliodoro González said that this type of example makes us each reflect about our own willingness to contribute something to the society in which we live. Dolores Cruz said, "In my case, it helps me to look at myself and about what is my part that I should give to society."
It is noted that the municipal authority could give more attention to clearing the other side of the road, and that the area could benefit from more street lights and more policing.
In historical documents found in the National Archives, credit is also given to the contributions of President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río and to General Juan Andrés Almazán, Secretary of Public Works, who created the project: Circuito del Golfo y del Caribe between México, Cuba and the United States. To promote this project, Sr. Lima Gutierrez brought his family to Isla Mujeres and made his home here.
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines (1952-1958) (his term in office) was behind the program "La Marcha al Mar" to construct the road between Valladolid and Puerto Juarez, a proposal of Sr Lima, with Carlos Lazo, Secretary of Labor/Works (Obras). The following buildings were also constructed: the kindergarten "Gabriela Mistral", the Center for Social Welfare, the hospital, the weather station, and the middle school "Benito Juarez".
"In those days, no one wanted to come to Isla Mujeres to work," confessed Sr. Lima. For that reason he sought to have the Navy operate the Centro de Salud (hospital) for many years, and he also persuaded the commander and officers of the VII Naval Zone (sic) to teach at the Middle School, and he himself taught, as did his children, Jose Salvador and Esteban.
During the administration of Adolfo Lopez Mateos (1958-1964), the road to Puerto Juarez was completed and the island gained infrastructure of electricity, for tourism, education, and a hospital to improve the lives of the seafarers (marinos) of the island.
During these time the hotel Zazil-ha opened (1964), affiliated with the chain "Balsa-Sheraton" and authorized by the Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR). To promote the location, with the National Council of Tourism, the international regatta "Al Sol" was created in 1964 from New Orleans to Isla Mujeres, putting Isla Mujeres on the international scene as a destination for yachting and beaches. In the essay, Sr. Lima Gutierrez said the fishing village was very friendly, respectable, and pleasant, when snorkeling and diving began at the parks of Garrafon, Los Manchones, and Isla Contoy, which has been designated as a bird refuge since 1961. He recalled that the first international regatta was won by the sailboat "Isla Mujeres", captained by architect Felix Mier y Teran, with naval officer Francisco Javier Gómez Estrada as navigator.
For more than 20 years, the Seventh Naval Zone (sic..Isla's current Naval base is Quinta Zona Naval which is Fifth LINK) provided electric power for the public until 1961 when the CFE, Federal Electrical Commission came to the isle, when construction was begun on Zizil Ha, Hotel Martinez, and the Posada del Mar. Sr Lima donated land for the electrical plants (plantas de luz) on the isle.
The article ends in the middle of a sentence about the governor of the territory of Quintana Roo, Javier Rojo Gomez. He was Governor in 1969, when Isla Mujeres & Puerto Juarez got their water systems, and concrete piers replaced wooden ones in Puerto Juarez and Puerto Morales. That year the road was built between Puerto Juarez and Puerto Sam.
First place in number of teen pregnancies
Primer lugar en embarazos en adolescentes[+] Ver mas
Brazos Abiertos International (BAI-Open Arms) is conducting a campaign about teen pregnancy prevention in Isla Mujeres. They report that Quintana Roo has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. This is their seventh annual campaign in Isla Mujere and is titled "Annual Campaign for Education and Prevention of HIV and Teen Pregnancy in Isla Mujeres 2015". They are carrying out this work in all the municipalities of the state.
The campaign began here on Wednesday with educational and informational activities about prevention of teen pregnancy and of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. The BAI manager said, "It is important to reinforce and support activities such as those carried out by BAI Foundation to promote healthy relationships and awareness in young people". Municipal officials expressed appreciation and recognition for this effort and worked in cooperation with the foundation.
The three day campaign included a Sex Education workshop at the middle school to reduce teen pregnancies and promote healthy relationships. There was a conference at the Naval auditorium titled "Strategies and Empowerment to Reduce Teen Pregnancy" In the town square there was a campaign held titled "Counseling and Rapid HIV Screening" directed at the workers in bars and restaurants. Saturday there was a Health Fair in the La Gloria park that included medical consultations, glucose and cholesterol testing, and testing for HIV.
Carlos Antonio Cabrera May is recognized as a leader in preventative actions including various activities taking place as an ongoing plan.
Resident does work himself
Residente pone manos a la obra.. [+] Ver mas
An unidentified resident has been cleaning the weeds from the edge of the roadside of the coastal road at the southern part of the isle. This paper published an article about the need for the municipal government to prune this area. Young people who walk thru the area, Dolores Cruz, Juan Tuz and Eliodoro González said that this type of example makes us each reflect about our own willingness to contribute something to the society in which we live. Dolores Cruz said, "In my case, it helps me to look at myself and about what is my part that I should give to society."
It is noted that the municipal authority could give more attention to clearing the other side of the road, and that the area could benefit from more street lights and more policing.
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View from the rooms. |
MaraVilla Caribe Bed & Beach Three rentals with large glass doors overlooking our white sand beach and the beautiful Caribbean sea, with kitchenettes & free WIFI. In the coastal neighborhood of Bachilleres, among upscale villas & boutique hotelitos, convenient to downtown or the colonias, yet separate. Quiet & Private.
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Kitchen in a large studio. (Sur & Norte are identical) |
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Kitchenette in small room, Medio. There's a table & chairs across from it & a double bed. |
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A large slider opens from each of the 3 rooms onto the patio where each has a table & chairs, hammock & clotheslines. The BBQ is behind the pole, and the outdoor shower is outa the pic at left. |
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Large studio (Norte), I'm standing in the kitchen |
Free amenities such as hammocks, bikes, outdoor shower, portable beach chairs & beach towels, washer, loungers & BBQ. Breathtaking panoramic views from the rooftop terrace. Upstairs room also available. Downtown is ~ a mile away; if you don't feel like walking or biking, flag a $2 taxi or hop on the bus. We also have room for parking,You can enjoy the music & crowds downtown, then come home our quiet neighborhood of Bachilleres where you'll sleep to the sounds of the sea.. $275/$325/$425 wk $40/50/$65nt Monthly Discounts
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Large studio (Sur) with Queen & Single bed. Slider door & view are behind me. |
Fine dining a few steps away at Da Luisa or try the traditional neighborhood eateries a couple blocks farther. Stroll five minutes down the coastal sidewalk to Mango Cafe, Bufalo, Bahama Mama, Compadres Barbacoa or Manolitos. Walk less than 10 minutes to shop at Chedraui or to dine at Green Verde, Kash Kechen Chuc, or Seso Loco. Visit marinas, bars, & beach clubs that are minutes away by bike or on foot. Our guests recommend the Yoga classes a couple villas away at hotelito Casa Ixchel. Fresh juice, produce & tortillas a few blocks away in the village, as well as a variety of other stores and small local restaurants.
June EventsSunrise ~6:05a
Sunset ~7:25p
Moonrise over the Caribbean
June 1 6:40
June 2 7:35
June 3 8:30
June 4 9:25
June 5 10:17
June 6 11:06
June 7 11:54
In the US, June is Caribbean-American Heritage month. Link.
In the US, June is also National Oceans Month Link.
June has the longest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere,
June 1, Monday Dia de la Marina..Navy Day
10am Ceremonies at Naval base plaza.10:40 Boats depart for ceremonial placing of wreath on the waters of the Bay commemorating those who died in service.
June 4 Thursday Corpus Christi...a religious holiday
June 5, Friday World Environmental Day
Town Square 9a-noon First Isla Mujeres Environmental Fair 2015
June 7, Sunday Election Day (for Federal legislators) Restriction of sale of alcohol to go and in some local bars. Alcohol can be sold with food to tourists.
June 8, Monday World Ocean's Day Link

June 13, Saturday 10am or 11am 1st Gran Cabalgata (Mounted Parade) The procession will include riders from Tizimín, Kantunilkín, Valladolid, Cancún and I sla Mujeres.

June 13, Saturday API pier or Magana (wooden) pier Submarine tours begin in Isla Mujeres 300 pesos "Discover the sea without even getting wet while enjoying a drink & appreciating the seabed of our beloved island. For all ages. 9841762052 Gabriel." (From Merca Isla on FB)

June 17-21 Brazos Abiertos (Open Arms) Seventh Annual Isla Mujeres HIV Testing, Sexual Education, and Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Campaign
LINK to information & opportunity to donate
June 21, Sunday Summer solstice
Father's Day

June 25, Thursday First Isla Mujeres Rap Competition, sponsored by the DIF. Salina Chica at the green dome. "Yo me uno" to put an end to violence against women. Register at the DIF Mon-Fri 9-4

June 27, Saturday Noche de Estrellas
Thursdays at 8:30p Magic show at Poc Na see poster

Discontinued for low season
No Artists Fairs since April, scheduled to resume in November
July 11 Isla to Isla Open Water Swimming Event to arrive at Posada del Mar beach. Followed by samples of seafood from local restaurants
Saturday, July 18 to Friday, July 24- Whale Shark Festival
Charity Info
See tab at top of page!
Donation Drop offs:
Red Cross: Social Justicia Restaurant (south of ferry terminal, north of car ferry)
Isla Animals: Vet clinic at Mundaca Hacienda
Books for Grade School Reading Program, Items for Isla Animals, Diabetes Supplies, Items for Little Yellow School House, Moto Helmets for kids...Barlitos @ Marina Paraiso
For donations to Zapatos Para Los Ninos.. please contact Greg at, or find them on Facebook at "Shoes For The Children."
Miguel's schedule (may need updating):
Sunday: The Sol Rockers @ El Patio 9p - 11p
Monday: Miguel solo @ El Patio 6:30p - 8:30p
Tuesday: La Banda Sin Nombre @ El Patio 9:15p - 11:15p
Wednesday: The Sol Rockers@ El Patio 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Thursday: Miguel Solo @ el Patio 6p - 8p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a
Friday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
Saturday: Marina Paraiso 7p - 9p, Faynes 10:30p - 12:00a, Adelita's 12a - 2a
John Cain's schedule (Updated June 1)
Sunday & Wednesday 7:30pm - 9:30pm El Patio Sol Rockers
Thursday Bahia Tortuga 6:45-8:45
Saturday. El Patio solo 630-830
Sunday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Sol Rockers 7:30-9:30, Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
Monday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Miguel 7:30-9:30, Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
Tuesday Jazz from Toronto 5-7, Ryan Rickman 7-9:30, Banda sin Nombre 9:30-11:30
Wednesday Sol Rockers 7:30-9:30, Radio Band 9:30-11:30
Thursday Closed for the month of June
Friday Ryan Rickman 7-9:30, Radio Band 9:30-11:30
Saturday John Cain 7:30-9:30, Isla Cali 9:30-11:30
Morgan's Restaurant & Bar - on Hidalgo
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Mon - Tues 7pm - 9pm - Jazz with Norman and Darin
Wed- Sat 8pm - 11pm - Tips or Sex aka Alfedo & Jorge
Fenix ~2p~5p Live music at the beach in the afternoons on Sundays. Salsa, Cumbia, Cuban music. Update June 13: Music Fri, Sat, Sun. ~2p.
Bahia Tortuga John Cain on Thursdays and Lara on Mondays...~7p (Updated June 1)
You may find live music at night on Hidalgo
Fayne's: 10:30-12 (see above)
La Terraza: ~10-12
Morgan's: Between 7 & 11 (see above)
El Patio (see above)
Poc Na Hostel: Starting ~10p to late
Veradara's Cuban restaurant Saturdays ~3p Cuban music
Artist Fairs on the Town Square, usually first Thursday, 4p-9p ~Nov-April.
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